Standard Specification for Air-Purifying Respiratory Protective Smoke Escape Devices (RPED)

1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for the design, performance, testing, and certification of air-purifying respiratory protective smoke escape devices for the immediate emergency evacuation without entry/re-entry of adult civilians.  
1.2 The purpose of this specification shall be to provide minimum requirements for respiratory protective escape devices that provide limited protection for 15 min for adult civilian escape from the by-products of fire, including particulate matter, carbon monoxide, other toxic gases, and the effects of radiant heat.  
1.3 The requirements of this specification specify an air-purifying respiratory protective escape device with a laboratory-tested 15-min service life intended to provide head, eye, and respiratory protection from particulate matter, irritants, and toxic gases and vapors commonly produced by fire.  
1.4 Controlled laboratory tests that are used to determine compliance with the performance requirements of this specification shall not be deemed as establishing performance levels for all situations to which individuals can be exposed.  
1.5 This specification shall not apply to the requirements for provision, installation, or use of air-purifying respiratory protective smoke escape devices.  
1.6 This specification shall not apply to respiratory protective escape devices intended for use in circumstances in which an oxygen deficiency (oxygen less than 19.5 % by volume) exists or might exist.  
1.7 This specification is not intended to be used as a detailed manufacturing or purchase specification, but shall be permitted to be referenced as a minimum requirement in purchase specifications.  
1.8 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.  
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM E2952-14 - Standard Specification for Air-Purifying Respiratory Protective Smoke Escape Devices (RPED)
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Designation:E2952 −14
Standard Specification for
Air-Purifying Respiratory Protective Smoke Escape Devices
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2952; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.8 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded
as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for
the design, performance, testing, and certification of air-
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
purifying respiratory protective smoke escape devices for the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
immediate emergency evacuation without entry/re-entry of
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
adult civilians.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.2 The purpose of this specification shall be to provide
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
minimum requirements for respiratory protective escape de-
2. Referenced Documents
vices that provide limited protection for 15 min for adult
civilian escape from the by-products of fire, including particu-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
late matter, carbon monoxide, other toxic gases, and the effects
B117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
of radiant heat.
D1003 Test Method for Haze and Luminous Transmittance
of Transparent Plastics
1.3 The requirements of this specification specify an air-
D4101 Specification for Polypropylene Injection and Extru-
purifying respiratory protective escape device with a
sion Materials
laboratory-tested 15-min service life intended to provide head,
2.2 ISO Standards:
eye, and respiratory protection from particulate matter,
ISO/IEC Guide 65 General Requirements for Bodies Oper-
irritants, and toxic gases and vapors commonly produced by
ating Product Certification Systems
ISO9001 QualitySystems—ModelforQualityAssurancein
1.4 Controlled laboratory tests that are used to determine
Design, Development, Production, Installation, and Ser-
compliance with the performance requirements of this specifi-
cation shall not be deemed as establishing performance levels
ISO9002 QualitySystems—ModelforQualityAssurancein
for all situations to which individuals can be exposed.
Production, Installation, and Servicing.
2.3 NFPA Standard:
1.5 Thisspecificationshallnotapplytotherequirementsfor
NFPA 1981 Standard on Open-Circuit Self-Contained
provision, installation, or use of air-purifying respiratory pro-
Breathing Apparatus for the Fire Service
tective smoke escape devices.
1.6 This specification shall not apply to respiratory protec- 3. Terminology
tive escape devices intended for use in circumstances in which
3.1 Definitions:
an oxygen deficiency (oxygen less than 19.5 % by volume)
3.1.1 air-purifying respiratory protective smoke escape
exists or might exist.
device, RPED, n—air-purifying respirator used to protect a
person while escaping from a fire by removing certain con-
1.7 Thisspecificationisnotintendedtobeusedasadetailed
taminants of fire-generated products of combustion from the
manufacturing or purchase specification, but shall be permitted
inhaled air.
to be referenced as a minimum requirement in purchase
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E54 on the ASTM website.
Homeland Security Applications and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de
E54.04 on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). la Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland,
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2014. Published February 2014. DOI: 10.1520/ Available from National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch
E2952-14. Park, Quincy, MA 02169-7471,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
3.1.2 accessory, n—item that may be provided with an 3.1.16 light transmission, n—ratiooftheluminous(approxi-
RPED that does not affect its ability to meet the requirements mately 380- through 760-mm) radiant power transmitted by an
of this specification. object to the incident luminous radiant power.
3.1.17 listed, adj—equipment, materials, or services in-
3.1.3 approved, adj—acceptable to the authority having
jurisdiction. cluded in a list published by the certification organization.
3.1.18 melt, v—to change from solid to liquid or become
3.1.4 authority having jurisdiction, n—organization, office,
consumed by action of heat in a manner that could injure the
or individual responsible for approving any equipment, an
installation, or a procedure.
3.1.19 model, n—term used to identify an RPED, including
3.1.5 basic plane, n—plane through the centers of the
all variants to its design.
external ear openings and the lower edges of the eye sockets.
3.1.20 product label, n—marking affixed to the RPED by
3.1.6 certification/certify, n/adj—system whereby an orga-
the manufacturer containing general information, warnings,
nization determines that a manufacturer has demonstrated the
care, maintenance, or similar data.
ability to produce a product that complies with the require- Discussion—This product label is not the certifica-
ments of this specification, authorizes the manufacturer to use
tion organization’s label, symbol, or identifying mark;
a label on listed products that comply with the requirements of
however, the certification organization’s label, symbol, or
this specification, and establishes a follow-up program con-
identifying mark may be attached to it or be part of it. See
ducted by the organization as a check on the methods the
manufacturer uses to determine continued compliance of
labeled and listed products with the requirements of this
3.1.21 ready-to-use configuration, n—RPED in its final
packaging state before use that, immediately upon opening or
removing this operational package, allows the user to don the
3.1.7 certification organization, n—independent third-party
organization that determines product compliance with the
requirements of this specification with a labeling/listing/ 3.1.22 RPED, n—a “short hand” acronym forAir-Purifying
Respiratory Protective Smoke Escape Device.
follow-up program.
3.1.23 service life, n—the manufacturer-declared duration
3.1.8 civilians, n—persons who are members of the general
of protection provided by the RPED for escape once the
public and who are not fire service or law enforcement
operational packaging is opened or removed from an RPED in
personnel, or other emergency services personnel performing
a ready-to-use configuration.
their official duties during emergency incident operations.
3.1.24 shall, v—indicates a mandatory requirement.
3.1.9 compliance/compliant, n/adj—meeting or exceeding
all applicable requirements of this specification.
3.1.25 shelf life, n—duration that an RPED can be stored
under proper conditions in its ready-to-use configuration and
3.1.10 donning time, n—time for equipment in hand to be
remain suitable for use.
time shall include the removal of an operational packaging.
4. Performance Requirements
3.1.11 follow-up program, n—sampling, inspections, tests,
4.1 Carbon Dioxide (CO ) Inhalation—RPED shall be
or other measures conducted by the certification organization 2
tested for CO levels in the inspired air stream as specified in
on a periodic basis to determine the continued compliance of
7.1 and shall not contain CO concentration levels that exceed
listed products that are being produced by the manufacturer to 2
2.5 %.
the requirements of this specification.
4.2 Donning—RPED shall be tested for donning ability as
3.1.12 gas, n—fluid that has neither independent shape nor
specified in 7.2. The time needed to don the RPED shall not
volume and tends to expand indefinitely.
exceed 30 s.
3.1.13 haze, n—percent of incident light that is not trans-
4.3 Breathing Resistance:
mitted in a straight line through the lens but forward scattered,
4.3.1 RPED shall be tested for resistance to breathing as
greater than 2.5° diverging.
specified in 7.3. The maximum inhalation resistance shall be
3.1.14 identical respiratory protective escape device,
81.5-mm water column below ambient pressure from the
n—RPED that is produced to the same engineering and
beginning of the test until its conclusion.
manufacturing specifications.
4.3.2 RPED shall be tested for resistance to breathing as
3.1.15 labeled, adj—equipment or material to which has
specified in 7.3. The maximum exhalation resistance shall be
been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an
30.6-mm water column above ambient pressure from the
organization that is acceptable to the authority having jurisdic-
beginning of the test until its conclusion.
tion and concerned with product evaluation, that maintains
4.4 Particulate Filtration—RPED shall be tested for the
periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or
materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates
efficiency shall be 95 % at any time during the test.
compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a
specified manner. 4.5 Total Inward Leakage:
4.5.1 RPED shall be tested for proper fit as specified in 7.5. 4.12 Molten Polymeric Drip Resistance:
4.12.1 RPEDshallbetestedforresistancetomoltendripsas
be an average of 2 % of the inhaled air for any of the test
specified in 7.12. Any after flame shall not exceed 5 s.
subjects in any of the test exercises.
4.12.2 RPEDshallbetestedforresistancetomoltendripsas
4.5.2 The measured inward leakage shall include the exha-
lation valve leakage.
exceed 25 %.
4.6 Optical Properties: 4.12.3 RPEDshallbetestedforresistancetomoltendripsas
4.6.1 Light Transmission—The vision area of the RPED specified in 7.12. No component shall drip, melt, or develop a
shall be tested for light transmission as specified in 7.6.1. The hole that is visible to the unaided eye.
vision area shall have minimum light transmission of 20 % and
4.13 Radiant Heat Resistance:
the haze shall not exceed 15 %.
4.13.1 RPED shall be tested for resistance to radiant heat as
4.6.2 Field of Vision—The field of vision of the RPED shall
specified in 7.13. The temperature at the top of the head form
be tested as specified in 7.6.2 and shall have a score of at least
and in the eyepiece shall not exceed 70°C.
4.13.2 RPED shall be tested for resistance to radiant heat as
4.6.3 Fogging—The vision area of the RPED shall be tested
for fogging as specified in 7.6.3. The test subject shall be
that exposes eyes or lungs to gas or smoke.
capable of reading the Snellen eye chart at the 20/100 level.
4.6.4 Ocular Leakage—RPED shall be tested for ocular
4.14 Corrosion Resistance:
leakage as specified in 7.6.4. The maximum total ocular
4.14.1 RPED shall be tested for resistance to corrosion as
leakage of the challenge agent shall be an average of 20 % of
specified in 7.14 and shall be evaluated for the proper use and
the outside challenge environment for any of the test subjects
in any of the test exercises.
manufacturer’s instructions.
4.7 Operational Packaging Leakage:
4.14.2 MetalsthatareusedintheRPED,storagecontainers,
4.7.1 RPED shall be tested for leakage in its ready-to-use and accessories that are inherently resistant to corrosion
configuration as specified in 7.7.
including, but not limited to, stainless steel, brass, copper,
4.7.2 After immersion, the exterior shall be immediately aluminum,andzinc,shallshownomorethanlightsurface-type
dried and weighed. There shall be no additional weight gain in corrosion or oxidation. Ferrous metals shall show no corrosion
excess of the tolerance of the scale. of the base metals.
4.14.3 Following the corrosion resistance testing in accor-
4.8 Chemical Capacity—The RPED shall be tested for gas
dance with 7.14, RPED shall then be tested for resistance to
breakthrough as specified in 7.8. The RPED shall have a
exceed 85-mm water column below ambient pressure from the
each of the seven specific gases detailed herein.
beginning of the test until its conclusion.
4.9 Inhalation Temperature—RPED shall be tested for in-
4.14.4 Following the corrosion resistance testing in 7.14,
spired air temperature as specified in 7.9. The inhalation
RPED shall then be tested for resistance to breathing as
temperature shall not exceed 90°C dry bulb or 50°C wet bulb
specified in 7.3, Air Flow Resistance Test. The exhalation
when run at a cyclic flow.
resistance shall not exceed 30.6-mm water column above
4.10 Soot Particulate:
ambient pressure from the beginning of the test until its
4.10.1 RPED shall be tested for increased inhalation breath-
The inhalation breathing resistance shall not exceed 204-mm
5. Design Requirements
water column.
5.1 General:
4.10.2 RPEDshallbetestedforincreasedexhalationbreath-
5.1.1 ThedesignoftheRPEDshallprovideprotectiontothe
wearer’s head, eyes, and respiratory system specified by this
The exhalation breathing resistance shall not exceed 153-mm
water column.
5.1.2 The RPED shall consist of at least a hood and a
4.11 Flammability:
respiratory protection system.
4.11.1 RPED shall be tested for heat and flame resistance as
5.1.3 All materials shall be free of sharp edges, burrs, and
specified in 7.11. Components of the RPED shall not have any
rough spots.
after flame after 5 s.
5.1.4 Materials containing latex shall be labeled as such.
4.11.2 RPED shall be tested for heat and flame resistance as
5.1.5 The RPED shall not require the use of hands to
specified in 7.11. No RPED component shall drip, melt, or
maintain the RPED in place on the user or maintain the prope

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