Geographic information - Spatial data infrastructures - Part 2: Best practices

This part of the Technical Report provides best practices regarding Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs), referencing to the outcomes of the projects in the frame of the European Union funding programmes. It summarises the deliverables of projects, structured according to the reference model defined in Part 1 of this Technical Report, to be made available in an on-line repository where the relevant outcomes are collected and classified in order to provide a structured sets of recommendations for implementing SDIs at the European, national and sub-national levels.
This collection refers mainly to the projects funded by the European Union funding programmes: this choice is driven by the wide vision and analysis which such kind of projects can provide and the wide numbers of stakeholders which have been involved.
The outcomes delivered by these relevant practices are collected into a document registry available through the CEN/TC 287 web site. This part of the Technical Report defines the processes and the content of these projects and documents registries, which will help making them more accessible and re-usable. It provides the relevant project deliverables addressing the main SDI issues as described in the other parts of this Technical Report.
The intended readership of this Technical Report are those people who are responsible for creating frameworks for SDI, experts contributing to INSPIRE, experts in information and communication technologies and e-government that need to familiarise themselves with geographic information and SDI concepts, and standards developers and writers.

Geoinformation - Geodateninfrastrukturen - Teil 2: Best practices

Dieser Teil des Technischen Berichts enthält Informationen zu den besten Verfahrensweisen (Best Practices) im Zusammenhang mit Geodateninfrastrukturen (GDI), wobei Bezug genommen wird auf Projekte, die im Rahmen von EU Förderprogrammen durchgeführt wurden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Projekte werden zusammenfassend vorgestellt, und zwar strukturiert entsprechend dem in Teil 1 dieses Technischen Berichts definierten Referenzmodell; sie sollen später in einem Online Archiv, in dem relevante Ergebnisse gesammelt und klassifiziert werden, zur Verfügung gestellt werden, um so einen strukturierten Satz von Empfehlungen hinsichtlich der Implementierung von GDI auf europäischer, nationaler und regionaler Ebene zu bieten.
Diese Sammlung bezieht sich in erster Linie auf Projekte, die im Rahmen der EU Förderprogramme finanziert wurden. Diese Auswahl gründet sich auf die langfristigen Perspektiven und Analysen, die mit derartigen Projekten möglich sind und die große Anzahl der beteiligten interessierten Kreise.
Die Ergebnisse der jeweiligen Verfahrensweisen werden in einer Registry für Dokumente gesammelt, die über die Website des CEN/TC 287 zugänglich ist. Der vorliegende Teil dieses Technischen Berichts definiert die Prozesse und den Inhalt dieser Projekte und Registries, wodurch diese leichter zugänglich und wieder verwendbar werden. Bereitgestellt werden die entsprechenden Ergebnisse der Projekte unter Bezugnahme auf die wesentlichen Aspekte einer GDI, die in den übrigen Teilen dieses Technischen Berichts beschrieben sind.
Der vorliegende Technische Bericht wendet sich an die Entwickler von GDI Architekturen, an die an der Erarbeitung der INSPIRE Richtlinie beteiligten Fachleute, Experten auf dem Gebiet der Informations  und Kommunikationstechnologie und des E Governments, die sich mit Geoinformations  und GDI Konzepten vertraut machen müssen, sowie an die Entwickler und Autoren von Normen und Standards.

Information géographique - Infrastructures de données spatiales - Partie 2: Bonnes pratiques

Geografske informacije - Infrastrukture za prostorske podatke - 2. del: Dobre prakse

Ta del tehničnega poročila zagotavlja dobre prakse v zvezi z infrastrukturami za prostorske podatke (SDI), pri čemer se sklicuje na rezultate projektov v okviru programov Evropske unije za financiranje. Vsebuje povzetek izsledkov projektov, strukturiranih v skladu z referenčnim modelom iz 1. dela tega tehničnega poročila, ki se objavijo v spletni zbirki, v okviru katere se zbirajo in razvrščajo ustrezni rezultati, da se zagotovijo strukturirani sklopi priporočil za izvajanje infrastruktur za prostorske podatke na evropski, nacionalni in področni ravni. Ta zbirka se sklicuje predvsem na projekte, ki jih financirajo programi Evropske unije za financiranje. Razlog za to izbiro so široka vizija in analize, ki jih lahko zagotavljajo tovrstni projekti, ter veliko število sodelujočih zainteresiranih strani. Rezultati navedenih ustreznih praks se zberejo v registru dokumentov, ki je na voljo prek spletne strani odbora CEN/TC 287. Ta del tehničnega poročila določa postopke in vsebino navedenih registrov projektov in dokumentov, kar zagotavlja njihovo večjo dostopnost ter ponovno uporabnost. Zagotavlja ustrezne izsledke projektov, ki obravnavajo glavna vprašanja infrastruktur za prostorske podatke, opisane v drugih delih tega tehničnega poročila. To tehnično poročilo je namenjeno ciljnim skupinam ljudi, ki so odgovorni za oblikovanje okvirov infrastruktur za prostorske podatke, strokovnjakom, ki prispevajo k direktivi INSPIRE, strokovnjakom na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij, e-upravi, ki se mora seznaniti s konceptoma geografskih informacij in infrastrukture za prostorske podatke, ter pripravljavcem in avtorjem standardov.

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 15449-2:2013
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47 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TP CEN/TR 15449:2011
Geografske informacije - Infrastrukture za prostorske podatke - 2. del: Dobre
Geographic information - Spatial data infrastructures - Part 2: Best practices
Geoinformation - Geodateninfrastrukturen - Teil 2: Best practice
Information géographique - Infrastructures de données spatiales - Partie 2 : Bonnes
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 15449-2:2012
07.040 Astronomija. Geodezija. Astronomy. Geodesy.
Geografija Geography
35.240.70 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in science
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 15449-2
October 2012
ICS 07.040; 35.240.70 Supersedes CEN/TR 15449:2011
English Version
Geographic information - Spatial data infrastructures - Part 2:
Best practices
Information géographique - Infrastructures de données Geoinformation - Geodateninfrastrukturen - Teil 2: Best
spatiales - Partie 2 : Bonnes pratiques practice

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 27 May 2012. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 287.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 15449-2:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .4
Introduction .5
1 Scope .6
2 Normative references .6
3 Terms and definitions .6
4 Abbreviated terms .7
5 Overview .7
5.1 Introduction .7
5.2 Categories of contribution .8
5.2.1 Content classification .8
5.2.2 SDI reference model components .9
5.2.3 Architectural reference model services .9
5.2.4 Phases of an SDI .9
5.2.5 Project document types .9
6 Processes and procedures . 10
6.1 Requirements from a content provider perspective . 10
6.2 Inclusion of projects in this part Technical Report . 11
6.2.1 Permanent call for contributions . 11
6.2.2 Role definitions . 11
6.2.3 Criteria for inclusion of projects and deliverables . 12
6.2.4 Analysis and revision of contributions . 13
6.3 CEN/TC 287 document registry . 13
6.3.1 Submission procedure . 13
6.3.2 Register user functionalities . 15
6.3.3 Relation to other registries . 15
6.4 Structure and content of the repository . 15
7 Description of project deliverables . 15
7.1 Requirements from a consumer perspective . 15
7.2 Structure of the best practices repository . 16
7.3 Description of the project register . 17
7.4 Description of the best practice outcomes . 18
8 Best practices overview . 21
8.1 General . 21
8.2 SDI reference model components . 22
8.2.1 General . 22
8.2.2 Data . 22
8.2.3 Register . 22
8.2.4 Discovery . 22
8.2.5 View . 22
8.2.6 Invoke . 22
8.2.7 Download . 22
8.2.8 GeoRM . 23
8.2.9 Orchestration and composition . 23
8.3 Phases of an SDI . 23
8.3.1 General . 23
8.3.2 Concept design . 23
8.3.3 Implementation . 23
8.3.4 Validation. 23
8.4 Project document type . 24
8.4.1 Standards . 24
8.4.2 Specifications . 24
8.4.3 Technical reports . 24
8.4.4 Guidelines . 24
Annex A Projects relevant to Standards development organisations . 25
Annex B SDI components and project outcomes . 31
Annex C Project summaries . 33

This document (CEN/TR 15449-2:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 287
“Geographic information”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes CEN/TR 15449:2011.
The present standard comprises the following parts:
 CEN/TR 15449-1, Geographic information — Spatial data infrastructures — Part 1: Reference model;
 CEN/TR 15449-2, Geographic information — Spatial data infrastructures — Part 2: Best practices (the
present part);
 CEN/TR 15449-3, Geographic information — Spatial data infrastructures — Part 3: Data centric view;
 CEN/TR 15449-4, Geographic information — Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) — Part 4: Service centric
Spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is a general term for the computerised environment for handling data that
relates to a position on or near the surface of the earth. It may be defined in a range of ways, in different
circumstances, from the local up to the global level.
This Technical Report focuses on the technical aspects of SDIs, thereby limiting the term SDI to mean an
implementation neutral technological infrastructure for geospatial data and services, based upon standards
and specifications. It does not consider an SDI as a carefully designed and dedicated information system;
rather, it is viewed as a collaborative framework of disparate information systems that contain resources that
stakeholders desire to share. The common denominator of SDI resources, which can be data or services, is
their spatial nature. It is understood that the framework is in constant evolution, and that therefore the
requirements for standards and specifications supporting SDI implementations evolve continuously.
SDIs are becoming more and more linked and integrated with systems developed in the context of e-
Government. Important drivers for this evolution are the Digital Agenda for Europe, and related policies. This
Technical Report takes these developments into account. By sharing emerging requirements at an early stage
with the standardization bodies, users of SDIs can help influence the revision of existing or the conception of
new standards.
The users of an SDI are considered to be those individuals or organisations that, in the context of their
business processes, need to share and access geo-resources in a meaningful and sustainable way. Based on
platform- and vendor-neutral standards and specifications, an SDI aims at assisting organisations and
individuals in publishing, finding, delivering, and eventually, using geographic information and services over
the internet across borders of information communities in a more cost-effective manner.
Considering the complexity of the subject and the need to capture and formalize different conceptual and
modelling views, CEN/TR 15449 is comprised of multiple parts:
• Part 1: Reference model: this provides a general context model for the other Parts, applying general IT
architecture standards;
• Part 2: Best practices: this provides best practices guidance for implementing SDI, through the evaluation
of the projects in the frame of the European Union funding programmes;
• Part 3: Data centric view: this addresses concerns related to the data, which includes application schemas
and metadata;
• Part 4: Service centric view (in preparation): this includes the taxonomy of services, concepts of
interoperability, service architecture, service catalogue, and the underlying IT standards.
Further parts may be created in t

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