This document specifies requirements for formamide in foam toy materials and a test method for determining the content of formamide in foam toy materials. This document is applicable to toys intended for use by children under 36 month or other toys intended to be placed in the mouth.
NOTE 1 The document provides a test method to determine if the total content of formamide in foam toy materials is below the 200 mg/kg cut-off limit. Foam toy materials exceeding this limit are subject to the emission limit specified in Appendix C to Annex II to Directive 2009/48/EC.
NOTE 2 The European Commission Guidance Document No 11 on the Application of Directive 2009/48/EC on the Safety of Toys [3] provides guidelines to help on the classification of toys intended for children under 36 months of age or of 36 months and over.

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This document specifies requirements (content limit) and a test method for isothiazolinones in aqueous toy materials.

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This document specifies requirements (content limit) and a test method for certain flame retardants in toy materials.

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This document specifies requirements and test methods for determining the concentration of phenol in aqueous toy materials and for migration of phenol from polymeric toy materials. This document is applicable to toys intended for use by children under 36 months or other toys intended to be placed in the mouth.
NOTE   The European Commission Guidance Document No 11 on the Application of Directive 2009/48/EC on the Safety of Toys [4] provides guidelines to help on the classification of toys intended for children under 36 months of age or of 36 months and over.

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This document specifies requirements and a test method for migration of bisphenol A from toy materials. This document is applicable to toys intended for use by children under 36 months or other toys intended to be placed in the mouth.
NOTE   The European Commission Guidance Document No 11 on the Application of Directive 2009/48/EC on the Safety of Toys [3] provides guidelines to help on the classification of toys intended for children under 36 months of age or of 36 months and over.

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This document provides an indication of the lowest age at which children start playing with toys in specific toy sub-categories. It is primarily directed to manufacturers and agencies that evaluate the compliance of toys with safety standards.
This document can be used as a reference to determine the appropriateness of toys by earliest age, for use by distributors, institutions and organizations involved with child play, as well as by paediatric institutions, teachers, other professionals that use toys in their routine activities, and consumers.
The age at which children develop different abilities is unique for each individual child. This document illustrates the age ranges during which a typical child has developed certain abilities.
Although age grading has safety implications, this document is not intended to address specific safety requirements. Specific safety requirements for toys (e.g. restriction of the presence of small parts and small balls in toys intended for certain age groups, due to the choking hazard) can be found in the ISO 8124 series and in other regional toy safety standards and regulations.

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This document specifies a test method for categorization of slime-type products to support users of EN 71-3 in the categorization of products with slime-like behaviour into material categories 1 (dry, brittle, powder-like or pliable toy material) or 2 (liquid or sticky toy material).

  • Technical specification
    21 pages
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This document specifies requirements for the maximum amount, and in some cases, the maximum concentration of certain substances and mixtures used in experimental sets for chemistry and related activities.
These substances and mixtures are:
-   those classified as hazardous by the EC-legislation applying to hazardous substances and hazardous mixtures [1];
-   substances and mixtures which in excessive amounts could harm the health of the children using them and which are not classified as hazardous by the above-mentioned legislation; and
-   any other chemical substance(s) and mixture(s) delivered with the experimental set.
This document applies to experimental sets for chemistry and related activities including crystal growing sets, carbon dioxide generating experimental sets and supplementary sets. It also covers sets for chemical experiments within the fields of mineralogy, biology, physics, microscopy and environmental science whenever they contain one or more chemical substances and/or mixtures which are classified as hazardous according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [1].
This document also specifies requirements for marking, a contents list, instructions for use, eye protection and for the equipment intended for carrying out the experiments.
This document does not apply to combined sets, e.g. a combination of a chemistry set and a crystal growing set. It also does not apply to toys that are covered by EN 71-13 (e.g. cosmetic kits). Requirements for certain other chemical toys are given in EN 71-5.
NOTE   The terms "substance" and "preparation", are used in the "REACH Regulation", Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 [2]. According to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labelling of chemicals, which in the European Union has been enacted by Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures) [1], the timetable for the introduction of GHS is followed. The words "preparation" and "mixture" are considered synonymous; both are a mixture or solution of substances that do not react with each other. The old term "preparation" will be replaced by the new term "mixture" in due course. In this document, only the term "mixture" is used.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the categories of flammable materials which are prohibited in all toys, and requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when they are subjected to a small source of ignition.
The test methods described in Clause 5 are used for the purposes of determining the flammability of toys under the particular test conditions specified. The test results thus obtained cannot be considered as providing an overall indication of the potential fire hazard of toys or materials when subjected to other sources of ignition.
This European Standard includes general requirements relating to all toys and specific requirements and methods of test relating to the following toys, which are considered as being those presenting the greatest hazard:
—   toys to be worn on the head: beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from hair, pile or material with similar features; masks; hoods, head-dresses, etc.; flowing elements of toys to be worn on the head, but excluding paper novelty hats of the type usually supplied in party crackers;
—   toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play;
—   toys intended to be entered by a child;
—   soft-filled toys.
NOTE   Additional requirements for flammability of electric toys are specified in EN 62115.

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The purpose of this technical report is to assist users of EN 71-1 with the categorisation of projectile
toys under clause 4.17 of that standard. This report looks at various types of toys, commonly available
in the market and indicates under which part of 4.17 they should be assessed.
Various types of projectile launching products will not be considered toys (for example, a catapult used
for angling), further guidance on the categorisation of toy products can be found in EU commission
Explanatory guidance document.

  • Technical report
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  • Technical report
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2021-08-10 - TC origine - Improvement of some French Warning messages

  • Corrigendum
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The purpose of this document is to provide replies to requests for interpretations of actual chemical standards in the EN 71-series:
-   EN 71 3: Migration of certain elements;
-   EN 71 4: Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities;
-   EN 71 5: Chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets;
-   EN 71 7: Finger paints - Requirements and test methods;
-   EN 71 9: Organic chemical compounds - Requirements;
-   EN 71 10: Organic chemical compounds - Sample preparation and extraction;
-   EN 71 11: Organic chemical compounds - Methods of analysis;
-   EN 71 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-Nitrosatable substances;
-   EN 71 13: Olfactory board games, cosmetic kits and gustative games.

  • Technical report
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The purpose of this document is to provide replies to requests for interpretations of EN 71 1:2014+A1:2018, Safety of toys - Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties, EN 71 2:2020, Safety of toys - Part 2: Flammability, EN 71 8:2018, Safety of toys - Part 8: Activity toys for domestic use and EN 71 14:2018 and Safety of toys - Part 14: Trampolines for domestic use.

  • Technical report
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This Technical Report contains a compilation of national translations of warnings and instructions for use, mentioned in the EN 71 series of standards. The warnings and instructions for use need to be applied in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the EN 71 series of standards for safety of toys and these standards should always be consulted before drawing up the text of a warning or instruction for use.
The users of this document should be aware that additional markings may be required for certain toys, e.g. in non-EU countries. Local regulations should be checked.

  • Technical report
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This part of EN 71 specifies requirements for the substances and materials used in finger paints and applies to finger paints only.
Additional requirements are specified for markings, labelling and containers.

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This document specifies requirements and test methods for trampolines for domestic use, their access devices and their enclosures, intended for outdoor and/or indoor use by one person at a time.
The scope of this document excludes:
-   trampolines used as gymnastic equipment, covered by EN 13219:2008;
-   floating inflatable trampolines, covered by the EN ISO 25649:2017 series;
-   trampolines used in public playgrounds;
-   inclined mat trampolines;
-   inflatable trampolines;
-   fitness trampolines, including trampolines for medical use;
-   trampolines with additional features, e.g. tents, basketball hoop.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies requirements and methods of tests for mechanical and physical
properties of toys.
This European Standard applies to toys for children, toys being any product or material designed or
intended, whether or not exclusively, for use in play by children of less than 14 years. It refers to new
toys taking into account the period of foreseeable and normal use, and that the toys are used as
intended or in a foreseeable way, bearing in mind the behaviour of children.
It includes specific requirements for toys intended for children under 36 months, children under 18
months and for children who are too young to sit up unaided. According to Directive 2009/48/EC
“intended for use by” means that a parent or supervisor shall reasonably be able to assume by virtue of
the functions, dimensions and characteristics of a toy that it is intended for use by children of the stated
age group. Therefore, for the purpose of this European Standard, e.g. soft-filled toys with simple features
intended for holding and cuddling are considered as toys intended for children under 36 months.
NOTE Information relating to the age grading of toys and, in particular, which toys are intended for children
under 36 months and which toys are not, can be found in !Deleted text" CEN/CENELEC Guide 11 and the
European Commission’s Guidance Documents.
This European Standard also specifies requirements for packaging, marking and labelling.
This European Standard does not cover musical instruments, sports equipment or similar items but
does include their toy counterparts.
This European Standard does not apply to the following toys:
— playground equipment intended for public use;
— automatic playing machines, whether coin operated or not, intended for public use;
— toy vehicles equipped with combustion engines (see A.2);
— toy steam engines
— toy slings and toy catapults, supplied without projectiles;
— flying toys incorporating rotor blade(s) which are capable of spinning approximately horizontally,
each blade being greater than 175 mm in length, measured from the centre of rotation to the blade
tip, and with an overall mass of the flying toy greater than 50 g.
Toy slings and toy catapults supplied with projectiles are covered by this standard.

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This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for activity toys for domestic use often attached to or incorporating a crossbeam, and similar toys intended for children under 14 years to play on or in and often intended to bear the mass of one or more children.
This European Standard also specifies requirements for:
-   separately sold accessories for, and components of activity toys;
-   separately sold swing elements that are ready for use on or in combination with an activity toy;
-   construction packages for activity toys including components used to build activity toys according to a scheduled building instruction.
The scope of this European Standard excludes:
-   playground equipment intended for public use dealt with in the EN 1176 series;
-   bow-mounted rocking activity toys such as rocking horses and similar toys, which are covered by specific requirements in EN 71 1;
-   toy pools with maximum depth of water over 400 mm measured, between the overflow level and the deepest point within the pool;
NOTE 1   For information regarding the classification of pools as toys see European Commission guidance document No. 8 from Bibliographical Entry [1].
-   pools with maximum depth of water over 400 mm measured, between the overflow level and the deepest point within the pool, without play elements covered e.g. by the EN 16582 series or EN 16927.
NOTE 2   There is an enhanced risk of drowning in toy pools where the depth of water is in excess of 400 mm.
-   trampolines for domestic use dealt with in EN 71 14.
-   inflatable activity toys (except paddling pools).
See also A.1.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for N nitrosamines and N nitrosatable substances for:
   toys and parts of toys made from elastomers and intended for use by children under 36 months;
   toys and parts of toys made from elastomers and intended to be placed in the mouth;
   finger paints for children under 36 months.
EXAMPLES   Examples of toys made from elastomers are balloons and teethers.

  • Standard
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This Technical Report presents the results of a European Study on “Children's mouthing behaviour in contact with toys”. It provides statistical data on the duration and frequency that children under 36 months introduce toys into their mouths and estimated data on the time children under 36 months spend mouthing toys each day.
Furthermore, it provides information on:
-   the literature focused on children's mouthing behaviour, including commonly used methodologies and significant results;
-   the design and methodology of the study;
-   the data on the children and toy sample;
-   the forms used in data collection.

  • Technical report
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This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for the substances and materials used in chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets. These substances and mixtures are:
   those classified as dangerous by the EC-legislation applying to dangerous substances and dangerous mixtures [5];
   substances and mixtures which in excessive amounts could harm the health of the children using them and which are not classified as dangerous by the above mentioned legislation; and
   any other chemical substance(s) and mixture(s) delivered with the chemical toy.
NOTE   The terms “substance” and “mixture” are defined in the REACH regulation No. (EC)1907/2006 and in the CLP regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.
Additionally, requirements are specified for markings, warnings, safety rules, contents list, instructions for use and first aid information.
This Part of EN 71 applies to:
   plaster of Paris (gypsum) moulding sets;
   ceramic and vitreous enamelling materials supplied in miniature workshop sets;
   oven-hardening plasticised PVC modelling clay sets;
   plastic moulding sets;
   embedding sets;
   adhesives, paints, lacquers, varnishes, thinners and cleaning agents (solvents), supplied or recommended in model sets.

  • Standard
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This Part 10 of the European Standard EN 71 for safety of toys specifies sample preparation and extraction procedures for establishing the release or content of organic compounds from those toys for which requirements exist in EN 71-9.

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  • Standard
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This Part 11 of the European Standard EN 71 for safety of toys specifies methods for the analysis of toy and toy material extracts prepared according to the sampling procedures in EN 71-10, to enable assessment of compliance with the chemical requirements specified in EN 71-9.
This European Standard specifies analytical methods for the identification and determination of the following groups of organic chemicals:
   Flame retardants
   Primary aromatic amines
   Monomers and solvents
   Wood preservatives
NOTE 1   Methods for formaldehyde in accessible textile components of toys; accessible paper components of toys; and accessible resin-bonded wood components of toys are specified in EN 71-9.
NOTE 2   The method for free formaldehyde as a preservative is specified in EN 71-10.

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  • Standard
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This document specifies microbiological cleanliness and preservative efficacy requirements for accessible aqueous media in toys.
The requirements in this document apply to all toys that are, contain or are supplied with accessible aqueous materials (e.g. paste, putty, liquid or gel).
The cleanliness and preservation effectiveness requirements are applicable to a toy as it is initially received by the consumer, in an unopened and undamaged container. This document does not apply to a toy that has been used, has had its packaging opened or is otherwise compromised in a way that would introduce microbiological contamination.
This document does not cover products and samples which are post-consumer use, since the microbiological limits are inappropriate given there is no way to establish what conditions the toys have been subject to before testing.
The following are specifically excluded from the scope of this document:
-   materials that are inaccessible during normal use or reasonably foreseeable abuse;
-   food;
-   cosmetics;
-   components of toys covered by EN 71-13 where;
-   the component is in scope of the Cosmetic Products Regulation (i.e. Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 [13]; and
-   the component comprises only recognized food flavours and food ingredients (see relevant legislation, for example Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 [16] ("general food law"), Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 [15] (flavours), Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 [14], Commission Regulation (EU) No 231/2012 [18] (food additives) and Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 (food information to consumers)[17]);
-   experimental sets covered by EN 71-4.
NOTE   Play cosmetics, that are only for use on the toy (e.g. makeup products only for a doll), are not excluded.

  • Draft
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This part of EN 71 specifies requirements for the substances and materials used in finger paints and applies to finger paints only.
Additional requirements are specified for markings, labelling and containers.
NOTE   EN 71-3 and EN 71-12 specify requirements and test methods for finger paints for the migration of certain elements (see F.4) and N-nitrosamines (see F.9).

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This document specifies requirements and test methods for toy materials (substances and mixtures) used in chemical toys (sets) other than experimental sets. These substances and mixtures are:
-   those classified as dangerous by the EU legislation applying to dangerous substances and dangerous mixtures [5];
-   substances and mixtures which in excessive amounts could harm the health of the children using them and which are not classified as dangerous by the above-mentioned legislation; and
-   any other chemical substance(s) and mixture(s) delivered with the chemical toy.
NOTE   The terms "substance" and "mixture" are defined in the REACH regulation No. (EC)1907/2006 and in the CLP regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008.
Additionally, requirements are specified for markings, warnings, safety rules, contents list, instructions for use and first aid information.
This document applies to:
-   plaster of Paris (gypsum) moulding sets;
-   oven-hardening plasticised PVC modelling clay sets;
-   polystyrene granules sets;
-   embedding sets;
-   adhesives, paints, lacquers, varnishes, thinners and cleaning agents (solvents), supplied or recommended in model sets;
-   slime kits.

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This document specifies requirements and test methods for activity toys.
NOTE 1   Activity toys are often attached to or incorporating a crossbeam and often intended to bear the mass of one or more children.
This document also specifies requirements for:
-   separately sold accessories for, and components of activity toys;
-   separately sold swing elements that are ready for use on or in combination with an activity toy;
-   construction packages for activity toys including components used to build activity toys according to a scheduled building instruction.
The scope of this document excludes:
-   playground equipment intended for public use dealt with in the EN 1176 series;
-   bow-mounted rocking activity toys such as rocking horses and similar toys, which are covered by specific requirements in EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018;
-   toy pools with maximum depth of water over 400 mm measured, between the overflow level and the deepest point within the pool;
NOTE 2   For information regarding the classification of pools as toys see European Commission guidance document No. 8 on the application of the Directive 2009/48/EC on the safety of toys - Pools [1].
-   pools with maximum depth of water over 400 mm measured, between the overflow level and the deepest point within the pool, without play elements covered e.g. by the EN 16582 series or EN 16927.
NOTE 3   There is an enhanced risk of drowning in toy pools where the depth of water is in excess of 400 mm.
-   trampolines for domestic use dealt with in EN 71-14;
-   powered blowers used to continuously inflate inflatable activity toys.
NOTE 4   Powered blowers used to continuously inflate inflatable activity toys are considered to be a household appliance and covered by requirements given in EN 60335-2-80.
See also A.1.

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This document specifies requirements and test methods for toy trampolines for domestic use, their access devices and their enclosures, intended for outdoor and/or indoor use by one person at a time.
The scope of this document excludes:
-   trampolines used as gymnastic equipment, covered by EN 13219:2008;
-   floating inflatable trampolines, covered by the EN ISO 25649:2017 series;
-   trampolines used in public playgrounds;
-   inclined mat trampolines;
-   inflatable trampolines;
-   fitness trampolines, including trampolines for medical use;
-   trampolines with additional features, e.g. tents, basketball hoop.

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This document applies to olfactory board games, cosmetic kits, gustative games and supplementary sets. It specifies requirements on the use of substances and mixtures and in some cases on their amount and concentration in olfactory board games, cosmetic kits, gustative games and supplementary sets to such games or kits.
These substances and mixtures are:
-   those classified as hazardous by the EC-legislation applying to hazardous substances [13] and hazardous mixtures [13];
-   substances and mixtures which in excessive amounts could harm the health of the children using them and which are not classified as hazardous by the above-mentioned legislation; and
-   any other chemical substance(s) and mixture(s) delivered with the set.
Furthermore, this document specifies allergenic fragrances which are prohibited in toys, marking requirements, in particular regarding allergenic fragrances, and requirements on a contents list, instructions for use, the equipment intended to be used during the activity and the use of highly flammable liquids.
This document does not apply to cosmetic toys such as play cosmetics for dolls.
NOTE   The terms "substance" and "mixture" are defined in the REACH regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 [14] and in the CLP regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [13].

  • Draft
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This European Standard specifies the categories of flammable materials which are prohibited in all toys, and requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when they are subjected to a small source of ignition.
The test methods described in Clause 5 are used for the purposes of determining the flammability of toys under the particular test conditions specified. The test results thus obtained cannot be considered as providing an overall indication of the potential fire hazard of toys or materials when subjected to other sources of ignition.
This European Standard includes general requirements relating to all toys and specific requirements and methods of test relating to the following toys, which are considered as being those presenting the greatest hazard:
-   toys to be worn on the head: beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from hair, pile or material with similar features; masks; hoods, head-dresses, etc.; flowing elements of toys to be worn on the head, but excluding paper novelty hats of the type usually supplied in party crackers;
-   toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play;
-   toys intended to be entered by a child;
-   soft-filled toys.
NOTE   Additional requirements for flammability of electric toys are specified in EN IEC 62115.

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This document specifies requirements and test methods for the migration of aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cadmium, Chromium (III), Chromium (VI), cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, strontium, tin, organic tin and zinc from toy materials and from parts of toys.
Packaging materials are not considered to be part of the toy unless they have intended play value.
NOTE 1   See the European Commission guidance document no. 12 on the application of the Directive on the safety of toys - packaging [2].
The standard contains requirements for the migration of certain elements from the following categories of toy materials:
-   Category I: Dry, brittle, powder like or pliable materials;
-   Category II: Liquid or sticky materials;
-   Category III: Scraped-off materials.
The requirements of this document do not apply to toys or parts of toys which, due to their accessibility, function, volume or mass, clearly exclude any hazard due to sucking, licking or swallowing or prolonged skin contact when the toy or part of toy is used as intended or in a foreseeable way, bearing in mind the behaviour of children.
NOTE 2   For the purposes of this document, for the following toys and parts of toys the likelihood of sucking, licking or swallowing toys is considered significant (see H.2 and H.3):
-   All toys intended to be put in the mouth or to the mouth, cosmetics toys and writing instruments categorized as toys can be considered to be sucked, licked or swallowed;
-   All the accessible parts and components of toys intended for children up to 6 years of age can be considered to come into contact with the mouth. The likelihood of mouth contact with parts of toys intended for older children is not considered significant in most cases (see H.2).

  • Draft
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This document specifies requirements for the maximum amount, and in some cases, the maximum concentration of certain substances and mixtures used in experimental sets for chemistry and related activities.
These substances and mixtures are:
-   those classified as hazardous by the EC-legislation applying to hazardous substances and hazardous mixtures [1];
-   substances and mixtures which in excessive amounts could harm the health of the children using them and which are not classified as hazardous by the above-mentioned legislation; and
-   any other chemical substance(s) and mixture(s) delivered with the experimental set.
This document applies to experimental sets for chemistry and related activities including crystal growing sets, carbon dioxide generating experimental sets and supplementary sets. It also covers sets for chemical experiments within the fields of mineralogy, biology, physics, microscopy and environmental science whenever they contain one or more chemical substances and/or mixtures which are classified as hazardous according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [1].
This document also specifies requirements for marking, a contents list, instructions for use, eye protection and for the equipment intended for carrying out the experiments.
This document does not apply to combined sets, e.g. a combination of a chemistry set and a crystal growing set. It also does not apply to toys that are covered by EN 71-13 (e.g. cosmetic kits). Requirements for certain other chemical toys are given in EN 71-5.
NOTE   The terms "substance" and "preparation", are used in the "REACH Regulation", Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 [2]. According to the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labelling of chemicals, which in the European Union has been enacted by Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 (classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures) [1], the timetable for the introduction of GHS is followed. The words "preparation" and "mixture" are considered synonymous; both are a mixture or solution of substances that do not react with each other. The old term "preparation" will be replaced by the new term "mixture" in due course. In this document, only the term "mixture" is used.

  • Draft
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This European Standard specifies requirements and methods of tests for mechanical and physical properties of toys.
This European Standard applies to toys for children, toys being any product or material designed or intended, whether or not exclusively, for use in play by children of less than 14 years. It refers to new toys taking into account the period of foreseeable and normal use, and that the toys are used as intended or in a foreseeable way, bearing in mind the behaviour of children.
It includes specific requirements for toys intended for children under 36 months, children under 18 months and for children who are too young to sit up unaided. According to Directive 2009/48/EC (Toy Safety Directive) [21] "intended for use by" means that a parent or supervisor shall reasonably be able to assume by virtue of the functions, dimensions and characteristics of a toy that it is intended for use by children of the stated age group. For example, soft-filled toys with simple features intended for holding and cuddling are considered as intended for use by children under 36 months.
NOTE   Information relating to the age grading and age determination of toys can be found in CEN ISO/TR 8124-8 [22] and the European Commission’s Guidance Documents on the Toy Safety Directive.
This European Standard also specifies requirements for packaging, marking and labelling.
This European Standard does not cover musical instruments, sports equipment or similar items but does include their toy counterparts.
This European Standard does not apply to the following toys:
-   automatic playing machines, whether coin operated or not, intended for public use;
-   toy vehicles equipped with combustion engines (see A.2);
-   toy steam engines;
-   toy slings and toy catapults, supplied without projectiles;
-   remote control flying toys incorporating rotor blade(s) which are capable of spinning approximately horizontally, each blade being greater than 175 mm in length, measured from the centre of rotation to the blade tip, and with an overall mass of the flying toy greater than 50 g.
Toy slings and toy catapults supplied with projectiles are covered by this standard.
This European Standard does not cover electrical safety aspects of toys which are covered by EN IEC 62115.
Furthermore, it does not cover the following items which, for the purpose of this European Standard, are not considered as toys:
a)   decorative objects for festivities and celebrations;
b)   products for collectors, provided that the product or its packaging bears a visible and legible indication that it is intended for collectors of 14 years of age and above; examples of this category are:
1)   detailed and faithful scale models (see A.2);
2)   kits for the assembly of detailed scale models;
3)   folk dolls and decorative dolls and other similar articles;
4)   historical replicas of toys;
5)   reproductions of real fire arms;
c)   sports equipment including roller skates, inline skates, and skateboards intended for children with a body mass of more than 20 kg;
d)   bicycles with a maximum saddle height of more than 435 mm, measured as the vertical distance from the ground to the top of the seat surface, with the seat in a horizontal position and with the seat pillar set to the minimum insertion mark;
e)   scooters and other means of transport designed for sport or which are intended to be used for travel on public roads or public pathways;
f)   electrically driven vehicles which are intended to be used for travel on public roads, public pathways, or the pavement thereof;
g)   aquatic equipment intended to be used in deep water, and swimming learning devices for children, such as swim seats and swimming aids;

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This document applies to olfactory board games, cosmetic kits, gustative games and supplementary sets. It specifies requirements on the use of substances and mixtures and in some cases on their amount and concentration in olfactory board games, cosmetic kits, gustative games and supplementary sets to such games or kits.
These substances and mixtures are:
-   those classified as hazardous by the EC-legislation applying to hazardous substances [13] and hazardous mixtures [13];
-   substances and mixtures which in excessive amounts could harm the health of the children using them and which are not classified as hazardous by the above-mentioned legislation; and
-   any other chemical substance(s) and mixture(s) delivered with the set.
Furthermore, this document specifies allergenic fragrances which are prohibited in toys, marking requirements, in particular regarding allergenic fragrances, and requirements on a contents list, instructions for use, the equipment intended to be used during the activity and the use of highly flammable liquids.
This document does not apply to cosmetic toys such as play cosmetics for dolls.
NOTE   The terms "substance" and "mixture" are defined in the REACH regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 [14] and in the CLP regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 [13].

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This document specifies requirements and test methods for the migration of aluminium, antimony, arsenic, barium, boron, cadmium, Chromium (III), Chromium (VI), cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, strontium, tin, organic tin and zinc from toy materials and from parts of toys.
Packaging materials are not considered to be part of the toy unless they have intended play value.
NOTE 1   See the European Commission guidance document no. 12 on the application of the Directive on the safety of toys - packaging [2].
The standard contains requirements for the migration of certain elements from the following categories of toy materials:
-   Category I: Dry, brittle, powder like or pliable materials;
-   Category II: Liquid or sticky materials;
-   Category III: Scraped-off materials.
The requirements of this document do not apply to toys or parts of toys which, due to their accessibility, function, volume or mass, clearly exclude any hazard due to sucking, licking or swallowing or prolonged skin contact when the toy or part of toy is used as intended or in a foreseeable way, bearing in mind the behaviour of children.
NOTE 2   For the purposes of this document, for the following toys and parts of toys the likelihood of sucking, licking or swallowing toys is considered significant (see H.2 and H.3):
-   All toys intended to be put in the mouth or to the mouth, cosmetics toys and writing instruments categorized as toys can be considered to be sucked, licked or swallowed;
-   All the accessible parts and components of toys intended for children up to 6 years of age can be considered to come into contact with the mouth. The likelihood of mouth contact with parts of toys intended for older children is not considered significant in most cases (see H.2).

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Amendment 8 concerning hazardous magnets in toys

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This European Standard specifies the categories of flammable materials which are prohibited in all toys, and requirements concerning flammability of certain toys when they are subjected to a small source of ignition. The test methods described in Clause 5 are used for the purposes of determining the flammability of toys under the particular test conditions specified. The test results thus obtained cannot be considered as providing an overall indication of the potential fire hazard of toys or materials when subjected to other sources of ignition. This European Standard includes general requirements relating to all toys and specific requirements and methods of test relating to the following toys, which are considered as being those presenting the greatest hazard: - toys to be worn on the head: beards, moustaches, wigs, etc. made from hair, pile or material with similar features; masks; hoods, head-dresses, etc.; flowing elements of toys to be worn on the head, but excluding paper novelty hats of the type usually supplied in party crackers; - toy disguise costumes and toys intended to be worn by a child in play; - toys intended to be entered by a child; - soft-filled toys.   NOTE    Additional requirements for flammability of electric toys are specified in EN 62115.

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To add a requirement that cap firing toys shall carry an indication regarding which percussion caps designed for use in toys, they can be safely used with.

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Revision of EN 71-1:2011 to take into account the new Toys Safety Directive 2009/48/EC

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2019-12-09: HAS assessment missing at ENQ. Request submitted to HAS Livelink platform with deadline: 2020-01-29.

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Amendment relating to suction cups on projectiles intended for children over 36 months.

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Amendment concerning legibility of warnings and correction of Gauss-meter specification. Revision of EN 71-1 to take into account the new Toys Safety Directive 2009/48/EC with regard to Legibility of warnings and Correction of Gauss-meter specification

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Amendments relating to
- sound-pressure measurements
- toys containing a heat source
- tip-over tests
- points and wires

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Amendments relating to clause 4.3.4: to replace "5 mm" by "7 mm".

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Amendments relating to various clauses (3.13, 4.1.2, 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3.1 a), 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 4.6.7, 4.6.8,,,, 6.7 and rationale)

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Amendments relating to clause 7 "Warnings and instructions for use"

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Amendments concerning definition, requirements, warning and rationale for small balls

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