Road lighting - Part 1: Selection of lighting classes

This document specifies the lighting classes set out in EN 13201-2 and gives guidelines on the application of these classes. To do this, it includes a system to define an outdoor public traffic area in terms of parameters relevant to lighting. To assist in the application of classes, it suggests a practical relationship between the various series of lighting classes, in terms of comparable or alternative classes.
It also gives guidelines on the selection of the relevant area to which the lighting classes from EN 13201-2 and the calculation grids and procedure from EN 13201-3 should be applied.
The parameters used in this document allow:
a) a lighting situation to be described in terms of:
     - the geometry of the area under consideration;
     - the use of the area;
     - the influence of the surrounding environment;
b) a specific approach to situations to be taken to enable the effective use of energy.
This document does not give the criteria on which a decision to light an area can be made, nor on how a lighting installation should be used.
This document does not give guidelines on the selection of lighting classes for toll stations, tunnels or canals and locks.

Straßenbeleuchtung - Teil 1: Auswahl der Beleuchtungsklassen

Dieses Dokument enthält Festlegungen für die Auswahl der in EN 13201-2 definierten Beleuchtungsklassen. Zu diesem Zweck enthält dieses Dokument ein System zur Definition der öffentlichen Verkehrsflächen im Freien in Form von Parametern, die für die Beleuchtung relevant sind. Um die Anwendung der Beleuchtungsklassen zu unterstützen, gibt dieses Dokument praktische Beziehungen zwischen verschiedenen Serien der Beleuchtungsklassen in Form vergleichbarer oder alternativer Beleuchtungsklassen an.
Dieses Dokument enthält Festlegungen zur Auswahl der betrachteten Fläche, auf der die Beleuchtungsklassen nach EN 13201-2 sowie die Berechnungsraster und  verfahren nach EN 13201-3 angewendet werden sollen.
Die in diesem Dokument verwendeten Parameter ermöglichen:
a)   die Beschreibung einer Beleuchtungssituation in Abhängigkeit von:
-   der Geometrie der betrachteten Fläche;
-   der verkehrstechnischen Verwendung der Fläche;
-   dem Einfluss der Umgebung;
b)   die besondere Berücksichtigung von Bedingungen, die den effektiven Energieeinsatz ermöglichen.
Dieses Dokument gibt keine Kriterien an, nach denen zu entscheiden ist, ob eine Verkehrsfläche zu beleuchten ist oder wie eine Beleuchtungsanlage zu verwenden ist.
Dieses Dokument enthält keine Anleitung zur Auswahl der Beleuchtungsklassen für Mautstationen, Tunnel, Kanäle oder Schleusen.

Eclairage public - Partie 1: Sélection des classes d'eclairage

La présente partie de la norme européenne décrit les zones extérieures de circulation publique en termes de paramètres intéressant l'éclairage et établit pour ces zones une méthode pour l'application des prescriptions de performances d'éclairage définies en prEN xxxx-2. Les zones extérieures de circulation publique comprennent les voies et ouvrages privés accessibles au public.

Cestna razsvetljava - 1. del: Izbor razredov za razsvetljavo

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Cestna razsvetljava - 1. del: Izbor razredov za razsvetljavo
Road lighting - Part 1: Selection of lighting classes
Straßenbeleuchtung - Teil 1: Auswahl der Beleuchtungsklassen
Eclairage public - Partie 1: Sélection des classes d'eclairage
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 13201-1:2004
93.080.40 &HVWQDUD]VYHWOMDYDLQ Street lighting and related
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 13201-1
July 2004
ICS 93.080.40
English version
Road lighting - Part 1: Selection of lighting classes
Eclairage public - Partie 1: Sélection des classes Straßenbeleuchtung - Teil 1: Auswahl der
d'eclairage Beleuchtungsklassen
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 25 August 2003. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 169.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 13201-1:2004: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

CEN/TR 13201-1: 2004 (E)
Contents Page
Foreword. 3
1 Scope. 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions. 5
4 Outline of selection procedure . 7
5 Lighting situations. 8
5.1 Groups of lighting situations. 8
5.2 Assessment of parameters . 9
5.3 Relevant areas. 10
5.3.1 General . 10
5.3.2 Relevant area for lighting situation sets A1, A2, A3. 10
5.3.3 Relevant area for lighting situation sets B1, B2 . 11
5.3.4 Relevant area for lighting situation sets C1, E1, E2 . 11
5.3.5 Relevant area for lighting situation sets D1, D2, D3. 11
5.3.6 Relevant area for lighting situation set D4. 11
5.3.7 Relevant area of conflict area . 11
5.3.8 Relevant area of traffic calming measures.12
5.3.9 Relevant area of pedestrian crossing. 12
6 Lighting recommendations. 12
6.1 General. 12
6.1.1 Glare control. 12
6.1.2 Colour rendering . 12
6.1.3 Night-time use . 13
6.1.4 Visual guidance. 13
6.2 Lighting classes per sets of situations. 13
6.3 Adjacent areas. 14
6.4 Alternative and additional lighting classes. 14
Annex A (informative) Lighting situation tables. 15
A.1 Lighting situations — set A1 . 15
A.2 Lighting situations — set A2 . 16
A.3 Lighting situations — set A3 . 18
A.4 Lighting situations — set B1 . 20
A.5 Lighting situations — set B2 . 22
A.6 Lighting situations — set C1 . 24
A.7 Lighting situations — sets D1 and D2 . 25
A.8 Lighting situations – sets D3 and D4. 26
A.9 Lighting situations — set E1. 27
A.10 Lighting situations — set E2. 28
Bibliography . 29

CEN/TR 13201-1: 2004 (E)
This document CEN/TR 13201-1:2004 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 169
“Light and Lighting”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
Road lighting is dealt with by CEN as follows:
CR 13201-1: Road lighting – Part 1: Selection of lighting classes.
EN 13201-2: Road lighting – Part 2: Performance requirements.
EN 13201-3: Road lighting – Part 3: Calculation of performance.
EN 13201-4: Road lighting – Part 4: Methods of measuring the light performance of installations.

CEN/TR 13201-1: 2004 (E)
This document offers further guidance on the selection of lighting classes and related aspects. It is
applicable to fixed lighting installations intended to provide good visibility to users of outdoor public
traffic areas during the hours of darkness to support traffic safety, traffic flow and public security.
CEN/TR 13201-1: 2004 (E)
1 Scope
This document specifies the lighting classes set out in EN 13201-2 and gives guidelines on the
application of these classes. To do this, it includes a system to define an outdoor public traffic area in
terms of parameters relevant to lighting. To assist in the application of classes, it suggests a practical
relationship between the various series of lighting classes, in terms of comparable or alternative
It also gives guidelines on the selection of the relevant area to which the lighting classes from
EN 13201-2 and the calculation grids and procedure from EN 13201-3 should be applied.
The parameters used in this document allow:
a) a lighting situation to be described in terms of:
 the geometry of the area under consideration;
 the use of the area;
 the influence of the surrounding environment;
b) a specific approach to situations to be taken to enable the effective use of energy.
This document does not give the criteria on which a decision to light an area can be made, nor on
how a lighting installation should be used.
This document does not give guidelines on the selection of lighting classes for toll stations, tunnels or
canals and locks.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 13201-2:2003, Road lighting – Part 2: Performance requirements.
EN 13201-3:2003, Road lighting – Part 3: Calculation of performance.

3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 13201-2:2003, EN 13201-
3:2003 and the following terms and definitions apply.
user type
category of person or vehicle in an outdoor public traffic area
NOTE In this document, only user types as specified in this Clause are considered.
motorised traffic (M)
motor powered vehicles other than slow moving vehicles
CEN/TR 13201-1: 2004 (E)
slow moving vehicles (S)
motor powered vehicles, animal drawn vehicles and people on animals with speed limited to 40 km/h
NOTE In some countries this may be 50 km/h.
cyclists (C)
people on pedal cyclists and mopeds with speed limited to 50 km/h
NOTE In some countries this can be 40 km/h.
pedestrians (P)
people on foot or using wheelchairs
typical speed of main user
the assessed speed of the user defined as the main user type of the relevant area. Where the main
user type is a combination of motorised traffic and one or more of the other types, motorised traffic is
taken as the main user
NOTE For lighting purposes broad speed categories are sufficient. Speed is therefore assessed rather than
measured and the method of assessment is a matter for the road authorities.
relevant area
part of the public traffic area under consideration
conflict area
relevant area where motorised traffic streams intersect each other or overlap areas frequented by
other user types
a grade-separated junction with one or more turning roadways (ramps) for travel between the through
the general area where two or more roads join or cross at the same level, within which are included
the roadway and roadside facilities for traffic movements
traffic flow of vehicles
the number of vehicles passing a given point in a stated time in both directions. This is measured as
average daily traffic (see 3.12)
NOTE Although not necessary for lighting, the road authority may use traffic flow per lane and compose the
figures together. In the case of a parking area, the given point is the entrance.
average daily traffic (ADT)
the total traffic during a given time period, in whole days, divided by the number of days in that time
CEN/TR 13201-1: 2004 (E)
difficulty of navigational task
the degree of effort necessary by the road user, as a result of the information presented, to select
route and lane, and to maintain or change speed and position on the carriageway
NOTE Visual guidance provided by the road is part of this information.
crime risk
crime risk in the considered traffic area compared to crime risk in the larger area
NOTE Ideally this should be objectively related to crime statistics, but experience indicates that a truly
objective approach is very difficult.
complexity of visual field
the amount of lighting and other visual elements existing in the visual field of the road user which
mislead, distract, disturb or annoy the road user
NOTE Although visual guidance provided by the road and environment can be adequate, such elements
can cause problems in detecting high priority objects such as traffic lights and other road users changing
direction. Examples can include advertisements, lighting columns, lighted buildings, sports lighting.
ambient brightness level
assessed luminance level of the surroundings
main weather type
the weather conditions which prevail for a significant proportion of the time
4 Outline of selection procedure
This document is arranged in such a way that a step by step selection procedure may be followed to
arrive at the appropriate lighting recommendations:
a) define the public traffic area in one or more relevant areas and select the set of lighting
situations (5.1);
b) go to the table indicated for the selected set (see Annex A);
c) define the relevant area in detail (see 5.2 and 5.3);
d) select the range of lighting classes;
e) select one lighting class from the range;
f) find the lighting performance requirements for the selected lighting class(es);
g) consider the general recommendations (see Clause 6).
CEN/TR 13201-1: 2004 (E)
5 Lighting situations
5.1 Groups of lighting situations
A lighting situation can be classified within a group in terms of the base parameters given in Table 1,
which identifies for each group the appropriate set of lighting situations.
A full description of each set of light

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