Safety of toys - National translations of warnings and instructions for use in the EN 71 series

This Technical Report contains a compilation of national translations of warnings and instructions for use, mentioned in the EN 71 series of standards. The warnings and instructions for use need to be applied in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the EN 71 series of standards for safety of toys and these standards should always be consulted before drawing up the text of a warning or instruction for use.
The users of this document should be aware that additional markings may be required for certain toys, e.g. in non-EU countries. Local regulations should be checked.

Sicherheit von Spielzeug – Nationale Übersetzungen von Warnhinweisen und Gebrauchsanleitungen in EN 71

Sécurité des jouets - Traductions nationales des avertissements et notices d'utilisation de la série EN 71

Varnost igrač - Prevodi opozoril in navodil za uporabo, navedenih v skupini EN 71, v uradne jezike članic CEN

To tehnično poročilo zajema zbirko nacionalnih prevodov opozoril in navodil za uporabo v skupini standardov EN 71. Opozorila in navodila za uporabo je treba uporabljati v skladu z zahtevami in specifikacijami skupine standardov EN 71 za varnost igrač, pri čemer naj bi pri sestavljanju besedila opozorila ali navodila za uporabo vedno upoštevali te standarde.
Uporabniki tega dokumenta naj bi se zavedali, da so lahko za nekatere igrače, npr. v državah zunaj EU, potrebne dodatne oznake. Preverili naj bi lokalne predpise.

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SIST-TP CEN/TR 15071:2014
Safety of toys - National translations of warnings and instructions for use in EN 71 series
Sécurité des jouets - Traductions nationales des avertissements et notices d'utilisation
de la série EN 71
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 15071:2015
97.200.50 ,JUDþH Toys
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 15071
August 2015
ICS 97.200.50 Supersedes CEN/TR 15071:2014
English Version
Safety of toys - National translations of warnings and instructions
for use in the EN 71 series
Sécurité des jouets - Traductions nationales des Sicherheit von Spielzeug - Nationale Übersetzungen von
avertissements et notices d'utilisation de la série EN 71 Warnhinweisen und Gebrauchsanleitungen in EN 71

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 10 August 2015. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 52.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2015 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 15071:2015 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword .3
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 EN 71-1:2014 "Safety of toys — Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties" .5
3 EN 71-2:2011+A1:2014 "Safety of toys — Part 2: Flammability" . 42
4 EN 71-3:2013 +A1:2014 "Safety of toys – Part 3: Migration of certain elements . 43
5 EN 71-4:2013 "Safety of toys — Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related
activities" . 43
6 EN 71-5:2013 "Safety of toys — Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets" . 93
7 EN 71-7:2014 "Safety of toys — Part 7: Finger paints" . 145
8 EN 71-8:2011 "Safety of toys — Part 8: Activity toys for domestic use" . 147
9 EN 71-12:2013 "Safety of toys – Part 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances . 150
10 EN 71-13:2014 "Safety of toys — Part 13: Olfactory board games, comestic kits and
gustative games" . 150
11 EN 71-14:2014 "Safety of toys — Part 14: Trampolines for domestic use" . 160

European foreword
This document (CEN/TR 15071:2015) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 52 “Safety of
toys”, the secretariat of which is held by DS.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes CEN/TR 15071:2014.
This Technical Report contains a compilation of national translations of warnings and instructions for use in
the EN 71 series of standards.
This document is of particular interest to manufacturers, importers, surveillance authorities and test
laboratories with regard to the application of the correct wording of warnings and instructions for use on toy
products, packaging and in accompanying instructions in the individual national languages.
The warnings and instructions have been extracted from the following European Standards:
EN 71-1:2014, Safety of toys — Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties
EN 71-2:2011+A1:2014, Safety of toys — Part 2: Flammability
EN 71-3:2013+A1:2014, Safety of toys - Part 3: Migration of certain elements
EN 71-4:2013, Safety of toys — Part 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities
EN 71-5:2013, Safety of toys — Part 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets
EN 71-7:2014, Safety of toys — Part 7: Finger paints - Requirements and test methods
EN 71-8:2011, Safety of toys — Part 8: Activity toys for domestic use
EN 71-12:2013, Safety of toys — Part 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances
EN 71-13:2014, Safety of toys — Part 13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic kits and gustative games
EN 71-14:2014, Safety of toys - Part 14: Trampolines for domestic use
The translations are given in the following languages: English, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch,
Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Macedonian,
Maltese, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
The translations also include words that are not part of a specific wording in the standards, but that can be
useful when drafting warnings or cautionary statements that are adapted to individual toy products.
It is important to always consult the specific standard(s) to determine if they specify how such warnings and
cautionary statements should be worded.
1 Scope
This Technical Report contains a compilation of national translations of warnings and instructions for use,
mentioned in the EN 71 series of standards. The warnings and instructions for use need to be applied in
accordance with the requirements and specifications of the EN 71 series of standards for safety of toys and
these standards should always be consulted before drawing up the text of a warning or instruction for use.
The users of this document should be aware that additional markings may be required for certain toys, e.g. in
non-EU countries. Local regulations should be checked.
2 EN 71-1:2014 "Safety of toys — Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties"
(Specified in Directive Warning/Warnings
When only one warning is indicated on a toy, the word “Warning” is used. When more than one
warnings are indicated on a toy, the word “Warnings” can be used. In the table below,
translations of the singular and the plural are given, often also with the translated word “or” in
between, to indicate that only one of the two options should be used (and never the word “or”).
English Warning or Warnings.
Bulgarian Внимание.
Croatian Upozorenje ili Upozorenja.
Czech Upozornění.
Danish Advarsel eller Advarsler.
Dutch Waarschuwing of Waarschuwingen.
Estonian Hoiatus või Hoiatused.
Finnish Varoitus tai Varoitukset.
French Attention.
German Achtung.
Greek Προειδοποίηση ή Προειδοποιήσεις.
Hungarian Figyelmeztetés vagy Figyelmeztetések.
Icelandic Viðvörun.
Italian Avvertenza o Avvertenze.
Italian national law (Decree 54/2011) also allows the use of the alternative word “Attenzione”.
Latvian Brīdinājums vai Brīdinājumi.
Lithuanian Įspėjimas arba Įspėjimai.
Macedonian Предупредување.
Maltese Twissija jew Twissijiet.
Norwegian Advarsel eller Advarsler.
Polish Ostrzeżenie lub Ostrzeżenia.
Portuguese Atenção ou Avisos.
Romanian Avertisment sau Avertismente.
Slovak Upozornenie prípadne Upozornenia.
Slovenian Opozorilo ali Opozorila.
(Specified in Directive Warning/Warnings
Spanish Advertencia o Advertencias.
Swedish Varning respektive Varningar.
Turkish Uyarı veya Uyarılar.
Clause 7 Translations of words that are not part of a specific wording in the standards, but can be
useful for certain warnings or cautionary statements
English Adult assembly required.
Choking hazard.
Strangulation hazard.
Suffocation hazard.
Small parts.
Small parts and small balls.
Small balls.
Long cord.
This toy has sharp functional edges.
This toy has sharp functional points.
Do not use in other areas than private grounds.
Bulgarian Изисква се сглобяване от възрастен.
Опасност от задавяне.
Опасност от удушаване.
Опасност от задушаване.
Малки части.
Малки части и малки топки.
Малки топки.
Дълъг шнур.
Тази играчка има остри функционални краища/ръбове.
Тази играчка има остри функционални върхове.
Да не се използва на места, различни от домашния двор.
Clause 7 Translations of words that are not part of a specific wording in the standards, but can be
useful for certain warnings or cautionary statements
Croatian Mora sklopiti odrasla osoba.
Opasnost od gušenja.
Opasnost od davljenja.
Opasnost od davljenja.
Mali dijelovi.
Mali dijelovi i male loptice.
Male loptice.
Dugačak konopac.
Ova igračka ima oštre bridove.
Ova igračka ima oštre šiljke.
Ne upotrebljavati na područjima koja nisu privatno zemljište.
Czech Nutné sestavení hračky dospělou osobou.
Nebezpečí zalknutí.
Nebezpečí uškrcení.
Nebezpečí udušení.
Malé části.
Malé části a malé koule.
Malé koule.
Dlouhá šňůra.
Tato hračka obsahuje nebezpečně ostré funkční hrany.
Tato hračka obsahuje nebezpečně ostré funkční hroty.
Používejte jen na soukromých pozemcích.
Danish Samling skal foretages af en voksen.
Små dele.
Små dele og små bolde/kugler.
Små bolde/kugler.
Lang snor.
Dette legetøj har skarpe funktionelle kanter.
Dette legetøj har skarpe funktionelle spidser.
Må ikke anvendes andre steder end på privat område.
Clause 7 Translations of words that are not part of a specific wording in the standards, but can be
useful for certain warnings or cautionary statements
Dutch Te monteren door een volwassene.
Kleine onderdelen.
Kleine onderdelen en kleine ballen.
Kleine ballen.
Lang koord.
Dit speelgoed heeft functionele scherpe randen.
Dit speelgoed heeft functionele scherpe punten.
Uitsluitend voor huishoudelijk gebruik.
Estonian Nõutav kokkupanek täiskasvanu poolt.
Väikesed osad.
Väikesed osad ja väikesed pallid.
Väikesed pallid.
Pikk nöör.
Sellel mänguasjal on funktsionaalsed teravad servad.
Sellel mänguasjal on funktsionaalsed teravad otsad.
Mitte kasutada väljaspool erakasutuses olevat ala.
Finnish Aikuisen koottava.
Pieniä osia.
Pieniä osia ja pieniä palloja.
Pieniä palloja.
Pitkä naru.
Lelussa on teräviä toiminnallisia reunoja.
Lelussa on teräviä toiminnallisia kärkiä.
Soveltuu vain kotikäyttöön.
Clause 7 Translations of words that are not part of a specific wording in the standards, but can be
useful for certain warnings or cautionary statements
French Assemblage par un adulte requis.
Danger d’étouffement.
Danger de strangulation.
Dangers de suffocation.
Petits éléments.
Petits éléments et petites balles.
Petites balles.
Longue corde.
Ce jouet présente des bords coupants fonctionnels.
Ce jouet présente des pointes acérées fonctionnelles.
Ne pas utiliser dans d'autres endroits que les espaces privés.
German Der Zusammenbau ist durch einen Erwachsenen vorzunehmen.
Kleine Teile.
Kleine Teile und kleine Kugeln.
Kleine Kugeln.
Lange Schnur.
Dieses Spielzeug hat funktionsbedingte scharfe Kanten.
Dieses Spielzeug hat funktionsbedingte scharfe Spitzen.
Nur in privaten Bereichen nutzen.
Greek Απαιτείται συναρμολόγηση από ενήλικα.
Κίνδυνος πνιγμού.
Κίνδυνος στραγγαλισμού.
Κίνδυνος ασφυξίας.
Μικρά μέρη.
Μικρά μέρη και μικρές μπίλιες.
Μικρές μπίλιες.
Μακρύ κορδόνι.
Αυτό το παιχνίδι έχει αιχμηρές λειτουργικές ακμές.
Αυτό το παιχνίδι έχει αιχμηρά λειτουργικά άκρα.
Να μην χρησιμοποιείται σε άλλους χώρους εκτός από ιδιωτικούς.
Clause 7 Translations of words that are not part of a specific wording in the standards, but can be
useful for certain warnings or cautionary statements
Hungarian Felnőtt szerelje össze.
Légutak külső elzáródása miatti fulladásveszély.
Kis alkatrészek.
Kis alkatrészek és kis labdák.
Kis labdák.
Hosszú zsinór.
Ennek a játéknak éles funkcionális élei vannak.
Ennek a játéknak éles funkcionális hegyes végződései vannak.
Csak magánterületen használja.
Icelandic Samsetningar af hálfu fullorðinna krafist.
Litlir hlutir.
Litlir hlutir og litlar kúlur.
Litlar kúlur.
Löng snúra.
Þetta leikfang hefur beitta kanta.
Þetta leikfang hefur beitta odda.
Notist ekki annarsstaðar en á einkalóðum.
Italian Richiesto assemblaggio da parte di un adulto.
Rischio di soffocamento.
Rischio di strangolamento.
Rischio di soffocamento.
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