Standard Test Method for Application and Analysis of Solid State Track Recorder (SSTR) Monitors for Reactor Surveillance, E706(IIIB)

1.1 This test method describes the use of solid-state track recorders (SSTR) for neutron dosimetry in light-water reactor (LWR) applications. These applications extend from low neutron fluence to high neutron fluence, including high power pressure vessel surveillance and test reactor irradiations as well as low power benchmark field measurement. (1) This test method replaces Method E418. This test method is more detailed and special attention is given to the use of state-of-the-art manual and automated track counting methods to attain high absolute accuracies. In-situ dosimetry in actual high fluence-high temperature LWR environs is emphasized.
1.2 This test method includes SSTR analysis by both manual and automated methods. To attain a desired accuracy, the track scanning method selected places limits on the allowable track density. Typically good results are obtained in the range of 5 to 500 000 tracks/cm and accurate results at higher track densities have been demonstrated for some cases. (2) Track density and other factors place limits on the applicability of the SSTR method at high fluences. Special care must be exerted when measuring neutron fluences (E>1MeV) above 10 n/cm.
1.3 High fluence limitations exist. These limitations are discussed in detail in Section 13 and in references (3-5). 1.4 SSTR observations provide time-integrated reaction rates. Therefore, SSTR are truly passive-fluence detectors. They provide permanent records of dosimetry experiments without the need for time-dependent corrections, such as decay factors that arise with radiometric monitors.
1.5 Since SSTR provide a spatial record of the time-integrated reaction rate at a microscopic level, they can be used for "fine-structure" measurements. For example, spatial distributions of isotopic fission rates can be obtained at very high resolution with SSTR.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address the safety problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM E854-03 - Standard Test Method for Application and Analysis of Solid State Track Recorder (SSTR) Monitors for Reactor Surveillance, E706(IIIB)
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Designation: E 854 – 03
Standard Test Method for
Application and Analysis of Solid State Track Recorder
(SSTR) Monitors for Reactor Surveillance, E706(IIIB)
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E854; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health
practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-
1.1 This test method describes the use of solid-state track
tions prior to use.
recorders (SSTRs) for neutron dosimetry in light-water reactor
(LWR) applications. These applications extend from low
2. Referenced Documents
neutron fluence to high neutron fluence, including high power
2.1 ASTM Standards:
E418 Method for Fast-Neutron Measurements by Track-
as low power benchmark field measurement. (1) This test
Etch Techniques
method replaces Method E418. This test method is more
E844 Guide for Sensor Set Design and Irradiation for
detailed and special attention is given to the use of state-of-
Reactor Surveillance, E706 (IIC)
the-art manual and automated track counting methods to attain
high absolute accuracies. In-situ dosimetry in actual high
3. Summary of Test Method
fluence-high temperature LWR applications is emphasized.
3.1 SSTR are usually placed in firm surface contact with a
1.2 This test method includes SSTR analysis by both
fissionable nuclide that has been deposited on a pure nonfis-
manual and automated methods. To attain a desired accuracy,
sionable metal substrate (backing). This typical SSTR geom-
the track scanning method selected places limits on the
etry is depicted in Fig. 1. Neutron-induced fission produces
allowable track density. Typically good results are obtained in
latent fission-fragment tracks in the SSTR. These tracks may
the range of 5 to 800 000 tracks/cm and accurate results at
be developed by chemical etching to a size that is observable
higher track densities have been demonstrated for some cases.
with an optical microscope. Microphotographs of etched fis-
(2) Track density and other factors place limits on the appli-
cability of the SSTR method at high fluences. Special care
be seen in Fig. 2.
must be exerted when measuring neutron fluences (E>1MeV)
16 2 3.1.1 While the conventional SSTR geometry depicted in
above 10 n/cm . (3)
Fig. 1 is not mandatory, it does possess distinct advantages for
1.3 High fluence limitations exist. These limitations are
dosimetry applications. In particular, it provides the highest
discussed in detail in Section 13 and in references (3-5).
efficiency and sensitivity while maintaining a fixed and easily
1.4 SSTR observations provide time-integrated reaction
reproducible geometry.
rates. Therefore, SSTR are truly passive-fluence detectors.
3.1.2 Thetrackdensity(thatis,thenumberoftracksperunit
They provide permanent records of dosimetry experiments
area) is proportional to the fission density (that is, the number
of fissions per unit area). The fission density is, in turn,
factors that arise with radiometric monitors.
proportional to the exposure fluence experienced by the SSTR.
1.5 Since SSTR provide a spatial record of the time-
The existence of nonuniformity in the fission deposit or the
presence of neutron flux gradients can produce non-uniform
for “fine-structure” measurements. For example, spatial distri-
track density. Conversely, with fission deposits of proven
butions of isotopic fission rates can be obtained at very high
uniformity, gradients of the neutron field can be investigated
resolution with SSTR.
with very high spatial resolution.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address the safety
3.2 The total uncertainty of SSTR fission rates is comprised
problems associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the
of two independent sources.These two error components arise
from track counting uncertainties and fission-deposit mass
Technology and Applicationsand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
E10.05on Nuclear Radiation Metrology.
Current edition approved Feb. 10, 2003. Published March 2003. Originally Discontinued; see 1983 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.02.
approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as E854–98. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.02.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Cons

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