EN 20811:1992
(Main)Textiles - Determination of resistance to water penetration - Hydrostatic pressure test
Textiles - Determination of resistance to water penetration - Hydrostatic pressure test
A specimen is subjected to a steadily increasing pressure of water on one face, under standard conditions, until penetration occurs in three places. The water pressure may be applied from below or from above the test specimen. The hydrostatic head supported by a fabric is a measure of the resistance to the passage of water through the fabric.
Textilien - Bestimmung des Widerstandes gegen das Durchdringen von Wasser - Hydrostatischer Druckversuch
Etoffes - Détermination de la résistance à la pénétration de l'eau - Essai sous pression hydrostatique
La présente Norme internationale spécifie une méthode d'essai sous pression hydrostatique pour la détermination de la résistance des étoffes à la pénétration de l'eau. Cette méthode est, principalement, destinée aux étoffes épaisses, par exemple les coutils, bâches ou toiles à tentes.
Tekstilije - Ugotavljanje vodoneprepustnosti - Hidrostatično tlačni preskus
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Textiles - Determination of resistance to water penetration - Hydrostatic pressure test
Textilien - Bestimmung des Widerstandes gegen das Durchdringen von Wasser -
Hydrostatischer Druckversuch
Etoffes - Détermination de la résistance a la pénétration de l'eau - Essai sous pression
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 20811:1992
59.080.30 Tkanine Textile fabrics
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
International Standard 811
Textile fabrics - Determination of resistance to water
penetration - Hydrostatic pressure test
Et0 ffes - D&termination de la Gsistance ;i /a p&&ration de l’eau - Essai sous pression h ydrostatique
First edition - 1981-10-01
Ref. No. lSO811-1981 (E)
UDC 677.064 : 677.01733
: textiles, tests, water resistance tests.
Price based on 3 pages
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter-
national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 811 was developped by Technical Committee ISO/TC 38,
Textiles, and was circulated to the member bodies in October 1979.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Hungary Portugal
India Romania
Brazil Indonesia South Africa, Rep. of
Italy Spain
China Japan Sweden
Cyprus Korea, Rep. of Switzerland
Czechoslovakia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Thailand
Denmark Mexico Turkey
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Netherlands United Kingdom
Finland New Zealand USA
Germany, F. R. Norway
Ghana Poland
The member body of the following country expressed disapproval of the document on
technical grounds
This International Standard cancels and replaces IS0 Recommendation R 811-1968, of
which it constitutes a technical revision.
0 International Organization for Standardization, 1981
Printed in Switzerland
_-~ -
IS0 811-1981 (E)
Textile fabrics - Determination of resistance to water
penetration - Hydrostatic pressure test
1 Scope and field of application 4.1.1 It should be possible to clamp the specimen of fabric in
such a way that
This International Standard specifies a hydrostatic pressure
method for determining the resistance of fabrics to penetration a) it is horizontal and is not bulging;
by water. The method is primarily intended for dense fabrics,
e.g. ducks, tarpaulins and tentings. b) an area of the fabric of 100 cm2 * is subjected to stead-
ily increasing water pressure from below or from above the
2 Reference
c) no leakage of water takes place at the clamps during the
IS0 139, Textiles - Standard atmospheres for conditioning
test period (see annex, clause A. 1);
and testing.
d) the specimen does not slip in the clamps;
3 Principle e) any tendency for penetration to occur at the clamped
edge of the specimen is minimised (see annex, clause A.1).
The hydrostatic head supported by a fabric is a measure of the
opposition to the passage of water through the fabric. A
specimen is subjected to a steadily increasing pressure of water 4.1.2 The water in contact with the test specimen should be
on one face, under standard conditions, until penetration distilled or fully deionized water maintained at either 20 + 2 OC
occurs in three places. The pressure at which the water or 27 + 2 OC. The chosen alternative shall be stated in the test
penetrates the fabric at the third place is noted. The water report. (The use of water at the higher temperature will yield
pressure may be applied from below or from above the test lower values of hydrostatic head; the magnitude of this effect
specimen. The chosen alternative should be stated in the test may vary from fabric to fabric.)
The result is immediately relevant to the behaviour of fabric 4.1.3 The rate of increase of water pressure shall be
10 + 0,5 cm or 60 ,+ 3 cmH20/min**. Results obtained by
articles which are subjected to water pressure for short or
moderate periods of time. the two different rates may not be the same. The chosen alter-
native shall be stated in the test report.
4 Apparatus
4.1.4 A manometer connected to the testing head(s) should
4.1 The apparatus used for the test should be designed to
allow pressures to be read to an accuracy of 0,5 c
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