Paper, board and pulps - Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples (ISO 187:1990)

Specifies the standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing pulp, paper, and board, and also the procedures for measuring the temperature and relative humidity. For the conditioning of laboratory prepared handsheets in accordance with ISO 5269-1, the standard atmosphere is that defined in this standard, but the procedure is different. Annex A covers the measurement of temperature and relative humidity. Annex B (informative) describes the interdependence of temperature and relative humidity. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (1977) which has been technically revised.

Papier, Pappe und Zellstoff - Normalklima für die Vorbehandlung und Prüfung und Verfahren zur Überwachung des Klimas und der Probenvorbehandlung (ISO 187:1990)

Diese Internationale Norm legt das Normalklima für die Vorbehandlung und Prüfung von Zellstoff, Papier und weiterhin die Verfahren zur Messung von Temperatur und relativer Luftfeuchte fest. Für die Vorbehandlung von Laborprüfbogen nach ISO 5269-1:1979 ist das Normalklima das in dieser Internationalen Norm definierte Klima, jedoch ist die Durchführung unterschiedlich.

Papier, carton et pâtes - Atmosphère normale de conditionnement et d'essai et méthode de surveillance de l'atmosphère et de conditionnement des échantillons (ISO 187:1990)

La présente Norme internationale prescrit l'atmosphère normale de conditionnement et d'essai des pâtes, papiers et cartons, ainsi que des méthodes de mesurage de la température et de l'humidité relative. Pour le conditionnement des feuilles préparées en laboratoire conformément à l'ISO 5269-1, l'atmosphère normale est celle qui est définie dans la présente Norme internationale, mais le mode opératoire est différent1).

Papir, karton, lepenka in vlaknine - Standardna atmosfera za kondicioniranje in preskušanje ter postopek za nadzor atmosfere in kondicioniranje vzorcev (ISO 187:1990)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Papir, karton, lepenka in vlaknine - Standardna atmosfera za kondicioniranje in preskušanje ter postopek za nadzor atmosfere in kondicioniranje vzorcev (ISO 187:1990)Papier, Pappe und Zellstoff - Normalklima für die Vorbehandlung und Prüfung und Verfahren zur Überwachung des Klimas und der Probenvorbehandlung (ISO 187:1990)Papier, carton et pâtes - Atmosphere normale de conditionnement et d'essai et méthode de surveillance de l'atmosphere et de conditionnement des échantillons (ISO 187:1990)Paper, board and pulps - Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples (ISO 187:1990)85.060Papir, karton in lepenkaPaper and board85.040VlakninePulpsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 20187:1993SIST EN 20187:2000en01-april-2000SIST EN 20187:2000SLOVENSKI
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Second edition 1990-l 2-01 Paper, board and pulps - Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples Papier, carton et pstes - Atmosphere normale de conditionnement et d’essai et mgfhode de surveillance de I’atmosph&e et de conditionnement des &hantillons Reference number IS0 187: 1990(E) SIST EN 20187:2000

IS0 187:1990(E) Foreword IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. DrafI International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter- national Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard IS0 187 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 6, Paper, board and pulps. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 187: 1977), which has been technically revised. Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard. Annexes B and C are for information only. 0 IS0 1990 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the. publisher. International Organizatiori for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-121-l Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii SIST EN 20187:2000

IS0 187:1990(E) Introduction The physical properties of paper are affected materially by its moisture content which, in turn, is dependent on the humidity of the surrounding atmosphere. In order that tests may be made on paper in a defined physical state, it is brought into equilibrium with an atmosphere of standardized temperature and relative humidity, and tested in that at- mosphere. The moisture content of a given paper in equilibrium with a given at- mosphere varies according to whether the equilibrium is reached by sorption or by desorption of moisture. This hysteresis influences those physical properties that change with moisture content. Unless otherwise specified the equilibrium condition should be attained by the sorptive process. For a nu mber corn mon use: of years three standard test atmospheres have been in 20 W65 % r-h.; 23 “C/50 % r.h. and 27 “C/65 Y!./o r.h. At the time of publication of this revision of IS0 187: 1977 the atmos- phere 23 V50 % r-h. is used almost exclusively in most countries and after 1 January 1993 is to be considered the IS0 standard test atmos- phere for testing of pulp, paper and board. However, the 23 “C/50 % r.h. atmosphere is difficult to attain in some of the countries located in tropical zones, and in such countries the 27 “C/65 O/o rh. atmosphere is permitted. Until 1 January 1993 the 20 “C/65 O/o r.h. atmosphere is ac- ceptable as a standard test atmosphere. . . . III SIST EN 20187:2000

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INTERNATIONAL STANDARD IS0 187:1990(E) Paper, board and pulps - Standard atmosphere for conditioning and testing and procedure for monitoring the atmosphere and conditioning of samples 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the standard atmosphere for conditioning, and for testing pulp, paper and board, and also the procedures for measuring the temperature and relative humidity. For the conditioning of laboratory prepared handsheets in accordance with IS0 5269-1, the standard atmosphere is that defined in this Inter- national Standard but the procedure is different? 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publi- cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan- dards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged ‘io investigate the possibility of ap- plying the most !*ecent editions of the standards in- dicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. IS0 554:1976, Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing - Specifications. IS0 4677-l :I 985, Atmospberes for conditioning and testing - Determination of relative humidity - Part I: Aspirated psychrometer method. IS0 526%1:1979, Pulps - Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing - Part 1: Conventional sheet-former method. IS0 526%211980, Pulps - Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing - Par? 2: Rapid-k’oethen method. 3 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 relative humidity (r.h.): The ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the actual water vapour content of the air to the water vapour content of air saturated with water vapour at the same temperature and pressure. 3.2 conditioning: A process of establishing a re- producible moisture content equilibrium between the sample and an atmosphere of specified temper- ature and relative humidity. This equilibrium is con- sidered to be attained when the results of two consecutive weighings of the sample, carried out at an interval of time of not less than I h, do not differ by more than a specified amount. NOTE 1 The interval between weighings is dependent on the grammage of the sample and the degree of agreement expected between successive weighings should take account of the known cycling characteristics of the particular test room. The establishment of moisture content equilibrium is accepted as ensuring that the paper is in a stable physical state, but in special circumstances, conditioning may have to be prolonged until the desired physical equilibrium is attained. Such circumstances are not within the scope of this International Standard. 4 Principle Exposure of the sample to a specific conditioning atmosphere in such a manner that a reproducible state of moisture content equilibrium is reached be- tween the sample and this atmosphere. 1) IS0 5269-l requires Pul p handsheets to be c followed by conditioning bY sorption of moisture. .ondi ti oned by desorption of moisture, whilst IS0 5269-2 requires drying SIST EN 20187:2000

IS0 187:1990(E) 5 Standard atmosphere 6 Conditioning procedure The standard atmosphere for testing pulp, paper and paperboard shall be 23 “C + 1 “C and (50 + 2) % r.h. In tropical countries an atmosphere of 27 OC + .- 1 T and (65 + 2) % r-h. may be used. - NOTE 2 The temperature and relative humidity condi- tions are those specified in IS0 554. The tolerances quoted are the reduced or close tolerances specified in IS0 554. A test atmosphere shall be deemed to be within the requirements of this International Standard if all the test results determined as described in annex A (see, in particular, A-4.2) are within the prescribed limits. Even short-term excursions of temperature or humidity beyond these limits, to the extent that the equilibrium moisture content of the sample will be affected, are not permitted. Whenever the test atmosphere is known to have been outside the limits and if there is any chance that the moisture content of samples has been changed by such excursions, all samples must be reconditioned (repeating clause 6) before any further testing is done. NOTES 3 If it is known or suspected that the relative humidity has exceeded the upper limit to the extent that the moisture content may have increased, all samples except those prepared in accordance with IS0 5269-1, must be subjected to the preliminary low humidity treatment dc- scribed in 6.1 before reconditioning. If it is known or suspected that the relative humidity has fallen below the limit to the extent that the moisture con- tent may have decreased, samples prepared in accord- ance with IS0 5269-l should be discarded and new samples prepared. If this is not possible and the samples are tested, the circumstance must be reported. 4 A recording hygrometer, either independent of or part of the control system, should be in continuous operation in the room, but such hygrometer must not be used to assess whether the atmosphere meets the requirements of this International Standard unless it also meets the re- quirements of annex A of this standard. The hygrometer should respond rapidly to changes in relative humidity, for example, less than 1 min +or a change in relative humidity of 10 O/o. 6.1 Pre-conditioning of the sample For tests in which the hysteresis of the equilibrium moisture content may lead to important errors, the sample shall be pre-conditioned before conditioning, for 24 h in air of relative humidity between IO % and 35 % and a temperature not above 40 “C. If it is known that conditioning (6.2) will result in an equi- librium moisture content equivalent to that achieved by sorption (see Introduction) this preliminary treat- ment may be omitted. NOTE 5 Since the effect of hysteresis may not be known until after the event, it is recommended that precondi- tioning be always carried out. 6.2 Conditioning The specimens of the sample shall be held such that the conditioning air has free access to all their sur- faces so that their moisture contents attain a state of equilibrium with the water vapour in the atmos- phere. This equilibrium is considered to be attained when the results of two consecutive weighings at least 1 h apart do not differ by more than 0,25 % of the total mass (3.2). The interval between weighings needs to be longer for higher grammage products and the degree of agreement expected between successive weighings should take account of the known cycling characteristics of the test room. NOTE 6 With good air circulation, a conditioning period of 4 h is usually sufficient for paper. A minimum time of 5 h to 8 h will be required for heavy papers. Boards of higher grammage and specially treated materials may require a conditioning period of 48 h or longer. 7 Test report The test report of any testing which is required to be done in this standard atmosphere shall include the following particulars: a) reference to this International Standard; b) the nominal conditioning atmosphere used; c) the time for which the sample was conditioned; whet her the paper or the board cond itioned b efore condit ionin cl- pre- SIST EN 20187:2000

IS0 187:1990(E) Annex A (normative) Measurement of temperature and relative humidity A.1 Scope This annex is based on IS0 4677~I:1985 and de- scribes the procedures for measurement of temper- ature and relative humidity to be used in determining compliance #with this International Standard. It aims to specify those features which are essential for accurate measurement without speci- fying a particular type of instrument. NOTE 7 Condensation type and impedance type hy- grometers may be used provided they can be shown to be at least as accurate as the aspirated psychrometer. A.2 Apparatws Aspirated wet and dry bulb psychrometer, compris- ing the following essential components: A.2.1 Thermometers These may be liquid-in-glass (either solid stem or enclosed scale type), thermocouples or electrical resistance thermometers with a working range of 10 “C or more. They shall be accurate to within + 0,l OC and the pair used in any instrument shall agree to within 0,05 ‘C. Liquid-in-glass thermom- eters should be graduated in 0,l “C scale divisions so that reading s can be estimated to the nearest 0,05 ‘C. Thermocouples and electrical resistance thermometers are usually connected to a digital display panel meter which rounds off to 0,‘l “C. However, a chart recorder with scale divisions of 0,05 OC may be connected to provide a permanent record of dry bulb readings and also either wet bulb temperature or preferably, relative humidity com- puted electronically within the instrument. The sensing section of the thermometers shall not be less than 1 mm or more than 4 mm in diameter for transverse ventilation, and 6 mm for axial venti- lation. Thermocouples and electrical resistance thermometers shall have a response rate sufficient to track a temperature gradient of 1 “Urnin and a relative humidity gradient of I,5 %/min. A-2.2 Ventilation The instrument shall provide means of drawing air over the sensing sections of the thermometers which may be mounted for either transverse or axial ventilation. The thermometers shall be mounted so that the axes of the sensors are parallel and separ- ated by a distance of not less than three times the diameter of the wet bulb sensor. In the case of transverse ventilation both sensors may be located in the same air stream with the dry bulb off-set on the upstream side of the wet bulb. In the case of axial ventilation the direction of air flow shall be from the free end of the sensor to the sup- port end and a separate cylindrical radiation shield, of internal diameter I,75 to 3 times the wet bulb di- ameter, shall be provided for each sensor. The sensors shall be protected from all sources of heat radiation including that provided by the prox- imity of the operator. The air flow shall be provided by a fan located downstream from the sensors so that any heat generated by it will not affect the sen- sors, and exhaust air is directed away from the source of incoming air. The air speed over the sensors shall not be less than 3 m/s. However, the air speed shall not be suf- ficiently high as to allow the wick to become less than fully saturated or to allow droplets of water to form in the air strea

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