Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - Part 5: eCall for UNECE category L1 and L3 powered two-wheel vehicles

In respect of operating requirements specified in EN 16072, this document specifies adaptations to enable the provision of eCall for powered two-wheel vehicles.
As with the existing provisions for eCall for category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM-fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
This document includes only the requirements for category L1 and L3 P2WV (vehicle based) with the exception of L1e-A (powered cycle), although other documents can subject other ‘L’ subcategories to use this document. Other documents can be prepared for other UNECE category ‘L’ variants.
The requirements herein relate only to the provision of pan-European eCall and does not provide requirements for third party service provision of eCall. Other than in the 112-eCall using IMS over packet switched networks paradigm, which involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP, third party service provision involves the support of an intermediary third-party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.
The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sales and registration), and the operational requirements for any such aftermarket solution, will be the subject of other work.

Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - eSicherheit - Teil 5: eCall für motorisierte Zweiräder der UNECE-Fahrzeugklassen L1 und L3

Im Hinblick auf Betriebsanforderungen, die in EN 16072 festgelegt wurden, legt dieses Dokument Anpassungen fest, um die Bereitstellung von eCall für motorisierte Zweiräder zu ermöglichen.
Wie bei den bereits bestehenden Festlegungen zu eCall für Fahrzeuge der Klasse M1/N1 werden diese unter dem Paradigma spezifiziert, dass es sich um vom Originalgerätehersteller in Neufahrzeuge eingebaute Ausrüstung handelt.
Dieses Dokument beinhaltet nur die Anforderungen an P2WV der Fahrzeugklassen L1 und L3 (fahrzeugbasiert) mit Ausnahme von L1e A (motorisiertes Rad), wobei andere Dokumente weitere Unterklassen von L der Verwendung dieses Dokuments unterwerfen dürfen. Weitere Dokumente dürfen für andere Varianten der UNECE-Klasse L vorbereitet werden.
Die hierin genannten Anforderungen beziehen sich ausschließlich auf die Bereitstellung des gesamteuropäischen eCall und liefern keine Anforderungen für eCall-Drittanbieterdienste. Anders als das 112 eCall-Paradigma unter Verwendung von IMS über paketvermittelte Netzwerke, welches einen Direktanruf vom Fahrzeug bei der zuständigen Notrufzentrale (en: Public Safety Answering Point, PSAP) umfasst, beinhaltet die Diensterbringung durch Dritte die Unterstützung eines zwischengeschalteten externen Dienstleisters, bevor der Anruf an die Notrufzentrale weitergeleitet wird.
Die Bereitstellung von eCall für Fahrzeuge über den Nachrüstmarkt (nach Verkauf und Zulassung) und die betrieblichen Anforderungen für derartige Nachrüstlösungen werden den Gegenstand einer anderen Arbeit bilden.

Systèmes de transport intelligents - ESafety - Partie 5 : ECall pour les véhicules à deux roues motorisés des catégories UNECE L1 et L3

En ce qui concerne les exigences opérationnelles sont spécifiées dans l'EN 16072, le présent document spécifie les adaptations pour permettre la fourniture de l’eCall sur les véhicules à deux roues motorisés.
De la même manière que pour les dispositions existantes concernant le système eCall pour les véhicules des catégories M1 et N1, ces exigences sont spécifiées dans le cadre d'équipements OEM adaptés, fournis avec des véhicules neufs.
Le présent document contient uniquement les exigences applicables aux P2WV des catégories L1 et L3 (véhicules) à l'exception de la catégorie L1e-A (vélos à moteur), même si d'autres documents peuvent soumettre d'autres sous-catégories « L » au présent document. D'autres documents peuvent être rédigées pour d'autres variantes de la catégorie « L » de la CEE-ONU.
Les spécifications qu'il contient se rapportent uniquement à la fourniture du système eCall paneuropéen, à l'exclusion de toute spécification concernant la fourniture du système eCall par un fournisseur de services tiers. En dehors du paradigme d'appel eCall 112 utilisant les réseaux à commutation de paquets IMS, qui implique un appel direct entre le véhicule et le PSAP le plus approprié, la fourniture d'un service tiers implique l'intervention d'un fournisseur de services tiers intermédiaire avant la transmission de l'appel au PSAP.
La fourniture de systèmes eCall de véhicules dans le cadre d'une installation de seconde monte (après la vente et l'immatriculation) et les exigences opérationnelles de toute solution de seconde monte seront traitées dans d'autres ouvrages.

Inteligentni transportni sistemi - e-Varnost - 5. del: e-Klic za dvokolesna motorna vozila UN/ECE kategorij L1 in L3

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oSIST prEN 17249-5:2024
Inteligentni transportni sistemi - e-Varnost - 5. del: e-Klic za dvokolesna motorna
vozila UN/ECE kategorij L1 in L3
Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - Part 5: eCall for UNECE category L1 and L3
Powered Two-Wheeled Vehicles
Intelligente Verkehrssysteme - eSicherheit - Teil 5: eCall für motorisierte Zweiräder der
UNECE-Fahrzeugklassen L1 und L3
Systèmes de transport intelligents - ESafety - Partie 5 : ECall pour les véhicules à deux
roues motorisés des catégories UNECE L1 et L3
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 17249-5
03.220.20 Cestni transport Road transport
35.240.60 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in transport
43.040.15 Avtomobilska informatika. Car informatics. On board
Vgrajeni računalniški sistemi computer systems
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST prEN 17249-5:2024
prEN 17249-5
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels

oSIST prEN 17249-5:2024
prEN 17249-5:2024 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms and definitions . 5
4 Symbols and abbreviations . 7
5 Conformance . 8
6 Context . 8
7 eCall requirements for P2WV . 8
7.1 Context . 8
7.2 Activation of an eCall . 8
7.2.1 Automatic eCall . 8
7.2.2 Manual eCall . 10
7.3 Audio connection between the PSAP and the user of the vehicle. 10
7.4 Audible and visible indication to the rider(s) . 10
7.5 MSD and additional data for P2WV eCall . 11
8 eCall conformance tests for P2WV . 11
8.1 General. 11
8.2 Changed or omitted tests . 12
8.2.1 Manual eCall activation not supported . 12
8.2.2 Manual eCall activation supported . 12
8.2.3 Limited or missing audio capabilities . 12
8.3 Additional tests . 12
8.3.1 Limited audio capabilities additional data . 12
8.3.2 Incident severity identification and audio/visible indication . 12
Annex A (informative) Compliance with EN 15722:2020 and EN 17870:2023 . 13
Annex B (normative) Incident severity identification and audio/visible indication for
automatic triggering of a P2WV eCall . 15
Bibliography . 19

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European foreword
This document (prEN 17249-5:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 278
“Intelligent transport systems”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
This document will supersede CEN/TS 17249-5:2022.
NOTE This document is complementary to EN 16072 and EN 15722 and presents adaptation requirements for
the provision of eCall for Powered Two Wheels Vehicles.
oSIST prEN 17249-5:2024
prEN 17249-5:2024 (E)
In accordance with European Regulation 2015/758, after 31 March 2018, all new model
Category M1/N1 vehicles will be, as a result of European Regulation, equipped with 112-eCall.
The eCall Regulation at the time of developing this deliverable covers only M1 and N1 Category vehicles
(cars and vans). The European Commission’s “ICT Rolling Plan” states the objective “Action 1 Develop
technical specification/standards for the implementation of eCall in vehicles of categories other than M1
and N1 and for other user types, taking into account requirements included within type approval
regulation as well as ongoing activities in this area (pilots, CEF, …).” And it goes on to explain “… for the
extension to other vehicle types and services, such as Heavy-Duty Vehicles, Power Two Wheel Vehicles
and other classes of vulnerable road users”.
See CEN/TR 17249-1:2018.
Powered Two Wheel Vehicle (vehicle mounted) 112-eCall, using OEM systems included during the
manufacture of the vehicle, present challenges to the eCall paradigm in that, in case of an accident, the
rider is likely to be separated from the vehicle, usually by some distance. eCall equipment mounted on
P2WVs is also subjected to far harsher environmental exposure than its in-car counterparts, and
providing equipment, such as speakers, that will last and reliably operate for the lifetime of the vehicle,
presents a significant challenge. This document takes these issues into account as a variation of the
requirements specified for Category M1 and N1 vehicles and, in particular, does not provide the
requirement for two-way voice dialogue in all models. Other features that characterize eCall are
maintained as optional. An optional additional data element (or, in the future, a specific bit in the MSD)
that enables the PSAP to identify where voice communications are possible or not, is added.
This document defines the additional high-level service requirements for the provision of eCall to
Powered Two Wheel Vehicles of UNECE Category L1 and L3 (vehicle mounted). As with the existing
provisions for eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, and other specifications in this series, these are
specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
NOTE The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sales and registration), and the operational
requirements for any such aftermarket solution for vehicle and will be the subject of other work, that will use the
specifications of this document as a principle reference point.
oSIST prEN 17249-5:2024
prEN 17249-5:2024 (E)
1 Scope
In respect of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines adaptations
to eCall specifications defined in EN 16072 and other related documents to enable the provision of eCall
for Powered Two Wheel Vehicles.
As with the existing provisions for eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the
paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
For the purposes of the present document, the P2WV ‘L’ categories, as defined in Directive 2002/24/EC,
Regulation (EU) No 168/2013, UNECE and as referenced/specified in EN 15722 apply.
This document includes only the requirements for Category L1 and L3 P2WV (vehicle based) with the
exception of L1e-A (powered cycle), although other documents can subject other ‘L’ subcategories to use
this document. Other Technical Specifications may be prepared for other UNECE category ‘L’ variants.
This document is based on and substitutes CEN/TS 17249-5:2022, following results achieved in sAFE
project (sub-activity 3.5) [11] to obtain a specification allowing a more practical implementation of eCall
for P2WVs.
The specifications herein relate only to the provision of pan-European eCall, and does not provide
specifications for third party service provision of eCall. Other than in the 112-eCall paradigm, which
involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP, third party service provision involves
the support of an intermediary third-party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.
NOTE The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sales and registration), and the operational
requirements for any such aftermarket solution. will be the subject of other work, that will use the specifications of
this document as a principle reference point.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 15722, Intelligent transport systems — ESafety — ECall minimum set of data
prEN 16072:2023, Intelligent transport systems — ESafety — Pan-European eCall operating requirements
EN 16454, Intelligent transport systems — ESafety — ECall end to end conformance testing
EN 17870, Intelligent transport systems — ESafety — eCall Additional Dataconcept for equipment
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
oSIST prEN 17249-5:2024
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single European emergency call number supporting Teleservice 12
[SOURCE: ETSI/TS 122 003]
representations of static or dynamic objects in a formalized manner suitable for communication,
interpretation, or processing by humans or by machines
Note 1 to entry: In packet switched networks, voice is carried in packets of data.
data concept
any of a group of data structures (i.e. object class, property, value domain, data elements, message,
interface dialogue, association) referring to abstractions or things in the natural world that can be
identified with explicit boundaries and meaning and whose properties and behaviour all follow the same
data element
single unit of information of interest (such as a fact, proposition, observation, etc.) about some (entity)
class of interest (e.g. a person, place, process, property, concept, state, event) considered to be indivisible
in a particular context
112 eCall
emergency call which is generated either automatically via activation of in-vehicle sensors or manually
by the vehicle occupants (or person(s) riding on a vehicle that is not fitted with an enclosed compartment
and/or (a) seatbelt(s)), and which, when activated, provides notification and relevant location
information to the most appropriate 'Public Safety Answering Point’, by means of mobile wireless
communications networks, carries a defined standardized ‘Minimum Set of Data’ [MSD] and additional
data notifying that there has been an incident that requires response from the emergency services, and if
equipped establishes an audio channel between rider or pillion nearby and the most appropriate 'Public
Safety Answering Point’
eCall in-vehicle system
in vehicle system
‘in-vehicle equipment’ for the purposes of eCall (eCall in-vehicle equipment) only and not any other in-
vehicle equipment provided for purposes other than eCall

minimum set of data
direct, timely data content of an eCall message to the PSAP operator receiving the emergency call
containing information about the location of the incident, providing detail characterising the vehicle, and
potentially sometimes also providing additional data that is deemed relevant, as defined in EN 15722
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Powered Two-Wheeled Vehicle
Vehicle categories L1 and L3 with the exception of L1e-A (powered cycle)
[SOURCE: UNECE and Regulation (EU) No 168/2013]
pan-European eCall
eCall sent directly using the emergency call facility in the mobile network as defined by ETSI to work
throughout European Union Member States (in the case of GSM/UMTS circuit switched networks:
Teleservice 12)
Public Safety Answering Point
physical location working on behalf of the national authorities where emergency calls are first received
under the responsibility of a public authority or a private organization recognized by the national
UNECE Category (UNECE ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4) L6

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