Method for Calibration of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Primary Reference Cells Under Direct Irradiance (Withdrawn 1992)

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ASTM E1144-87 - Method for Calibration of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Primary Reference Cells Under Direct Irradiance (Withdrawn 1992)
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ASTM ELL44 87 0759510 0043620 4 m
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Designation: E 1144 - 87
1916 Race St. Philadelphia. Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Bmk of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
II not listed in the current combined index. will appear in the next edition.
Standard Test Method for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1 144: the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or. in the case of revision. the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscnpf epsilon (t) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
Reference Pyrheliometers and Pyrheliome-
ters for Field Use'
I. 1 This test method calibrates and character-
E 89 1 Standard for Terrestrial Direct Normal
izcs primary (Type I) non-concentrator terrestrial
Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables for Air
photovoltaic reference cells to a desired reference
Mass 1.5'
spectral irradiance distribution. The physical re-
E 948 Test Method for Electrical Performance
quirements for this reference cell are described
of Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovol-
in Practice E 1040. Reference cells are principally
taic Cells Using Reference Cells'
used in the determination of the electrical per-
E 1071 Methods for Measuring the Spectral
formance of photovoltaic devices.
Response of Photovoltaic Cells'
1.7 Primary photovoltaic cells shall be cali-
E 1040 Practice for Physical Characteristics of
brated in natural sunlight under specific atmos-
Non-Concentrator Terrestnal Photovoltaic
pheric conditions by reference to a previously
Reference Cells'
calibrated pyrheliometer.
E 1 143 Test Method for Determining the Lin-
I .3 This test method applies only to the cali-
earity of a Photovoltaic Device Parameter
bration of a photovoltaic cell that demonstrates
With Respect to a Test Paramete$
a linear short-circuit current versus irradiance
characteristic over its intended range of use in
3. Terminology
accordance with Test Method E 1143.
3. i ìk;/ìiiiiioti.s:
I .4 This test method applies only to the cali-
3. i. 1 cwlihrritioii coiistaiii. plioiosoltaits rc:t>r-
bration of a photovoltaic cell that has been fab-
~~II~IJ c*c.//-a number that expresses the calibra-
ricated using a single photovoltaic junction.
tion of a reference cell in terms of short-circuit
1.5 The values given in SI units are fo be
currenf per unit incidence irradiance.
regarded as the standard.
Disc,ii.s.sion-For a calibrated reference cell.
1.6 This siundard i~ay itirolw kmìoii.s inn-
the calibration constant expresses the short-cir-
tevfa/.s. opcwl ions. and c+pil>rwnt. This siaridurd
cuit current of the reference cell. when illumi-
doc^ noi pirrport io addrexs all ol'ilicp .sul¿~~yproh-
nated by a reference spectral irradiance distribu-
lcv~ts with its irse Ii is ih rcxponsihil-
tion (Standard E 89 1 ) divided by the total irra-
iiy ol'ilie iwr (?l'ilii.s standard i(> c~.siahIi.vli appro-
diance of that standard spectral irradiance.
prim sulìliy and Iic~alrh prariires and de~1cwtiiie
ilic aiiplic*(ihiliiy ofrcy&mry liinitations prior io
' This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
mittee E-44 on Solar and Other Renewahlr Energv Conversion
2. Referenced Dorumentsi
and is the direct responsihility of Suhcommiti& E44.09 on
Photovoltaic Electric Power Systems.
3. I .4ST.ií Siandards:
Current edition approwd Feh. 27. 19x7. Puhlished July 19x7.
E 816 Method for Calibration of Secondary
' .dtitiiui/ Book (!/'.íS7:\IS/[iti
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
- ASTM ELL44 87 W 0759510 0041b2L b W
E i144
3.1.2 cell voltage-electrical potential (in The corrected calibration constant is
volts) across the positive and negative terminals
obtained by dividing the measured calibration
of a photovoltaic cell. constant by K.
3. I .3 $11 factor-ratio of maximum power of 3.1.1 1 spectral irradiance-spectral distribu-
the cell to the product of open-circuit voltage tion of a light source over a specified wavelength
and short-circuit current, or:
range incident on a receiver and expressed in
watts per square metre per nanometre or micro-
= PmWOJ (1,))
3. I .4 irradiance, efective-product of spec-
3. I. 12 spectral response-a wavelength de-
tral irradiance E(X) and spectral response R(X) of
pendent short-circuit current density per unit
a receiver integrated over ali wavelengths and
normalized to the receiver's response under the
Discussion-Spectral response can be dis-
total irradiance E,, from a reference light source,
cussed in terms of wavelength band.
3.1.13 spectral response, absolute-current
Ei = Ea IJR(X)E(X)

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