CR 14380:2003
(Main)Lighting applications - Tunnel lighting
Lighting applications - Tunnel lighting
This standard is valid for all road tunnels and underpasses which are used by the motorised traffic, and which are decided to be lighted.
Eclairagisme - Eclairage des tunnels
Uporaba razsvetljave – Razsvetljava v predorih
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Uporaba razsvetljave – Razsvetljava v predorih
Lighting applications - Tunnel lighting
Eclairagisme - Eclairage des tunnels
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CR 14380:2003
93.060 Gradnja predorov Tunnel construction
93.080.40 &HVWQDUD]VYHWOMDYDLQ Street lighting and related
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
CR 14380
April 2003
English version
Lighting applications - Tunnel lighting
This CEN Report was approved by CEN on 10 November 2001. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 169.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels
© 2003 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CR 14380:2003 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
0 Introduction . 6
1 Scope . 6
2 References. 6
3 Definitions. 6
3.1 Tunnel related zones
3.2 Lighting
3.3 Luminances, illuminances
3.4 Traffic related concepts
4 General aspects of tunnel lighting. 10
4.1 Tunnel conditions
4.1.1 Stopping Distance
4.1.2 Tunnel Lighting Requirements
4.1.3 Traffic composition
4.1.4 Road and Tunnel conditions
4.2 Distinction between long and short tunnels
4.3 Lighting systems and contrast rendition methods
4.3.1 Artificial lighting systems
4.3.2 Screened daylight systems
4.4 Aspects common to the various design methods
4.4.1 Flicker
4.4.2 Glare restriction
4.4.3 Lighting control
4.4.4 Maintenance
5 Lighting of long tunnels. 18
6 Artificial lighting of short tunnels and underpasses . 18
7 Emergency lighting. 19
8 Traffic signals. 19
9 Measurement of tunnel lighting installations . 19
9.1 Quality numbers for tunnel lighting installations
9.2 Measuring fields
9.3 Instruments and methods
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Illumination measurements
9.3.3 Luminance measurements with spot-luminancemeter
9.3.4 Reflection measurements
A.1.1 Luminance level in the threshold zone
A.1.2 Length of the threshold zone
A.1.3 Lighting requirements for the transition zone
A.1.4 Lighting of the interior zone
A.1.5 Lighting of the walls
A.1.6 Uniformity of the road surface luminance
A.1.7 Lighting of the exit zone
A.1.8 Night time lighting
A.1.9 Glare and flicker
A.1.10 Determination of the luminance in the access zone
A.1.10.1 Approximation of L20
A.1.10.2 Determination of L20
A.2.1 The determination of the tunnel class
A.2.2 The lighting of the threshold zone of long tunnels
A.2.3 The length of the threshold and transition zone
A.2.4 The road surface luminance of the interior zone
A.2.5 The exit zone
A.2.6 Non-uniformity of the luminance
A.2.7 The lighting of the tunnel walls
A.2.8 Glare restriction
A.2.9 Restriction of the flicker
A.2.10 Night-time lighting
A.3.1 Introduction
A.3.2 The determination of the required contrast in the threshold zone of a long tunnel
A.3.3 The veiling luminance Lv
A.3.3.1 The determination of the veiling luminance Lv
A.3.3.2 The determination of Lseq
A.3.3.3 The determination of Latm
A.3.3.4 The determination of Lwinds
A.3.4 The determination of the threshold zone luminance
A.3.5 Object and road luminance
A.3.5.1 No daylight influence
A.3.5.2 The influence of daylight falling into the tunnel at the tunnel entrance
A.3.6 Further tunnel lighting design aspects
A.3.6.1 The threshold zone
A.3.6.2 The lighting of the transition zone
A.3.6.3 The lighting of the interior zone and the exit zone of long tunnels
A.3.6.4 Glare restriction
A.3.6.5 Restriction of the flicker
A.4.1 The principle of the method
A.4.2 The luminaire adaptation
A.4.3 The space adaptation
A.4.4 The time adaptation
A.4.5 Characterising the lighting installation
A.4.6 Calculating road luminance
A.4.7 Algorithm of LCR calculations
A.4.8 Calculation details for one 10 meters step for a rather simple case
A.4.9 Calculating illuminance levels
A.4.10 The results
A.4.11 Road surface luminance of the interior zone at day-time
A.4.12 Night-time lighting
A.4.13 Lighting of the walls of the interior zone
A.4.14 Emergency guidance lighting
A.4.15 Fire emergency guidance lighting
A.4.16 Uniformity of the road surface luminance
A.5.1 Determination of the look through percentage
A.5.2 Using the look through percentage
A.5.3 Influencing the look through percentage
A.5.4 Daytime lighting of short tunnels
A.5.5 A table method for determining the need of artificial daytime lighting
0 Introduction
The aim of tunnel lighting is to ensure that users, both during the day and by night, can approach, pass through,
and exit the tunnel without changing direction or speed with the degree of safety commensurate to that on the
approach road.
To achieve safe passage through a road tunnel, it is necessary that all users have sufficient information regarding
the course of the road ahead, possible obstacles and the presence and actions of other users. Furthermore it is
necessary that users,particularly drivers of motor vehicles, have at least an equal sense of security to that
experienced on the approach roads.
Principal characteristics required to describe the quality of tunnel lighting are:
– the luminance and illuminance levels of the road surface;
– the luminance level of the walls up to 2 m in height above the road surface;
– the uniformity of the luminance distribution on the road and walls;
– the control of induced glare;
– the avoidance of critical flicker frequencies.
1 Scope
This CEN Technical Report gives guidance on the design of the lighting of road tunnels and underpasses for
motorized and mixed traffic. This guidance concerns arrangements, levels and other parameters including daylight,
which are related only to traffic safety. Aspects concerning visual comfort should be chosen in agreement with
national practice. The guidance in this report may be applied to any tunnel or underpass where the decision to
provide lighting has been taken by any authority working within national legislation or other constraints. The report
is based on photometric considerations, and all values of luminance and illuminance are maintained values.
The main body of the report covers the common aspects of Tunnel Lighting, and the various methods currently in
use in Europe are detailed in the annexes. No single method is recommended.
2 References
This Technical reports incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed in appendix. For dated
references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this Technical Report only
when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication
referred to applies.
Not applicable
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this document, the definitions of prEN12665 and prEN13201 and the following apply. The
definitions of zones in a tunnel are based on lighting considerations and not on aspects of installation technique
or on civil engineering. The lighting terms are in agreement with the CIE Publications.
3.1 Tunnel related zones
3.1.1 entrance portal: the part of the tunnel construction that corresponds to the beginning of the covered part of
the tunnel or, when open sun-screens are used, to the beginning of the sun-screens.
he end of the covered part of the tunnel or, when open sun-screens are used, to the end of the
3.1.2 exit portal: t
3.1.3 access zone: the part of the open road immediately outside (in front of) the tunnel portal, covering the
distance over which an approaching driver should be able to see into the tunnel.
3.1.4 access zone length : the access zone begins at the stopping distance point ahead of the portal and ends
at the portal.
the first part of the tunnel, directly after the portal. The threshold zone begins at the portal.
3.1.5 threshold zone:
3.1.6 transition zone: the part of the tunnel following directly after the threshold zone. The transition zone
stretches from the end of the threshold zone to the beginning of the interior zone. In the transition zone, the lighting
level is decreased from the level at the end of the threshold zone to the level of the interior zone.
3.1.7 entrance zone: the combination of the threshold zone and transition zones.
3.1.8 interior zone: the part of the tunnel following directly after the transition zone. The interior zone stretches
from the end of the transition zone to the beginning of the exit zone.
3.1.9 exit zone: the part of the tunnel where, during day-time, the vision of driver approaching the exit is influenced
predominantly by the brightness outside the tunnel. The exit zone stretches from the end of the interior zone to the
exit portal of the tunnel.
3.1.10 parting zone: the first part of the open road directly after the exit portal of the tunnel. The parting zone is
not a part of the tunnel, but it is closely related to the tunnel lighting. The parting zone begins at the exit portal.
3.2 Lighting
the optical and geometrical means that ensure that motorists are given adequate informa-
3.2.1 visual guidance:
tion on the course of the road in the tunnel.
3.2.2 threshold zone lighting: lighting of the threshold zone of the tunnel which allows drivers to see into the
tunnel whilst in the access zone.
3.2.3 transition zone lighting: lighting of the transition zone which facilitates the drivers' visual adaptation to the
lower level in the interior zone.
lighting of the interior zone of the tunnel which provides adequate visibility in the
3.2.4 interior zone lighting:
interior of the tunnel, irrespective of the use of vehicle headlights.
3.2.5 exit zone lighting: lighting of the exit zone which improves the visual performance during the transition from
the interior zone to the open road beyond the tunnel.
3.2.6 emergency lighting: lighting provided for use when the supply to the normal lighting fails. [prEN 12665]
3.2.7 fire emergency guidance lighting: lighting providing visual guidance in the event of fire and smoke.
3.2.8 daylight screens, louvres: devices that transmit (part of) the ambient daylight. They may be applied for the
lighting of the threshold zone and/or the entrance zone of a tunnel.
screens that are designed in such a fashion that direct sunlight cannot reach the road
3.2.9 sun-tight screens:
surface under the screen.
3.3 Luminances, illuminances
3.3.1 access zone luminance : the eye adaptation luminance in the access zone.
3.3.2 L20 access luminance : average luminance contained in a conical field of view, subtending an angle of
20 ° with the apex at the position of the eye of an approaching driver and aimed at the centre of the tunnel mouth.
L is assessed from a point at a distance equal to the stopping distance from the tunnel portal at the middle of the
relevant carriage-way or traffic lane.
3.3.3 equivalent ocular veiling luminance (Lseq): the light veil as a result of the ocular scatter L is quantified
as a luminance.
3.3.4 atmospheric luminance (Latm): the light veil as a result of the scatter in the atmosphere expressed as a
3.3.5 windscreen luminance (Lwinds): the light veil as a result of the scatter in the vehicle windscreen expressed
as a luminance.
3.3.6 threshold zone luminance (L ): the average road surface luminance of a transverse strip at a given
location in the threshold zone of the tunnel (as a function of the measurement grid).
the average road surface luminance of a transverse strip at a given location
3.3.7 transition zone luminance (L ):
in the transition zone of the tunnel (as a function of the measurement grid).
3.3.8 interior zone luminance (L ): the average road surface luminance of a transverse strip at a given location
in the interior zone of the tunnel (as a function of the measurement grid).
3.3.9 vertical illuminance (E ): the illuminance at a particular location at a height of normally 0,1 m above the
road surface, in a plane facing the direction of oncoming traffic. The height of 0,1 m above the road surface is meant
to represent the centre of an object of 0,2 m x 0,2 m.
3.3.10 contrast revealing coefficient (q ): the quotient between the luminance of the road surface, and the vertical
illuminance E at that point.
q =
-2 -1
where q is the contrast
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