ASTM D5231-92(1998)
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Determination of the Composition of Unprocessed Municipal Solid Waste
Standard Test Method for Determination of the Composition of Unprocessed Municipal Solid Waste
1.1 This test method describes procedures for measuring the composition of unprocessed municipal solid waste (MSW) by employing manual sorting. This test method applies to determination of the mean composition of MSW based on the collection and manual sorting of a number of samples of waste over a selected time period covering a minimum of one week.
1.2 This test method includes procedures for the collection of a representative sorting sample of unprocessed waste, manual sorting of the waste into individual waste components, data reduction, and reporting of the results.
1.3 This test method may be applied at landfill sites, waste processing and conversion facilities, and transfer stations.
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard statements, see Section 6.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Designation: D 5231 – 92 (Reapproved 1998)
Standard Test Method for
Determination of the Composition of Unprocessed
Municipal Solid Waste
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5231; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2.1.5 waste component—a category of solid waste, com-
posed of materials of similar physical properties and chemical
1.1 This test method describes procedures for measuring the
composition, which is used to define the composition of solid
composition of unprocessed municipal solid waste (MSW) by
waste, for example, ferrous, glass, newsprint, yard waste,
employing manual sorting. This test method applies to deter-
aluminum, etc.
mination of the mean composition of MSW based on the
collection and manual sorting of a number of samples of waste
3. Summary of Test Method
over a selected time period covering a minimum of one week.
3.1 The number of samples to be sorted is calculated based
1.2 This test method includes procedures for the collection
on statistical criteria selected by the investigators.
of a representative sorting sample of unprocessed waste,
3.2 Vehicle loads of waste are designated for sampling, and
manual sorting of the waste into individual waste components,
a sorting sample is collected from the discharged vehicle load.
data reduction, and reporting of the results.
3.3 The sample is sorted manually into waste components.
1.3 This test method may be applied at landfill sites, waste
The weight fraction of each component in the sorting sample is
processing and conversion facilities, and transfer stations.
calculated from the weights of the components.
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
3.4 The mean waste composition is calculated using the
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
results of the composition of each of the sorting samples.
information only.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
4. Significance and Use
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
4.1 Waste composition information has widespread applica-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
tions and can be used for activities such as solid waste
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
planning, designing waste management facilities, and estab-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard
lishing a reference waste composition for use as a baseline
statements, see Section 6.
standard in both facility contracts and acceptance test plans.
2. Terminology 4.2 The method can be used to define and report the
composition of MSW through the selection and manual sorting
2.1 Definitions:
of waste samples. Where applicable, care should be taken to
2.1.1 composite item—an object in the waste composed of
consider the source and seasonal variation of waste.
multiple waste components or dissimilar materials, such as
4.3 After performing a waste composition analysis, labora-
disposable diapers, bi-metal beverage containers, electrical
tory analyses may be performed on representative samples of
conductors composed of metallic wire encased in plastic
waste components, or mixtures of waste components, for
insulation, etc.
purposes related to the planning, management, design, testing,
2.1.2 solid waste composition or waste composition—the
and operation of resource recovery facilities.
characterization of solid waste as represented by a breakdown
of the mixture into specified waste components on the basis of
5. Apparatus
mass fraction or of weight percent.
5.1 Metal, Plastic, or Fiber Containers, sufficient for stor-
2.1.3 sorting sample—a 200 to 300-lb (91 to 136-kg)
ing and weighing each waste component, labeled accordingly.
portion deemed to represent the characteristics of a vehicle
For components that will have a substantial moisture content
load of MSW.
(for example, food waste), metal or plastic containers are
2.1.4 unprocessed municipal solid waste—solid waste in its
recommended in order to avoid absorption of moisture by the
discarded form, that is, waste that has not been size reduced or
container and thus the need for a substantial number of
otherwise processed.
weighings to maintain an accurate tare weight for the container.
5.2 Mechanical or Electronic Weigh Scale, with a capacity
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D34 on Waste
of at least 200 lb (91 kg) and precision of at least 0.1 lb (0.045
Disposal and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D34.01.06 on Analytical
Current edition approved July 31, 1992. Published September 1992.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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D 5231
5.3 Heavy-Duty Tarps, Shovels, Rakes, Push Brooms, Dust Weights of 200 to 300 lb (91 to 136 kg) for sorting samples of
Pans, Hand Brooms, Magnets, Sorting Table, First Aid Kit, unprocessed solid waste are recommended. The number of
Miscellaneous Small Tools, Traffıc Cones, Traffıc Vests, Leather samples is determined using the calculational method de-
Gloves, Hardhats, Safety Glasses, and Leather Boots. scribed in 9.1.
8.5 A comprehensive list of waste components for sorting is
6. Hazards
given in Table 1. A description of some of the waste component
6.1 Review the hazards and procedures with the operating
categories is given in Table 2. Other waste components can be
and sorting personnel prior to conducting the field activities. defined and sorted, depending on the purpose of the waste
6.2 Sharp objects, such as nails, razor blades, hypodermic
composition determination. The list in Table 1 is comprised of
needles, and pieces of glass, are present in solid waste. those components most commonly used to define and report
Personnel should be instructed of this danger, and they should
the composition of solid waste. It is recommended that, at a
brush waste particles aside while sorting rather than projecting minimum, the complement of left-justified categories in Table
their hands with force into the mixture. Personnel handling and
1 be sorted. Similar breakdowns of solid waste composition are
sorting solid waste should wear appropriate protection, such as therefore available for purposes of comparison, if desired.
heavy leather gloves, dust masks, hardhats, safety glasses, and
Label the storage containers accordingly.
safety boots. 8.6 Vehicles for sampling shall be selected at random during
6.3 During the processes of unloading waste from collection
each day of the one-week sampling period, or so as to be
vehicles and handling waste with heavy equipment, projectiles representative of the waste stream as agreed upon by the
may issue from the mass of waste. The projectiles can include
affected parties. With respect to the random selection of
flying glass particles from breaking glass containers and metal
vehicles, any method is acceptable that does not introduce a
lids from plastic and metal containers that burst under pressure bias into the selection. An acceptable method is the use of a
when run over by heavy equipment. The problem is particu-
random number generator. For a weekly sampling period of k
larly severe when the waste handling surface is of high days, the number of vehicles sampled each day shall be
compressive strength, for example, concrete. Personnel should
approximately n/k, where n is the total number of vehicle loads
be informed of this danger and wear eye and head protection if to be selected for the determination of waste composition. A
in the vicinity of either the collection vehicle unloading point
weekly period is defined as 5 to 7 days.
or heavy equipment, or both. 8.7 Direct the designated vehicle containing the load of
6.4 Select a location for the discharge of designated loads,
waste to the area secured for discharge of the load and
manual sorting activities, and weighing operations that is flat, collection of the sorting sample.
level, and away from the normal waste handling and process-
8.8 Collect any required information from the vehicle op-
ing areas. erator before the vehicle leaves the discharge area. Direct the
6.5 Weigh storage containers each day, or more frequently,
vehicle operator to discharge the load onto the clean surface in
if necessary, in order to maintain an accounting of the tare one contiguous pile, that is, to avoid gaps in the discharged
load in order to facilitate collection of the samples.
3 3
6.6 Loss of mass from the sorting sample can occur through 8.9 Using a front-end loader with at least a 1-yd (0.765-m )
the evaporation of water. Samples should thus be sorted as
bucket, remove the material longitudinally along one entire
soon as possible after collection. side of the discharged load in order to obtain a representative
6.7 Containers of liquids or other potentially dangerous
cross-section of the material. The mass of material shall be
wastes shall be put aside and handled by the crew chief. sufficient to form a mass of material which, on a visual basis,
is at least four times the desired weight of the sorting sample
7. Calibration
(that is, approximately 1000 lb (454 kg)). Mix, cone, and
7.1 All weigh scale equipment shall be calibrated according
quarter the material, and select one quarter to be the sorting
to the manufacturer’s instructions. Take appropriate corrective
sample, using a random method of selection or a sequence
action if the readings are different from those of the calibration
agreed by all affected parties, for the purpose of eliminating or
minimizing biasing of the sample. If an oversize item (for
8. Procedure
TABLE 1 List of Waste Component Categories
8.1 Secure a flat and level area for discharge of the vehicle
Mixed paper Other organics
load. The surface should be swept clean or covered with a
High-grade paper Ferrous
clean, durable tarp prior to discharge of the load. Computer printout Cans
Other office paper Other ferrous
8.2 Position the scale on a clean, flat, level surface and
Newsprint Aluminum
adjust the level of the scale if necessary. Determine the
Corrugated Cans
accuracy and operation of the scale with a known (that is, Plastic Foil
PET bottles Other aluminum
reference) weight.
HDPE bottles Glass
8.3 Weigh all empty storage containers and record the tare
Film Clear
weights. Other plastic Brown
Yard waste Green
8.4 Determine the number of samples to be sorted. The
Food waste Other inorganics
determination is a function of the waste components to be
sorted and the desired precision as applied to each component.
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D 5231
TABLE 2 Descriptions of Some Waste Component Categories
labeled“ other non-combustible” or “other combustible,” as
Category Description appropriate.
8.13 Sorting continues until the maximum particle size of
Mixed paper Office paper, computer paper, magazines, glossy paper,
waxed paper, and other paper not fitting the categories
the remaining waste particles is approximately 0.5 in. (12.7
of newsprint and corrugated
mm). At this point, apportion the remaining particles into the
Newsprint Newspaper
storage containers corresponding to the waste components
Corrugated Corrugated medium, corrugated boxes or cartons, and
brown (kraft) paper (that is, corrugated) bags
represented in the remaining mixture. The apportionment shall
Plastic All plastics
be accomplished by making a visual estimate of the mass
Yard waste Branches, twigs, leaves, grass, and other plant material
fraction of waste components represented in the remaining
Food waste All food waste except bones
Wood Lumber, wood products, pallets, and furniture
Other organics/ Textiles, rubber, leather, and other primarily burnable
8.14 Record the gross weights of the storage containers and
combustibles materials not included in the above component
of any waste items sorted but not stored in containers. The data
Ferrous Iron, steel, tin cans, and bi-metal cans
sheet shown in Fig. 1 can be used to record both gross and tare
Aluminum Aluminum, aluminum cans, and aluminum foil
Glass All glass
Other inorganics/ Rock, sand, dirt, ceramics, plaster, non-ferrous non- 8.15 After recording the gross weights, empty the storage
non-combustibles aluminum metals (copper, brass, etc.), and bones
containers and weigh them again, if appropriate. Re-weighing
example, water heater) composes a large weight percent of the
sorting sample, add a notation on the data sheet and weigh it,
if possible. Unprocessed solid waste is a heterogeneous mix-
ture of materials. Care must thus be taken during application of
the procedures for sample collection in order to obtain a
representative sample.
8.10 One sorting sample is selected from each collection
vehicle load designated for sampling. All handling and ma-
nipulation of the discharged load and longitudinal and sorting
samples shall be conducted on previously cleaned surfaces. If
necessary, remove the sorting sample to a secured manual
sorting area. The sorting sample may be placed on a clean table
for sorting for the convenience of the sorting personnel. The
sorting area shall be a previously cleaned, flat, level surface.
8.11 Position the storage containers around the sorting
sample. Empty all containers from the sorting sample, such as
capped jars, paper bags, and plastic bags of their contents.
Segregate each waste item and place it in the appropriate
storage container.
8.12 In the case of composite items found in the waste,
separate the individual materials where practical, and place the
individual materials into the appropriate storage containers.
Where impractical, segregate the composite items for classifi-
cation by the crew chief according to the following order:
8.12.1 If there are many identical composite items (for
example, plastic-sheathed aluminum electrical conductor),
place them into the waste component containers corresponding
to the materials present in the item, and in the approximate
proportions according to the estimated mass fraction of each
material in the item.
8.12.2 If there are only a few of the identical composite
item, place them in the storage container corresponding to the
material that
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