Space engineering - Electromagnetic compatibility

EMC policy and general system requirements are specified in ECSS-E-ST-20 (equivalent to EN 16603-20).
This ECSS-E-ST-20-07 (equivalent to EN 16603-20-07) Standard addresses detailed system requirements (Clause 4), general test conditions, verification requirements at system level, and test methods at subsystem and equipment level (Clause 5) as w ell as informative limits (Annex A).
Associated to this standard is ECSS-E-ST-20-06 (equivalent to EN 16603-20-06) "Spacecraft charging", w hich addresses charging control and risks arising from environmental and vehicle-induced spacecraft charging w hen ECSS-E-ST-20-07 addresses electromagnetic effects of electrostatic discharges.
Annexes A to C of ECSS-E-ST-20 document EMC activities related to ECSS-E-ST-20-07: the EMC Control Plan (Annex A) defines the approach, methods, procedures, resources, and organization, the Electromagnetic Effects Verification Plan (Annex B) defines and specifies the verification processes, analyses and tests, and the Electromagnetic Effects Verification Report (Annex C) document verification results. The EMEVP and the EMEVR are the vehicles for tailoring this standard.

Raumfahrttechnik - Elektromagnetische Kompabilität

Ingéniérie spatiale - Compatibilité électromagnétique

Les principes de CEM et les exigences générales applicables au système sont spécifiés dans l'ECSS-E-ST-20.
La présente norme ECSS-E-ST-20-07 spécifie les exigences détaillées applicables au système (Article 4), les conditions générales d'essai, les exigences de vérifications au niveau système et les méthodes d'essai aux niveaux sous-systèmes et équipements (Article 5), ainsi que les limites données à titre d'information (
L'ECSS-E-ST-20-06 « Charges électrostatiques des engins spatiaux » est associée à la présente norme. Elle traite du contrôle de la charge et des risques provenant des charges des engins spatiaux induites par l'environnement et le véhicule, tandis que l'ECSS-E-ST-20-07 traite des effets électromagnétiques des décharges électrostatiques.
Les Annexes A à C de l'ECSS-E-ST-20 documentent les activités CEM liées à l'ECSS-E-ST-20-07 : le plan de contrôle CEM (Annexe A) définit l'approche, les méthodes, les procédures, les ressources et l'organisation ; le plan de vérification des effets électromagnétiques (Annexe B) définit et spécifie les processus de vérification, les analyses et les essais ; enfin, le rapport de vérification des effets électromagnétiques (Annexe C) documente les résultats de vérification. L’EMEVP et l’EMEVR constituent les moyens de mise en place de la présente norme.
La présente norme peut être adaptée aux caractéristiques et contraintes spécifiques d’un projet spatial, conformément à l’ECSS-S-ST-00-02.

Vesoljska tehnika - Elektromagnetna združljivost

General Information

Not Published
Technical Committee
Current Stage
4599 - Dispatch of FV draft to CMC - Finalization for Vote
Due Date
Completion Date


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oSIST prEN 16603-20-07:2021
Vesoljska tehnika - Elektromagnetna združljivost
Space engineering - Electromagnetic compatibility
Raumfahrttechnik - Elektromagnetische Kompabilität
Ingéniérie spatiale - Compatibilité électromagnétique
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 16603-20-07
33.100.01 Elektromagnetna združljivost Electromagnetic compatibility
na splošno in general
49.140 Vesoljski sistemi in operacije Space systems and
oSIST prEN 16603-20-07:2021 en,fr,de

2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN 16603-20-07:2021
prEN 16603-20-07
July 2021
ICS 49.140
Will supersede EN 16603-20-07:2014
English version
Space engineering - Electromagnetic compatibility

Ingéniérie spatiale - Compatibilité électromagnétique Raumfahrttechnik - Elektromagnetische Kompabilität

This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee


If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN and CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal

Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any


This draft European Standard was established by CEN and CENELEC in three official versions (English, French, German). A

version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN and CENELEC member into its own

language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN and CENELEC members are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium,

Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,

Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia,

Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are

aware and to provide supporting documentation.Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification

of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without

notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre:
Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

© 2021 CEN/CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means Ref. No. prEN 16603-20-07:2021 E

reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for
CENELEC Members.
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Table of contents

European Foreword .......................................................................................... 7

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 8

1 Scope .............................................................................................................. 9

2 Normative references .................................................................................. 10

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms ................................................. 11

3.1 Terms from other standards ...........................................................................11

3.2 Terms specific to the present standard ..........................................................12

3.3 Abbreviated terms.......................................................................................... 14

4 Requirements ............................................................................................... 16

4.1 General system requirements ........................................................................16

4.2 Detailed system requirements .......................................................................16

4.2.1 Overview .......................................................................................... 16

4.2.2 EMC with the launch system ............................................................16

4.2.3 Lightning environment ......................................................................17

4.2.4 Spacecraft charging and effects ....................................................... 17

4.2.5 Spacecraft DC magnetic emission ................................................... 18

4.2.6 Radiofrequency compatibility ...........................................................18

4.2.7 Hazards of electromagnetic radiation ............................................... 19

4.2.8 Intrasystem EMC .............................................................................19

4.2.9 EMC with ground equipment ............................................................19

4.2.10 Grounding ........................................................................................20

4.2.11 Electrical bonding requirements ....................................................... 20

4.2.12 Shielding (excepted wires and cables) ............................................. 22

4.2.13 Wiring (including wires and cables shielding) ................................... 22

5 Verification ................................................................................................... 24

5.1 Overview .......................................................................................................24

5.1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................24

5.1.2 Electromagnetic effects verification plan .......................................... 24

5.1.3 Electromagnetic effects verification report ........................................ 24

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5.2 Test conditions .............................................................................................. 24

5.2.1 Measurement tolerances ..................................................................24

5.2.2 Test site ...........................................................................................25

5.2.3 Ground plane ...................................................................................27

5.2.4 Power source impedance ................................................................. 27

5.2.5 General test precautions ..................................................................29

5.2.6 EUT test configurations ....................................................................29

5.2.7 Operation of EUT .............................................................................32

5.2.8 Use of measurement equipment ...................................................... 33

5.2.9 Emission testing ...............................................................................35

5.2.10 Susceptibility testing .........................................................................36

5.2.11 Calibration of measuring equipment ................................................. 38

5.2.12 Power bus voltage............................................................................39

5.2.13 Photographic data ............................................................................39

5.3 System level ..................................................................................................39

5.3.1 General ............................................................................................ 39

5.3.2 Safety margin demonstration for critical or EED circuits ................... 39

5.3.3 EMC with the launch system ............................................................39

5.3.4 Lightning ..........................................................................................40

5.3.5 Spacecraft and static charging .........................................................40

5.3.6 Spacecraft DC magnetic field emission ............................................ 40

5.3.7 Intra–system electromagnetic compatibility ...................................... 40

5.3.8 Radiofrequency compatibility ...........................................................41

5.3.9 Grounding ........................................................................................41

5.3.10 Electrical bonding .............................................................................41

5.3.11 Wiring and shielding .........................................................................41

5.4 Equipment and subsystem level test procedures ........................................... 41

5.4.1 Overview ..........................................................................................41

5.4.2 CE, power leads, differential mode, 30 Hz to 100 kHz ...................... 42

5.4.3 CE, power and signal leads, 50 kHz to 100 MHz .............................. 44

5.4.4 CE, power leads, inrush current ....................................................... 47

5.4.5 DC Magnetic field emission, magnetic moment ................................ 50

5.4.6 RE, electric field, 30 MHz to 18 GHz ................................................ 52

5.4.7 CS, power leads, 30 Hz to 100 kHz .................................................. 57

5.4.8 CS, bulk cable injection, 50 kHz to 100 MHz .................................... 59

5.4.9 CS, power leads, transients .............................................................63

5.4.10 RS, magnetic field, 30 Hz to 100 kHz ............................................... 67

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5.4.11 RS, electric field, 30 MHz to 18 GHz ................................................ 70

5.4.12 Susceptibility to wire-coupled electrostatic discharges (legacy

method) ............................................................................................ 76

5.4.13 Susceptibility to wire-coupled electrostatic discharges (current

injection probe method) ....................................................................81

5.4.14 Susceptibility to electrostatic discharges into the chassis ................. 84

5.4.15 CE, power leads, time domain .........................................................87

Annex A (informative) Subsystem and equipment limits............................ 89

A.1 Overview .......................................................................................................89

A.2 CE on power leads, differential mode, 30 Hz to 100 MHz .............................. 89

A.3 CE on power leads, in-rush currents ..............................................................91

A.4 CE on power and signal leads, common mode, 100 kHz to 100 MHz ............ 91

A.5 <> ..................................................................................................92

A.6 DC magnetic field emission ...........................................................................92

A.6.1 General ............................................................................................ 92

A.6.2 Characterization ...............................................................................92

A.6.3 Limit ................................................................................................. 93

A.7 RE, low-frequency magnetic field ................................................................... 93

A.8 RE, low-frequency electric field ......................................................................93

A.9 RE, electric field, 30 MHz to 18 GHz ..............................................................94

A.10 CS, power leads, differential mode, 30 Hz to 100 kHz ................................... 94

A.11 CS, power and signal leads, common mode, 50 kHz to 100 MHz .................. 95

A.12 CS, power leads, short spike transients ......................................................... 96

A.13 RS, magnetic field, 30 Hz to 100 kHz.............................................................97

A.14 RS, electric field, 30 MHz to 18 GHz ..............................................................98

A.15 Susceptibility to electrostatic discharge ..........................................................99


Figure 4-1: Bonding requirements ...............................................................................21

Figure 5-1: RF absorber loading diagram ....................................................................26

Figure 5-2: Line impedance stabilization network schematic ....................................... 28

Figure 5-3: General test setup .....................................................................................30

Figure 5-4: Typical calibration fixture ...........................................................................34

Figure 5-5: Conducted emission, 30 Hz to 100 kHz, measurement system check ....... 44

Figure 5-6: Conducted emission, 30 Hz to 100 kHz, measurement setup .................... 44

Figure 5-7: Conducted emission, measurement system check .................................... 45

Figure 5-8: Conducted emission, measurement setup in differential mode .................. 45

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Figure 5-9: Conducted emission, measurement setup in common mode ..................... 46

Figure 5-10: Inrush current: measurement system check setup ................................... 48

Figure 5-11: Inrush current: measurement setup .........................................................48

Figure 5-12: Smooth deperm procedure ......................................................................52

Figure 5-13: Electric field radiated emission. Basic test setup ..................................... 54

Figure 5-14: Electric field radiated emission. Antenna positioning ............................... 55

Figure 5-15: Electric field radiated emission – Multiple antenna positions ................... 55

Figure 5-16: CS, power leads, measurement system check set-up ............................. 58

Figure 5-17: CS, power leads, signal injection .............................................................58

Figure 5-18: Bulk cable injection, calibration set-up ..................................................... 62

Figure 5-19: Signal test waveform ...............................................................................62

Figure 5-20: CS, power and signal leads, bulk cable injection ..................................... 63

Figure 5-21: CS, power leads, differential mode transients, calibration setup .............. 64

Figure 5-22: CS, power leads, differential mode transients, injection setup ................. 65

Figure 5-23: <> ............................................................................................ 65

Figure 5-24: CS, power leads, common mode transients, calibration setup ................. 65

Figure 5-25: CS, power leads, common mode transients, probe injection setup .......... 66

Figure 5-26: Measurement system check configuration of the radiating system .......... 68

Figure 5-27: Basic test setup .......................................................................................68

Figure 5-28: <> ............................................................................................ 71

Figure 5-29: Example of electric field calibration test setup ......................................... 72

Figure 5-30: RS Electric field – Multiple test antenna positions .................................... 73

Figure 5-31: <> ............................................................................................ 73

Figure 5-32: Spacecraft charging ESD susceptibility test ............................................. 78

Figure 5-33: Susceptibility to ESD: calibration configuration ........................................ 79

Figure 5-34: Susceptibility to ESD: test equipment configuration ................................. 79

Figure 5-35: Example of compliant discharge current shape ....................................... 81

Figure 5-36: Test setup for calibration of test waveform .............................................. 82

Figure 5-37: Typical ESD pulse measured during calibration (3 A/div, 4 ns/div) .......... 83

Figure 5-38: Wire-coupled ESD test setup (current injection probe method) ................ 83

Figure 5-39: Discharge current verification setup.........................................................86

Figure 5-40: Ideal contact discharge current waveform at 8 kV ................................... 86

Figure 5-41: Conducted emission, power leads, time domain: measurement setup ..... 88

Figure A-1 : Power leads, differential mode conducted emission limit ..... 90

Figure A-2 : Common mode conducted emission limit ............................... 92

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Figure A-3 : Radiated electric field limit ....................................................... 94

Figure A-4 : Conducted susceptibility limit, frequency domain ................. 95

Figure A-5 : Calibration level at the measurement port of the calibration

fixture .......................................................................................................... 96

Figure A-6 : CS, voltage spike in percentage of test bus voltage .............. 97

Figure A-7 : Radiated susceptibility limit ..................................................... 98


Table 5-1: Absorption at normal incidence................................................................... 26

Table 5-2: Bandwidth and measurement time .............................................................35

Table 5-3: Maximum step sizes for susceptibility tests................................................. 37

Table 5-4: Correspondence between test procedures and limits ................................. 42

Table A-1 : Equipment: susceptibility to conducted interference, test signal ................ 96

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European Foreword
This document (prEN 16603-20-07:2021) has been prepared by Technical
Committee CEN/CLC/TC 5 “Space”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN
This document (prEN 16603-20-07:2021) originates from ECSS-E-ST-20-07C
This document is currently submitted to the ENQUIRY.
This document will supersede EN 16603-20-07:2014.
This document has been developed to cover specifically space systems and will
therefore have precedence over any EN covering the same scope but with a wider
do-main of applicability (e.g. : aerospace).
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Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of a space system or equipment is the
ability to function satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without
introducing intolerable electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that

The space system is designed to be compatible with its external natural, induced,

or man-made electromagnetic environment. Natural components are lightning
for launchers, the terrestrial magnetic field for space vehicles. Spacecraft

charging is defined as voltage building-up of a space vehicle or spacecraft units

when immerged in plasma. Electrostatic discharges result from spacecraft
charging with possible detrimental effects. External man-made interference,
intentional or not, are caused by radar or telecommunication beams during
ground operations and the launching sequence. Intersystem EMC also applies
between the launcher and its payload or between space vehicles.
Intrasystem EMC is defined between all electrical, electronic, electromagnetic,
and electromechanical equipment within the space vehicle and by the presence
of its self-induced electromagnetic environment. It comprises the intentional
radiated electromagnetic fields and parasitic emission from on-board equipment.
Both conducted and radiated emissions are concerned. An electromagnetic
interference safety margin is defined at system critical points by comparison of
noise level and susceptibility at these points.
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EMC policy and general system requirements are specified in ECSS-E-ST-20.
This ECSS-E-ST-20-07 Standard addresses detailed system requirements

(Clause 4), general test conditions, verification requirements at system level, and

test methods at subsystem and equipment level (Clause 5) as well as informative
limits (
Associated to this standard is ECSS-E-ST-20-06 “Spacecraft charging”, which
addresses charging control and risks arising from environmental and vehicle-
induced spacecraft charging when ECSS-E-ST-20-07 addresses electromagnetic
effects of electrostatic discharges.
Annexes A to C of ECSS-E-ST-20 document EMC activities related to
ECSS-E-ST-20-07: the EMC Control Plan (Annex A) defines the approach,
methods, procedures, resources, and organization, the Electromagnetic Effects
Verification Plan (Annex B) defines and specifies the verification processes,

analyses and tests, and the Electromagnetic Effects Verification Report (Annex C)

document verification results. The EMEVP and the EMEVR are the vehicles for
tailoring this standard.

This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristic and constrains of a

space project in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00-02.
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Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this ECSS Standard. For dated
references, subsequent amendments to, or revision of any of these publications
do not apply, However, parties to agreements based on this ECSS Standard are

encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the more recent editions of

the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest
edition of the publication referred to applies.
EN reference Reference in text Title
EN 16601-00-01 ECSS-S-ST-00-01 ECSS system - Glossary of terms
EN 16603-20 ECSS-E-ST-20 Space engineering - Electrical and electronic
EN 16603-20-06 ECSS-E-ST-20-06 Space engineering - Spacecraft charging
EN 16603-33-11 ECSS-E-ST-33-11 Space engineering - Explosive systems and devices

EN 16603-51-14 ECSS-E-ST-50-14 Space engineering – Spacecraft discrete interfaces

IEC 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-2:
(Edition 1.2) Testing and measurement techniques - Electrostatic
discharge immunity test
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Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms from other standards
For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions from ECSS-S-ST-00-01
apply, in particular for the following terms:
critical item
launcher, launch vehicle
safety critical function
spacecraft, space vehicle

For the purposes of this Standard, the following terms have a specific definition

contained in ECSS-E-ST-20:
conducted emission
electromagnetic compatibility
electromagnetic compatibility control
electromagnetic interference
electromagnetic interference safety margin
lightning indirect effects
radiated emission
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susceptibility threshold

For the purposes of this document, the following terms have a specific definition

contained in ECSS-E-ST-20-06:
electrostatic discharge (ESD)
secondary arc
For the purposes of this document, the following term has a specific definition
contained in ECSS-E-ST-33-11:
electro-explosive device (EED)
3.2 Terms specific to the present standard
3.2.1 ambient level

level of radiated and conducted signal, and noise that exist at the specified test

location and time when the equipment under test is not operating
NOTE E.g. atmospherics, interference from other sources,
and circuit noise or other interference generated
within the measuring set compose the “ambient
3.2.2 antenna factor
factor that, when properly applied to the voltage at the input terminals of the
measuring instrument, yields the electric or magnetic field strength
NOTE 1 This factor includes the effects of antenna effective
length, mismatch, and transmission losses.
NOTE 2 The electric field strength is normally expressed in
V/m and the magnetic field strength in A/m or T.
3.2.3 common mode voltage
voltage difference between source and receiver ground references
3.2.4 contact discharge method

method of testing in which the electrode of the high-voltage test generator is held

in contact with the discharge circuit, and the discharge actuated by a discharge
3.2.5 electromagnetic environmental effects
impact of the electromagnetic environment upon equipment, systems, and
NOTE It encompasses all electromagnetic disciplines,
including electromagnetic compatibility;
electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic
vulnerability, hazards of electromagnetic radiation
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to personnel, electro-explosive devices, volatile
materials, and natural phenomena effects.
3.2.6 field strength

resultant of the radiation, induction and quasi-static components of the electric

or magnetic field
NOTE The term “electric field strength” or “magnetic field
strength” is used, according to whether the
resultant, electric or magnetic field, respectively, is
3.2.7 ground plane
metal sheet or plate used as a common reference point for circuit returns and
electrical or signal potentials
3.2.8 improper response
subsystem or equipment response which can be either inadvertent or
3.2.9 inadvertent response
proper subsystem functional response (within normal range of limits) actuated
by electromagnetic interference, but occurring at other than the normal
operational cycle, which in turn causes improper response to the total space
3.2.10 line impedance stabilization network (LISN)

network inserted in the supply leads of an apparatus to be tested which provides,

in a given frequency range, a specified source impedance for the measurement
of disturbance currents and voltages and which can isolate the apparatus from
the supply mains in that frequency range
3.2.11 not operating
condition wherein no power is applied to the equipment
3.2.12 overshield
shield surrounding a bundle or a shielded cable
3.2.13 passive intermodulation product

generation of a signal at frequency f = n*f1 + m*f2 from two signals at frequencies

f1 and f2, where n and m are positive or negative integers, by a passive device,
usually an electrical contact
3.2.14 port
place of access to a device or network where energy can be supplied or
withdrawn, or where the device or network variables can be observed or
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3.2.15 power quality requirements
requirements which define the conducted voltage noise or impedance the power
user can expect
NOTE Noise e.g. from load regulation, spikes, and sags.
3.2.16 soft magnetic material
ferromagnetic material with a coercivity smaller than 100 A/m
3.2.17 spurious emission
electromagnetic emission from the intended output terminal of an electronic
device, but outside of the designed emission bandwidth
3.2.18 test antenna

antenna of specified characteristics designated for use under specified conditions

in conducting tests
3.2.19 unit
equipment that is viewed as an entity for purposes of analysis, manufacturing,
maintenance, or record keeping
NOTE E.g. hydraulic actuators, valves, batteries, and
individual electronic boxes such as on-board
computer, inertial measurement unit, reaction
wheel, star tracker, power conditioning unit,
transmitters, receivers, or multiplexers.
3.3 Abbreviated terms
For the purpose of this standard, the abbreviated terms of ECSS-S-ST-00-01 and
the following apply:
Abbreviation Meaning
AC alternating current
ACS attitude control system
AM amplitude modulation
AWG American wire gauge
BCI bulk cable injection
CE conducted emission
CS conducted susceptibility
CW continuous wave
DC direct current
EED electro-explosive device
EGSE electrical ground support equipment
EHF extremely high frequency (30 GHz-300 GHz)
EMC electromagnetic compatibility
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Questions, Comments and Discussion

Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.