ASTM F1737-96(1999)
(Guide)Standard Guide for Use of Oil Spill Dispersant Application Equipment During Spill Response: Boom and Nozzle Systems
Standard Guide for Use of Oil Spill Dispersant Application Equipment During Spill Response: Boom and Nozzle Systems
1.1 This guide covers the essential considerations for the maintenance, storage and use of oil spill dispersant application systems.
1.2 This guide is applicable to spray systems employing booms and nozzles and not to other systems such as fire monitors, sonic distributors, or fan-spray guns.
1.3 This guide is applicable to systems employed on ships or boats and helicopters or airplanes.
1.4 This guide is one of four related to dispersant application systems. Guide F 1413 covers design, Practice F 1460 covers calibration, Test Method F 1738 covers deposition, and Guide F 1737 covers the use of systems. Familiarity with all four standards is recommended.
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are for information only.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation:F1737–96(Reapproved 1999)
Standard Guide for
Use of Oil Spill Dispersant Application Equipment During
Spill Response: Boom and Nozzle Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1737; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope F 1738 Practice for the Determination of Deposition of
Aerially Applied Oil Spill Dispersants
1.1 This guide covers the essential considerations for the
3. Significance and Use
3.1 This guide provides information, procedures, and re-
1.2 This guide is applicable to spray systems employing
quirements for management and operation of dispersant spray
booms and nozzles and not to other systems such as fire
application equipment (boom and nozzle systems) in oil spill
monitors, sonic distributors, or fan-spray guns.
1.3 This guide is applicable to systems employed on ships
3.2 This guide provides information on requirements for
or boats and helicopters or airplanes.
storage and maintenance of dispersant spray equipment and
1.4 This guide is one of four related to dispersant applica-
associated materials.
tion systems. Guide F 1413 covers design, Practice F 1460
3.3 This guide will aid operators in ensuring that a dispers-
covers calibration, Test Method F 1738 covers deposition, and
ant spray operation is carried out in an effective manner.
Guide F 1737 covers the use of the systems. Familiarity with
all four standards is recommended.
4. Equipment Types For Vessels and Aircraft
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
4.1 A spraying system consists of one or more pumps,
standard. The inch-pound units given in parentheses are for
flowmeters, storage tanks, spray booms, and nozzles that are
information only.
mounted in various configurations depending on the platform.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
4.2 Dispersant application systems on ships or boats may be
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
portable or permanently installed. Vessels may have built-in
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
dispersant storage tanks and on-board pumps for use with the
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
spraying system.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
4.3 Dispersant application systems on helicopters are most
2. Referenced Documents commonly slung beneath the aircraft, with remote controls
2 available to the pilot. Some specially configured helicopters
2.1 ASTM Standards:
have integral tanks and pumps. Helicopter spraying systems
F 1413 Guide for Oil Spill Dispersant Application Equip-
are available with dispersant capacity of about 500 to 2000 L
ment: Boom and Nozzle Systems
(120 to 500 U.S. gal).
F 1460 Practice for Calibrating Oil Spill Dispersant Appli-
4.4 Dispersant application systems on single-engine air-
cation Equipment Boom and Nozzle Systems
planes have a built-in tank and pump, with the booms attached
to the wings. Dispersant capacity varies with the airplane
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F20 on Hazardous design but is about 400 to 4000 L (100 to 1000 U.S. gal).
Substances and Oil Spill Response and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
4.5 Dispersant application systems can also be installed on
F20.13 on Treatment.
large multiengine airplanes. These must be designed for each
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1996. Published December 1996.
type of aircraft, and will include one or more pumps, flowme-
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
ters, dispersant storage tanks, and spray booms with nozzles.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
The airplane type and payload capability will determine the
the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F1737–96 (1999)
available dispersant capacity from about 4000 to 20 000 L that is required for a surface coverage of 20 to 100 L/hectare (2
(1000 to 5000 U.S. gal).,
5. Equipment Configuration for Vessels and Aircraft
pressure gage. Air shear, that affects droplet size, may be a
5.1 Vessels—Dispersant spray systems for boats have been
problem for lower viscosity dispersants of less than 60 mpa
designed for many types of craft. Most systems use water-
(cSt), at aircraft velocities exceeding about 200 km/h (100
compatible “concentrate” dispersants diluted with seawater
knots or 120 mph).The spray-boom altitude during application
during application. These dispersants are mixed with seawater
should not be over 9 m (30 ft).
by use of an educator or metering pump to allow for the
5.3.1 Small airplanes generally have limited load capacity,
dispersant to be used at the desired concentration (generally 5
about 400 to 3000 L(100 to 800 U.S. gal). This size of aircraft
to 10 %).
may provide rapid response to small spills, and has longer
5.1.1 Mount the spray booms as far forward as possible so
range and greater speeds than a helicopter system.
that the spray is applied in front of the bow wave, because, this
5.4 Large Airplanes— Large multiengine, propeller-driven,
wave can push oil out of reach of the spray at typical boat
airplanes offer increased payload, range, and speed for the
speeds. Nozzles and extensions should be downward-pointing
treatment of large spills. Most of these aircraft require the
and stable relative to the boom. Rig spray booms with multiple
installation of wing-mounted booms and other integral parts.
nozzles arranged to produce flat, fan-shaped spray patterns,
Some large cargo airplanes have a rear cargo or personnel door
striking the water (oil) surface in a line perpendicular to the
that can be opened in flight, can accommodate portable tank
direction of travel of the vessel. Nozzles producing a hollow-
systems, and have extendable booms that can be deployed in
cone shaped spray pattern should not be used. Spray pressure
flight. Such a system can be permanently fitted to a dedicated
should not be excessive so that the spray does not break the oil
airplane, or installed as needed in an airplane of opportunity.
surface. Deliver the dispersant-water mixture to the oil surface,
These systems may require specific certification by aviation
in the desired pattern, with a minimum amount of energy. The
authorities for use on a particular type of aircraft.
spray should strike the oil in small droplets of 300 to 500-µm
5.4.1 These larger aircraft will generally fly at altitudes of
volume median diameter (VMD). The droplets should be
15 to 30 m (50 to 100 ft) when applying dispersant to the oil.
visually larger than a fog or mist and smaller than heavy rain
5.4.2 The largest dispersant liquid capacity for such aircraft
drops. The fan-shaped sprays from adjacent nozzles should
is 20 000 L (5000 U.S. gal). Aircraft range and payload
overlap just above the oil surface.
characteristics can limit the dispersant volume. Application
5.1.2 Relatively small spills, such as in harbors or rivers,
rates from 20 to 100 L/hectare (2 to 10 U.S. gal/acre) can be
may best be treated by vessels, but they are limited on large
achieved. Typical coverage for these systems is 30 hectares/
offshore spills by their spray swath and speed. For example, a
min (75 acres/min) at 130 to 150 knots.
boat operating at 10 km/h (5 knots or 6 mph), and spraying a
2 2
6. Control of Spraying Operations
12-m(40-ft)swath,canonlytreatabout0.5miles (1.3km )of
oil spill surface in about 12 h. 6.1 Whichever method is employed to apply dispersants, an
5.2 Helicopters— Spraying systems on helicopters are ei- objective assessment is required to ensure that a vessel or
ther integral (attached to the airframe) or external units that aircraft spraying operation is conducted properly and effec-
have a combined tank, pump, and spray boom assembly tively. Direction of the operation and observation of its
suspendedbelowtheaircraftfromacargohook,asspecifiedby effectiveness can best be conducted from another controller
the manufacturer of the bucket. Sufficient room must be (spotter) aircraft overhead. This can be a light airplane or
allowed between the helicopter and the spray unit to allow for helicopter, but it must have a high endurance and good radio
safe connection and disconnection. Spraying is controlled from communications with the spray aircraft or vessel. An airborne
the cockpit with an electrical remote control unit, attached by observer can not function adequately in the spraying aircraft.
cable to the spray system. Nozzles should be oriented parallel To ensure safety in such a case, all the aircraft must have
to the direction of travel and pointed aft on the spray boom. planned for, and maintained, continuous communications.
Only concentrate dispersants applied without dilution are 6.2 Personnel in the controller (spotter) aircraft can identify
suitable for aerial spraying. The spray-boom altitude, when the heavier concentrations of oil (or those slicks posing the
spraying, should not be over 9 m (30 ft). greatest threat), direct spray aircraft or boats to the target,
5.2.1 Helicopters are limited in the volume of dispersant request spraying to be started and stopped, and judge the
they can carry, typically under 2000 L (500 U.S. gal). They accuracy of the application. These aerial functions are impor-
have greater speed than vessels, however, and if working near tant for spraying operations since oil visibility from a vessel or
the source of dispersant supply, helicopters provide very a spray plane is limited. Air support is essential when large
efficient dispersant application on small areas. multiengine aircraft are used for spraying. Even when using
5.3 Small Airplanes— Small single-engine airplanes typi- helicopters and small airplanes for spraying, it is not reason-
cally will have a wind-driven pump that draws dispersant from able to rely on pilot observation, since all of the sprayed area
a tank to feed the spray booms, that are usually fitted close to is behind the aircraft. Consequently, the area of coverage and
the trailing edge of the wing. The dispersant is discharged the effect of the dispersant is better seen by an observer in a
through nozzles (spaced at intervals along the boom) that are control plane at a higher altitude, who also can better direct the
designed to generate droplets within the required size range. spray plane on the next pass, in the same or a different
The dispersant pump should be capable of spraying at a rate treatment area.
F1737–96 (1999)
7. Storage and Handling of Dispersant and Dispersant viscosity may not be as much a limitation as is composition as
Application Systems noted above, especially for dispersants which are not quickly
lost to the water column. Viscosity may have its largest effect
7.1 Dispersants are to be handled and stored in accordance
on the time required for mixing with the oil.
with information provided by the manufacturer’s Material
SafetyDataSheets(MSDS),labels,anduser-specifiedpolicies. Natural weathering (evaporation) affects the compo-
sition and viscosity of the oil. Much of the oil evaporated will
(See 10.1.)
usually consist of the most dispersable fraction. Also, loss of
7.2 Dispersant application systems will normally be loaded,
by means of pumps, with dispersants from drums, storage
combined effect may rapidly reduce the dispersability of some
tanks, or tank trailers. Pumps of adequate capacity must be
spilled oils. Some oils are not effectively dispersed after only
available to load dispersant rapidly in order to reduce aircraft
downtime between sorties. 24 h on the surface.
7.3 Conduct routine maintenance on dispersant application Surface sea energy can be an important factor in
systems and subcomponents in accordance with the manufac-
dispersant effectiveness. Higher sea energy is needed to dis-
turer’s recommendations, to ensure system readiness and
perse oil of less favorable composition. Very low sea energies
availability for immediate use.
often result in poor dispersant performance.Very high seas can
7.3.1 Nozzles on dispersant application systems must be
be detrimental since they can promote water-in-oil emulsion
cleaned and inspected after each day’s operation and before
formation and can cause oil slicks to become discontinuous or
storage of the system. Pumps and systems using seawater (as
submerged. Spraying such slicks can result in significant
from vessels) must be rinsed well with fresh water.
dispersant loss.
7.3.2 Thesystemcalibrationshouldbecheckedatleastonce
8.1.3 Environmental Conditions, Including Wind, Sea State,
a year (see Practice F 1460). Spray systems should be cleaned,
Visibility, and Temperature ofAir and Water— It is essential to
minimize dispersant loss in aerial application due to wind drift
in which the equipment was used, and after making any
changes in the system configuration. Also, systems must be
the aircraft should be flown as low as safety considerations
completely drained and freeze-protected, as necessary, after
allow. It is also best to fly into the wind while spraying, so as
each use.
to limit wind drift.
7.3.3 Any remote control devices used in operation of a
8.1.4 Availability of Application Logistic Support:
dispersant system should be checked immediately prior to any Dispersant spraying from vessels has limitations due
use of the system.
to the low area coverage rate and the inherent difficulties of
7.3.4 Operatingcrewsshouldbegivencomprehensivetrain-
locating oil slicks from a vessel. Vessels of all sizes need the
ing in dispersant application systems installation and methods
assistance of an aircraft overhead to direct them in spraying
of use. Practical exercises should be held frequently.
dispersants. Small airplanes with high endurance, low fuel con-
8. General Considerations for Dispersant Application
sumption, rapid turn-around times, and an ability to operate
8.1 Primary Considerations:
from short and even improvised landing strips may be suitab
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