Pulps - Sampling for testing (ISO 7213:1981)

Applies to all kinds of pulp delivered in bales or rolls, and is recommended for use when sampling for all kinds of testing purposes except for the determination of saleable mass. If the pulp is to be tested for saleable mass, in addition to other properties, the gross sample obtained according to the appropriate International Standard for sampling saleable mass may also be used for the other pulp property test.

Zellstoff(brei)e - Probe(nent)nahme für die Prüfung (ISO 7213:1981)

Diese Internationale Norm legt ein Verfahren zur Entnahme einer Sammelprobe für Prüfzwecke eines bestimmten Lieferpostens Zellstoff fest. Diese internationale Norm ist auf alle Arten von Zellstoff in Ballen oder Rollen anwendbar. Sie wird zur Probenahme für alle Untersuchungen empfohlen, nicht jedoch zur Bestimmung des Handelsgewichtes, wofür andere Internationale Normen wie ISO 801-1 oder ISO 801-2, angewendet werden sollten.

Pâtes - Echantillonnage pour essais (ISO 7213:1981)

La présente Norme internationale spécifie une méthode d'obtention, en vue d'essais, d'un échantillon moyen représentatif d'un certain lot de pâte. La présente Norme internationale s'applique à toutes les sortes de pâtes expédiées en balles ou en rouleaux. Il est recommandé d'utiliser cette méthode d'échantillonnage pour tous les essais à l'exception de la détermination de la masse marchande, auquel cas d'autres Normes internationales doivent être appliquées, telles que l'ISO 801/1 ou l'ISO 801/2. Si, cependant, la pâte sert à la détermination de la masse marchande et d'autres propriétés, l'échantillon moyen obtenu conformément à la Norme internationale appropriée pour l'échantillonnage de la masse marchande peut également être utilisé pour déterminer ces autres propriétés.

Vlaknine - Vzorčenje za preskušanje (ISO 7213:1981)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Zellstoff(brei)e - Probe(nent)nahme für die Prüfung (ISO 7213:1981)Pâtes - Echantillonnage pour essais (ISO 7213:1981)Pulps - Sampling for testing (ISO 7213:1981)85.040VlakninePulpsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 27213:1993SIST EN 27213:2000en01-april-2000SIST EN 27213:2000SLOVENSKI
International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION.MEXAYHAPO~HAR OPrAHMJAUMR fl0 CTAHLZAPTM3AUMM@ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Pulps - Sampling for testing Pites - ichantilfonnage pour essais First edition - 1981-11-15 UDC 676.1 : 620.11 Descriptors : Paper pulps, sampling. Ref. No. ISO7213-1981 (E) Price based on 2 pages SIST EN 27213:2000

Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing Inter- national Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organitations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard ISO 7213 was developed by Technical Committee lSO/TC 6, Paper, board andpulps, and was circulated to the member bodies in November 1980. lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Czechoslovakia Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mand %ance Jermany, F. R. -lungary ndia w taly
INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 7213-1981 (EI Pulps - Sampling for testing 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies a method of obtaining, for test purposes, a gross Sample representative of a certain lot of pulp. This International Standard applies to all kinds of pulp delivered in bales or rolls. lt is recommended for use when sampling for all kinds of testing purposes except for the deter- mination of saleable mass, in which case other International Standards should be applied, such as ISO 801/1 or ISO 801/2. If, however, the pulp is to be tested for saleable mass in ad- dition to other properties, the gross Sample obtained according to the appropriate International Standard for sampling saleable mass may also be used for the other pulp property tests. 2 References ISO 801, Pulps - Determination of saleable mass, in Io ts - Part I : Pulp baled in sheet form. Part 2 : Pulps (such as flash-dried pulp) baled in slabs. 3 Definitions For the purpose of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 lot : A quantity of pulp of a Single kind or grade, about which it is desired to make a judgement (usually to conform to agreed quality criteria). The number sf bales or rolls comprising a lot may be indicated by the invoice or agreed upon by the contracting Parties. 3.2 Sample bale (or roll) : A bale or roll that is selected for taking a specimen. 3.3 specimen : A quantity of pulp taken from a Sample bale or roll. 3.4 gross Sample : The combined specimens taken from a particular lot. 4 Principle Spetimens of equal size are taken from a number of bales or rolls selected at random from the lot, and combined to form a gross Sample. NOTE - The minimum number of bales to be sampled depends on the size of the lot. 5 Sample bales (or rolls) All the Sample bales or rolls shall be selected at random to be representative of the lot. The Sample bales shall be intact and as little damaged

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