Standard Test Method for Open-Hole Tensile Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic Composites

5.1 Open-hole tests of composites are used for material and design development for the engineering application of composite materials (5-11). The presence of an open hole in a composite component reduces the cross-sectional area available to carry an applied force, creates stress concentrations, and creates new edges where delamination may occur. Standardized open-hole tests for composite materials can provide useful information about how a composite material may perform in an open-hole application and how to design the composite for notches and holes.  
5.2 The test method defines two baseline test specimen geometries and a test procedure for producing comparable, reproducible OHT test data. The test method is designed to produce OHT strength data for structural design allowables, material specifications, material development and comparison, material characterization, and quality assurance. The mechanical properties that may be calculated from this test method include:  
5.2.1 The open-hole (notched) tensile strength (SOHTx) for test specimen with a hole diameter x (mm).  
5.2.2 The net section tensile strength (SNSx) for a test specimen with a hole diameter x (mm).  
5.2.3 The proportional limit stress (σ0) for an OHT specimen with a given hole diameter.  
5.2.4 The stress response of the OHT test specimen, as shown by the stress-time or stress-displacement plot.  
5.3 Open-hole tensile tests provide information on the strength and deformation of materials with defined through-holes under uniaxial tensile stresses. Material factors that influence the OHT composite strength include the following: material composition, methods of composite fabrication, reinforcement architecture (including reinforcement volume, tow filament count and end-count, architecture structure, and laminate stacking sequence), and porosity content. Test specimen factors of influence are: specimen geometry (including hole diameter, width-to-diameter ratio, and diameter-to-thickness rati...
1.1 This test method determines the open-hole (notched) tensile strength of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composite (CMC) test specimens with a single through-hole of defined diameter (either 6 mm or 3 mm). The open-hole tensile (OHT) test method determines the effect of the single through-hole on the tensile strength and stress response of continuous fiber-reinforced CMCs at ambient temperature. The OHT strength can be compared to the tensile strength of an unnotched test specimen to determine the effect of the defined open hole on the tensile strength and the notch sensitivity of the CMC material. If a material is notch sensitive, then the OHT strength of a material varies with the size of the through-hole. Commonly, larger holes introduce larger stress concentrations and reduce the OHT strength.  
1.2 This test method defines two baseline OHT test specimen geometries and a test procedure, based on Test Methods C1275 and D5766/D5766M. A flat, straight-sided ceramic composite test specimen with a defined laminate fiber architecture contains a single through-hole (either 6 mm or 3 mm in diameter), centered by length and width in the defined gage section (Fig. 1). A uniaxial, monotonic tensile test is performed along the defined test reinforcement axis at ambient temperature, measuring the applied force versus time/displacement in accordance with Test Method C1275. Measurement of the gage length extension/strain is optional, using extensometer/displacement transducers. Bonded strain gages are optional for measuring localized strains and assessing bending strains in the gage section.
FIG. 1 OHT Test Specimens A and B  
1.3 The open-hole tensile strength (SOHTx) for the defined hole diameter x (mm) is the calculated ultimate tensile strength based on the maximum applied force and the gross cross-sectional area, disregarding the presence of the hole, per common aerospace practice (see 4.4). The net section ...

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ASTM C1869-18(2023) - Standard Test Method for Open-Hole Tensile Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Advanced Ceramic Composites
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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: C1869 − 18 (Reapproved 2023)
Standard Test Method for
Open-Hole Tensile Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Advanced
Ceramic Composites
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1869; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope strength (S ) is also calculated as a second strength property,
accounting for the effect of the hole on the cross-sectional area
1.1 This test method determines the open-hole (notched)
of the test specimen.
tensile strength of continuous fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix
1.4 This test method applies primarily to ceramic matrix
composite (CMC) test specimens with a single through-hole of
defined diameter (either 6 mm or 3 mm). The open-hole tensile composites with continuous fiber reinforcement in multiple
directions. The CMC material is typically a fiber-reinforced,
(OHT) test method determines the effect of the single through-
hole on the tensile strength and stress response of continuous 2-D, laminated composite in which the laminate is balanced
and symmetric with respect to the test direction. Composites
fiber-reinforced CMCs at ambient temperature. The OHT
with other types of reinforcement (1-D, 3-D, braided, unbal-
strength can be compared to the tensile strength of an un-
anced) may be tested with this method, with consideration of
notched test specimen to determine the effect of the defined
how the different architectures may affect the notch effect of
open hole on the tensile strength and the notch sensitivity of the
the hole on the OHT strength and the tensile stress-strain
CMC material. If a material is notch sensitive, then the OHT
response. This test method does not directly address discon-
strength of a material varies with the size of the through-hole.
tinuous fiber-reinforced, whisker-reinforced, or particulate-
Commonly, larger holes introduce larger stress concentrations
reinforced ceramics, although the test methods detailed here
and reduce the OHT strength.
may be equally applicable to these composites.
1.2 This test method defines two baseline OHT test speci-
1.5 This test method may be used for a wide range of CMC
men geometries and a test procedure, based on Test Methods
materials with different reinforcement fibers and ceramic
C1275 and D5766/D5766M. A flat, straight-sided ceramic
matrices (oxide-oxide composites, silicon carbide (SiC) fibers
composite test specimen with a defined laminate fiber archi-
in SiC matrices, carbon fibers in SiC matrices, and carbon-
tecture contains a single through-hole (either 6 mm or 3 mm in
carbon composites) and CMCs with different reinforcement
diameter), centered by length and width in the defined gage
architectures. It is also applicable to CMCs with a wide range
section (Fig. 1). A uniaxial, monotonic tensile test is performed
of porosities and densities.
along the defined test reinforcement axis at ambient
temperature, measuring the applied force versus time/
1.6 Annex A1 and Appendix X1 address how test specimens
displacement in accordance with Test Method C1275. Mea-
with different geometries and hole diameters may be prepared
surement of the gage length extension/strain is optional, using
and tested to determine how those changes will modify the
extensometer/displacement transducers. Bonded strain gages
OHT strength properties, determine the notch sensitivity, and
are optional for measuring localized strains and assessing
affect the stress-strain response.
bending strains in the gage section.
1.7 The test method may be adapted for elevated tempera-
1.3 The open-hole tensile strength (S ) for the defined
ture OHT testing by modifying the test equipment, specimens,
hole diameter x (mm) is the calculated ultimate tensile strength
and procedures per Test Method C1359 and as described in
based on the maximum applied force and the gross cross-
Appendix X2. The test method may also be adapted for
sectional area, disregarding the presence of the hole, per
environmental testing (controlled atmosphere/humidity at
common aerospace practice (see 4.4). The net section tensile
moderate (<300 °C) temperatures) of the OHT properties by
the use of an environmental test chamber, per 7.6.
1.8 Values expressed in this test method are in accordance
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C28 on
with the International System of Units (SI) and IEEE/ASTM SI
Advanced Ceramics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C28.07 on

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