Standard Specification for Color Coding of Laboratory Pipets with Multiple Graduations, 0.1 mL and Larger, But Excluding Disposable Prothrombin and Disposable Micropipets

This specification establishes a color-coding system for indicating capacity and identifying subdivisions in disposable glass and plastic laboratory pipets with multiple graduations, but excluding disposable prothrombin and disposable micropipets. This specification intends to ensure that when color coding is utilized, all manufacturers will be encouraged to use the same color for nominal value identification. Besides the colors to be used, requirements for durability, style, and location are also presented.
1.1 This specification provides a system for color coding disposable pipets (glass and plastic) with multiple graduations. The color will indicate capacity and subdivisions for identification purposes.
1.2 The intent of this specification is to ensure that when color coding is utilized, all manufacturers will be encouraged to use the same color for nominal value identification.

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ASTM E1380-90(2005) - Standard Specification for Color Coding of Laboratory Pipets with Multiple Graduations, 0.1 mL and Larger, But Excluding Disposable Prothrombin and Disposable Micropipets
English language
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: E1380 – 90 (Reapproved 2005)
Standard Specification for
Color Coding of Laboratory Pipets with Multiple
Graduations, 0.1 mL and Larger, But Excluding Disposable
Prothrombin and Disposable Micropipets
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1380; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
TABLE 1 Color Coding
1. Scope
1.1 This specification provides a system for color coding NOTE 1—The above mentioned color codes are consistent with Speci-
fication E1273.
disposable pipets (glass and plastic) with multiple graduations.
The color will indicate capacity and subdivisions for identifi- Nominal Vol-
Sub-division mL Color Code
ume mL
cation purposes.
0.1 0.001 2 green
1.2 The intent of this specification is to ensure that when
0.005 1 red
color coding is utilized, all manufacturers will be encouraged
0.01 1 white
to use the same color for nominal value identification.
0.05 2orange
0.125 0.0125 2 yellow
0.2 0.001 2 blue
2. Referenced Documents
0.002 2 white
2.1 ASTM Standards:
0.01 1 black
0.1 1orange
E1273 Specification for Color Coding of Reusable Labora-
0.5 0.005 1 green
tory Pipets
0.01 2 yellow
0.02 2 red
3. General Requirements
0.05 2 black
0.25 2 green
3.1 Colors shall be as specified in Table 1.
1 0.01 1 yellow
3.2 Durability—Disposable pipet coding shall be as durable
0.05 2 green
0.1 1 red
as the graduations of the pipet. (Any institution or individual
1.1 0.5,1.0,1.1 1 purple
who reuses a disposable product must bear full responsibility
1.5 0.01 2 red
for its safety and effectiveness).
2 0.01 2 white
0.02 1 black
4. Style 0.05 2orange
0.1 1 green
4.1 Each pipet may be color coded by one or more of the
2.2 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2 1 black
3 0.01 2 blue
following methods:
5 0.05 1 red
4.1.1 A single or double color band. The single color band
0.1 1 blue
shall be 6 to 10 mm wide and the double color bands shall be
10 0.1 1orange
0.2 2orange
3 to 5 mm wide and separated by a clear space of 2 to 3 mm.
15 0.1 2 green
Color bands need not be continuous, but may be broken as long
20 0.1 2 yellow
as 40 % of the circumference of the pipet is covered.
25 0.1 1 white
0.2 1 green
4.1.2 Colored plugging material.
50 0.1 2orange
4.1.3 Permanent color constituent (ingredient) of the pipet
0.2 1 black
0.5 1 purple
100 0.2 1 red
This specification is under

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