Ventilation for buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential ventilation systems

This Technical Report specifies recommendations for the performance and design of ventilation systems which serve single family, multi family and apartment type dwellings during both summer and winter. It is of particular interest to architects, designers, builders and those involved with implementing national, regional and local regulations and standards.
Four basic ventilation strategies are covered; natural ventilation, fan assisted supply air ventilation, fan assisted exhaust air ventilation and fan assisted balanced air ventilation. Combinations of these systems are not excluded and a ventilation system may serve only one dwelling (individual system) or more than one dwelling (central system). The ventilation aspects of combined systems (ventilation with heating and/or cooling) are covered.
The ventilation of garages, common spaces, roof voids, sub-floor voids, wall cavities and other spaces in the structure, under, over or around the living space are not covered.
Ventilation systems covered by this Technical Report may affect the entry and dilution of radon and other gases from the ground but these effects are not covered in this Technical Report. Ventilation systems designed to reduce the entry of radon and other gases from the ground are not covered by this Technical Report.

Lüftung von Gebäuden - Ausführung und Bemessung der Lüftungssysteme von Wohnungen

Dieser Technische Bericht legt Empfehlungen für die Leistung und Ausführung von Lüftungsanlagen fest, die in Einfamilien- und Mehrfamilienhäusern sowie Wohnhäusern sowohl im Sommer als auch im Winter genutzt werden. Er ist insbesondere für Architekten, Planer, Bauunternehmer und die an der Umsetzung nationaler,  regionaler und lokaler Vorschriften und Normen beteiligten Parteien von Interesse.
Es werden vier grundlegende Lüftungsarten behandelt: freie Lüftung, ventilatorunterstützte Belüftung, ventilatorunterstützte Entlüftung und ventilatorunterstützte ausgeglichene Lüftung. Kombinationen dieser Lüftungsanlagen sind nicht ausgeschlossen, und eine Anlage kann für nur eine Wohnung (Einzelanlage) oder für mehrere Wohnungen (Zentralanlage) genutzt werden. Die Lüftungsaspekte kombinierter Anlagen (Lüftung mit Heizung und/oder Kühlung) werden ebenfalls behandelt.
Die Lüftung von Garagen, Gemeinschaftsräumen, Dachräumen, Hohlräumen unter dem Fußboden und in Wänden sowie weiteren Räumen im Bauwerk, die sich unter oder über dem Wohnbereich sowie um diesen herum befinden, werden nicht behandelt.
Die in diesem Technischen Bericht behandelten Lüftungsanlagen können das Eindringen und die Verdünnung von Radon und weiteren Gasen aus dem Erdboden beeinflussen; diese Auswirkungen werden jedoch in diesem Technischen Bericht nicht behandelt. Lüftungsanlagen, die den Eintritt von Radon und weiteren Gasen aus dem Erdboden verringern sollen, sind in diesem Technischen Bericht nicht enthalten.

Ventilation des bâtiments - Conception et dimensionnement des systèmes de ventilation résidentiels

Le présent Rapport technique établit des recommandations pour la performance et la conception de systèmes de ventilation qui desservent des logements individuels, collectifs et de type appartement pendant l'été et l'hiver. Il intéresse particulièrement les architectes, les concepteurs, les constructeurs et les personnes impliquées dans la mise en œuvre des réglementations et normes nationales, régionales et locales.
Quatre stratégies de ventilation fondamentales sont couvertes : la ventilation naturelle, la ventilation par insufflation assistée par ventilateur, la ventilation par extraction assistée d’un ventilateur et la ventilation double flux assistée d’un ventilateur. Des combinaisons de ces systèmes ne sont pas exclues et un système de ventilation peut ne desservir qu'un logement (système individuel) ou bien plusieurs logements (système central). Les aspects relatifs à la ventilation des systèmes combinés (ventilation avec chauffage et/ou refroidissement) sont couverts.
La ventilation des garages, espaces communs, espaces vides de toiture, espaces vides de faux planchers, cavités des murs et autres espaces dans la structure, sous, sur ou autour de l'espace habité n'est pas couverte.
Les systèmes de ventilation couverts par le présent Rapport technique peuvent affecter l'entrée et la dilution de radon et d'autres gaz provenant du sol, mais ces effets ne sont pas couverts par le présent Rapport technique. Les systèmes de ventilation conçus pour réduire l'entrée du radon et d'autres gaz du sol ne sont pas couverts par cette norme CEN.

Prezračevanje stavb - Projektiranje in dimenzioniranje stanovanjskih prezračevalnih sistemov

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 13465:2004
Prezračevanje stavb - Projektiranje in dimenzioniranje stanovanjskih
prezračevalnih sistemov
Ventilation for buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential ventilation systems
Lüftung von Gebäuden - Ausführung und Bemessung der Lüftungssysteme von
Ventilation des bâtiments - Conception et dimensionnement des systemes de ventilation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 14788:2006
91.140.30 Prezračevalni in klimatski Ventilation and air-
sistemi conditioning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 14788
March 2006
ICS 91.140.30
English Version
Ventilation for buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential
ventilation systems
Ventilation des bâtiments - Conception et Lüftung von Gebäuden - Ausführung und Bemessung der
dimensionnement des systèmes de ventilation résidentiels Lüftungssysteme von Wohnungen
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 30 January 2006. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 156.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 14788:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

1 Scope .4
2 References.4
3 Terms and definitions .5
4 Symbols and units.6
5 Need for ventilation in dwellings (residences) .6
6 Design assumptions for residential ventilation.9
7 Performance requirements for ventilation systems.10
8 Design rules for residential ventilation systems.22
9 Specification and documentation .27
Annex A (informative) Residential pollutant production rates .28
Annex B (informative) The relationship between humidity and temperature and use of the
psychrometric chart .31
Annex C (informative) Method of calculating water vapour absorption effect .33
Annex D (informative) Residential ventilation systems and their interaction with the dwelling.35
Annex E (informative) Calculation methods for ventilation requirements .40
Annex F (informative) Examples of assumptions and resulting calculated values for ventilation air
flow rates .43
Annex G (informative) Noise .52
Annex H (informative) Nomograph for calculating air flow rate to reduce the risk of surface
condensation occurring on the inner wall surface for various wall U-values and ambient air
Bibliography .61

This Technical Report (CEN/TR 14788:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 156 “Ventilation
of buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.

1 Scope
This Technical Report specifies recommendations for the performance and design of ventilation systems which
serve single family, multi family and apartment type dwellings during both summer and winter. It is of particular
interest to architects, designers, builders and those involved with implementing national, regional and local
regulations and standards.
Four basic ventilation strategies are covered; natural ventilation, fan assisted supply air ventilation, fan assisted
exhaust air ventilation and fan assisted balanced air ventilation. Combinations of these systems are not excluded
and a ventilation system may serve only one dwelling (individual system) or more than one dwelling (central
system). The ventilation aspects of combined systems (ventilation with heating and/or cooling) are covered.
The ventilation of garages, common spaces, roof voids, sub-floor voids, wall cavities and other spaces in the
structure, under, over or around the living space are not covered.
Ventilation systems covered by this Technical Report may affect the entry and dilution of radon and other gases
from the ground but these effects are not covered in this Technical Report. Ventilation systems designed to reduce
the entry of radon and other gases from the ground are not covered by this Technical Report.
2 References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this Technical Report. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.
EN 779, Particulate air filters for general ventilation — Determination of the filtration performance
EN 1507, Ventilation for buildings — Sheet metal air ducts with rectangular section — Requirements for strength
and leakage
ENV 12097, Ventilation for buildings — Ductwork — Requirements for ductwork components to facilitate
maintenance of ductwork systems
EN 12236, Ventilation for buildings — Ductwork hangers and supports — Requirements for strength
EN 12237, Ventilation for buildings — Ductwork — Strength and leakage of circular sheet metal ducts
EN 12792:2003, Ventilation for buildings — Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols
EN 13141-1, Ventilation for buildings — Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation —
Part 1: Externally and internally mounted air transfer devices
EN 13465, Ventilation for buildings — Calculation methods for the determination of air flow rates in dwellings
EN 14134, Ventilation for buildings — Performance testing and installation checks of residential ventilation systems
EN 13779, Ventilation for non-residential buildings — Performance requirements for ventilation and room
conditioning systems
EN 20140-10, Acoustics — Measurement of sound insulation in building and building elements — Part 10:
Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of small building elements (ISO 140-10:1991)
EN ISO 140-3, Acoustics — Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 3:
Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of building elements (ISO 140-3:1995)
EN ISO 10211-1, Thermal bridges in building construction — Heat flow and surface temperatures — Part 1:
General calculation method (ISO 10211-1:1995)
ISO 9972, Thermal insulation — Determination of building airtightness — Fan pressurization method
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the terms and definitions given in EN 12792:2003 and the following
activity room
room used for activities such as cooking, washing and bathing which is characterised by relatively high pollutant
emission (which may be intermittent), e.g. a kitchen, bathroom, laundry/utility room, WC
background pollutants
group of indoor pollutants mainly represented by water vapour and carbon dioxide from respiration, but also
including a large number of other pollutants emitted by materials, furnishings and products used in the dwelling.
Their source rates are relatively low but continuous and diffuse
common space
corridor, stairway or atrium used for access to a dwelling or dwellings
cross ventilation (in a natural ventilation system)
natural ventilation in which air flow mainly results from wind pressure effects on the building facades and in which
stack effect in the building is of less importance
fan assisted balanced ventilation
ventilation which employs powered air movement components in both the supply and exhaust air sides in order to
achieve a design flow rate/pressure ratio
[EN 12792:2003, 149]
fan assisted exhaust air ventilation
ventilation which employs powered air movement components in the exhaust air side only
[EN 12792:2003, 150]
fan assisted supply air ventilation
ventilation which employs powered air movement components in the supply air side only
[EN 12792:2003, 154]
low pollution room
room used for dwelling purposes which is characterised by relatively low pollution emission, e.g. a bedroom, living
room, dining room, study, but not a space used only for storage
outdoor air
controlled air entering the system or opening from outdoors before any air treatment (coded green)
[EN 12792:2003, 280]
natural ventilation system
ventilation system which relies on pressure differences without the aid of powered air movement components
specific pollutants
group of indoor pollutants mainly represented by water vapour, carbon dioxide and odours, whose production is
related to specific human activities in the dwelling (such as cooking, washing, bathing). Their source rates are
relatively high but of short duration, and in specific locations in the dwelling
stack effect
movement of air or gas in a vertical enclosure (e.g. duct, chimney, building) induced by density difference between
the air or gas in the enclosure and the ambient atmosphere
standard air
. -3
atmospheric air having density 1,2 kg m at 20 °C, 101 325 Pa (1 013,25 mbar) and 65 % relative humidity
[EN 12792:2003, 340]
designed supply and removal of air to and from a treated space
[EN 12792:2003, 388]
ventilation flow rate
volume flow rate at which ventilation air is supplied and removed
[EN 12792:392]
NOTE Normally uses standard air condition.
ventilation installation
combination of the ventilation or air conditioning installation and the building itself
ventilation system
combination of all components required to provide ventilation
NOTE The definitions 3.16 and 3.17 are the reverse of those given in EN 12792 and reflect the terms in more common
usage in the industry.
4 Symbols and units
For the purpose of this Technical Report, the symbols and units given in EN 12792:2003 apply.
5 Need for ventilation in dwellings (residences)
5.1 General
A supply of outdoor air in buildings is normally regarded as being required for one or more of the following
a) dilution and/or removal of background pollutants such as substances emitted by furnishings and building
materials and cleaning materials used in the building, odours, metabolic CO and water vapour;
b) dilution and/or removal of specific pollutants from identifiable local sources such as toilet odours, cooking
odours, water vapour from cooking or bathing, environmental tobacco smoke, combustion products from fuel
burning appliances;
c) provision for occupants for respiration;
d) control of internal humidity;
e) provision of air for fuel burning appliances.
These purposes are all with regard to the health of the occupants and the building. Ventilation is primarily
concerned with the first four purposes (a) to d)) but it is linked to the last one (e)). In providing ventilation it is
important to also consider other aspects of performance including thermal comfort, durability, fire safety, noise and
energy use.
5.2 Composition of outside air
The proportions of the three main elements of outside air, oxygen (20,9 %), nitrogen (79,0 %) and carbon dioxide
(0,034 %) do not vary significantly in outside air. Carbon dioxide may be found at higher concentrations in built-up
areas and may be high enough to affect ventilation provision.
The main variable constituent of outside air is water vapour. Across Europe the typical specific moisture ranges
from 1,0 g up to 16 g moisture per kg dry air during yearly weather conditions (see Annex B for further information).
However, in some situations the concentrations of other outdoor pollutants (mainly pollutants from motor vehicles in
city areas) may reach unacceptable levels. The designer may wish to consider filtration of outdoor air by adding
filters to the ventilation system. At present it is generally only practicable

Ventilation for buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential ventilation systems
Lüftung von Gebäuden - Ausführung und Bemessung der Lüftungssysteme von
Ventilation des bâtiments - Conception et dimensionnement des systemes de ventilation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 14788:2006
91.140.30 3UH]UDþHYDOQLLQNOLPDWVNL Ventilation and air-
VLVWHPL conditioning
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 14788
March 2006
ICS 91.140.30
English Version
Ventilation for buildings - Design and dimensioning of residential
ventilation systems
Ventilation des bâtiments - Conception et Lüftung von Gebäuden - Ausführung und Bemessung der
dimensionnement des systèmes de ventilation résidentiels Lüftungssysteme von Wohnungen
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 30 January 2006. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 156.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2006 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 14788:2006: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

1 Scope .4
2 References.4
3 Terms and definitions .5
4 Symbols and units.6
5 Need for ventilation in dwellings (residences) .6
6 Design assumptions for residential ventilation.9
7 Performance requirements for ventilation systems.10
8 Design rules for residential ventilation systems.22
9 Specification and documentation .27
Annex A (informative) Residential pollutant production rates .28
Annex B (informative) The relationship between humidity and temperature and use of the
psychrometric chart .31
Annex C (informative) Method of calculating water vapour absorption effect .33
Annex D (informative) Residential ventilation systems and their interaction with the dwelling.35
Annex E (informative) Calculation methods for ventilation requirements .40
Annex F (informative) Examples of assumptions and resulting calculated values for ventilation air
flow rates .43
Annex G (informative) Noise .52
Annex H (informative) Nomograph for calculating air flow rate to reduce the risk of surface
condensation occurring on the inner wall surface for various wall U-values and ambient air
Bibliography .61

This Technical Report (CEN/TR 14788:2006) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 156 “Ventilation
of buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.

1 Scope
This Technical Report specifies recommendations for the performance and design of ventilation systems which
serve single family, multi family and apartment type dwellings during both summer and winter. It is of particular
interest to architects, designers, builders and those involved with implementing national, regional and local
regulations and standards.
Four basic ventilation strategies are covered; natural ventilation, fan assisted supply air ventilation, fan assisted
exhaust air ventilation and fan assisted balanced air ventilation. Combinations of these systems are not excluded
and a ventilation system may serve only one dwelling (individual system) or more than one dwelling (central
system). The ventilation aspects of combined systems (ventilation with heating and/or cooling) are covered.
The ventilation of garages, common spaces, roof voids, sub-floor voids, wall cavities and other spaces in the
structure, under, over or around the living space are not covered.
Ventilation systems covered by this Technical Report may affect the entry and dilution of radon and other gases
from the ground but these effects are not covered in this Technical Report. Ventilation systems designed to reduce
the entry of radon and other gases from the ground are not covered by this Technical Report.
2 References
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this Technical Report. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.
EN 779, Particulate air filters for general ventilation — Determination of the filtration performance
EN 1507, Ventilation for buildings — Sheet metal air ducts with rectangular section — Requirements for strength
and leakage
ENV 12097, Ventilation for buildings — Ductwork — Requirements for ductwork components to facilitate
maintenance of ductwork systems
EN 12236, Ventilation for buildings — Ductwork hangers and supports — Requirements for strength
EN 12237, Ventilation for buildings — Ductwork — Strength and leakage of circular sheet metal ducts
EN 12792:2003, Ventilation for buildings — Symbols, terminology and graphical symbols
EN 13141-1, Ventilation for buildings — Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation —
Part 1: Externally and internally mounted air transfer devices
EN 13465, Ventilation for buildings — Calculation methods for the determination of air flow rates in dwellings
EN 14134, Ventilation for buildings — Performance testing and installation checks of residential ventilation systems
EN 13779, Ventilation for non-residential buildings — Performance requirements for ventilation and room
conditioning systems
EN 20140-10, Acoustics — Measurement of sound insulation in building and building elements — Part 10:
Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of small building elements (ISO 140-10:1991)
EN ISO 140-3, Acoustics — Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 3:
Laboratory measurement of airborne sound insulation of building elements (ISO 140-3:1995)
EN ISO 10211-1, Thermal bridges in building construction — Heat flow and surface temperatures — Part 1:
General calculation method (ISO 10211-1:1995)
ISO 9972, Thermal insulation — Determination of building airtightness — Fan pressurization method
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the terms and definitions given in EN 12792:2003 and the following
activity room
room used for activities such as cooking, washing and bathing which is characterised by relatively high pollutant
emission (which may be intermittent), e.g. a kitchen, bathroom, laundry/utility room, WC
background pollutants
group of indoor pollutants mainly represented by water vapour and carbon dioxide from respiration, but also
including a large number of other pollutants emitted by materials, furnishings and products used in the dwelling.
Their source rates are relatively low but continuous and diffuse
common space
corridor, stairway or atrium used for access to a dwelling or dwellings
cross ventilation (in a natural ventilation system)
natural ventilation in which air flow mainly results from wind pressure effects on the building facades and in which
stack effect in the building is of less importance
fan assisted balanced ventilation
ventilation which employs powered air movement components in both the supply and exhaust air sides in order to
achieve a design flow rate/pressure ratio
[EN 12792:2003, 149]
fan assisted exhaust air ventilation
ventilation which employs powered air movement components in the exhaust air side only
[EN 12792:2003, 150]
fan assisted supply air ventilation
ventilation which employs powered air movement components in the supply air side only
[EN 12792:2003, 154]
low pollution room
room used for dwelling purposes which is characterised by relatively low pollution emission, e.g. a bedroom, living
room, dining room, study, but not a space used only for storage
outdoor air
controlled air entering the system or opening from outdoors before any air treatment (coded green)
[EN 12792:2003, 280]
natural ventilation system
ventilation system which relies on pressure differences without the aid of powered air movement components
specific pollutants
group of indoor pollutants mainly represented by water vapour, carbon dioxide and odours, whose production is
related to specific human activities in the dwelling (such as cooking, washing, bathing). Their source rates are
relatively high but of short duration, and in specific locations in the dwelling
stack effect
movement of air or gas in a vertical enclosure (e.g. duct, chimney, building) induced by density difference between
the air or gas in the enclosure and the ambient atmosphere
standard air
. -3
atmospheric air having density 1,2 kg m at 20 °C, 101 325 Pa (1 013,25 mbar) and 65 % relative humidity
[EN 12792:2003, 340]
designed supply and removal of air to and from a treated space
[EN 12792:2003, 388]
ventilation flow rate
volume flow rate at which ventilation air is supplied and removed
[EN 12792:392]
NOTE Normally uses standard air condition.
ventilation installation
combination of the ventilation or air conditioning installation and the building itself
ventilation system
combination of all components required to provide ventilation
NOTE The definitions 3.16 and 3.17 are the reverse of those given in EN 12792 and reflect the terms in more common
usage in the industry.
4 Symbols and units
For the purpose of this Technical Report, the symbols and units given in EN 12792:2003 apply.
5 Need for ventilation in dwellings (residences)
5.1 General
A supply of outdoor air in buildings is normally regarded as being required for one or more of the following
a) dilution and/or removal of background pollutants such as substances emitted by furnishings and building
materials and cleaning materials used in the building, odours, metabolic CO and water vapour;
b) dilution and/or removal of specific pollutants from identifiable local sources such as toilet odours, cooking
odours, water vapour from cooking or bathing, environmental tobacco smoke, combustion products from fuel
burning appliances;
c) provision for occupants for respiration;
d) control of internal humidity;
e) provision of air for fuel burning appliances.
These purposes are all with regard to the health of the occupants and the building. Ventilation is primarily
concerned with the first four purposes (a) to d)) but it is linked to the last one (e)). In providing ventilation it is
important to also consider other aspects of performance including thermal comfort, durability, fire safety, noise and
energy use.
5.2 Composition of outside air
The proportions of the three main elements of outside air, oxygen (20,9 %), nitrogen (79,0 %) and carbon dioxide
(0,034 %) do not vary significantly in outside air. Carbon dioxide may be found at higher concentrations in built-up
areas and may be high enough to affect ventilation provision.
The main variable constituent of outside air is water vapour. Across Europe the typical specific moisture ranges
from 1,0 g up to 16 g moisture per kg dry air during yearly weather conditions (see Annex B for further information).
However, in some situations the concentrations of other outdoor pollutants (mainly pollutants from motor vehicles in
city areas) may reach unacceptable levels. The designer may wish to consider filtration of outdoor air by adding
filters to the ventilation system. At present it is generally only practicable to provide filters for

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