Standard Specification for Fitness Equipment

1.1 This specification establishes parameters for the design and manufacture of fitness equipment as defined in 3.1.8.
1.2 If the fitness equipment is intended for use by children then Specification F 963 shall be the primary standard of reference and shall be used in conjunction with this standard. ^

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ASTM F2276-03 - Standard Specification for Fitness Equipment
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An American National Standard
Designation: F 2276 – 03
Standard Specification for
Fitness Equipment
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 2276; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
The goal of this specification is to promote proper design and manufacturing practices for stationary
fitness equipment. Through these specifications this standard aims to assist designers and manufac-
turers in producing functional, safe products under proper operations. This standard specifies safety
requirements that are generally applicable to all stationary fitness equipment. For specific types of
fitness equipment, these requirements may be supplemented or modified by the requirements of
specific standards that have been issued to cover these specific types or groups of fitness products.
Where specific standards exist, this standard should be used in conjunction with the other standards.
Special care is required in applying this standard alone to equipment for which no specific standard
The equipment user must recognize, however, that a standard alone will not necessarily prevent
injuries. Like other physical activities, exercise involving fitness equipment involves the risk of injury,
particularly if the equipment is used improperly.
1. Scope grasping, or adjusting of equipment or position of the body.
This does not include areas that are accessible during the initial
1.1 This specification establishes parameters for the design
and manufacture of fitness equipment as defined in 3.1.8.
3.1.2 applied handgrips, n—a handgrip that is formed,
1.2 If the fitness equipment is intended for use by children
molded, or attached to a support, component, or structure.
then Specification F 963 shall be the primary standard of
3.1.3 consumer fitness equipment, n—fitness equipment in-
reference and shall be used in conjunction with this standard.
tended for use by one person or one family unit.
2. Referenced Documents
3.1.4 corner, n—the intersection of three planes or surfaces
on a single component.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.5 edge, n—the intersection of two planes or surfaces on
F 963 Consumer Safety Specification on Toy Safety
a single component.
F 1749 Specification for Fitness Equipment and Fitness
3.1.6 entrapment, n—an area that captures and requires
Facility Safety Signage and Labels
force in excess of one pound to remove the test finger in
2.2 European Standards
EN 957-1.
EN 957–1 Stationary Training Equipment-Part 1: General
3.1.7 extrinsic loads, n—all loads applied to the machine or
Safety Requirements and Test Methods
user means in addition to the users body weight.
3. Terminology
3.1.8 fitness equipment, n—a mechanical device or hard-
ware designed for use in exercising specific or multiple
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
muscles of the body. Not to include toys used for recreation,
3.1.1 accessible area, n—area accessible to the user or third
jump ropes, outdoor or indoor playground equipment or
party when the equipment is in normal use, during setting up,
facilities, bicycles or other fitness soft goods such as gloves,
belts, apparel, balls, and so forth.
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F08 on Sports
3.1.9 general warning label, n—a label designed within the
Equipment and Facilities and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F08.30 on
scope of this specification and Specification F 1749 which is
Fitness Products.
Current edition approved June 10, 2003. Published July 2003.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.07. to potential hazards associated with the use of that equipment.
Available from CEN Management Centre, 36 rue de Stassart, B-1050, Brussels,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
3.1.10 guard, n—a cover or enclosure that limits access to, 4.1.1 Fitness equipment shall be stable while in storage,
without the use of tools, an otherwise accessible area. unloaded, and in the intrinsically and extrinsically loaded use
3.1.11 inaccessible area, n—area inaccessible to the user of
the machine but accessible to technicians or service personnel. 4.2 Support:
3.1.12 institutional fitness equipment, n—fitness equipment 4.2.1 Fitness equipment shall support the user and any
intended for use by numerous persons in a commercial or additional loads applied by the user in normal operation
institutional facility, as opposed to home environment. without breakage. Examples include; seats, foot rests, back-
rests, etc.
3.1.13 intregal handgrips, n—handgrips that are created by,
coating, texturing or other means, the material of a component 4.3 Edges, Corners, and Tube Ends:
or support structure. 4.3.1 Edges—All edges in accessible areas shall be free of
3.1.14 intrinsic loads, n—the loads applied to fitness equip- burrs and sharp edges.
ment due only to the users body weight. 4.3.2 Corners—All corners in accessible areas shall be
3.1.15 maximum specified load, n—the maximum working radiused or chamfered.
load for the machine as set by the manufacturer. 4.3.3 Tube Ends—Tubeendsintheexposedaccessibleareas
3.1.16 maximum tension developed, n—the maximum static shall be closed off either by other components or by plugs.
tensile load experienced by a connector, fitting, rope, belt, Plugs shall remain in place during normal operation and
chain, or other means, during use of the machine at the storage.
maximumspecifiedloadforthemachineincludingallextrinsic 4.4 Moving Parts in Accessible Areas:
loads. 4.4.1 Rotating and Reciprocating Points—The distance be-
3.1.17 normal operation, n—the use of the fitness equip- tween movable components or between a movable and a fixed
ment as described in the manual or as is readily apparent from component shall be at least 60 mm (2.36 in.) except as follows:
the intended use as fitness equipment. If only the fingers are at risk, the dimension shall not
3.1.18 pinch point, n—the location between two moving be less than 25 mm (0.98 in.).
components or the location between a moving and fixed If the distance between the moving part and a rigid
component that, when entered, causes a portion of the body to
part, or between two moving parts, does not change during use
become entrapped. or setup, the distance shall be greater than 25 mm (0.98 in.) or
3.1.19 pulley, n—a component that guides ropes or belts less than 9.5 mm (0.37 in.).
and redirects the forces of the rope or belt. Open and obvious stops are excluded. However, if
3.1.20 pull in point, n—the location between two moving the stop is physically part of the moving user means, then it
shall pass no closer than 25 mm (0.98 in.) to any fixed frame
components, or the location between a moving and a fixed
component, that when entered causes a portion of the body to members throughout its range of travel.
be pulled into and entrapped between the components.
3.1.21 range of movement, n—the space in which the user 5. Guarding, Enclosures, and Spacing
or part of the user is moving when using the machine in
5.1 Squeeze, Shear, and Crush Points—Squeeze, shear, and
accordance to the instructions supplied by the manufacturer.
crush points between moving components, between moving
3.1.22 resistance means, n—for the purpose of this specifi-
components and fixed components, or between a moving
cation, the device or system that, when varied by the user,
component and the floor shall be guarded. If the function of the
increases or decreases the force encountered by the user
fitness equipment does not allow guarding, then the minimum
through the user means. For the purpose of the specification,
clearance shall be 60 mm (2.36 in.) except as follows.
such means include weights, pneumatic cylinders, or electronic
5.1.1 Ifonlythefingersareatriskthedimensionshallnotbe
systems and their controls.
less than 25 mm (0.98 in.).
3.1.23 shear point, n—location at which parts move past
5.1.2 If third party access is prevented by the user’s body
one another or past a fixed point in such a manner that, when
position, and where the user is able to immediately stop the
entered, causes a portion of the body to become entrapped in a
movement, the distance shall not be less than 25 mm (0.98 in.).
scissors action between the components.
5.1.3 Open and obvious stops are excluded. However, if the
3.1.24 site specific label, n—a label designed within the
stop is physically part of the moving user means, then it shall
scope of this specification and Specification F 1749 which is
pass no closer than 25 mm (0.98 in.) to any fixed frame
affixed to a portion of the strength equipment and draws
members throughout its range of travel.
attention to a potential hazard in the immediate area of the
5.2 Adjustment and Locking Means—All adjustment and
locking means shall function securely at all adjustment posi-
3.1.25 stationary training equipment, n—equipment that is
tions. The possibility of inadvertent disengagement shall be
used to exercise or to train muscles or muscle groups that does
reduced by spring retention, clamps, or other means.
not travel or move across the ground as a unit during use.
5.2.1 Adjustment knobs and levers shall not interfere with
3.1.26 third party, n—someoneotherthantheuserwhoisin
the user’s range of movement.
the immediate area of the fitness equipment when it is in use.
5.3 Handgrips/Foot Support:
5.3.1 Integral Handgrips—Integral handgrips, if required
4. Design and Construction Requirements
for proper use as defined by the manufacturer,

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