Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 1: Pipeline systems for compressed medical gases and vacuum - Amendment 1: Requirements for terminal units for vacuum fitted on medical supply units with operator-adjustable portions and connected to the pipeline through flexible hoses (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)

This part of ISO 7396 specifies requirements for design, installation, function, performance, documentation, testing and commissioning of pipeline systems for compressed medical gases, gases for driving surgical tools and vacuum in healthcare facilities to ensure continuous delivery of the correct gas and the provision of vacuum from the pipeline system. It includes requirements for supply systems, pipeline distribution systems, control systems, monitoring and alarm systems and non-interchangeability between components of different gas systems. This part of ISO 7396 is applicable to: a) pipeline systems for the following medical gases: - oxygen; - nitrous oxide; - medical air; - carbon dioxide; - oxygen/nitrous oxide mixtures (see Note 1); b) pipeline systems for the following gases: - oxygen-enriched air; - air for driving surgical tools; - nitrogen for driving surgical tools; c) pipeline systems for vacuum. This part of ISO 7396 also applies to: - extensions of existing pipeline distribution systems; - modifications of existing pipeline distribution systems; - modifications or replacement of supply systems or sources of supply.

Rohrleitungssysteme für medizinische Gase - Teil 1: Rohrleitungssysteme für medizinische Druckgase und Vakuum - Änderung 1: Anforderungen an Entnahmestellen für Vakuum, die an medizinische Versorgungseinheiten mit vom Anwender einstellbaren Abschnitten angebracht und durch flexibles Schläuche mit der Rohrleitung verbunden sind (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)

Systèmes de distribution de gaz médicaux - Partie 1: Systèmes de distribution de gaz médicaux comprimés et de vide - Amendement 1: Exigences relatives aux prises murales pour le vide montées sur des gaines techniques médicales munies de sections réglables par l'opérateur et raccordées aux canalisations par des flexibles (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)

Sistemi napeljav za medicinske pline - 1. del: Napeljave za stisnjene medicinske pline in podtlak - Dopolnilo 1: Zahteve za terminalne enote vakuumskih sesalnikov za medicinsko oskrbo z nastavljivimi deli in gibljivimi cevmi za povezavo s plinovodom (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)

Ta del ISO 7396 določa zahteve za načrt, namestitev, delovanje, dokumentacijo, preskušanje in usposobitev za zagon sistemov napeljav za stisnjene medicinske pline, pline za pogon kirurškega orodja in vakuum v zdravstvenih ustanovah, ki iz sistema napeljave zagotavljajo neprekinjeno oskrbo s pravim plinom in dovajanje vakuuma. Vključuje zahteve za sisteme oskrbe, cevovodne distribucijske sisteme, nadzorne sisteme, sisteme za spremljanje in alarm ter neizmenljivost med sestavnimi deli različnih plinskih sistemov. Ta del ISO 7396 velja za: a) sisteme napeljav za naslednje medicinske pline: - kisik; - dušikov oksid; - medicinski zrak; - ogljikov dioksid; - mešanice kisika/dušikovega oksida (glej Opombo 1); b) sisteme napeljav za naslednje pline: - s kisikom obogateni zrak; - zrak za pogon kirurškega orodja; - dušik za pogon kirurškega orodja; c) sisteme napeljav za vakuum. Ta del ISO 7396 velja tudi za: - podaljške obstoječih distribucijskih cevovodnih sistemov; - spremembe obstoječih distribucijskih cevovodnih sistemov; - spremembe ali zamenjavo sistemov oskrbe ali virov oskrbe.

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EN ISO 7396-1:2007/A1:2010
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Sistemi napeljav za medicinske pline - 1. del: Napeljave za stisnjene medicinske
pline in podtlak - Dopolnilo 1: Zahteve za terminalne enote vakuumskih sesalnikov
za medicinsko oskrbo z nastavljivimi deli in gibljivimi cevmi za povezavo s
plinovodom (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)
Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 1: Pipeline systems for compressed medical gases
and vacuum - Amendment 1: Requirements for terminal units for vacuum fitted on
medical supply units with operator-adjustable portions and connected to the pipeline
through flexible hoses (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)
Rohrleitungssysteme für medizinische Gase - Teil 1: Rohrleitungssysteme für
medizinische Druckgase und Vakuum - Änderung 1: Anforderungen an Entnahmestellen
für Vakuum, die an medizinische Versorgungseinheiten mit vom Anwender einstellbaren
Abschnitten angebracht und durch flexibles Schläuche mit der Rohrleitung verbunden
sind (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)
Systèmes de distribution de gaz médicaux - Partie 1: Systèmes de distribution de gaz
médicaux comprimés et de vide - Amendement 1: Exigences relatives aux prises
murales pour le vide montées sur des gaines techniques médicales munies de sections
réglables par l'opérateur et raccordées aux canalisations par des flexibles (ISO 7396-
1:2007/Amd 1:2010)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 7396-1:2007/A1:2010
11.040.10 Anestezijska, respiratorna in Anaesthetic, respiratory and
reanimacijska oprema reanimation equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN ISO 7396-1:2007/A1
January 2010
ICS 11.040.10
English Version
Medical gas pipeline systems - Part 1: Pipeline systems for
compressed medical gases and vacuum - Amendment 1:
Requirements for terminal units for vacuum fitted on medical
supply units with operator-adjustable portions and connected to
the pipeline through flexible hoses (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd
Systèmes de distribution de gaz médicaux - Partie 1: Rohrleitungssysteme für medizinische Gase - Teil 1:
Systèmes de distribution de gaz médicaux comprimés et Rohrleitungssysteme für medizinische Druckgase und
de vide - Amendement 1: Exigences relatives aux prises Vakuum - Änderung 1: Anforderungen an Entnahmestellen
murales pour le vide montées sur des gaines techniques für Vakuum, die an medizinische Versorgungseinheiten mit
médicales munies de sections réglables par l'opérateur et vom Anwender einstellbaren Abschnitten angebracht und
raccordées aux canalisations par des flexibles (ISO 7396- durch flexibles Schläuche mit der Rohrleitung verbunden
1:2007/Amd 1:2010) sind (ISO 7396-1:2007/Amd 1:2010)
This amendment A1 modifies the European Standard EN ISO 7396-1:2007; it was approved by CEN on 9 January 2010.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for inclusion of this
amendment into the relevant national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such
national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This amendment exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 7396-1:2007/A1:2010: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 93/42/EEC on Medical devices .4

This Amendment (EN ISO 7396-1:2007/A1:2010) has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 121
"Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment" in collaboration with Technical Committee CEN/TC 215 “Respiratory
and anaesthetic equipment” the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This Amendment to the European Standard EN ISO 7396:2007 shall be given the status of a national
standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2010, and
conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by July 2010.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive.
For relationship with EU Directive, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ge

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