Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 1: Introduction

This part of EN 54 defines the terms and definitions that are used throughout the EN 54 series of standards. It gives the principles on which each part of the standard has been based and describes the functions carried out by the components of a fire detection and fire alarm system.
This European Standard applies to fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings.
This European Standard does not apply to smoke alarm devices which are covered by EN 14604.

Brandmeldeanlagen - Teil 1: Einleitung

Dieser Teil der EN 54 definiert Begriffe, die in EN 54 verwendet werden. Es werden die Grundsätze angegeben, auf die jeder Teil der Norm beruht, und die Funktionen beschrieben, die von den Bestandteilen einer Brandmeldeanlage ausgeführt werden.
Diese Europäische Norm gilt für Brandmeldeanlagen innerhalb und außerhalb von Gebäuden.
Diese Europäische Norm gilt nicht für Rauchwarnmelder, deren Anforderungen in EN 14604 enthalten sind.

Systèmes de détection et d'alarme incendie - Partie 1: Introduction

La présente partie de l’EN 54 donne les termes et les définitions utilisés dans la série de normes EN 54. Elle fournit les principes de base ayant présidé à l’élaboration de chaque partie et décrit les fonctions remplies par les composants d’un système de détection et d’alarme incendie.
La présente Norme européenne s’applique aux systèmes de détection et d’alarme incendie à l’intérieur et aux alentours des bâtiments.
La présente Norme européenne ne s’applique pas aux dispositifs d’alarme de fumée, qui font l’objet de l’EN 14604.

Sistemi za odkrivanje in javljanje požara - 1. del: Uvod

Ta del EN 54 določa izraze in definicije, ki se uporabljajo v celotnem EN 54. Podaja načela, na katerih je bil utemeljen vsak del standarda, in opisuje funkcije, ki jih izvajajo komponente sistema za odkrivanje in javljanje požara. Ta evropski standard velja za sisteme za odkrivanje in javljanje požara v zgradbah in okoli njih. Ta evropski standard podaja potrebne informacije o predvideni uporabi standardov serije EN 54. Serija EN 54 velja za sisteme za odkrivanje in javljanje požara v zgradbah in okoli njih, sestavljene iz več komponent, povezanih za zaznavo požara ob najzgodnejšem praktičnem trenutku, in zagotavlja: - lokalne in/ali oddaljene požarne alarme organizacijam, ki so pooblaščene, da skrbijo za zgradbe in njihovo okolje; - signale, ki ob požaru sprožijo delovanje druge opreme/sistemov za zaščito pred ognjem. Serija EN 54 se lahko uporablja tudi drugje, npr. za rudnike in ladje, vendar je treba pred uporabo upoštevati določeno naravo vsake aplikacije. Lahko so potrebni dodatni zmogljivostni in okoljski preskusi. To ne izključuje proizvodnje ali uporabe sistemov, ki imajo posebne značilnosti, primerne za zaščito pred nekaterimi tveganji pred določenimi nevarnostmi.

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EN 54-1:2011
English language
18 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 54-1:1996
Sistemi za odkrivanje in javljanje požara - 1. del: Uvod
Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 1: Introduction
Brandmeldeanlagen - Teil 1: Einleitung
Systèmes de détection et d'alarme incendie - Partie 1: Introduction
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 54-1:2011
13.220.20 3RåDUQD]DãþLWD Fire protection
13.320 Alarmni in opozorilni sistemi Alarm and warning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 54-1
March 2011
ICS 13.220.20 Supersedes EN 54-1:1996
English Version
Fire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 1: Introduction
Systèmes de détection et d'alarme incendie - Partie 1: Brandmeldeanlagen - Teil 1: Einleitung
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 19 February 2011.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same
status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 54-1:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
Introduction .5
1 Scope .6
2 General .6
2.1 Standardization series .6
2.2 General principles.6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations .7
3.1 Terms and definitions .7
3.2 Abbreviations . 14
4 Functions . 14
5 Compliance . 16
Annex A (informative) Functions, examples and relevant standards . 17

This document (EN 54-1:2011) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 72 “Fire detection and
fire alarm systems”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by September 2011, and conflicting national standards shall be
withdrawn at the latest by September 2011.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 54-1:1996.
This edition incorporates the following main changes made with respect to the previous edition of
EN 54-1:1996 as follows:
a) extension to cover new parts of the EN 54 series,
b) revised approach of Figure 1: introduction of functionalities.
EN 54, Fire detection and fire alarm systems, consists of the following parts:
 Part 1: Introduction
 Part 2: Control and indicating equipment
 Part 3: Fire alarm devices — Sounders
 Part 4: Power supply equipment
 Part 5: Heat detectors — Point detectors
 Part 7: Smoke detectors — Point detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization
 Part 10: Flame detectors — Point detectors
 Part 11: Manual call points
 Part 12: Smoke detectors — Line detectors using an optical light beam
 Part 13: Compatibility assessment of system components
 Part 14: Guidelines for planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance
(CEN/TS 54-14)
 Part 16: Voice alarm control and indicating equipment
 Part 17: Short-circuit isolators
 Part 18: Input/output devices
 Part 20: Aspirating smoke detectors
 Part 21: Alarm transmission and fault warning routine equipment
 Part 22: Resettable line type heat detectors
 Part 23 Fire alarm devices — Visual alarm devices
 Part 24: Components of voice alarm systems — Loudspeakers
 Part 25: Components using radio links
 Part 26: Point fire detectors using carbon monoxide sensors
 Part 27: Duct smoke detectors
 Part 28: Non-resettable line type heat detectors
 Part 29: Multi-sensor fire detectors — Point detectors using a combination of smoke and heat sensors
 Part 30: Multi-sensor fire detectors — Point detectors using a combination of carbon monoxide and heat
 Part 31: Multi-sensor fire detectors — Point detectors using a combination of smoke, carbon monoxide
and optionally heat sensors
 Part 32: Guidelines for the planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance of voice
alarm systems
NOTE This list includes standards that are in preparation and other standards may be added. For current status of
published standards refer to
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

This European Standard gives the necessary information for the intended use of the series of EN 54
standards. The EN 54 series applies to fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings
composed of several components that communicate for the purpose of detecting fire at the earliest practicable
moment, and to provide:
 local and/or remote fire alarms to organizations having authority to take care of buildings and their
 signals to initiate, in the event of a fire, the operation of other fire protection and equipment/systems.
The EN 54 series may be used for other applications e.g. mines and ships, but one should consider the
specific nature of each application before use. Additional performance and environmental tests may be
necessary. This does not preclude the manufacture or use of systems having special characteristics suitable
for the protection of specific risks against specific hazards.
As this revision of the standard includes terms and definitions collated from specific parts of EN 54, there may
now be some duplication of terms and definitions in other parts. This situation will be corrected in future
revisions of the different parts of EN 54 so that definitions are defined only once and are applied consistently
throughout the series.
1 Scope
This part of EN 54 defines the terms and definitions that are used throughout EN 54. It gives the principles on
which each part of the standard has been based and describes the functions carried out by the components of
a fire detection and fire alarm system.
This European Standard applies to fire detection and fire alarm systems in and around buildings.
This European Standard does not apply to smoke alarm devices which are covered by EN 14604.
2 General
2.1 Standardization series
EN 54 specifies:
 requirements, test methods and performance criteria against which the effectiveness and reliability of the
component parts of fire detection and fire alarm systems can be assessed;
 requirements and test methods against which the ability of components to be combined into an effective
system can be assessed;
 guidelines for the incorporation and use of fire detection and fire alarm systems into buildings or other
construction works.
2.2 General principles
The function of a fire detection and fire alarm system is:
 to detect fire at the earliest practicable moment, and to give signals and indications so that appropriate
action can be taken;
 to give audible and/or visible signals to the occupants of the building who may be at risk from a fire.
The functions of a fire detection and fire alarm system may be grouped to form subsystems such as a fire
detection subsystem and a voice alarm subsystem.
As the system is required to function satisfactorily, not only under fire conditions, but also when exposed to
conditions likely to be met in practice, the tests specified in the EN 54 series are intended to assess the
performance of the components and the system under such conditions.
The performance of components is assessed from the results obtained in the specified tests and from their
ability to perform the required functions. This standard is not intended to place restrictions on the design or
construction of components other than those necessary for the performance of desired functions.
The compliance of a component with the relevant part of EN 54 does not ensure that this component will
necessarily function correctly when connected with another component also conforming to the relevant part of
EN 54 (e.g. control and indicating equipment with a fire detector), unless both components have been
assessed together as conforming to the requirements for a system.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
NOTE 1 The list of components of fire detection and fire alarm systems is not intended to be exclusive.
NOTE 2 Definitions for other components may be added in later revisions of this European Standard or by amendment
when such components are produced.
NOTE 3 Additional definitions specific to individual parts are included in those parts.
fire alarm and fault warning transmission system
system used for routing fire alarm and fault warning signals from fire detection and alarm systems in buildings
to fire alarm and/or fault warning receiving centres
NOTE Alarm and fault transmission system comprises fire alarm routing equipment, fault warning routing equipment,
receiving equipment and a communication network.
ancillary equipment
equipment which support fire related functions not currently defined in EN 54
aspirating smoke detector
smoke detector, in which air and aerosols are drawn through a sampling device and carried to one or more
smoke sensing elements by an integral aspirator (e.g. fan or pump)
NOTE Each smoke-sensing element may contain more than one sensor exposed to the same smoke sample.
building management system
facilities used to monitor, control and manage equipment installed in a building for comfort, safety and/or
security purposes
combustion gas detector
fire detector sensitive to gaseous products of combustion and/or thermal decomposition
EXAMPLE Carbon monoxide fire detector.
process by which it is verified that the installed system meets the defined requirements
ability of a component of the system to operate with another component of the same system
device contained in one housing performing at least one, or part, of a function of a fire detection and fire alarm
EXAMPLE Fire detectors, alarm devices and control and indicating equipment are components of a fire detection
and fire alarm system.
NOTE Where a function is distributed in separate housings each housing is considered as a separate component.
CIE (control and indicating equipment)
component of a fire detection and fire alarm system through which other components may be supplied with
power and which:
a) is used:
1) to receive the signals from the connected detectors and/or manual call points;
2) to determine whether these signals correspond to a fire alarm condition;
3) to indicate any such fire alarm condition audibly and visually;
4) to indicate the location of the danger;
b) is used to monitor correct functioning of the system and give audible and visible warning of any faults (e.g.
short circuit, line breakage, or fault in the power supply); and, if necessary is

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