Agricultural machinery - Manure spreaders - Safety

This European Standard, to be used together with EN ISO 4254-1, specifies the safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of self-propelled, mounted, semi-mounted and trailed manure spreaders, provided with vertical or horizontal axes rotors rear spreader device or with vertical axes disc rear spreader device. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices to be provided by the manufacturer.
When requirements of this document are different from those which are stated in EN ISO 4254-1, the requirements of this document take precedence over the requirements of EN ISO 4254-1 for machines that have been designed and built according the provisions of this document.
This European Standard, taken together with EN ISO 4254-1, deals with all the significant hazards, hazardous situations and events relevant to manure spreaders, when they are used as intended and under the conditions of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Table 1), excepting the hazards arising from:
-   vibrations of self-propelled machinery;
-   travelling function of self-propelled machinery;
-   overturning in regard to the protection of the operator at the driving station of a self-propelled machine;
-   hazards related to conveying devices other than those defined in 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, for example load push/push-off device.
NOTE 1   Regarding roll-over protection for self-propelled agricultural machinery, see EN ISO 16231-1.
NOTE 2   This European Standard is neither applicable to environmental hazards nor to road safety. Environmental aspects are dealt with in EN 13080.
This European Standard does not apply to manure spreaders with laterally mounted spreading device as defined in 3.6.
This European Standard is not applicable to manure spreaders which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN.

Landmaschinen - Stalldungstreuer - Sicherheit

Diese Europäische Norm, gemeinsam mit EN ISO 4254-1 angewendet, enthält sicherheitstechnische Anforde-rungen und deren Überprüfung für Gestaltung und Konstruktion von selbstfahrenden, angebauten und gezogenen Stalldungstreuern mit nach hinten auswerfenden senkrechten oder waagerechten Streuwalzen oder mit nach hinten auswerfenden Streuscheiben mit senkrechter Achse. Außerdem gibt sie Informationen über sicheres Arbeiten, die vom Hersteller zur Verfügung zu stellen sind.
Wenn Anforderungen dieses Dokuments von den Anforderungen in EN ISO 4254-1 abweichen, haben die Anforderungen dieses Dokuments Vorrang gegenüber den Anforderungen von EN ISO 4254-1 für Maschinen, die nach den Bestimmungen dieses Dokuments konzipiert und gebaut worden sind.
Dieses Dokument, gemeinsam mit ISO 4254-1 angewendet, behandelt alle signifikanten Gefährdungen, Gefährdungssituationen und Gefährdungsereignisse von Stalldungstreuern, wenn sie wie beabsichtigt und unter den Bedingungen der vom Hersteller vernünftigerweise vorhersehbaren Fehlanwendung verwendet werden (siehe Tabelle 1), mit Ausnahme der Gefährdungen durch:
-   Schwingungen von selbstfahrenden Maschinen;
-   Fahren von selbstfahrenden Maschinen;
-   Überschlagen in Bezug auf den Schutz der Bedienungsperson am Fahrerplatz einer selbstfahrenden Maschine.
ANMERKUNG 1   In Bezug auf den Umsturzschutz von selbstfahrenden Landmaschinen siehe prEN ISO/DIS 16231, in Vorbereitung.
ANMERKUNG 2   Dieses Dokument gilt weder für Umweltgefährdungen, noch für Straßenverkehrssicherheit. Umweltaspekte sind in EN 13080 behandelt.
Dieses Dokument gilt nicht für Stalldungstreuer mit seitlich angebautem Streuwerk, wie in 3.6 definiert.
Dieses Dokument gilt nicht für Stalldungstreuer, die vor dem Datum der Veröffentlichung dieses Dokuments durch CEN hergestellt wurden.

Matériel agricole - Epandeurs de fumier - Sécurité

La présente Norme européenne, à utiliser en parallèle avec l’EN ISO 4254-1, spécifie les exigences de sécurité ainsi que les vérifications concernant la conception et la fabrication d’épandeurs de fumier automoteurs, portés, semi-portés et traînés, équipés d'un dispositif d’épandage vers l'arrière à hérisson vertical ou horizontal, ou d'un dispositif d'épandage arrière à disque à axe horizontal. En outre, elle spécifie le type d’informations que le fabricant doit fournir sur les pratiques d’utilisation sans danger.
Lorsque des exigences du présent document sont différentes de celles établies dans l'EN ISO 4254-1, les exigences du présent document prennent le pas sur celles de l'EN ISO 4254-1 pour les machines conçues et fabriquées selon les dispositions du présent document.
La présente Norme européenne, associée à l'EN ISO 4254-1, traite de tous les phénomènes dangereux, de toutes les situations et événements dangereux significatifs, en rapport avec les épandeurs de fumier, lorsque ceux-ci sont utilisés selon l'usage prévu et dans les conditions de mauvais usage raisonnablement prévisibles par le fabricant (voir Tableau 1), à l'exception des phénomènes dangereux découlant :
   vibrations des machines automotrices ;
   de la fonction de déplacement de la machine automotrice ;
    de retournement pour ce qui concerne la protection de l’opérateur au poste de conduite d'une machine automotrice ;
   des dispositifs de convoyage autres que ceux définis en 3.3.1 et 3.3.2, par exemple, fond poussant.
NOTE 1   Concernant la protection contre le retournement des machines automotrices, voir EN ISO 16231-1.
NOTE 2   La présente Norme européenne ne traite ni les phénomènes environnementaux ni la sécurité routière. Les aspects environnementaux sont couverts par l’EN 13080.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux épandeurs de fumier avec dispositif d’épandage monté latéralement tel que défini en 3.6.
Le présent document ne s’applique pas aux épandeurs de fumier fabriqués avant la date de publication de ce document par le CEN.

Kmetijski stroji - Trosilniki hlevskega gnoja - Varnost

Ta evropski standard, ki se uporablja skupaj s standardom EN ISO 4254-1, določa varnostne zahteve in njihovo preverjanje za projektiranje ter konstrukcijo samognanih, priklopnih, polpriklopnih in vlečenih trosilnikov hlevskega gnoja z zadnjo trosilno napravo z rotorji z navpičnimi ali vodoravnimi osmi ali z zadnjo trosilno napravo z diskom z navpičnimi osmi. Poleg tega določa vrsto podatkov glede varnih delovnih postopkov, ki jih mora zagotoviti proizvajalec. Če se zahteve tega dokumenta razlikujejo od zahtev, navedenih v standardu EN ISO 4254-1, imajo zahteve tega dokumenta prednost pred zahtevami standarda EN ISO 4254-1 za stroje, ki so zasnovani in izdelani v skladu z določbami tega dokumenta. Ta evropski standard skupaj s standardom EN ISO 4254-1 obravnava vse večje nevarnosti, nevarne razmere in primere, ki se nanašajo na trosilnike hlevskega gnoja, kadar se uporabljajo v skladu z namembnostjo in pod pogoji pričakovane nepravilne uporabe, kot jih je predvidel proizvajalec (glej preglednico 1), razen nevarnosti, ki jih povzročajo: – vibriranje samognanih strojev; – funkcija premikanja samognanih strojev; – prevračanje v zvezi z zaščito upravljavca na upravljalni postaji samognanega stroja; – nevarnosti, povezane z napravami za prenos, ki niso zajete v točkah 3.3.1 in 3.3.2, na primer naprava za potiskanje/odrivanje bremen.

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EN 690:2014
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 690:1995+A1:2009
Kmetijski stroji - Trosilniki hlevskega gnoja - Varnost
Agricultural machinery - Manure spreaders - Safety
Landmaschinen - Stalldungstreuer - Sicherheit
Matériel agricole - Epandeurs de fumier - Sécurité
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 690:2013
65.060.25 2SUHPD]DVNODGLãþHQMH Equipment for storage,
SULSUDYRLQUD]GHOMHYDQMH preparation and distribution
JQRMLY of fertilizers
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 690
October 2013
ICS 65.060.25 Supersedes EN 690:1994+A1:2009
English Version
Agricultural machinery - Manure spreaders - Safety
Matériel agricole - Epandeurs de fumier - Sécurité Landmaschinen - Stalldungstreuer - Sicherheit
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 14 September 2013.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2013 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 690:2013: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions .6
4 List of significant hazards .7
5 Safety requirements and/or protective measures . 12
5.1 General . 12
5.2 Location of the manual controls . 13
5.3 Prevention of unintentional contact with the moving spreading device . 13
5.3.1 Self-propelled machines . 13
5.3.2 Mounted, semi-mounted and trailed machines . 13
5.4 Protection against projectiles . 13
5.5 Conveyor . 14
5.5.1 Guarding . 14
5.5.2 Adjustment of conveyor . 19
5.6 Means of access . 20
5.7 Removal of the spreading device. 20
5.8 Transmission shafts . 20
5.9 Cleaning . 20
5.10 Special tools . 20
5.11 Noise . 20
5.11.1 Noise reduction by design . 20
5.11.2 Noise reduction by information . 21
5.11.3 Noise emission values . 21
6 Verification of safety requirements or protective measures . 21
7 Information for use . 22
7.1 Operator’s manual . 22
7.2 Safety and instructional signs . 24
7.3 Marking . 25
Annex A (informative) Illustrations of manure spreaders . 26
A.1 Examples of manure spreaders with rear spreading device dealt with in present EN 690 . 26
A.2 Examples of manure spreaders with lateral spreading – not dealt with in present EN 690 . 29
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery . 30
Bibliography . 31

This document (EN 690:2013) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 144 “Tractors and
machinery for agriculture and forestry”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2014, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the
latest by April 2014.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 690:1994+A1:2009.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
The following main changes have been introduced during the revision of EN 690:1994+A1:2009:
 Scope: inclusion of self-propelled, mounted, semi-mounted and trailed manure spreaders, except
spreaders with lateral spreading;
 update of Normative References;
 new requirements on prevention of unintentional contacts with moving spreading device;
 new requirements regarding design for cleaning and maintenance operations;
 new requirements regarding design and guarding of conveyor;
 means of access;
 noise.
According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

This document is a type-C standard as specified in EN ISO 12100.
The machinery concerned and the extent to which hazards, hazardous situations and hazardous events are
covered are indicated in the Scope of this document. These hazards are specific to manure spreaders.
Significant hazards that are common to all the agricultural machines (self-propelled, mounted, semi-mounted
and trailed) are dealt with in EN ISO 4254-1. When provisions of this type C standard are different from those
which are stated in type A or B standards, the provisions of this type C standard take precedence over the
provisions of the other standards, for machines that have been designed and built according to the provisions
of this type C standard.
1 Scope
This European Standard, to be used together with EN ISO 4254-1, specifies the safety requirements and their
verification for the design and construction of self-propelled, mounted, semi-mounted and trailed manure
spreaders, provided with vertical or horizontal axes rotors rear spreader device or with vertical axes disc rear
spreader device. In addition, it specifies the type of information on safe working practices to be provided by
the manufacturer.
When requirements of this document are different from those which are stated in EN ISO 4254-1, the
requirements of this document take precedence over the requirements of EN ISO 4254-1 for machines that
have been designed and built according the provisions of this document.
This European Standard, taken together with EN ISO 4254-1, deals with all the significant hazards, hazardous
situations and events relevant to manure spreaders, when they are used as intended and under the conditions
of misuse which are reasonably foreseeable by the manufacturer (see Table 1), excepting the hazards arising
 vibrations of self-propelled machinery;
 travelling function of self-propelled machinery;
 overturning in regard to the protection of the operator at the driving station of a self-propelled machine;
 hazards related to conveying devices other than those defined in 3.3.1 and 3.3.2, for example load
push/push-off device.
NOTE 1 Regarding roll-over protection for self-propelled agricultural machinery, see EN ISO 16231-1.
NOTE 2 This European Standard is neither applicable to environmental hazards nor to road safety. Environmental
aspects are dealt with in EN 13080.
This European Standard does not apply to manure spreaders with laterally mounted spreading device as
defined in 3.6.
This European Standard is not applicable to manure spreaders which are manufactured before the date of
publication of this document by CEN.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 15811, Agricultural machinery — Guards for moving parts of power transmission — Guard opening with
tool (ISO/TS 28923)
EN ISO 4254-1:2009, Agricultural machinery — Safety — Part 1: General requirements (ISO 4254-1:2008)
EN ISO 5353:1998, Earth-moving machinery, and tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry — Seat
index point (ISO 5353:1995)
EN ISO 11688-1, Acoustics — Recommended practice for the design of low-noise machinery and equipment
– Part 1: Planning (ISO/TR 11688-1)
EN ISO 12100:2010, Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk
reduction (ISO 12100:2010)
EN ISO 13857:2008, Safety of machinery — Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by
upper and lower limbs (ISO 13857:2008)
EN ISO 14982, Agricultural and forestry machinery — Electromagnetic compatibility — Test methods and
acceptance criteria (ISO 14982)
ISO 3600, Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment —
Operator's manuals — Content and presentation
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN ISO 12100:2010 and the following
manure spreader
machine for transporting and spreading manure and/or other mainly non-liquid organic products or soil
improvers (e.g. lime) on the field
Note 1 to entry: See examples in Annex A, Figures A.1, A.2 and A.3.
load body
volume consisting of a platform with three walls and a spreading device at the rear able to contain the product
for its transport and spreading
conveyor device
device able to convey/move/carry the material in the load body to the sprea

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