Controls for heating systems - Part 5: Start-stop schedulers for heating systems

This European Standard applies to equipment which controls scheduling heating systems. The signals can be processed by using either analogue or digital techniques, or both. The particular equipment to which this document applies covers both:
·   stand-alone fixed start-stop schedulers;
·   controllers which contain fixed start-stop scheduling function.
It applies to basic and added start-stop control functions and sets minimum acceptable standards for functions, performance and documentation.
NOTE   The start-stop function can be integrated within a main control device. In this case the controller would be expected to this standard for scheduling function.
Safety requirements on heating systems and heating control systems remain unaffected by this European Standard. The actuators and the dynamic behaviour of the valves are not covered in this European Standard.
This control equipment may or may not be connected to a data network

Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungen - Teil 5: Schalteinrichtungen zur programmierten Ein- und Ausschaltung von Heizungsanlagen

Diese Europäische Norm gilt für Einrichtungen zur Regelung der Zeitsteuerung von Heizungsanlagen. Die
Signale können entweder mit Analog- oder Digitalverfahren oder beiden verarbeitet werden. Dieses Dokument
gilt für spezielle Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen, die entweder:
.separate Geräte als feste Ein-/Aus-Zeitschalter;
.Regler mit fester Ein-/Ausschalt-Zeitsteuerungsfunktion sind.
Sie gilt für Grund- und Zusatz-Ein-/Ausschaltsteuerfunktionen und legt Mindestanforderungen an Funktionen,
Betriebsverhalten und Dokumentation fest.
ANMERKUNG Die Ein-/Ausschaltfunktion kann in eine Hauptregeleinrichtung integriert sein. Dann wird erwartet, dass
der Regler hinsichtlich der Zeitsteuerungsfunktion dieser Norm entspricht.
Sicherheitstechnische Anforderungen für Heizungsanlagen und deren Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen
bleiben von dieser Europäischen Norm unberührt. Stellglieder und das dynamische Verhalten von Ventilen
werden in dieser Europäischen Norm nicht behandelt.
Diese Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtung darf je nach Ausführung an ein Datennetz angeschlossen werden.

Régulation pour les systèmes de chauffage - Partie 5: Programmateurs d'intermittences pour les systèmes de chauffage

La présente Norme s’applique aux dispositifs qui commandent la programmation des systèmes de chauffage. Les signaux peuvent être traités par des techniques analogiques et/ou numériques. Les appareils ou dispositifs qui relèvent de la présente Norme sont les suivants :
-   programmateurs autonomes pour commander les intermittences à des heures fixes ;
-   régulateurs qui intègrent une fonction de programmation des intermittences à des heures fixes.
Elle s’applique aux fonctions de commande des intermittences, qu’il s’agisse des appareils qui réalisent cette seule fonction de base ou des appareils qui possèdent des fonctions additionnelles et définit des niveaux minimaux admissibles pour les fonctions, les performances et la documentation.
NOTE   La fonction marche arrêt peut être intégrée dans un dispositif de régulation centralisé. Dans ce cas, il convient que ce dispositif soit conforme à la présente Norme pour ce qui concerne la fonction de programmation.
Les exigences de sécurité requises des systèmes de chauffage et des systèmes de régulation du chauffage ne sont pas traitées dans la présente Norme. Les actionneurs et le comportement dynamique des vannes ne sont pas abordés dans la présente Norme.
Ces dispositifs de régulation peuvent ou non être raccordés à un réseau de transmission de données.

Regulacijske naprave za grelne sisteme – 5. del Nastavljalniki za zagon in ustavitev grelnih sistemov

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EN 12098-5:2006
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Regulacijske naprave za grelne sisteme – 5. del Nastavljalniki za zagon in
ustavitev grelnih sistemov
Controls for heating systems - Part 5: Start-stop schedulers for heating systems
Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungen - Teil 5: Schalteinrichtungen zur
programmierten Ein- und Ausschaltung von Heizungsanlagen
Régulation pour les systemes de chauffage - Partie 5: Programmateurs d'intermittences
pour les systemes de chauffage
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 12098-5:2005
91.140.10 Sistemi centralnega Central heating systems
97.120 Avtomatske krmilne naprave Automatic controls for
za dom household use
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 12098-5
September 2005
ICS 91.140.10; 97.120
English Version
Controls for heating systems - Part 5: Start-stop schedulers for
heating systems
Régulation pour les systèmes de chauffage - Partie 5: Mess-, Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen für Heizungen - Teil
Programmateurs d'intermittences pour les systèmes de 5: Schalteinrichtungen zur programmierten Ein- und
chauffage Ausschaltung von Heizungsanlagen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1 August 2005.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 12098-5:2005: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Foreword .3
1 Scope .5

2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions.5
4 Functionality.7
5 Graphical symbols and abbreviations.11
6 Requirements .11
7 Test methods.18
8 Marking .19
9 Documentation.20

This European Standard (EN 12098-5:2005) has been prepared by CEN/TC 247 "Building automation control and
building management", the secretariat of which is held by SNV.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by March 2006, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by
March 2006.
This European Standard is one of a series of product standards for “Controls for heating systems”. It considers
Definitions, Functionality, Requirements, Test methods, and Documentation for heating controls with fixed start-
stop functions. This European Standard consists of the following parts:
Part 1: Outside temperature compensated control equipment for hot water heating systems;
Part 2: Optimum start-stop control equipment for hot water heating systems;
Part 3: Outside temperature compensated control equipment for electrical heating systems;
Part 4: Tariff compensated optimum start-stop control equipment for electrical systems;
Part 5: Start-stop schedulers for heating systems.
No existing European Standard is superseded.
The position of this European Standardt in the series of standards for mechanical building services is illustrated
Mechanical building services
Ventilation and
Control for mechanical
Heating systems air conditioning
building services
Individual zone Building management System neutral data
Controls for
control for  products and systems for transmission for
heating systems
HVAC applications HVAC applications HVAC applications

Outside temperature
Optimum start-stop Outside temperature Optimum start-stop
compensated control Start-stop
control equipment compensated control control equipment
equipment for hot
schedulers for
for hot water equipment for electrical for electrical
water heating heating systems
heating systems
heating systems heating systems
Definitions Functionality Requirements Test methods
HVAC = Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Equipment which controls scheduling of the heating supply in buildings is necessary to reduce the energy
consumption of heating plants and maintain comfort level, either for water or electrical heating systems. Clock
schedulers lead to energy saving by switching heating modes in relation with predictable occupancy. Timers and
schedulers derogation functions start-stop heating modes for non periodic needs of heating.
Switch times may have to be manually changed to achieve energy savings and acceptable comfort levels.
NOTE 1 Fixed start-stop basic function is illustrated by Figure 1. In this example, mode I is nominal mode, J is stand-by mode.
Switch Switch Switch Switch
mode mode mode
Mode l Mode J Mode l Mode J
04 8 12 16 20 24 48 12 16 20 24 4 8 Time
00 Hour of day
Figure 1 - Relation between occupation, heating modes and room temperature, example
Included in this European Standard are the main equipment characteristics reaching these energy saving and
comfort objectives.
NOTE 2 This European Standard, therefore, conforms to the requirements and objectives of the interpretative document n° 6
“Energy Economy and Heat Retention” relating to the Construction Product Directive (89/106/EEC).
1 Scope
This European Standard applies to equipment which controls scheduling heating systems. The signals can be
processed by using either analogue or digital techniques, or both. The particular equipment to which this document
applies covers both:
• stand-alone fixed start-stop schedulers;
• controllers which contain fixed start-stop scheduling function.
It applies to basic and added start-stop control functions and sets minimum acceptable standards for functions,
performance and documentation.
NOTE The start-stop function can be integrated within a main control device. In this case the controller would be expected
to this standard for scheduling function.
Safety requirements on heating systems and heating control systems remain unaffected by this European Standard.
The actuators and the dynamic behaviour of the valves are not covered in this European Standard.
This control equipment may or may not be connected to a data network.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references,
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
EN 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529: 1989)
EN 60730-1, Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use – Part 1: General requirements (IEC
60730-1:1999, modified)
EN 60730-2-7, Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use – Part 2: Particular requirements for
timers and time switches (IEC 60730-2-7:1990, modified)
IEC 60038, IEC standard voltages
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
start-stop scheduler
device which switches heating modes affecting the heating control system (see Figure 2) according to a program
1 Tariff
2 Derogation possibility
3 Start-stop scheduler according to ENV 12098-5
4 Switch code I, J, K…
5 Room temperature controller
6 Temperature sensor
7 Actuating equipment
8 Heat generation and distribution
Figure 2 - Example of heating control system. Scheduler and controller are either separated stand alone
devices or both integrated on a device
start-stop timer
start-stop scheduler switching heating modes for a single programmed period, started by an user
switch times
points in time at which the scheduler switches from a mode to another one
state of a device or system defining the manner by which it performs its functions. A heating system or a heating
controller should have many heating modes (or heating operation modes), e.g. nominal, reduced, on, off, start,
stand-by. It should be noted that other modes can also exists
NOTE Heating stand-by mode: in this mode, heating system is switched off and, if it applies, enable frost protection
function. It’s important to make a difference between the heating stand-by mode and a so-called device stand-by mode for
mains powered equipment and house hold appliances. It concerns devices itself for non-operational, lowest power consumption
mode which cannot be switched off (influenced) by the user and that may persist for an indefinite time.
output signal
signal generated by the scheduler to the control system for switch heating mode. It can affect the controller or the
actuating equipment or modify the room temperature controller set point
memorised switch times, reproducing periods or periodic cycles, daily, weekly or yearly. Program may include
periods for derogation, start period or tariff compensation functions
type of daily program
daily program able to be reproduced for many days of the week or the year
temporary override of the program by an user
start period
operating period between switch-on heating time and the beginning of nominal occupation period during which
heating rises room temperature
NOTE A start-stop optimiser conforming to EN 12098-2 controls the switch-on heating time modifying the start period in
relation with measured variables. On a scheduler, start period set is a constant parameter, the switch-on time being fixed by
start period and beginning of nominal occupation period user settings.

I, J, K: modes e.g.: A: switch time to mode I A-B: Period for mode I
1  nominal A(o): beginning of occupation period A(o) – B: nominal occupation period for mode I
B: switch time to mode J (or K) A - A(o): start period (heating up)
2 : reduced
X: room temperature Y: Time
3  stand-by
Figure 3 - Example of temperature-time curve obtained by a mode scheduled controller
tariff compensation
unction anticipating the switch time, related to the programmed switch time and tariff rising time I. This function
make benefits, according to cost reflective message from electric utility.
manual operation
during manual operation the mode of the scheduler is directly changed by the operator
clock retention time
duration which allows to recover the actual time after a power failure
4 Functionality
Start-stop scheduling equipment achieves energy saving by reducing, or preferably, switching off heating systems.
In this document, a scheduler is able to control at least two heating modes. These modes are defined by the
manufacturer. The output signal is binary, or more.
Functionalities and requirements fall into six categories. Table 1 shows those possibilities.

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