Paints and varnishes - Falling-weight test (ISO 6272:1993)

This international standard specifies a test method for evaluating the resistance of a dry film of paint, varnish or related product to cracking or peeling from a substrate when it is subjected to a deformation caused by a falling weight, dropped under standard conditions.

Lacke und Anstrichstoffe - Prüfung durch fallendes Gewichtsstück (ISO 6272:1993)

Diese Internationale Norm gehört zu einer Rheihe von Normen, welche die Probenahme und die Prüfung von Lacken, Anstrichstoffen und ähnlichen Beschichtungsstoffen behandelt. Diese Internationale Norm legt ein Prüfverfahren zur Bewertung des Widerstandes einer Beschichtung aus einem Lack, einem Anstrichstoff oder einem ähnlichen Beschichtungsstoff gegen Rissbildung oder Ablösen von einem Untergrund fest, wenn die Beschichtung unter Normbedingungen durch einen fallenden Körper verformt wird.

Peintures et vernis - Essai de chute d'une masse (ISO 6272:1993)

Spécifie les exigences de conception essentielles pour assurer l'intégrité technique des éoliennes. A pour objet de fournir un niveau de protection approprié contre les dommages causés par tous les risques pendant la durée de vie prévue. Concerne tous les sous-systèmes des éoliennes tels que les mécanismes de commande et de protection, les systèmes électriques internes, les systèmes mécaniques et les structures de soutien. Pour les petites éoliennes, la CEI 61400-2 s'applique.

Barve in laki - Preskus s padajočo utežjo (ISO 6272:1993)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Lacke und Anstrichstoffe - Prüfung durch fallendes Gewichtsstück (ISO 6272:1993)Peintures et vernis - Essai de chute d'une masse (ISO 6272:1993)Paints and varnishes - Falling-weight test (ISO 6272:1993)87.040Barve in lakiPaints and varnishesICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISO 6272:1994SIST EN ISO 6272:1997en01-december-1997SIST EN ISO 6272:1997SLOVENSKI

SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 6272 First edition 1993-04-01 Paints and varnishes - Falling-weight test Pein tures et vemis - Essai de chute d’une masse Reference number ISO 6272: 1993(E) SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

ISO 6272:1993(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (1 EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 6272 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and vamishes, Sub-Committee SC 9, Genera/ fest This first technical edition cancels and replaces ly revised. ISO/TR 6272:1979, which has been Annex A forms an integral patt of this International Standard. methods for paints and varnishes. 0 ISO 1993 All rights reserved. No patt, of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without per- mission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 6272:1993(E) Paints and varnishes - Falling-weight test 1 Scope This International Standard is one of a series of stan- dards dealing with the sampling and testing of paints, varnishes and related products. This International Standard specifies a test method for evaluating the resistance of a dry film of paint, varnish or related product to cracking or peeling from a Substrate when it is subjected to a deformation caused by a falling weight, dropped under Standard conditions. NOTE 1 The term “impact test” has been omitted inten- tionally from the title of this International Standard as one important characteristic of the apparatus used is that it should produce rapid deformation rather than a true impact. The method described tan be applied - either as a pass/fail test, the test being carried out from one drop height and with a specified mass, so as to test compliance with a particular specifi- cation; or - as a classification test, to determine the minimum mass and/or drop height for which the coating Cracks or peels from its Substrate by gradually in- creasing the drop height and/or the mass. 2 Normative references The following Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publica- tion, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- cent editions of the Standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- rently valid International Standards. ISO 1512:1991, Paints and varnishes - Sampling of products in liquid or Paste form. ISO 1513:1992, Paints and varnishes - Examination and preparation of samples for testing. ISO 1514: -l), Paints and varnishes - Standard pan- els for testing. ISO 2808: 1991, Paints and varnishes - Determi- nation of film thickness. ISO 3270: 1984, Paints and varnishes and their raw ma terials - Temperatures and humidities for condi- tioning and testing. 3 Required supplementary information For any particular application, the test method speci- fied in this International Standard needs to be com- pleted by supplementary information. The items of supplementary information are given in annex A. 4 Apparatus Ordinary laboratory apparatus and glassware, together with the following. 4.1 Falling-weight apparatus, comprising the ele- ments described in 4.1 .l to 4.1.6. 4.1.1 Base stand, of sufficient mass to support the die (4.1.4). 4.1.2 Falling weight (see figure 1’), the head having the shape of a spherical sector of diameter (20 + 0,3) mm, and a total mass of (1 000 + 1) g. NOTE 2 An additional weight of mass (1 000 * 1) g tan be mounted on top. 1) To be published. (Revision of ISO 1514:1984) SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

ISO 6272:1993(E) Dimensions in millimetres Guide tube Clamping sleeve I : JSWO*O,3 I - @b= 0,7 *O,l I- - I Figure 1 - Falling-weight apparatus showing required dimensions 2 SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

ISO 6272:1993(E). Cl ops for limiting ampina sleeve- Test Panel Figure 2 - Side-view of falling-weight apparatus 3 SIST EN ISO 6272:1997

ISO 6272:1993(E) 4.1.3 Vertical guide tube see figures 1 and 2), to direct the falling weight (4.1.2) perpendicularly on to the test Panel. The guide tube may be graduated, in millimetres, over 1 m from the surface of the test Panel upward. To avoid excessive friction and to ensure accurate guidance, the differente between the inner diameter of the guide tube and the outer diameter of the falling weight shall be (0;7 + 0,l) mm and the distance be- tween the bottom end of the guide tube and the top of the test Panel shall be not more than 45 mm. 4.1.4 Die (see figure l), ring-shaped with an inner diameter of (27 & 0,3) mm. The inner upper edge of the ring shall be rounded, with a radius of curvature of (0,9 + 0,2) mm. The minimum height of the ring shall be 20 mm. 4.1.5 Clamping sleeve (see figures 1 and 2), to hold the test Panel in Position. The inner diameter at the bottom shall be the same as that of the die [(27 I1: 0,3) mm]. 4.1.6 Stops (see figure2), of different thicknesses, to limit the indentation depth of the falling weight. 4.2 Viewing lens, hand-held, with a magnification of x 10. 5 Sampling Take a representative Sample of the product to be tested (or of each product in the case of a multi-coat System), as described in ISO 1512. Examin

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