Standard Terminology of Appearance

1.1 This terminology standard defines terms used in the description of appearance, including but not limited to color, gloss, opacity, scattering, texture, and visibility of both materials (ordinary, fluorescent, retroreflective) and light sources (including visual display units).
1.2 It is the policy of ASTM Committee E12 on Appearance that this terminology standard include important terms and definitions explicit to the scope, whether or not the terms are currently used in an ASTM standard. Terms that are in common use and appear in common-language dictionaries (see Refs (1-4)) are generally not included, except when the dictionaries show multiple definitions and it seems desirable to indicate the definitions recommended for E12 standards.
1.3 The usage of terms describing appearance varies considerably. In some cases, different usage of a term in different fields has been noted.

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ASTM E284-00 - Standard Terminology of Appearance
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Designation: E 284 – 00
Standard Terminology of
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 284; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Appearance, including the appearance of objects, materials, and light sources, is of importance in
many arts, industries, and scientific disciplines. Appearance terms are used in a wide range of ASTM
standards as well as other documents of concern in standardization, testing, and specification. The
purpose of this terminology standard is to define terms relating to the description of appearance.
Definitions are of two distinctly different kinds. A descriptive definition reports existing usage,
whereas a prescriptive definition is an invitation to use a term in a specific way. By agreement of
ASTM Committee E-12 on Appearance, the definitions in this terminology standard are taken to be
prescriptive in nature. Committee E-12 thereby assumes a position of leadership in usage.
Terms and definitions in several terminology standards and vocabularies other than ASTM (see
References), as well as other ASTM terminology standards, have been considered for inclusion in this
terminology standard. An effort has been made to achieve greater accuracy, brevity, clarity, precision,
and internal consistency, and to draw distinctions that are useful in the practical measurement and
specification of appearance.
Suggestions for additions or revisions to this terminology standard are welcome.
1. Scope cal committees. Its use by committees other than Committee
E-12 on Appearance, and its citation in the standards of such
1.1 This terminology standard defines terms used in the
committees, is encouraged.
description of appearance, including but not limited to color,
2.2 In this terminology standard, definitions of terms used in
gloss, opacity, scattering, texture, and visibility of both mate-
other ASTM standards are indicated by placing the designation
rials (ordinary, fluorescent, retroreflective) and light sources
of that standard in parentheses at the end of the definition.
(including visual display units).
Definitions used by other organizations (see Refs (5–7)) are
1.2 It is the policy of ASTM Committee E-12 on Appear-
indicated similarly by placing in parentheses at the end of the
ance that this terminology standard include important terms
definition the acronym of the organization, occasionally with
and definitions explicit to the scope, whether or not the terms
the date of its terminology standard quoted. In either case, a
are currently used in an ASTM standard. Terms that are in
superscript letter may be used to indicate the degree of
common use and appear in common-language dictionaries (see
correspondence between the definition given herein and that in
Refs (1–4) ) are generally not included, except when the
the citation. Superscript A indicates that the two are identical;
dictionaries show multiple definitions and it seems desirable to
B that the given definition is a modification of that cited, with
indicate the definitions recommended for E 12 standards.
little difference in essential meaning; and C that the two differ
1.3 The usage of terms describing appearance varies con-
siderably. In some cases, different usage of a term in different
2.3 A further parenthetical inclusion at the end of the
fields has been noted.
definition gives the revision, if after 1981, in which the
2. Significance and Use
definition was added to this terminology standard or last
revised. An appendix at the end of this terminology standard
2.1 This terminology standard contains definitions of ap-
lists changes in it since its last previous revision published in
pearance terms applicable to the work of many ASTM techni-
the Annual Book of ASTM Standards.
2.4 Where appropriate, symbols or acronyms are listed for
These definitions are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E12 on Color
terms in this terminology standard. Since usage varies, these
and Appearance and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E12.01 on
Terminology. listings should be considered as recommendations, not as
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 2000. Published June 2001. Originally
mandatory. If a different symbol or acronym is used in another
published as E 284 – 66 T. Last previous edition E 284 – 99a.
ASTM standard, this should be indicated in that standard.
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
2.5 In the 1990 edition of this terminology standard, a great
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Uni

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