Controls for heating systems - Part 2: Optimum start-stop control equipment for hot water heating systems

This standard applies to electronic equipment which controls heating systems with water as the heating medium and a flow temperature up to 120 °C. The signals can be processed by using either analogue or digital techniques, or both. The particular equipment to which this standard applies covers both :
·   stand-alone start optimisers or start-stop optimisers, taking priority to the main controller during periods.
·   controllers which contain an integrated optimum start or an optimum start-stop control function.
It applies both to adaptive and fixed parameters control functions and sets minimum acceptable standards for functions, performance and documentation.
NOTE   The optimum start-stop function can be integrated within a main control device such as an outside temperature compensated (OTC) controller. In this case the controller would be expected to meet both Part 1 and Part 2 of this standard (see EN 12098-1:1996).
Safety requirements on heating systems and heating control systems remain unaffected by this standard. The actuators and the dynamic behaviour of the valves are not covered in this standard.
This control equipment may or may not be connected to a data network.

Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungen - Teil 2: Ein-/Ausschalt-Optimierer für Warmwasserheizungen

1 Anwendungsbereich
Diese Europäische Norm gilt für elektronische Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungsanlagen
mit Wasser als Wärmeträger mit einer Vorlauftemperatur bis 120 °C. Die Signale können sowohl in Analog- als
auch in Digitaltechnik oder in beiden verarbeitet werden. Diese Norm gilt für spezielle MSR-Einrichtungen, die
- separate Geräte als Einschalt-Optimierer oder Ein-/Ausschalt-Optimierer und gegenüber dem Hauptregler
Priorität haben, oder
- Regler mit integriertem Einschalt-Optimierer oder Ein-/Ausschalt-Optimierer sind.
Sie gilt für adaptive Regler als auch für Regler mit festen Parametern, und sie legt Anforderungen für die Funk-tionen,
die Ausführung und die Dokumentation fest.
ANMERKUNG Die optimale Ein-/Ausschalt-Funktion kann in eine Hauptregeleinrichtung, wie z. B. einem witterungs-geführten
Regler, integriert sein. Dann wird erwartet, dass der Regler sowohl Teil 1 als auch Teil 2 der Reihe entspricht
(siehe EN 12098-1:1996).
Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen an Heizungsanlagen und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungsanlagen bleiben
von dieser Norm unberührt.
Stellglieder und das dynamische Verhalten von Ventilen werden in dieser Norm nicht behandelt.
Diese MSR-Einrichtung kann so ausgeführt sein, dass sie an ein Datennetz anschließbar ist.

Régulation pour les systèmes de chauffage - Partie 2: Optimiseurs d'intermittences pour les systèmes de chauffage à eau chaude

Domaine d'application
La présente norme s'applique aux équipements électroniques de régulation pour les systèmes de chauffage utilisant l'eau comme caloporteur et dont la température de départ est inférieure à 120 °C.
Les signaux peuvent être traités par des techniques analogiques, ou numériques, ou les deux.
Les équipements concernés par la présente norme sont :
¾ les optimiseurs d'intermittences autonomes ;
¾ les régulateurs qui intègrent des fonctions d'optimisation des intermittences.
La norme s'applique aux équipements auto-adaptatifs ou non, elle définit des niveaux minimaux admissibles pour les fonctions, les caractéristiques et la documentation.
NOTE   La fonction d'optimisation peut être intégrée à un dispositif de régulation centralisée comme par exemple, un régulateur en fonction de la température extérieure. Dans ce cas, il est recommandé que le régulateur soit conforme aux parties 1 et 2 de la présente norme (voir l'EN 12098-1:1996).
Les impératifs de sécurité concernant les systèmes de chauffage et de régulation du chauffage ne sont pas affectés par la présente norme. Les actionneurs et le comportement dynamique des vannes ne sont pas traités dans la présente norme.
L'équipement peut être raccordé à un réseau de transmission de données ou non.

Regulacijske naprave za sisteme ogrevanja - 2. del: Naprave za optimizacijo delovanja toplovodnih ogrevalnih sistemov na osnovi vklop-izklop

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Regulacijske naprave za sisteme ogrevanja - 2. del: Naprave za optimizacijo delovanja toplovodnih ogrevalnih sistemov na osnovi vklop-izklopMess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungen - Teil 2: Ein-/Ausschalt-Optimierer für WarmwasserheizungenRégulation pour les systemes de chauffage - Partie 2: Optimiseurs d'intermittences pour les systemes de chauffage a eau chaudeControls for heating systems - Part 2: Optimum start-stop control equipment for hot water heating systems97.120Avtomatske krmilne naprave za domAutomatic controls for household use91.140.10Sistemi centralnega ogrevanjaCentral heating systemsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 12098-2:2001SIST EN 12098-2:2002en01-junij-2002SIST EN 12098-2:2002SLOVENSKI
EUROPEAN STANDARDNORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORMEN 12098-2April 2001ICS 91.140.10; 97.120English versionControls for heating systems - Part 2: Optimum start-stop controlequipment for hot water heating systemsRégulation pour les systèmes de chauffage - Partie 2:Optimiseurs d'intermittences pour les systèmes dechauffage à eau chaudeMeß-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungen - Teil2: Ein-/Ausschalt-Optimierer für WarmwasserheizungenThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 12 March 2001.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the officialversions.CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMITÉ EUROPÉEN DE NORMALISATIONEUROPÄISCHES KOMITEE FÜR NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36
B-1050 Brussels© 2001 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedworldwide for CEN national Members.Ref. No. EN 12098-2:2001 ESIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 2EN 12098-2:2001ContentsForeword.3Introduction.41Scope.52Normative references.53Terms and definitions.64Functionality.105Graphical symbols and abbreviations.156Requirements.157Test methods.218Marking.279Documentation.27SIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 3EN 12098-2:2001ForewordThis European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 247 "Controls formechanical building services", the secretariat of which is held by SNV.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publicationof an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2001, and conflicting nationalstandards shall be withdrawn at the latest by October 2001.This standard is one of a series of product standards for "Controls for Heating Systems". Itconsiders Definitions, Functionality, Requirements, Test methods, and Documentation for hotwater heating controls with optimum start or optimum start-stop functions.The position of this standard in the series of standards about mechanical building servicescomes out of the illustration below:Mechanical Building ServicesHeating systemsControl for mechanicalbuilding servicesVentilation andair conditioningsystemsControls forheating systemsIndividual zonecontrol forHVAC
applicationsBuilding managementproducts and systems forHVAC
applicationsSystem neutral datatransmission forHVAC
applicationsOutside temperaturecompensated controlequipment for hotwater heating systemsOptimum start-stopcontrol equipment forhot water heatingsystemsOutside temperaturecompensated controlequipment for electricalheating systemsOptimum start-stopcontrol equipment forelectrical heatingsystemsDefinitionsFunctionalityRequirementsTest methodsDocumentation HVAC: Heating, ventilation, air conditioning.NOTE
This illustration was updated and deviates from Part 1.According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations ofthe following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UnitedKingdom.SIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 4EN 12098-2:2001IntroductionEquipment which controls the heating supply in buildings according to outside and/or roomtemperature is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of heating plants and maintaincomfort level. Fixed switching times for intermittent scheduling, like an outside temperaturecontroller according to EN 12098-1:1996, may not lead to energy saving and comfortoptimisation. An optimum start-stop controller schedules switching times in relation withmeasured variables. Its function brings a high level of energy saving without reduction ofdesired comfort. It complements a main controller like an outside temperature controller (OTC).The optimum start-stop function also brings benefits to the user because it is easier toprogramme. The user sets the time at which comfort conditions should apply, rather than theswitch-on or switch-off times of the plant. Without the optimum start-stop function, switch timesmay have to be manually changed to achieve energy savings and acceptable comfort levels.NOTEOptimum start-stop functions is illustrated by Figure 1: Heating periods are different fromscheduled occupation periods. These differences, due to thermal inertia, depend mainly on heating loads(or temperatures differences). A start-stop optimiser controls these switchings, using outside and/or roomtemperatures or their differences in relation to setpoints.Nominal occupation periodOccupationOccupationStartStopStartStartStop14161820048122420164481220162400ScheduleoccupationperiodsHeatingoperationRoomtemperature8Hour of day°CMaincontrollerfunctionMaincontrollerfunctionMaincontrollerfunctionFigure 1 - Relation between occupation, heating and room temperatureAdaptive functions are easier to commission because they require fewer installationadjustments and no readjustment.Included in this standard are the main equipment characteristics which assist in reaching theseenergy saving and comfort objectives.Characteristics which are directly tested include:accuracy of sensorspart load characteristicsCharacteristics which are required to be indicated by the manufacturer include:time constantsSIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 5EN 12098-2:2001Other characteristics of the equipment are tested indirectly by measuring responses dependenton them, for example:differentialdead bandNOTEThis standard, therefore, conforms to the requirements and objectives of the interpretativedocument n° 6 "Energy Economy and Heat Retention" relating to the Construction Product Directive(89/106/EEC).1 ScopeThis standard applies to electronic equipment which controls heating systems with water as theheating medium and a flow temperature up to 120 °C. The signals can be processed by usingeither analogue or digital techniques, or both. The particular equipment to which this standardapplies covers both :stand-alone start optimisers or start-stop optimisers, taking priority to the main controllerduring periods.controllers which contain an integrated optimum start or an optimum start-stop controlfunction.It applies both to adaptive and fixed parameters control functions and sets minimum acceptablestandards for functions, performance and documentation.NOTEThe optimum start-stop function can be integrated within a main control device such as anoutside temperature compensated (OTC) controller. In this case the controller would be expected to meetboth Part 1 and Part 2 of this standard (see EN 12098-1:1996).Safety requirements on heating systems and heating control systems remain unaffected by thisstandard. The actuators and the dynamic behaviour of the valves are not covered in thisstandard.This control equipment may or may not be connected to a data network.2 Normative referencesThis European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from otherpublications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and thepublications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisionsof any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it byamendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred toapplies (including amendments).EN 12098-1:1996Controls for heating systems – Part 1: Outside temperature compensated control equipmentfor hot water heating systemsEN 60529Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529:1989)EN 60730-1Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use – Part 1: General requirements(IEC 60730-1:1993, modified)SIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 6EN 12098-2:2001EN 60730-2Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use – Part 2: Particular requirementsfor thermal motor protectors (IEC 60730-2 series, modified)IEC 60038EC standard voltages3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this European Standard the terms and definitions given in EN 12098-1:1996and the following apply.3.1start-stop optimisercontrol device which performs optimum start-stop functions. It consists of the electroniccontroller, sensors and output signals, but does not include the actuating equipment (seeFigure 2).It overrides signal(s) issued by a main controller, from switch-off time to beginning of nominaloccupation period. Start-stop optimisers and main control functions can be included in a singledevice.The optimum stop function is optional, a start optimiser performs an optimum start function anda fixed switch-off time function.SIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 7EN 12098-2:2001PriorityselectorMain ControllerOutside Temperature Compensated controlequipment, according to EN 12098-1Start-Stop-Optimiser, according to EN 12098-2OptimiserfunctionsReferencevariablesSensorsControlledvariableActuatingequipmentHEATGeneration&DistributionFigure 2 - Example of control equipment for heating systems3.2optimum startthis function controls the switch-on time such that the room temperature reaches the nominalroom temperature from a lower level (e.g. reduced or stand-by room temperature), at apredefined time: the beginning of nominal occupation period.3.3adaptive optimum startadded function to optimum start, which recalculates the parameters used to determine theswitch-on time, based on measured room temperature as feedback information.3.4optimum stopthis function controls the switch-off time, anticipates the end of nominal occupation period inreference to the room temperature, such that the natural fall of the room temperature duringnominal occupancy period is kept within acceptable limits satisfying comfort needs.3.5adaptive optimum stopadded function to optimum stop, which recalculates the parameters used to determine theswitch-off time, based on measured room temperature as feedback information.SIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 8EN 12098-2:20013.6actuating equipmentequipment providing the means by which the controller affects the controlled variable(according to 3.2 of EN 12098-1:1996).See Figure 2.3.7controlled variable of the optimiserboiler and/or supply water temperature controlled by start-stop optimiser, during its controlperiod, i.e. from switch-off time to beginning of nominal occupation period.3.8output signalssignals generated by the controller for operating the actuating equipment (according to 3.4 ofEN 12098-1:1996).3.9reference variable(s) of the optimiserfor optimum start function: the outside temperature or the room temperature, or both, used todetermine the switch-on time, with or without other influencing variables (see 3.2).For optimum stop function: the room temperature used to determine the switch-off time, with orwithout other influencing variables (see 3.3).3.10outside temperaturereference variable that is measured with a sensor fitted outside the building, mainly intended tomeasure the air temperature (according to 3.6 of EN 12098-1:1996).3.11nominal room temperatureresulting room temperature in the building arising in nominal operation of the controller. It isdependant on the design of the heating system and can be different for individual rooms(according to 3.8 of EN 12098-1:1996).3.12reduced room temperaturereduced room temperature compared with the nominal room temperature resulting fromoperation at a reduced set point (according to 3.9 of EN 12098-1:1996).3.13stand-by room temperatureroom temperature resulting from switching off the heating (according to 3.10 ofEN 12098-1:1996).3.14beginning of nominal occupation perioduser programmed time for which the nominal room temperature should begin to apply.SIST EN 12098-2:2002

Page 9EN 12098-2:20013.15switch-on timepoint in time at which the controller starts-up the heating or increases the boiler/supply watertemperature in order to reach the nominal room temperature (according to 3.12 ofEN 12098-1:1996)This time is automatically determined by the optimum start function.3.16end of nominal occupation perioduser programmed time for which the nominal temperature s

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