Metallic powders - Determination of particle size by dry sieving (ISO 4497:1983)

The method is applicable to dry, unlubricated powders, but not applicable to powders in which the morphology differs markedly from being equiaxial, for example flake-type powders. Is not applicable to metallic powders having a particle size wholly or mostly unter 45 /u. Specifies principle, apparatus, preparation of test portion, procedure, expression of results and test report.

Metallpulver - Bestimmung der Teilchengrößen durch Trockensiebung (ISO 4497:1983)

Die vorliegende Internationale Norm legt das Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Teilchengrössenverteilung metallischer Pulver durch Trockensieben in Granulatsfraktionen fest. Das Verfahren ist anwendbar auf metallische, trockene und nicht gewachste Pulver, aber nicht auf Pulver, deren Gestalt stark von der Kugelgestalt abweicht, z. B. auf Pulver in Flockenform.

Poudres métalliques - Détermination de la granulométrie par tamisage à sec (ISO 4497:1983)

La présente Norme internationale spécifie une méthode de détermination de la distribution granulométrique des poudres métalliques par tamisage à sec en fractions granulométriques. La méthode est applicable aux poudres métalliques sèches et non lubrifiées, mais non aux poudres dont la morphologie diffère notablement de l'équiaxialité, par exemple aux poudres en flocons. La méthode n'est pas applicable aux poudres métalliques de granulométrie inférieure, en totalité ou en partie, à 45 µm.

Metallic powders - Determination of particle size by dry sieving (ISO 4497:1983)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Metallic powders - Determination of particle size by dry sieving (ISO 4497:1983)Metallpulver - Bestimmung der Teilchengrößen durch Trockensiebung (ISO 4497:1983)Poudres métalliques - Détermination de la granulométrie par tamisage a sec (ISO 4497:1983)Metallic powders - Determination of particle size by dry sieving (ISO 4497:1983)77.160Metalurgija prahovPowder metallurgyICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 24497:1993SIST EN 24497:2000en01-december-2000SIST EN 24497:2000SLOVENSKI
International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION.ME)I(LIYHAPO~HAR OP~AHH3AWlfl fl0 CTAH&APTbl3Al.WWORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Metallic powders - Determination of particle size by dry sieving Poudres mktalliques - Determination de Ia granulomhtrie par tamisage 6 sec First edition - 1983-06-15 UDC 621.762 : 669-492.2 : 621.928.2 Descriptors : pulverulent products, metallic powder, sieve analysis. Ref. No. ISO 4497-1983 (E) Price based on 2 pages SIST EN 24497:2000

Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard ISO 4497 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 119, Powder metahrgy, and was circulated to the member bodies in August 1982. lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Canada Italy China Mexico Czechoslovakia Norway Egypt, Arab Rep. of Poland France Romania Germany, F. R. South Africa, Rep. of Spain Sweden United Kingdom USA USSR No member body expressed disapproval of the document. 0 International Organization for Standardization, 1983 Printed in Switzerland SIST EN 24497:2000

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 44974983 (El Metallic powders - Determination of particle size by dry sieving 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies a method of determining the particle size distribution of metallic powders by dry sieving into size fractions. The method is applicable to dry, unlubricated metallic powders, but not applicable to powders in which the morphology differs markedly from being equiaxial, for example flake-type powders. The method is not applicable to metallic powders having a par- title size wholly or mostly under 45 Fm. 2 References ISO 565, Test sieves - Wo ven metal wire cloth, perforated plate and electroformed sheet - Nominal sizes of openings. ISO 2591, Test sieving. 3 Principle Separation of the metallic powder into particle size fractions by shaking through a set of wire cloth test sieves arranged in con- secutive Order of size of aperture openings. Weighing of the fractions retained on each sieve and the frac- tion passing the finest sieve. The. aperture size of the test sieves shall be Chosen from the principal size IR 20/3) sieves of ISO 565, but if this is not ap- propriate the principal sizes tan be partly or totally replaced from one of the intermediate sizes (R 40/3 or R 20). The aper- ture sizes of the test sieves shall be Chosen so as to determine adequately the particle size distribution of the test Portion (sec clause 7). NOTE - An irregular or partial set of test sieves may be selected, if agreed between the supplier and the purchaser. 4.2 Mechanical sieving machine, if used (see 6.2). 4.3 Balance, capable of weighing at least 100 g to an accuracy of & 0,05 g. 4.4 Soft brush. 5 Preparation

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