ASTM E1144-87
(Test Method)Method for Calibration of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Primary Reference Cells Under Direct Irradiance (Withdrawn 1992)
Method for Calibration of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Primary Reference Cells Under Direct Irradiance (Withdrawn 1992)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ASTM ELL44 87 0759510 0043620 4 m
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Designation: E 1144 - 87
1916 Race St. Philadelphia. Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Bmk of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
II not listed in the current combined index. will appear in the next edition.
Standard Test Method for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1 144: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscnpf epsilon (t) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
Reference Pyrheliometers and Pyrheliome-
ters for Field Use'
I. 1 This test method calibrates and character-
E 89 1 Standard for Terrestrial Direct Normal
izcs primary (Type I) non-concentrator terrestrial
Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables for Air
photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference
Mass 1.5'
spectral irradiance distribution. The physical re-
E 948 Test Method for Electrical Performance
quirements for this reference cell are described
of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovol-
in Practice E 1040. Reference cells are principally
taic Cells Using Reference Cells'
used in the determination of the electrical per-
E 1071 Methods for Measuring the Spectral
formance of photovoltaic devices.
Response of Photovoltaic Cells'
1.7 Primary photovoltaic cells shall be cali-
E 1040 Practice for Physical Characteristics of
brated in natural sunlight under specific atmos-
Non-Concentrator Terrestnal Photovoltaic
pheric conditions by reference to a previously
Reference Cells'
calibrated pyrheliometer.
E 1 143 Test Method for Determining the Lin-
I .3 This test method applies only to the cali-
earity of a Photovoltaic Device Parameter
bration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates
With Respect to a Test Paramete$
a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance
characteristic over its intended range of use in
3. Terminology
accordance with Test Method E 1143.
3. i ìk;/ìiiiiioti.s:
I .4 This test method applies only to the cali-
3. i. 1 cwlihrritioii coiistaiii. plioiosoltaits rc:t>r-
bration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fab-
~~II~IJ c*c.//-a number that expresses the calibra-
ricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
tion of a reference cell in terms of short-circuit
1.5 The values given in SI units are fo be
currenf per unit incidence irradiance.
regarded as the standard.
Disc,ii.s.sion-For a calibrated reference cell.
1.6 This siundard i~ay itirolw kmìoii.s inn-
the calibration constant expresses the short-cir-
tevfa/.s. opcwl ions. and c+pil>rwnt. This siaridurd
cuit current of the reference cell. when illumi-
doc^ noi pirrport io addrexs all ol'ilicp .sul¿~~yproh-
nated by a reference spectral irradiance distribu-
lcv~ts with its irse Ii is ih rcxponsihil-
tion (Standard E 89 1 ) divided by the total irra-
iiy ol'ilie iwr (?l'ilii.s standard i(> c~.siahIi.vli appro-
diance of that standard spectral irradiance.
prim sulìliy and Iic~alrh prariires and de~1cwtiiie
ilic aiiplic*(ihiliiy ofrcy&mry liinitations prior io
' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
mittee E-44 on Solar and Other Renewahlr Energv Conversion
2. Referenced Dorumentsi
and is the direct responsihility of Suhcommiti& E44.09 on
Photovoltaic Electric Power Systems.
3. I .4ST.ií Siandards:
Current edition approwd Feh. 27. 19x7. Puhlished July 19x7.
E 816 Method for Calibration of Secondary
' .dtitiiui/ Book (!/'.íS7:\IS/[iti
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
- ASTM ELL44 87 W 0759510 0041b2L b W
E i144
3.1.2 cell voltage-electrical potential (in The corrected calibration constant is
volts) across the positive and negative terminals
obtained by dividing the measured calibration
of a photovoltaic cell. constant by K.
3. I .3 $11 factor-ratio of maximum power of 3.1.1 1 spectral irradiance-spectral distribu-
the cell to the product of open-circuit voltage tion of a light source over a specified wavelength
and short-circuit current, or:
range incident on a receiver and expressed in
watts per square metre per nanometre or micro-
= PmWOJ (1,))
3. I .4 irradiance, efective-product of spec-
3. I. 12 spectral response-a wavelength de-
tral irradiance E(X) and spectral response R(X) of
pendent short-circuit current density per unit
a receiver integrated over ali wavelengths and
normalized to the receiver's response under the
Discussion-Spectral response can be dis-
total irradiance E,, from a reference light source,
cussed in terms of wavelength band.
3.1.13 spectral response, absolute-current
Ei = Ea IJR(X)E(X)
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5.1 It is the intent of these test methods to provide a recognized procedure for calibrating, characterizing, and reporting the calibration data for non-primary photovoltaic reference cells that are used during photovoltaic device performance measurements.
5.2 The electrical output of photovoltaic devices is dependent on the spectral content of the source illumination and its intensity. To make accurate measurements of the performance of photovoltaic devices under a variety of light sources, it is necessary to account for the error in the short-circuit current that occurs if the relative spectral response of the reference cell is not identical to the spectral response of the device under test. A similar error occurs if the spectral irradiance distribution of the test light source is not identical to the desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. These errors are quantified with the spectral mismatch parameter M (Test Method E973).
5.2.1 Test Method E973 requires four quantities for spectral mismatch calculations: The quantum efficiency of the reference cell to be calibrated (see 7.1.1), The quantum efficiency of the calibration source device (required as part of its calibration),
Note 1: See 10.10 of Test Method E1021 for the identity that converts spectral responsivity to quantum efficiency. The spectral irradiance of the light source (measured with the spectral irradiance measurement equipment), and, The reference spectral irradiance distribution to which the calibration source device was calibrated (see G173).
5.2.2 Temperature Corrections—Test Method E973 provides means for temperature corrections to short-circuit current using the partial derivative of quantum efficiency with respect to temperature.
5.3 A non-primary reference cell is calibrated in accordance with these test methods is with respect to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as that of the calibration source device. Prima...
1.1 These test methods cover calibration and characterization of non-primary terrestrial photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. The recommended physical requirements for these reference cells are described in Specification E1040. Reference cells are principally used in the determination of the electrical performance of a photovoltaic device.
1.2 Non-primary reference cells are calibrated indoors using simulated sunlight or outdoors in natural sunlight by reference to a previously calibrated reference cell, which is referred to as the calibration source device.
1.2.1 The non-primary calibration will be with respect to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as that of the calibration source device.
1.2.2 The calibration source device may be a primary reference cell calibrated in accordance with Test Method E1125, or a non-primary reference cell calibrated in accordance with these test methods.
1.2.3 For the special case in which the calibration source device is a primary reference cell, the resulting non-primary reference cell is also referred to as a secondary reference cell.
1.3 Non-primary reference cells calibrated according to these test methods will have the same radiometric traceability as that of the calibration source device. Therefore, if the calibration source device is traceable to the World Radiometric Reference (WRR, see Test Method E816), the resulting secondary reference cell will also be traceable to the WRR.
1.4 These test methods apply only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance characteristic over its intended range of use, as defined in Test Method E1143.
1.5 These test methods apply only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fabricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as stan...
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5.1 It is the intent of these test methods to provide a recognized procedure for calibrating, characterizing, and reporting the calibration data for non-primary photovoltaic reference cells that are used during photovoltaic device performance measurements.
5.2 The electrical output of photovoltaic devices is dependent on the spectral content of the source illumination and its intensity. To make accurate measurements of the performance of photovoltaic devices under a variety of light sources, it is necessary to account for the error in the short-circuit current that occurs if the relative spectral response of the reference cell is not identical to the spectral response of the device under test. A similar error occurs if the spectral irradiance distribution of the test light source is not identical to the desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. These errors are quantified with the spectral mismatch parameter M (Test Method E973).
5.2.1 Test Method E973 requires four quantities for spectral mismatch calculations: The quantum efficiency of the reference cell to be calibrated (see 7.1.1), The quantum efficiency of the calibration source device (required as part of its calibration),
Note 1: See 10.10 of Test Method E1021 for the identity that converts spectral responsivity to quantum efficiency. The spectral irradiance of the light source (measured with the spectral irradiance measurement equipment), and, The reference spectral irradiance distribution to which the calibration source device was calibrated (see G173).
5.2.2 Temperature Corrections—Test Method E973 provides means for temperature corrections to short-circuit current using the partial derivative of quantum efficiency with respect to temperature.
5.3 A non-primary reference cell is calibrated in accordance with these test methods is with respect to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as that of the calibration source device. Prima...
1.1 These test methods cover calibration and characterization of non-primary terrestrial photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. The recommended physical requirements for these reference cells are described in Specification E1040. Reference cells are principally used in the determination of the electrical performance of a photovoltaic device.
1.2 Non-primary reference cells are calibrated indoors using simulated sunlight or outdoors in natural sunlight by reference to a previously calibrated reference cell, which is referred to as the calibration source device.
1.2.1 The non-primary calibration will be with respect to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as that of the calibration source device.
1.2.2 The calibration source device may be a primary reference cell calibrated in accordance with Test Method E1125, or a non-primary reference cell calibrated in accordance with these test methods.
1.2.3 For the special case in which the calibration source device is a primary reference cell, the resulting non-primary reference cell is also referred to as a secondary reference cell.
1.3 Non-primary reference cells calibrated according to these test methods will have the same radiometric traceability as that of the calibration source device. Therefore, if the calibration source device is traceable to the World Radiometric Reference (WRR, see Test Method E816), the resulting secondary reference cell will also be traceable to the WRR.
1.4 These test methods apply only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance characteristic over its intended range of use, as defined in Test Method E1143.
1.5 These test methods apply only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fabricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as stan...
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- Standard6 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
The electrical output of photovoltaic devices is dependent on the spectral content of the source illumination and its intensity. To make accurate measurements of the performance of photovoltaic devices under a variety of light sources, it is necessary to account for the error in the short-circuit current that occurs if the relative spectral response of the primary reference cell is not identical to the spectral response of the cell to be calibrated. A similar error occurs if the spectral irradiance distribution of the test light source is not identical to the desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. These errors are accounted for by the spectral mismatch parameter M (Test Method E973), a quantitative measure of the error in the short-circuit current measurement. It is the intent of this test method to provide a recognized procedure for calibrating, characterizing, and reporting the calibration data for secondary photovoltaic reference cells.
A secondary reference cell is calibrated to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as the primary reference cell used during the calibration. Primary reference cells can be calibrated by use of Test Method E1125 or Test Method E1039.
Note 1—No standards for calibration of reference cells to the extraterrestrial spectral irradiance distribution presently exist.
A secondary reference cell should be recalibrated yearly, or every six months if the cell is in continuous use outdoors.
Recommended physical characteristics of reference cells are provided in Specification E1040.
Because silicon solar cells made on p-type substrates are susceptible to a loss of Isc upon initial exposure to light, it is required that newly manufactured reference cells be light soaked at an irradiance level greater than 850 W/m2 for 2 h prior to initial charcterization in Section 7.
1.1 This test method covers calibration and characterization of secondary terrestrial photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. The recommended physical requirements for these reference cells are described in Specification E1040. Reference cells are principally used in the determination of the electrical performance of a photovoltaic device.
1.2 Secondary reference cells are calibrated indoors using simulated sunlight or outdoors in natural sunlight by reference to a primary reference cell previously calibrated to the same desired reference spectral irradiance distribution.
1.3 Secondary reference cells calibrated according to this test method will have the same radiometric traceability as the of the primary reference cell used for the calibration. Therefore, if the primary reference cell is traceable to the World Radiometric Reference (WRR, see Test Method E816), the resulting secondary reference cell will also be traceable to the WRR.
1.4 This test method applies only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance characteristic over its intended range of use, as defined in Test Method E1143.
1.5 This test method applies only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fabricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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- Standard4 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
The electrical output of photovoltaic devices is dependent on the spectral content of the source illumination and its intensity. To make accurate measurements of the performance of photovoltaic devices under a variety of light sources, it is necessary to account for the error in the short-circuit current that occurs if the relative spectral response of the primary reference cell is not identical to the spectral response of the cell to be calibrated. A similar error occurs if the spectral irradiance distribution of the test light source is not identical to the desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. These errors are accounted for by the spectral mismatch parameter M (Test Method E 973), a quantitative measure of the error in the short-circuit current measurement. It is the intent of this test method to provide a recognized procedure for calibrating, characterizing, and reporting the calibration data for secondary photovoltaic reference cells.
A secondary reference cell is calibrated to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as the primary reference cell used during the calibration. Primary reference cells can be calibrated by use of Test Method E 1125 or Test Method E 1039.
Note 1—No standards for calibration of reference cells to the extraterrestrial spectral irradiance distribution presently exist.
A secondary reference cell should be recalibrated yearly, or every six months if the cell is in continuous use outdoors.
Recommended physical characteristics of reference cells are provided in Specification E 1040.
Because silicon solar cells made on p-type substrates are susceptible to a loss of Isc upon initial exposure to light, it is required that newly manufactured reference cells be light soaked at an irradiance level greater than 850 W/m2 for 2 h prior to initial charcterization in Section 7.
1.1 This test method covers calibration and characterization of secondary terrestrial photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. The recommended physical requirements for these reference cells are described in Specification E 1040. Reference cells are principally used in the determination of the electrical performance of a photovoltaic device.
1.2 Secondary reference cells are calibrated indoors using simulated sunlight or outdoors in natural sunlight by reference to a primary reference cell previously calibrated to the same desired reference spectral irradiance distribution.
1.3 Secondary reference cells calibrated according to this test method will have the same radiometric traceability as the of the primary reference cell used for the calibration. Therefore, if the primary reference cell is traceable to the World Radiometric Reference (WRR, see Test Method E 816), the resulting secondary reference cell will also be traceable to the WRR.
1.4 This test method applies only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance characteristic over its intended range of use, as defined in Test Method E 1143.
1.5 This test method applies only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fabricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
- Standard4 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
1.1 This test method covers calibration and characterization of secondary terrestrial photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. The recommended physical requirements for these reference cells are described in Specification E1040. Reference cells are principally used in the determination of the electrical performance of a photovoltaic device.
1.2 Secondary reference cells are calibrated indoors using simulated sunlight or outdoors in natural sunlight by reference to a primary reference cell previously calibrated to the same desired reference spectral irradiance distribution.
1.3 This test method applies only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance characteristic over its intended range of use, as defined in Test Method E1143.
1.4 This test method applies only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fabricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
1.5 There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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5.1 All S/H systems change with time and use. Therefore, a calibration procedure for evaluating the operation of an S/H system is desirable. This calibration procedure provides a method of obtaining an optimized interferometric image pattern associated with a given size anomaly.
5.2 The use of straining blocks as calibration devices provides a means for ensuring the continued optimal performance of the S/H system. Straining blocks can also be used to compare performance of S/H systems in different facilities.
5.3 At not greater than a three (3) month interval the S/H system shall be calibrated following the procedures described in this practice. When necessary, adjustments, repairs, or modifications shall be made to the S/H system until it is able to observe, in the same image, all anomalies of size within the range of interest contained in the straining blocks.
1.1 This practice describes the construction and use of a calibration device for demonstrating the anomaly detection capability of interferometric laser imaging nondestructive tire inspection system. A common practice within the industry is to refer to these systems as shearographic/holographic (S/H) systems.
1.2 This standard practice applies to S/H systems that are used for evaluating the structural integrity of pneumatic tires, (for example, presence or absence of anomalies within the tire).
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.4 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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4.1 Laser profiling assessment is a quality control tool for identifying and quantifying deformation, physical damage, and other pipe anomalies after installation, providing means and methods for determining the quality of workmanship and compliance with project specifications. Laser profiling capabilities include:
4.1.1 Measurement of the structural shape, cross sectional area and defects;
4.1.2 Collection of data needed for pipe rehabilitation or replacement design; and
4.1.3 Post rehabilitation, replacement or new construction workmanship verification.
4.2 A laser profile pre-acceptance and condition assessment survey provides significant information in a clear and concise manner, including but not limited to graphs and still frame digital images of pipe condition prior to acceptance, thereby providing objective data on the installed quality and percentage ovality, or degree of deformation, deflection or deviation, that is often not possible from an inspection by either a mandrel or only CCTV.
1.1 This practice covers the procedure for the post installation verification and acceptance of buried pipe deformation using a visible rotating laser light diode(s), a pipeline and conduit inspection analog or digital CCTV camera system and image processing software. The combination CCTV pipe inspection system, with cable distance counter or onboard distance encoder, rotating laser light diode(s) and ovality measurement software shall be used to perform a pipe measurement and ovality confirmation survey, of new or existing pipelines and conduits as directed by the responsible contracting authority. This standard practice provides minimum requirements on means and methods for laser profiling to meet the needs of engineers, contractors, owners, regulatory agencies, and financing institutions.
1.2 This practice applies to all types of material, all types of construction, or shape.
1.3 This practice applies to gravity flow storm sewers, drains, sanitary sewers, and combined sewers with diameters from 6 in. to 72 in. (150 mm to 1800 mm).
1.4 The Laser Light Diode(s) shall be tested, labeled and certified to conform to US requirements for CDRH Class 2 or below (not considered to be hazardous) laser products or certified to conform to EU requirements for Class 2M or below laser products as per IEC 60825-1, or both.
1.5 The profiling process may require physical access to lines, entry manholes and operations along roadways that may include safety hazards.
1.6 This practice includes inspection requirements for determining pipeline and conduit ovality only and does not include all the required components of a complete inspection. The user of this practice should consider additional items outside this practice for inspection such as joint gap measurement, soil/water infiltration, crack and hole measurement, surface damage evaluation, evaluation of any pipeline repairs, and corrosion evaluation.
1.7 This standard practice does not address limitations in accuracy due to improper lighting, dust, humidity, fog, moisture on pipe walls or horizontal/vertical offsets. Care should be taken to limit environmental factors in the pipeline that affect accuracy of the inspection.
1.8 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. There are no safety hazards specifically, however, associated with the use of the laser profiler specified (listed and labeled as specified in 1.3).
1.10 This international standard was deve...
- Standard5 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
4.1 Laser profiling assessment is a quality control tool for identifying and quantifying deformation, physical damage, and other pipe anomalies after installation, providing means and methods for determining the quality of workmanship and compliance with project specifications. Laser profiling can be used for:
4.1.1 Measurement of the structural shape, cross sectional area and defects;
4.1.2 Collection of data needed for pipe rehabilitation or replacement design; and
4.1.3 Post rehabilitation, replacement or new construction workmanship verification.
4.2 A laser profile pre-acceptance and condition assessment survey provides significant information in a clear and concise manner, including but not limited to graphs and still frame digital images of pipe condition prior to acceptance, thereby providing objective data on the installed quality and percentage ovality, deformation, deflection or deviation, that is often not possible from an inspection by either a mandrel or CCTV only survey.
1.1 Laser profiling is a non-contact inspection method used to create a pipe wall profile and internal measurement using a standard CCTV pipe inspection system, 360 degree laser light projector, a measurement by means of infrared sensors and geometrical profiling software. This practice covers the procedure for the measurement to determine any deviation of the internal surface of installed pipe compared to the design. The measurements may be used to verify that the installation has met design requirements for acceptance or to collect data that will facilitate an assessment of the condition of pipe or conduit due to structural deviations or deterioration. This standard practice provides minimum requirements on means and methods for laser profiling to meet the needs of engineers, contractors, owners, regulatory agencies, and financing institutions.
1.2 This practice applies to all types of pipe material, all types of construction, and pipe shapes.
1.3 This practice applies to depressurized and gravity flow storm sewers, drains, sanitary sewers, and combined sewers with diameters from 6 in. to 72 in. (150 mm and 1800 mm).
1.4 This standard does not include all aspects of pipe inspection, such as joint gaps, soil/water infiltration in joints, cracks, holes, surface damage, repairs, corrosion, and structural problems associated with these conditions.
1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.6 The profiling process may require physical access to lines, entry manholes, and operations along roadways that may include safety hazards.
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. There are no safety hazards specifically, however, associated with the use of the laser ring profiler specified (listed and labeled as specified in 1.3).
1.8 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
- Standard6 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard6 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
5.1 It is the intent of these test methods to provide a recognized procedure for calibrating, characterizing, and reporting the calibration data for non-primary photovoltaic reference cells that are used during photovoltaic device performance measurements.
5.2 The electrical output of photovoltaic devices is dependent on the spectral content of the source illumination and its intensity. To make accurate measurements of the performance of photovoltaic devices under a variety of light sources, it is necessary to account for the error in the short-circuit current that occurs if the relative spectral response of the reference cell is not identical to the spectral response of the device under test. A similar error occurs if the spectral irradiance distribution of the test light source is not identical to the desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. These errors are quantified with the spectral mismatch parameter M (Test Method E973).
5.2.1 Test Method E973 requires four quantities for spectral mismatch calculations: The quantum efficiency of the reference cell to be calibrated (see 7.1.1), The quantum efficiency of the calibration source device (required as part of its calibration),
Note 1: See 10.10 of Test Method E1021 for the identity that converts spectral responsivity to quantum efficiency. The spectral irradiance of the light source (measured with the spectral irradiance measurement equipment), and, The reference spectral irradiance distribution to which the calibration source device was calibrated (see G173).
5.2.2 Temperature Corrections—Test Method E973 provides means for temperature corrections to short-circuit current using the partial derivative of quantum efficiency with respect to temperature.
5.3 A non-primary reference cell is calibrated in accordance with these test methods is with respect to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as that of the calibration source device. Prima...
1.1 These test methods cover calibration and characterization of non-primary terrestrial photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference spectral irradiance distribution. The recommended physical requirements for these reference cells are described in Specification E1040. Reference cells are principally used in the determination of the electrical performance of a photovoltaic device.
1.2 Non-primary reference cells are calibrated indoors using simulated sunlight or outdoors in natural sunlight by reference to a previously calibrated reference cell, which is referred to as the calibration source device.
1.2.1 The non-primary calibration will be with respect to the same reference spectral irradiance distribution as that of the calibration source device.
1.2.2 The calibration source device may be a primary reference cell calibrated in accordance with Test Method E1125, or a non-primary reference cell calibrated in accordance with these test methods.
1.2.3 For the special case in which the calibration source device is a primary reference cell, the resulting non-primary reference cell is also referred to as a secondary reference cell.
1.3 Non-primary reference cells calibrated according to these test methods will have the same radiometric traceability as that of the calibration source device. Therefore, if the calibration source device is traceable to the World Radiometric Reference (WRR, see Test Method E816), the resulting secondary reference cell will also be traceable to the WRR.
1.4 These test methods apply only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance characteristic over its intended range of use, as defined in Test Method E1143.
1.5 These test methods apply only to the calibration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fabricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as stan...
- Standard6 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
5.1 PN Junction Diode—The steady-state photocurrent of a simple p-n junction diode is a directly measurable quantity that can be directly related to device response over a wide range of ionizing radiation. For more complex devices the junction photocurrent may not be directly related to device response.
5.2 Zener Diode—In this device, the effect of the photocurrent on the Zener voltage rather than the photocurrent itself is usually most important. The device is most appropriately tested while biased in the Zener region. In testing Zener diodes or precision voltage regulators, extra precaution must be taken to make certain the photocurrent generated in the device during irradiations does not cause the voltage across the device to change during the test.
5.3 Bipolar Transistor—As device geometries dictate that photocurrent from the base-collector junction be much greater than current from the base-emitter junction, measurements are usually made only on the collector-base junction with emitter open; however, sometimes, to obtain data for computer-aided circuit analysis, the emitter-base junction photocurrent is also measured.
5.4 Junction Field-Effect Device—A proper photocurrent measurement requires that the source be shorted (dc) to the drain during measurement of the gate-channel photocurrent. In tetrode-connected devices, the two gate-channel junctions should be monitored separately.
5.5 Insulated Gate Field-Effect Device—In this type of device, the true photocurrent is between the substrate and the channel, source, and drain regions. A current which can generate voltage that will turn on the device may be measured by the technique used here, but it is due to induced conductivity in the gate insulator and thus is not a junction photocurrent.
1.1 This test method covers the measurement of steady-state primary photocurrent, Ipp, generated in semiconductor devices when these devices are exposed to ionizing radiation. These procedures are intended for the measurement of photocurrents greater than 10−9 A·s/Gy(Si or Ge), in cases for which the relaxation time of the device being measured is less than 25 % of the pulse width of the ionizing source. The validity of these procedures for ionizing dose rates as great as 108Gy(Si or Ge)/s has been established. The procedures may be used for measurements at dose rates as great as 1010Gy(Si or Ge)/s; however, extra care must be taken. Above 108Gy/s, the package response may dominate the device response for any device. Additional precautions are also required when measuring photocurrents of 10−9 A·s/Gy(Si or Ge) or lower.
1.2 Setup, calibration, and test circuit evaluation procedures are also included in this test method.
1.3 Because of the variability between device types and in the requirements of different applications, the dose rate range over which any specific test is to be conducted is not given in this test method but must be specified separately.
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
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- Standard7 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
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