ASTM E460-88(1995)
(Practice)Standard Practice for Determining Effect of Packaging on Food and Beverage Products During Storage
Standard Practice for Determining Effect of Packaging on Food and Beverage Products During Storage
1.1 This practice is designed to detect the changes in sensory attributes of foods and beverages stored in various packaging materials or systems, or both. It is not a practice intended to determine shelf-life.
1.2 This practice may be used for testing a wide variety of materials in association with many kinds of products. There are many ways in which a packaging material may influence a product during storage. First, the packaging material may contaminate the product with off-flavors by direct transfer of packaging component compounds to the product. Second, the packaging material may adsorb components from the product which may then be further transferred to the atmosphere, thus reducing aroma intensity in the product. Third, external contaminants may permeate the package and possibly be transferred to the product. In addition to flavor influences, packaging materials may allow color or textural changes, or both, and many other measurable sensory effects.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: E 460 – 88 (Reapproved 1995)
Standard Practice for
Determining Effect of Packaging on Food and Beverage
Products During Storage
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 460; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope planned length of storage, or until definitive results are
obtained. Differences which are identified may not necessarily
1.1 This practice is designed to detect the changes in
be detrimental to the product.
sensory attributes of foods and beverages stored in various
packaging materials or systems, or both. It is not a practice
3. Significance and Use
intended to determine shelf-life.
3.1 This practice is designed to determine the effects of
1.2 This practice may be used for testing a wide variety of
different packaging materials whether of construction or sys-
materials in association with many kinds of products. There are
tems (overpack, inert atmosphere, etc.), or both. Different
many ways in which a packaging material may influence a
packaging materials may require different packaging systems
product during storage. First, the packaging material may
and thus detectable differences may not be experimentally
contaminate the product with off-flavors by direct transfer of
separable from these influences. The practice then, is limited to
packaging component compounds to the product. Second, the
those situations where comparative results are meaningful.
packaging material may adsorb components from the product
This practice should be used where experimental materials or
which may then be further transferred to the atmosphere, thus
alternate storage conditions are evaluated against a known
reducing aroma intensity in the product. Third, external con-
control, for example, a soft drink in cans with experimental
taminants may permeate the package and possibly be trans-
liners versus known liners, or potato sticks in plastic bags
ferred to the product. In addition to flavor influences, packag-
versus coated paper bags. Accepted industry standard pack-
ing materials may allow color or textural changes, or both, and
ages, such as glass bottles and metal cans may also be used as
many other measurable sensory effects.
2. Summary of Practice
4. Design of Study
2.1 A homogeneous lot of the product is packaged in the
4.1 Number of Treatments—The number of alternate pack-
different ways to be considered in the test. Packaging opera-
ages or systems that may be assessed is dependent upon panel
tions must be controlled to ensure that all units are treated alike
capabilities. Preliminary testing should be used to determine
except for the differences inherent in the different packaging
the appropriate number of samples that can be presented during
materials. To reduce error from test product variability a single
a single panel session without inducing panelist fatigue or
production lot should be used. Where a single lot is not feasible
adaptation and the number of panels that can be run within the
a sufficient number of replicates should be used, taking care not
project time frame.
to introduce additional variables.
4.2 Test Product and Packaging Material:
2.2 Design the study to specify all appropriate storage
4.2.1 The selection of the test products is usually indicated
conditions, intervals between tests, and total length of study. A
by the interest in testing a specific packaging system.
sufficient number of units of each packaging treatment are
4.2.2 The original lot of product should be homogeneous
stored under predetermined storage conditions to provide the
and representative of the product. When homogeneity is not
necessary material for panel testing.
possible, allocate sufficient units of the product to each
2.3 Periodically, samples of all treatments are withdrawn
packaging treatment using an appropriate statistical design.
and evaluated versus a designated control by a qualified panel.
4.2.3 Ensure that both initially and at every test interval the
Results are subjected to appropriate statistical analyses to
test products meet all required microbiological, physical, and
determine whether there are significant differences among
chemical standards prior to panelist ingestion.
4.2.4 Packaging operations must be controlled to ensure that
2.4 Withdrawals are continued either through the originally
all units are treated alike except for the differences inherent in
the different packaging materials.
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-18 on Sensory
4.3 Storage Conditions:
Evaluation of Materials and Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
4.3.1 Determine pertinent storage conditions for each pack-
mittee E18.05 on Sensory Applications—General.
Current edition approved April 29, 1988. Published June 1988. Originally
aging system under study. Determine on the basis of prior
published as E 460 – 72. Last previous edition E 460 – 72 (1978).
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
E 460
knowledge or logical projection, those conditions to which the 5.1.2 The selection of a method will depend on the product,
packaging system is most likely to be subjected. It may be the type of panel available, time, money, and the information
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