In respect of operating requirements specified in EN 16072, this document specifies adaptations to enable the provision of eCall for powered two-wheel vehicles.
As with the existing provisions for eCall for category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM-fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
This document includes only the requirements for category L1 and L3 P2WV (vehicle based) with the exception of L1e-A (powered cycle), although other documents can subject other ‘L’ subcategories to use this document. Other documents can be prepared for other UNECE category ‘L’ variants.
The requirements herein relate only to the provision of pan-European eCall and does not provide requirements for third party service provision of eCall. Other than in the 112-eCall using IMS over packet switched networks paradigm, which involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP, third party service provision involves the support of an intermediary third-party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.
The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sales and registration), and the operational requirements for any such aftermarket solution, will be the subject of other work.

  • Draft
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This document defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision using IMS over packet switched networks (such as LTE/4G) as:
1) In-vehicle system (3.20) (IVS)/vehicle,
2) Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3) Public safety answering point (3.27) (PSAP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 3).
NOTE 1 Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants (3.36), although they are the recipient of the service.
NOTE 2 Third party eCall systems (TPS eCall) are not within the scope of this deliverable. This is because the core TPS-eCall (3.32) standard (EN 16102) does not specify the communications link between the vehicle and the TPS service provider (3.29).
NOTE 3 These conformance tests are based an the appropriate conformance tests from EN 16454 which was published before Internet Protocol multimedia Systems (IMS) packet switched networks were available. This deliverable therefore replicates the appropriate tests from EN 16454 (and acknowledge their source); adapt and revise Conformance Test Protocols (CTP) from EN 16454 to an IMS paradigm; or provide new additional tests that are required for the IMS paradigm. Some 14 112-eCall (Pan European eCall) tests provided in EN 16454 are specific to GSM/UMTS circuit switched communications and not appropriate for the IMS paradigm and are therefore excluded from this deliverable.
This document therefore provides a suite of ALL conformance tests for IVS equipment, MNO's, and PSAPS, required to ensure and demonstrate compliance to CEN/TS 17184.
NOTE 4 Because in the event of non-viability or non-existence of an IMS supporting network at any particular time/location, IMS-eCall systems revert to CS networked eCall systems eCall via GSM/UMTS, IVS and PSAPs need to support, and prove compliance to both IMS and CS switched networks.
The Scope covers conformance testing (and approval) of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.

  • Standard
    188 pages
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In respect of pan European eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines
the high level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service via
a packet switched wireless communications network using IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) and
wireless access (such as LTE, NR and their successors).
This document assumes support of eCall using IMS over packet switched networks by an IVS and a
PSAP and further assumes that all PLMNs available to an IVS at the time an eCall or test eCall is
initiated are packet switched networks. Support of eCall where eCall using IMS over packet switched
networks is not supported by an IVS or PSAP is out of scope of this document.
At some moment in time packet switched networks will be the only Public Land Mobile Networks
(PLMN) available. However as long as GSM/UMTS PLMNs are available (Teleservice 12/TS12)
ETSI TS 122 003 will remain operational. Both the use of such PLMNs and the logic behind choosing the
appropriate network in a hybrid situation (where both packet-switched and circuit-switched networks
are available) are out of scope of this document.
NOTE 1 The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to
automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI TS 122 003 or IMS packet switched network) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident.
NOTE 2 HLAP requirements for third party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102.
This document makes reference to those provisions but does not duplicate them.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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In respect of 112-eCall (pan-European eCall) (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines the additional high level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service whilst there are still both circuit switched and packet switched wireless communication networks in operation.
NOTE    The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI TS 122 003 or IMS packet switched network) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This European Standard defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision as:
1) In-Vehicle System (IVS)/vehicle,
2) Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3) Public safety assistance point [provider](PSAP),
in some circumstances may also involve:
4) Third Party Service Provider (TPSP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 4).
NOTE Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants, although they are the recipient of the service.
This European Standard covers conformance testing (and approval) of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.

  • Standard
    264 pages
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In respect of pan-European eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines the high-level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service using a TS12 emergency call over a circuit-switched mobile communications network.
NOTE 1   The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI TS 122 003) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident.
NOTE 2   HLAP requirements for third-party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102, and have been developed in conjunction with the development of this work item, and is consistent in respect of the interface to the PSAP. This deliverable makes reference to those provisions but does not duplicate them.

  • Standard
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This document defines an additional data concept that can be transferred as the ‘optional additional data’ part of an eCall MSD, as defined in EN 15722, that can be transferred from a vehicle to a PSAP in the event of a crash or emergency via an eCall communication session.
The purpose of this document is to provide means to notify the PSAP of any limitations to the sending equipment that are endorsed by other standards, but not (immediately) apparent to the receiver. Lack of knowledge about these limitations can hamper the emergency process. This document describes an additional data concept which facilitates the inclusion of information about such limitations in a consistent and usable matter.
This document can be seen as an addendum to EN 15722; it contains as little redundancy as possible.
NOTE 1   The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this document.
NOTE 2   Additional data concepts can also be transferred, and it is advised to register any such data concepts using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978 [1]. See for an example.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This document describes the architecture of a secure process flow between a source ITS system and a destination ITS system to provide an ‘incident support information system’ (ISIS) to emergency responders by accessing (with the agreement of the vehicle owners/keepers) data from a crashed vehicle and/or other vehicles, or drones, in the vicinity of the incident.

  • Technical specification
    33 pages
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The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using 'Public Land Mobile Networks'(PLMN) (such as GSM and UMTS), which supports the European pre-assigned emergency destination address (see normative references) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an incident.
This document specifies the general operating requirements and intrinsic procedures for in-vehicle emergency call (eCall) services in order to transfer an emergency message from a vehicle to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency, via an eCall communication session and to establish a voice channel between the in-vehicle equipment and the PSAP.
Private third party in-vehicle emergency supporting services may also provide a similar eCall function by other means. The provision of such services are defined in EN 16102, and are outside the scope of this document.
The communications protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this document.
This document specifies the operating requirements for an eCall service. An important part of the eCall service is a Minimum Set of Data (MSD). The operating requirements for the MSD are determined in this document, but the form and data content of the MSD is not defined herein. A common European MSD is determined in EN 15722.
This document does not specify whether eCall is provided using embedded equipment or other means (for example in the case of aftermarket equipment).

  • Standard
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Within the context of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines specifications for the provision of 112-eCall for regulated commercial vehicles, including rigid body trucks and variants thereof, prime mover and trailer combinations (sometimes called "semi’s", road trains [one prime mover with multiple trailers]) and other regulated commercial vehicles (for example vans carrying medical supplies or radioactive material).
The work of CEN/TS 16405 is adopted and extended in this document. (A revised version of CEN/TS 16405 will remain the principal reference document for the content and definition of the commercial vehicle optional additional data set).
As with the existing provisions for 112-eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
The scope of this specification is limited to the provision of eCall from a commercial vehicle prime mover /rigid body truck) designed for conveying cargo. (UNECE Category N).
This document specifies the requirements for the use of 112-eCall by a commercial vehicle prime mover /rigid body truck and defines the interface between the PSAPs and an external transport database.
Unless superseded by European Regulation at some future date, all data schemas specified herein and defined in a revision of CEN/TS 16405 are “Optional Additional Data” (OAD) concepts, as enabled in accordance with EN 15722:2020 as part of the minimum set of data As OAD they, and the elements within them, are, by definition, “optional” with use at the discretion of the operator of the vehicle.
This document defines how eCall for commercial vehicles is expected to interact with the future eFTI standards and the prerequisites for these standards to allow the access to the relevant freight information for the PSAPSs in case of an eCall.
NOTE 1 The provision of eCall from IVS located within trailers is not included in this document, but could be the subject of a further standards deliverable.
NOTE 2 The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sale and registration) will be the subject of other work, and in respect of the operational requirements for any such aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicles, will use this document as a principle reference point.
NOTE 3 The 112-eCall paradigm involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP (third party service provision by comparison, involves the support of an intermediary third party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP). The specifications herein relate only to the provision of 112-eCall or IMS-112-eCall, and do not provide specifications for third party service provision of eCall, although in the case of 112-eCall for commercial vehicles, links to third party provision of service aspects (such as cargo contents) could be required.

  • Technical specification
    25 pages
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This document specifies the standard data concepts that comprise the "Minimum Set of Data" (MSD) to be transferred from a vehicle to a 'Public Safety Answering Point' (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency via an 'eCall' communication transaction.
Optional additional data concepts may also be transferred as part of the MSD.
The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this document.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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This document defines an additional data concept that may be transferred as an ‘optional additional data concept’ as defined in EN 15722, eCall MSD, that may be transferred from a vehicle to a PSAP in the event of a crash or emergency via an eCall communication session.
The purpose of this document is simply to enable the existing MSD to house multiple OADs. This is achieved by providing a short optional additional data concept, which facilitates the inclusion of multiple additional data sets within the currently defined MSD of 140 bytes (Every OAD still requires its own specification).
This document can be seen as an addendum to EN 15722; it contains as little redundancy as possible.
NOTE 1   The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this document.
NOTE 2   Additional data concepts can also be transferred, and it is advised to register any such data concepts using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978. See for an example.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This document defines an eCall "Optional Additional Data" concept for the "Minimum Set of Data" (MSD) to be transferred from a vehicle to a 'Public Safety Answering Point' (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency via an 'eCall' communication transaction.
This document defines:
a)   Protocol requirements to ensure phone user consent to the provision of the linked 'phone number to the PSAP in the event of an eCall triggering incident;
b)   Definition of the OAD concept "Linked mobile Telephone Number" (LTN);
c)   Privacy provisions;
d)   Advice to PSAPs on the use of the eCall OAD LTN;
e)   Example of an in-vehicle sequence generating the LTN OAD and forwarding it as part of the MSD.
For clarity, the communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this document.

  • Technical specification
    22 pages
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In respect of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines specifications for the provision of eCall via satellite communications networks (Satellite-IMS-112-eCall and Satellite-TPS-eCall).
As with the existing provisions for eCall for Classes M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of OEM fit equipment at the point of manufacture.
This document includes only the requirements for the provision of Satellite IMS-112-eCall using satellite telecommunications and Satellite-TPS-eCall.
NOTE   The 112-eCall paradigm involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP. (Third party service provision by comparison, involves the support of an intermediary third party service provider (TPSP) before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.)

  • Technical specification
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This document provides a description for voluntarily consenting vendors (subsequently referred to as 'participating service providers’), who wish to provide TPS-eCall service in an open market environment, where users can select and change the service provider. It focusses on the use case 'TPS-eCall service', as standardized in EN 16102, only (and for clarification, does not apply in respect of 112-eCall, where no TPS provider is involved.)
The document determines the preconditions, requirements and functional means needed in order that users of a TPS-eCall service can choose and change her/his preferred service provider (TPSP) out of a range of available TPSPs, who are participating in the open market provisions determined in this specification.
Outside the scope of this document are:
a)   any commercial considerations (e.g. whether the service is offered for free or a charged service or part of a commercial service package offer),
b)   any contractual considerations (e.g. how a service contract between an user and a TPSP is established),
c)   any IT-security related issues in conjunction with the TPS in-vehicle system,
d)   any considerations regarding communication costs (for voice and data) related to the TPS-eCall service
e)   any PSAP related considerations (towards the PSAPs there is no impact related to provider change, since any TPSP needs to negotiate acceptance of its service offering with the PSAPs in the countries where the service is provided, before such service can be provided).

  • Technical specification
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  • Technical specification
    24 pages
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In respect of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines adaptations to eCall specifications defined in EN 16072 and other related Standards to enable the provision of eCall for tricycle and quadricycle vehicles (vehicle centred) UNECE (UNECE ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.4) vehicle categories L2, L4, L5, L6, L7. As with the existing provisions for eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
This document includes only the requirements for Category L2, L4, L5, L6 and L7 Tricycles and Quadricycles (vehicle centred).
NOTE 1   The 112-eCall paradigm involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP (Third party service provision by comparison, involves the support of an intermediary third party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP). The specifications herein relate only to the provision of 112-eCall or IMS-112-eCall, and do not provide specifications for third party service provision of eCall.
NOTE 2   Some of the elements of this document will require further in-depth analysis before they can be implemented in a European Standard. The current state of development on these elements justifies their inclusion in this document, but further assessment and analysis might require an amendment before implementation into a European Standard.

  • Technical specification
    15 pages
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The scope of this project is to extend eCall to other classes of vehicle, including HGVs, P2WVs, busses and coaches and agricultural/forestry vehicles

  • Technical specification
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The Scope of this document is limited to the provision of eCall from a commercial vehicle prime mover /rigid body truck designed for conveying cargo (UNECE Category N).
Within the context of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines specifications for the provision of 112-eCall for regulated commercial vehicles, including rigid body trucks and variants thereof, prime mover and trailer combinations (sometimes called "semi’s", road trains [one prime mover with multiple trailers]) and other regulated commercial vehicles (for example vans carrying medical supplies or radioactive material).
As with the existing provisions for 112-eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
The work of CEN/TS 16405 is adopted and extended in this document. (A revised edition of CEN/TS 16405(:2018) will remain the principal reference document for the content and definition of the commercial vehicle optional additional data set.)
This document specifies the requirements for the use of 112-eCall by a commercial vehicle prime mover /rigid body truck and determines circumstances where it is appropriate to additionally provide new optional additional data as determined in CEN/TS 16405(:2018 or later) as Schema C for use in a packet switched environment which is not constrained by the 140 byte limit.
Unless superseded by European Regulation on some future date, all data schemas specified in CEN/TS 16405 are "Optional Additional Data" (OAD) concepts, as enabled in accordance with EN 15722 as part of the minimum set of data. As OAD they, and the elements within them, are, by definition, "optional" with use at the discretion of the operator of the vehicle.
NOTE 1   The provision of eCall from IVS located within trailers is not included in this document.
NOTE 2   The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sale and registration) will be the subject of other work, and in respect of the operational requirements for any such aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicles, will use this document as a principle reference point.
NOTE 3   The 112-eCall paradigm involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP. (Third party service provision by comparison, involves the support of an intermediary third party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP). The specifications herein relate only to the provision of 112-eCall or IMS-112-eCall, and do not provide specifications for third party service provision of eCall, although in the case of 112-eCall for commercial vehicles, links to third party provision of service aspects (such as cargo contents) may be required.

  • Technical specification
    14 pages
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The scope of this document is to define conformance and performance tests to demonstrate whether a PSAPis in compliance with the eCall Regulations and Standards.
This deliverable:
a) identifies the MANDATORY tests specified within EN 16454 that are appropriate for a PSAP to demonstrate its conformance to EN 16454 in accordance with European Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 305/2013;
b) specifies tests to verify that a PSAP has procedures in place to identify and decode registered optional additional data concepts (3.5) included in the Minimum set of data (3.15);
c) provides OPTIONAL tests to measure aspects of PSAP performance in handling aspects of eCall.

  • Technical specification
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In respect of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines additional specifications for the provision of eCall for coaches and buses.
As with the existing provisions for eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
NOTE 1   The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sale and registration) will be the subject of other work, and in respect of the operational requirements for any such aftermarket solutions for coaches and buses, will use the specifications of this document as a reference point.
NOTE 2   The 112-eCall paradigm involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP. (Third party service provision by comparison, involves the support of an intermediary third party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.) The specifications herein relate only to the provision of 112-eCall or IMS-112-eCall, and do not provide specifications for third party service provision of eCall, although in the case of 112-eCall or IMS-112-eCall for coaches, links to third party provision of service aspects (such as passenger lists) may be required.

  • Technical specification
    24 pages
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In respect of 112-eCall (3.1) (operating requirements defined in EN 16072:2015), this Technical Specification defines the high level application protocols (3.10), procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service via an ISO 21217 compliant “ITS station unit”
NOTE 1 The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a 'Public Land Mobile Network' (PLMN) (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident.
NOTE 2 Requirements for third party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102 [6], and have been developed in conjunction with the development of EN 16072:2015 and EN 16072:2015, and are consistent in respect of the interface to the PSAP. This technical specification applies only to 112-eCall (3.1) service provision and makes no specifications in respect of third party eCall service provision, and the reader is referred to EN 16102 [6] for any third party eCall specifications.

  • Technical specification
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This document discusses the desirability, feasibility and problems associated with eCall for the following categories of road user:
a)   HGV/commercial vehicles;
b)   coaches and busses;
c)   agricultural and forestry vehicles;
d)   powered 2 wheeled vehicles;
e)   tricycles and quadricycles.
NOTE   Regulation issues are outside the scope of this document and the associated Technical Specification (although, where appropriate regulation(s) may reference the requirements of this deliverable).

  • Technical report
    93 pages
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This document provides a pro-forma template "Operational Support Agreement" (OSA) for guidance of "Public Authorities responsible for Emergency Services" (PARES) and Third Party Service Providers (TPSP) of third party assisted eCalls who are considering a formal agreement to accept eCall messages from a TPSP.
While the decision as to whether or not to accept eCall from a particular TPSP, and the terms under which such calls are accepted from any particular TPSP remain firmly in the hands of the PARES and the jurisdiction under which it operates, it is considered to be advantageous to start such negotiations from a standard template. This document provides a pro-forma template which a PARES can require from any applicant TPSP, or an applicant TPSP can offer to any PARES that it approaches to request an agreement to accept their eCalls.
NOTE   This pro-forma template is presented as a start point to a formal agreement between a PARES and a TPSP, not the format of the conditions of a final agreement.
CAVEAT: The template that is the subject of this deliverable is advisory, and any agreement between a TPSP and a PARES should be checked by someone legally competent in the jurisdiction that the agreement covers. This document does not claim to be a statement or interpretation of EU law or the national law of any EU Member State. This document is entirely without prejudice to the views of relevant national statutory authorities and their legal functions and powers, whether under EU law or the national law of their Member State.

  • Technical specification
    23 pages
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This Technical Specification defines an additional data concept that may be transferred as an ‘optional additional data concept’ as defined in EN 15722 eCall MSD, that may be transferred from a goods vehicle to a PSAP in the event of a crash or emergency via an eCall communication session. Two variants are provided, one (schema A) for use where information about the goods (ADR classified or not) is known in the eCall device; the second variant (schema B) is for use where such information shall be fetched from elsewhere.
This Technical Specification should be seen as an addendum to EN 15722; it contains as little redundancy as possible.
The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this Technical Specification.
Additional data concepts may also be transferred, and any such data concepts should be registered using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978. See for an example.

  • Technical specification
    32 pages
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The objective of implementing a 'Third Party' emergency call is to provide emergency assistance and an automated notification of a traffic accident, using 'Third Party Services' packages where such services are supported between the vehicle and a Third Party Service Provider in countries where such notification of an emergency are supported by PSAPs.
The first objective of this TPS-eCall is to transfer an emergency message from a vehicle to a Third Party Service Provider (TPSP) in the event of a crash or an emergency, and to establish a voice channel between the in-vehicle equipment and the TPSP.
The second objective of this TPS-eCall is, in case of an emergency likely to require assistance from the emergency services, for the TPSP to transfer an emergency message including the data of the Minimum Set of Data (MSD) (as defined in EN 15722) from the TPSP to the most appropriate PSAP and to make best efforts to establish a direct voice contact between that PSAP and the occupants of the vehicle if required by the PSAP.
This European Standard specifies the general operating requirements and intrinsic procedures for an in-vehicle eCall via the services of a Third Party Service Provider (TPSP).
This European Standard also provides definition of the service(s) provided to the PSAP and the method and form of service delivery.
NOTE   An important part of the TPS-eCall is the Minimum Set of Data (MSD). The operating requirements for the MSD are determined in this European Standard, but the form and data content of the MSD is not defined herein. The common European MSD for eCall is determined in EN 15722. Additional data concepts may also be transferred, and it is recommended that any such data concepts be registered using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978 to ensure that they can be understood by the recipient.

  • Standard
    53 pages
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This document describes the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision in hybrid circuit switched/packet switched network
environments as:
1) In-Vehicle System (IVS)/vehicle,
2) Mobile Network Operator (MNO),
3) Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) – 3).
NOTE 1 Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants, although they are the recipient of the service.
NOTE 2 Third party eCall systems (TPS-eCall) are not within the scope of this deliverable. This is because the core TPS-eCall
standard (EN 16102) does not specify the communications link between the vehicle and the TPS service provider.
NOTE 3 These conformance tests are partly based on the appropriate conformance tests from EN 16454 and CEN/prEN 17240.
This deliverable therefore adapts and revises Conformance Test Protocols (CTP) from EN 16454 and CEN/prEN 17240 for hybrid circuit switched/packet switched network environments.
This document complements EN 16454 and CEN/prEN 17240 and provides a suite of conformance tests for IVS equipment, MNOs and PSAPs, required to ensure and demonstrate compliance with CEN/prEN 17905.
The scope covers conformance testing of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.

  • Draft
    113 pages
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The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using ‘Public Land Mobile Networks’(PLMN), which supports the European pre-assigned emergency destination address (see normative references) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an incident.
This document specifies the general operating requirements and intrinsic procedures for in-vehicle emergency call (eCall) services in order to transfer an emergency message from a vehicle to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency, via an eCall communication session and to establish a voice channel between the in-vehicle equipment and the PSAP.
Private third party in-vehicle emergency supporting services can also provide a similar eCall function by other means. The provision of such services are defined in EN 16102, and are outside the scope of this document.
The communications protocols and methods for the transmission of the MSD are not specified in this document.
This document specifies the operating requirements for an eCall service. An important part of the eCall service is a Minimum Set of Data (MSD). The operating requirements for the MSD are determined in this document, but the form and data content of the MSD is not defined herein. A common European MSD is determined in EN 15722.
This document does not specify whether eCall is provided using embedded equipment or other means (for example in the case of aftermarket equipment).

  • Draft
    30 pages
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This Standard defines an additional data concept that may be transferred as an ‘optional additional data concept’ as defined in EN 15722 eCall MSD, that may be transferred from a goods carrying vehicle to a PSAP in the event of a crash or emergency via an eCall communication session. Two variants are provided, one (schema A) for use where information about the goods (ADR classified or not) is known in the eCall device; the second variant (schema B) is for use where such information is to be fetched from elsewhere.
NOTE: This Standard is complementary and additional to EN 15722; and contains as little redundancy as possible.
The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this Standard. Its contents are independent of the protocols and methods used.
Other additional data concepts may also be transferred, and any such data concepts should be registered using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978. See for an example.

  • Draft
    34 pages
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In respect of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines adaptations to eCall specifications defined in EN 16072 and other related documents to enable the provision of eCall for Powered Two Wheel Vehicles.
As with the existing provisions for eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
For the purposes of the present document, the P2WV ‘L’ categories, as defined in Directive 2002/24/EC, Regulation (EU) No 168/2013, UNECE and as referenced/specified in EN 15722 apply.
This document includes only the requirements for Category L1 and L3 P2WV (vehicle based) with the exception of L1e-A (powered cycle), although other documents may subject other ‘L’ subcategories to use this document. Other Technical Specifications may be prepared for other UNECE category ‘L’ variants.
This document is a revision of CEN/TS 17249-5:2019 based on results achieved in sAFE project (sub-activity 3.5) [11] to obtain a specification allowing a more practical implementation of eCall for P2WVs.
The specifications herein relate only to the provision of pan-European eCall, and does not provide specifications for third party service provision of eCall. Other than in the 112-eCall paradigm, which involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP, third party service provision involves the support of an intermediary third party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.
NOTE   The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sales and registration), and the operational requirements for any such aftermarket solution. will be the subject of other work, that will use the specifications of this document as a principle reference point.

  • Technical specification
    18 pages
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This Technical Specification defines additional data to be sent in the event that an eCall is triggered, as part of the MSD, in the case where the vehicle is an automated vehicle or an autonomous vehicle, to identify :
1) The vehicle is an automated/autonomous vehicle
2) The number of persons on board at the time of the incident
3) Whether or not the vehicle has rolled over
4) Whether the pedestrian airbag has been deployed
5) Whether it is (a) driver initiated automation or (b) centrally controlled automation
6) And if (b) coordinates to contact the vehicle controller.

  • Technical specification
    19 pages
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This document defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision using IMS over packet switched networks (such as LTE/4G) as:
1)   In-vehicle system (3.20) (IVS)/vehicle,
2)   Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3)   Public safety answering point (3.27) (PSAP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 3).
NOTE 1   Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants (3.36), although they are the recipient of the service.
NOTE 2   Third party eCall systems (TPS eCall) are not within the scope of this deliverable. This is because the core TPS-eCall (3.32) standard (EN 16102) does not specify the communications link between the vehicle and the TPS service provider (3.29).
NOTE 3   These conformance tests are based on the appropriate conformance tests from EN 16454 which was published before Internet Protocol multimedia Systems (IMS) packet switched networks were available. This deliverable therefore replicates the appropriate tests from EN 16454 (and acknowledge their source); adapt and revise Conformance Test Protocols (CTP) from EN 16454 to an IMS paradigm; or provide new additional tests that are required for the IMS paradigm. Some 14 112-eCall (Pan European eCall) tests provided in EN 16454 are specific to GSM/UMTS circuit switched communications and not appropriate for the IMS paradigm and are therefore excluded from this deliverable.
This document therefore provides a suite of ALL conformance tests for IVS equipment, MNO’s, and PSAPS, required to ensure and demonstrate compliance to CEN/TS 17184.
NOTE 4   Because in the event of non-viability or non-existence of an IMS supporting network at any particular time/location, IMS-eCall systems revert to CS networked eCall systems eCall via GSM/UMTS, IVS and PSAPs need to support, and prove compliance to both IMS and CS switched networks.
The Scope covers conformance testing (and approval) of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.

  • Technical specification
    124 pages
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In respect of pan European eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines the high level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service via a packet switched wireless communications network using IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) and wireless access (such as LTE, NR and their successors).
This document assumes support of eCall using IMS over packet switched networks by an IVS and a PSAP and further assumes that all PLMNs available to an IVS at the time an eCall or test eCall is initiated are packet switched networks. Support of eCall where eCall using IMS over packet switched networks is not supported by an IVS or PSAP is out of the scope of this document.
At some moment in time packet switched networks will be the only Public Land Mobile Networks (PLMN) available. However as long as GSM/UMTS PLMNs are available (Teleservice 12/TS12) ETSI TS 122 003 will remain operational. Both the use of such PLMNs and the logic behind choosing the appropriate network in a hybrid situation (where both packet-switched and circuit-switched networks are available) are out of scope of this document.
NOTE 1   The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI TS 122 003 or IMS packet switched network) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident.
NOTE 2   HLAP requirements for third party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102,. This document makes reference to those provisions but does not duplicate them.

  • Technical specification
    52 pages
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This European Standard defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service
provision as:
1) In-Vehicle System (IVS)/vehicle,
2) Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3) Public safety assistance point [provider](PSAP), in some circumstances may also
4) Third Party Service Provider (TPSP), and to provide conformance tests for actor
groups 1) - 4).
NOTE Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants,
although they are the recipient of the service. The Scope covers conformance
testing (and approval) of new engineering developments, products and systems,
and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or

  • Standard
    267 pages
    English language
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    1 day

In respect of pan-European eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this European Standard defines the high level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service using a TS12 emergency call over a mobile communications network.
NOTE 1   The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI/TS 122 003) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident.
NOTE 2   HLAP requirements for third party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102, and have been developed in conjunction with the development of this work item, and is consistent in respect of the interface to the PSAP. This deliverable makes reference to those provisions but does not duplicate them.

  • Standard
    52 pages
    English language
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In respect of 112-eCall (pan-European eCall) (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines the high level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide the eCall service via a packet switched wireless communications network using IMS (Internet protocol Multimedia System) and LTE/ 4G/E-UTRAN wireless access.
NOTE 1   The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as ETSI prime medium) which supports the European harmonized 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI TS 122 003 or IMS packet switched network) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an emergency incident.
NOTE 2   HLAP requirements for third party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102, and have been developed in conjunction with the development of this work item, and are consistent in respect of the interface to the PSAP. This document makes reference to those provisions but does not duplicate them.

  • Technical specification
    57 pages
    English language
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The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using 'Public Land Mobile Networks'(PLMN) (such as GSM and UMTS), which supports the European pre-assigned emergency destination address (see normative references) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an incident.
This European Standard specifies the general operating requirements and intrinsic procedures for in-vehicle emergency call (eCall) services in order to transfer an emergency message from a vehicle to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency, via an eCall communication session and to establish a voice channel between the in-vehicle equipment and the PSAP.
Private third party in-vehicle emergency supporting services may also provide a similar eCall function by other means. The provision of such services are defined in EN 16102, and are outside the scope of this European Standard.
The communications protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this European Standard.
This European Standard specifies the operating requirements for an eCall service. An important part of the eCall service is a Minimum Set of Data (MSD). The operating requirements for the MSD are determined in this European Standard, but the form and data content of the MSD is not defined herein. A common European MSD is determined in EN 15722.
This European Standard does not specify whether eCall is provided using embedded equipment or other means (for example in the case of aftermarket equipment).Conformance

  • Standard
    30 pages
    English language
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    1 day

In respect of 112-eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this document defines adaptations to eCall specifications defined in EN 16072 and other related documents to enable the provision of eCall for powered two wheel vehicles (vehicle centred).
As with the existing provisions for eCall for Category M1/N1 vehicles, these are specified within the paradigm of being OEM fit equipment supplied with new vehicles.
For the purposes of the present document, the P2WV ‘L’ categories, as defined in Directive 2002/24/EC, Regulation (EU) No 168/2013, UNECE and as referenced/specified in EN 15722 apply.
This document includes only the requirements for Category L1 and L3 powered two wheel vehicles (vehicle based) with the exception of L1e-A (powered cycle), although CEN/TS 17249 6 may reference other ‘L’ subcategories to use this document. (It will be noted that the categories L1 to L7 include 2, 3 and 4 wheel types e.g. motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles.)
NOTE 1   Other Technical Specifications may be prepared for other UNECE category ‘L’ variants.
NOTE 2   The provision of eCall for vehicles via the aftermarket (post sale and registration) will be the subject of other work, and in respect of the operational requirements for any such aftermarket solutions for powered two wheel vehicles (vehicle centred), will use the specifications of this document as a principle reference point.
NOTE 3   The 112-eCall paradigm involves a direct call from the vehicle to the most appropriate PSAP. (Third party service provision by comparison, involves the support of an intermediary third party service provider before the call is forwarded to the PSAP.) The specifications herein relate only to the provision of 112-eCall or IMS-112-eCall (3.10), and do not provide specifications for third party service provision of eCall.
NOTE 4   Some of the elements of this document will require further in depth analysis before they can be implemented in a European Standard. These elements are included in this document however to document the current state of development of a European Standard. The current state of development on these elements justifies their inclusion in this document, but further assessment and analysis might require an amendment before implementation into a European Standard. (This is a normal evolution from a Technical Specification to a European Standard.)

  • Technical specification
    23 pages
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This European Standard specifies the standard data concepts that comprise the "Minimum Set of Data" (MSD) to be transferred from a vehicle to a 'Public Safety Answering Point' (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency via an 'eCall' communication transaction.
Optional additional data concepts may also be transferred.
The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this European Standard.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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This Technical Report defines an additional data concept that may be transferred as an ‘optional additional data concept’ as defined in ‘Block 12’ of CEN 15722 eCall MSD, that may be transferred from a goods vehicle to a PSAP in the event of a crash or emergency via an eCall communication session. Two variants are provided, one (schema A) for use where dangerous goods (ADR classified); the second variant (schema B) is for use where no ADR classified load is known.
NOTE   The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this Technical Report.
Additional data concepts may also be transferred, and any such data concepts should be registered using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978.

  • Technical report
    36 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This Technical Specification defines the key actors in the eCall chain of service provision as:
1)   In-Vehicle System (IVS)/vehicle,
2)   Mobile network Operator (MNO),
3)   Public safety assistance point [provider](PSAP),
in some circumstances may also involve:
4)   Third Party Service Provider (TPSP),
and to provide conformance tests for actor groups 1) - 4).
NOTE   Conformance tests are not appropriate nor required for vehicle occupants, although they are the recipient of the service.
The Scope covers conformance testing (and approval) of new engineering developments, products and systems, and does not imply testing associated with individual installations in vehicles or locations.

  • Technical specification
    265 pages
    English language
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    1 day

The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the same quality of services objectives by using 'Public Land Mobile Networks'(PLMN) (such as GSM and 3G), which supports the European pre-assigned emergency destination address (see normative references) and to provide a means of manually triggering the notification of an incident.
This European Standard specifies the general operating requirements and intrinsic procedures for in-vehicle emergency call (eCall) services in order to transfer an emergency message from a vehicle to a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency, via an eCall communication session and to establish a voice channel between the in-vehicle equipment and the PSAP.
NOTE 1   Private third party in-vehicle emergency supporting services may also provide a similar eCall function by other means. The provision of such services are being defined in prEN 16102 (in ballot), and are outside the scope of this European Standard.
NOTE 2   The communications protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this European Standard.
NOTE 3   This European Standard specifies the operating requirements for an eCall service. An important part of the eCall service is a Minimum Set of Data (MSD). The operating requirements for the MSD are determined in this European Standard, but the form and data content of the MSD is not defined herein. A common European MSD is determined in
EN 15722.

  • Standard
    28 pages
    English language
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    1 day

In respect of pan-European eCall (operating requirements defined in EN 16072), this European
Standard defines the high level application protocols, procedures and processes required to provide
the eCall service using a TS12 emergency call over a mobile communications network.
NOTE 1 The objective of implementing the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system (eCall) is to
automate the notification of a traffic accident, wherever in Europe, with the same technical standards and the
same quality of services objectives by using a PLMN (such as GSM and 3G) which supports the European
harmonised 112/E112 emergency number (TS12 ETSI TS 122 003) and to provide a means of manually
triggering the notification of an emergency incident.
NOTE 2 HLAP requirements for third party services supporting eCall can be found in EN 16102, and have
been developed in conjunction with the development of this work item, and is consistent in respect of the interface
to the PSAP. This deliverable makes reference to those provisions but does not duplicate them.

  • Standard
    68 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the standard data concepts that comprise the "Minimum Set of Data" (MSD) to be transferred from a vehicle to a 'Public Safety Answering Point' (PSAP) in the event of a crash or emergency via an 'eCall' communication session.
NOTE 1   The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this European Standard.
NOTE 2   Additional data concepts may also be transferred, it is recommended any such data concepts should be registered using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978.

  • Standard
    32 pages
    English language
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    1 day