Thermal spraying - Wires, rods and cords for flame and arc spraying - Classification - Technical supply conditions (ISO 14919:2001)

This standard specifies requirements for classification of metal and non metal wires (solid and cored), rods, cords
processed by means of thermal spraying, especially by arc and flame spraying.

Thermisches Spritzen - Drähte, Stäbe und Schnüre zum Flammspritzen und Lichtbogenspritzen - Einteilung - Technische Lieferbedingungen (ISO 14919:2001)

In dieser Norm werden die Anforderungen für die Einteilung von metallischen und nichtmetallischen Drähten (Massivdraht und Fülldraht), Stäben und Schnüren, die durch die Verfahren des thermischen Spritzens, insbesondere durch Flamm- und Lichtbogenspritzen, verarbeitet werden, festgelegt.

Projection thermique - Fils, baguettes et cordons pour projection thermique à l'arc et au pistolet dans une flamme - Classification - Conditions techniques d'approvisionnement (ISO 14919:2001)

L'ISO 14919 spécifie les exigences en matière de classification des fils métalliques et non métalliques (massifs et fourrés), des baguettes, des cordons traités par projection thermique, notamment les procédés à l'arc et dans la flamme.

Vroče brizganje - Žice, palice in vrvi za plamensko in obločno brizganje - Klasifikacija - Tehnični dobavni pogoji (ISO 14919:2001)

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Thermal spraying - Wires, rods and cords for flame and arc spraying - Classification -
Technical supply conditions (ISO 14919:2001)
Thermisches Spritzen - Drähte, Stäbe und Schnüre zum Flammspritzen und
Lichtbogenspritzen - Einteilung - Technische Lieferbedingungen (ISO 14919:2001)
Projection thermique - Fils, baguettes et cordons pour projection thermique a l'arc et au
pistolet dans une flamme - Classification - Conditions techniques d'approvisionnement
(ISO 14919:2001)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 14919:2001
25.220.20 Površinska obdelava Surface treatment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN ISO 14919
August 2001
ICS 25.220.20
English version
Thermal spraying - Wires, rods and cords for flame and arc
spraying - Classification - Technical supply conditions (ISO
Projection thermique - Fils, baguettes et cordons pour Thermisches Spritzen - Drähte, Stäbe und Schnüre zum
projection thermique à l'arc et au pistolet dans une flamme Flammspritzen und Lichtbogenspritzen - Einteilung -
- Classification - Conditions techniques Technische Lieferbedingungen (ISO 14919:2001)
d'approvisionnement (ISO 14919:2001)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 13 May 2001.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2001 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 14919:2001 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Foreword . 2
1 S cope . 3
2 Normative references . 3
3 Classification . 3
3.1 Classification according to the kind of manufacturing and resulting structure . 3
3.2 Classification according to material groups and chemical composition . 4
4 Sizes and tolerances . 12
5 P r oper ties . 13
5.1 Mechanical properties . 13
5.2 Surface properties . 13
5.3 Workability: winding of Wires . 13
6 Sampling and testing . 14
7 Designation . 14
8 Technical supply conditions . 14
8.1 Technical forms of delivery . 14
8.2 Identi fi cati on . 16
8.3 Packaging and storage . 16
9 Certification . 16
9.1 Certificate of compliance with the order . 16
9.2 Test report . 16
The text of EN ISO 14919:2001 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 240 "Thermal spraying and
thermally sprayed coatings", the secretariat of which is held by DIN, in collaboration with Technical Committee
ISO/TC 107 "Metallic and other inorganic coatings".
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by February 2002, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest
by February 2002.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements for classification of metal and non metal wires (solid and cored), rods, cords
processed by means of thermal spraying, especially by arc and flame spraying.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text, and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references, the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies.
EN 10204:1991
Metallic products – Types of inspection documents
3 Classification
3.1 Classification according to the manufacturing process and resulting structure
The thermal spray materials are classified according to the manufacturing process and the resulting structure, as
given in table 1.
Table 1: Classification of thermal spraying material and resulting structure
Number Term Manufacturing process Structure
1 solid wire/rod metallurgical manufacturing and forming homogeneous
2 solid wire/rod powder metallurgical manufacturing and forming homogeneous
3 cored wire filling up a metal tube and compressed by means of forming seamless metal
(tube shaped shell with
wire) powder filling
4 cored wire forming a metal sheet with powder filling, binder and com- metal shell with
(folded wire) pressed by means of drawing powder filling
5 cords simultaneous extruding of powder, binder and organic plastic shell with
sheath powder filling
6 ceramic rods extruding and sintering of ceramic material porous rod
consisting of
bonded ceramic
3.2 Classification according to material groups and chemical composition
The material groups are given in table 2, and the chemical composition shall comply with tables 3 to 10.
Table 2: Classification according to material groups
Code Number Term
1 tin and tin alloys
2 zinc and zinc alloys
3 aluminium and aluminium alloys
4 copper and copper alloys
5 iron and iron alloys
6 nickel and nickel alloys
7 molybdenum
8 oxide ceramics
3.2.1 Tin and tin alloys
Table 3: Tin and tin alloys
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
1.1 Sn99 Sn min. 99,95 total£ 0,05 1
Sb£ 0,02
Ag£ 0,01
Bi£ 0,002
Cu£ 0,01
Fe£ 0,01
Pb£ 0,02
Al+Cd+Zn£ 0,002
1.2 SnSbCu84 Sb 7 to 8 Pb£ 0,35 1
Cu 3 to 4 As£ 0,1
remainder Sn Bi£ 0,08
Fe£ 0,1
Al£ 0,01
Zn£ 0,01
total£ 0,2
3.2.2 Zinc and zinc alloys
Table 4: Zinc and zinc alloys
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction % facturing
2.1 Zn99,99 Zn min. 99,99 total£ 0,010 1
Pb£ 0,005
Cd£ 0,005
Pb+Cd£ 0,006
Sn£ 0,001
Fe£ 0,003
Cu£ 0,002
total£ 0,12
2.2 Zn99 Zn min. 99 total£ 1,0 1
Pb£ 0,005
Cd£ 0,005
Pb+Cd£ 0,006
Sn£ 0,001
Fe£ 0,01
Cu£ 0,7
Mo£ 0,01
Ti£ 0,16
Mg£ 0,01
Al£ 0,01
total£ 0,12
2.3 ZnAl15 Zn 84 to 86 total£ 0,17 1
Al 14 to 16 Pb£ 0,005
Cd£ 0,005
Pb+Cd£ 0,006
Sn£ 0,001
Fe£ 0,05
Cu£ 0,01
Si£ 0,12
3.2.3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys
Table 5: Aluminium and aluminium alloys
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
3.1 Al99,98 Al min. 99,98 total £ 0,02 1
Si£ 0,01
Zn£ 0,01
Fe£ 0,006
Cu£ 0,003
Ti£ 0,003
particular£ 0,003
Table 5 (concluded)
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
3.2 Al99,5 Al min. 99,5 total£ 0,5 1
Si£ 0,3
Fe£ 0,4
Ti£ 0,05
Cu£ 0,05
Zn£ 0,07
Mn£ 0,05
particular£ 0,03
3.3 AlMg5 Mg 4,5 to 5,5 total£ 0,9 1
Mn 0 to 0,5 Si£ 0,25
Cr 0 to 0,3 Fe£ 0,40
Ti 0,10 to 0,25 Cu£ 0,05
remainder Al Zn£ 0,2
particular£ 0,05
3.4 AlZn5 Zn 4,5 to 5,1 total£ 1 1
remainder Al Si£ 0,30
Fe£ 0,40
Cu£ 0,05
Sn£ 0,20
particular£ 0,05
3.5 AlSi5 Si 4,5 bis 5,5 total£ 1 1
remainder Al Si£ 0,30
Fe£ 0,40
Cu£ 0,05
Sn£ 0,20
particular£ 0,05
3.2.4 Copper and copper alloys
Table 6: Copper and copper alloys
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
4.1 Cu99 Cu ‡ 99,9 other£ 0,01 1
4.2 CuZn37 Cu 62,0 to 64 Al£ 0,03 1
remainder Zn Fe£ 0,1
Mn£ 0,1
Ni£ 0,3
Pb£ 0,1
Sb£ 0,01
Sn£ 0,1
total£ 0,5
4.3 CuZn39 Cu 56 to 62 Ni£ 1,5 1
Sn 0,5 to 1,5 Mn£ 1,0
Si 0,1 to 0,5 Fe£ 0,5
Al£ 0,01
remainder Zn
Pb£ 0,03
total£ 0,2
4.4 CuSn6 Sn 5,0 to 8,0 Fe£ 0,1 1
remainder Cu Al£ 0,01
Zn£ 0,1
Pb£ 0,02
P 0,01 to 0,4
total£ 0,4
4.5 CuSn12 Sn 11,0 to 13,0 Fe£ 0,1 1
remainder Cu Al£ 0,01
Zn£ 0,1
Pb£ 0,02
P 0,01 to 0,4
total£ 0,4
4.6 CuAl8 Al 7,5 to 9,5 Mn£ 1,8 1
remainder Cu Ni£ 0,8
Fe£ 0,5
Si£ 0,2
Zn£ 0,2
total£ 0,5
Table 6 (concluded)
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
4.7 CuAl10 Al 9,0 to 11,0 Ni£ 1,0 1
Fe 2,0 to 4,0 Pb£ 0,05
Mn 1,5 to 3,5 Si£ 0,2
remainder Cu Zn£ 0,5
total£ 0,3
3.2.5 Iron and iron alloys
Table 7: Iron and iron alloys
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
5.1 10 Mn C 0,04 to 0,12 Si traces 1
Mn 0,42 to 0,68 Cr£ 0,15
remainder Fe Cu£ 0,20
Ni£ 0,15
P£ 0,030
S£ 0,030
5.2 10 MnSi4 C 0,07 to 0,14 Cr£ 0,15 1
Si 0,07 to 0,14 Cu£ 0,20
Mn 1,3 to 1,6 Mo£ 0,15
remainder Fe Ni£ 0,15
P£ 0,025
S£ 0,025
5.3 80 MnSi C 0,8 to 0,85 P£ 0,035 1
Si 0,15 to 0,35 S£ 0,035
Mn 0,50 to 0,70
remainder Fe
5.4 150 Cr4 C 1,4 to 1,6 P£ 0,035 1
Si 0,15 to 0,30 S£ 0,035
Mn 0,50 to 0,70
Cr 1,3 to 1,5
remainder Fe
5.5 110 Cr3 C 0,9 to 1,2 P£ 0,030 1
Si 0,20 to 0,40 S£ 0,030
Mn 0,20 to 0,40
Cr 0,9 to 1,1
remainder Fe
Table 7 (continued)
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
5.6 110 MnCrTi5 5 C 0,97 to 1,23 Ti 0,13 to 0,35 1
Si 0,12 to 0,38 P£ 0,025
Mn 1,76 to 2,27 S£ 0,025
Cr 1,65 to 1,95
remainder Fe
5.7 X 45 Cr13 C 0,3 to 0,50 P£ 0,045 1
a) with Cu plating Si £ 1,0 S£ 0,030
b) without Cu plating Mn £ 1,0
Cr 12 to 14
remainder Fe
5.8 X 20 CrMo 13 1 C 0,17 to 0,22 Ni£ 1,0 1
Si £ 1,0 P £ 0,045
Mn £ 1,0 S£ 0,030
Cr 12 to 14
Mo 0,9 to 1,3
remainder Fe
5.9 X 6 CrAl 22 4 C £ 0,055 P£ 0,040 1
Si £ 0,65 S£ 0,025
Mn £ 0,45
Al 3,5 to 5,5
Cr 21 to 23
remainder Fe
5.10 X 6 CrNi19 9 C £ 0,06 P £ 0,030 1
Si £ 1,5 S£ 0,020
Mn £ 2,0
Cr 18 to 20
Ni 8,5 to 10,5
remainder Fe
5.11 X 5 CrNiMo17 12 2 C£ 0,07 P£ 0,045 1
Si £ 1,0 S£ 0,030
Mn £ 2,0
Cr 16,5 to 18,5
Mo 2 to 2,5
Ni 10,5 to 13,5
remainder Fe
5.12 X 12 CrNiMn 18 8 6 C£ 0,20 P£ 0,040 1
Si £ 1,0 S £ 0,025
Mn 5,5 to 8,0
Cr 17 to 20
Ni 7,5 to 9,5
remainder Fe
5.13 X 12 CrNi25 20 C £ 0,15 P£ 0,025 1
Si £ 1,5 S£ 0,020
Mn 1,5 to 3,5
Cr 24 to 27
Ni 19 to 22
remainder Fe
Table 7 (concluded)
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
5.14 X 25 CrCuB26 3 3 C £ 0,3 other £ 1 3, 4
Cr£ 26
Mn £ 1
Si £ 0,3
Cu£ 3
B£ 3
remainder Fe
5.15 X 25 MnAlSi7 5 C£ 0,3 other£ 1 3, 4
Al 4 to 5
Mn 6 to 8
Si£ 1,0
remainder Fe
3.2.6 Nickel and nickel alloys
Table 8: Nickel and nickel alloys
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
6.1 NiCu30 Ni min. 62,0 Al£ 0,5 1
Cu 27,0 to 35,0 C£ 0,15
Mn 1,0 to 4,0 Si£ 1,0
Fe 1,0 to 2,5 S£ 0,02
Ti£ 1,0
Nb£ 2,5
total£ 0,5
6.2 Ni99 Ni min. 99,2 Cu£ 0,1 1
C£ 0,25
Fe£ 0,4
Mg£ 0,15
Mn£ 0,3
S£ 0,005
Si£ 0,2
6.3 NiCrFe15 20 Cr 14 to 19 Cu£ 0,5 1
Fe 19 to 25 C£ 0,15
Ni min. 59 Mn£ 2,5
Si£ 2,0
6.4 NiCr20 Cr 18 to 21 Cu£ 0,5 1
remainder Ni C£ 0,25
Fe£ 0,5
Mn£ 1,2
Si£ 0,5
S£ 0,015
Table 8 (concluded)
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
6.5 NiAl5 Al 4,5 to 5,5 Mn£ 0,3 1, 3, 4, 5
remainder Ni Ti£ 0,4
Si£ 0,5
Fe£ 0,3
Cu£ 0,08
C£ 0,005
6.6 NiAl20 Al 18 to 22 Fe£ 0,3 3, 4*
remainder Ni Mn£ 0,3
Si£ 0,5
Cu£ 0,1
C£ 0,25
6.7 NiAlMo5 5 Al 4,5 to 5,5 other£ 1 3, 4
Mo £ 5
remainder Ni
6.8 NiCrAl20 6 Al 6 to 7 other£ 1 3, 4
Cr 18 to 21
Mo £ 5
remainder Ni
6.9 NiFeAlCr20 14 3 Al 14 to 15 other£ 1 3, 4
Cr 3 to 5
Fe 17 to 23
remainder Ni
6.10 NiCrBSi Cr £ 9 other£ 1 5
Fe £ 3
Si £ 3,2
B £ 1,6
C £ 0,3
remainder Ni
* Filling is typically performed by a solid wire.
3.2.7 Molybdenum
Table 9: Molybdenum
code symbol alloying elements other elements manu-
number mass fraction in % mass fraction in % facturing
7.1 Mo Mo ‡ 99,95 other£ 0,05 2

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