Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions - Part 4: Determination of chlorate, chloride and chlorite in water with low contamination (ISO 10304-4:1997)

Wasserbeschaffenheit - Bestimmung von gelösten Anionen mittels Ionenchromatographie - Teil 4: Bestimmung von Chlorat, Chlorid und Chlorit in gering belastetem Wasser (ISO 10304-4:1997)

Qualité de l'eau - Dosage des anions dissous par chromatographie des ions en phase liquide - Partie 4: Dosage des ions chlorate, chlorure et chlorite dans des eaux faiblement contaminées (ISO 10304-4:1997)

Dieser Teil der ISO 10304 legt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der gelösten Anionen Chlorat, Chlorid und Chlorit in wenig belasteten Wässern (wie z.B. Trinkwasser, Rohwasser oder Badewasser) fest. Durch entsprechende Proben- vorbehaltung (z.B. Verdünnung) sind bei Einsatz eines Leitfähigkeitsdetektors (LF), UV-Detektors (UV) oder anperometrischen Detektors (AD) die Anwendungsbereiche nach Tabelle 1 zu erzielen.

Kakovost vode – Določevanje raztopljenih anionov z ionsko tekočinsko kromatografijo – 4. del: Določevanje klorata, klorida in klorita v malo onesnaženih vodah (ISO 10304-4:1997

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Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions - Part
4: Determination of chlorate, chloride and chlorite in water with low contamination (ISO
Wasserbeschaffenheit - Bestimmung von gelösten Anionen mittels
Ionenchromatographie - Teil 4: Bestimmung von Chlorat, Chlorid und Chlorit in gering
belastetem Wasser (ISO 10304-4:1997)
Qualité de l'eau - Dosage des anions dissous par chromatographie des ions en phase
liquide - Partie 4: Dosage des ions chlorate, chlorure et chlorite dans des eaux
faiblement contaminées (ISO 10304-4:1997)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 10304-4:1999
13.060.50 3UHLVNDYDYRGHQDNHPLþQH Examination of water for
VQRYL chemical substances
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

STANDARD 10304-4
First edition
Water quality — Determination of dissolved
anions by liquid chromatography of ions —
Part 4:
Determination of chlorate, chloride and chlorite
in water with low contamination
Qualité de l'eau — Dosage des anions dissous par chromatographie des
ions en phase liquide —
Partie 4: Dosage des ions chlorate, chlorure et chlorite dans des eaux
faiblement contaminées
Reference number
ISO 10304-4:1997(E)
ISO 10304-4:1997(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 10304-4 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 147, Water quality,
Subcommittee SC 2, Physical, chemical and biochemical methods.
ISO 10304 consists of the following parts, under the general title Water quality — Determination of dissolved anions
by liquid chromatography of ions:
— Part 1: Determination of fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate in water with low
— Part 2: Determination of bromide, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate in waste water
— Part 3: Determination of chromate, iodide, sulfite, thiocyanate and thiosulfate
— Part 4: Determination of chlorate, chloride and chlorite in water with low contamination.
Annexes A and B of this part of ISO 10304 are for information only.
©  ISO 1997
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
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Internet central@iso.ch
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Printed in Switzerland
ISO 10304-4:1997(E)
The essential minimum requirements of an ion chromatographic system applied within the scope of this part of ISO
10304 are the following:
- Resolution power of the column: For the anion to be determined it is essential that
the peak resolution does not fall below R = 1,3
(clause 7, figure 3)
- Method of detection: a) Measurement of the electrical conductivity with
or without suppressor device
b) Spectrometric measurement (UV/VIS), directly
or indirectly
c) Amperometric direct detection
- Applicability of the method: Working ranges according to table 1
- Calibration (9.1): Calibration and determination of the linear working
range (see ISO 8466-1). Use of the method of
standard addition to special cases of application
- Guaranteeing the analytical quality (9.3): Validity check of the calibration function. Replicate
determinations, if necessary.
The diversity of the appropriate and suitable assemblies and the procedural steps depending on them permit a
general description only.
For further information on the analytical technique see reference [2].
Water quality — Determination of dissolved anions by liquid
chromatography of ions —
Part 4:
Determination of chlorate, chloride and chlorite in water with low
1 Scope
This part of ISO 10304 specifies a method for the determination of the dissolved anions chlorate, chloride, and
chlorite in water with low contamination (e.g. drinking water, raw water or swimming pool water).
An appropriate pretreatment of the sample (e.g. dilution) and the use of a conductivity detector (CD), UV detector
(UV) or amperometric detector (AD) make the working ranges given in table 1 feasible.
Table 1 — Working ranges of the analytical method
Anion Working range Detection
Chlorate 0,03 to 10 CD
Chloride 0,1 to 50 CD
Chlorite** 0,05 to 1 CD
0,1 to 1 UV; λ=207 nm to 220 nm
0,01 to 1
AD; 0,4 to 1,0 V
* The working range is restricted by the ion-exchange capacity of the columns. Dilute the sample in to the working range, if
** The minimum working range for chlorite of 0,05 mg/l was obtained using calibration checks, but the round robin trials
(annex A, table A.4) showed that it is difficult to obtain this with sufficient accuracy. Thus great care shall be taken when
working in the lower range of this method.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
ISO 10304. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and
parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 10304 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
ISO 5667-1:1980
Water quality - Sampling - Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes.
ISO 5667-2:1991 Water quality - Sampling - Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques.
ISO 10304-4:1997(E)
ISO 5667-3:1994 Water quality - Sampling - Part 3: Guidance on the preservation and handling of
ISO 8466-1:1990 Water quality - Calibration and evaluation of analytical methods and estimation of
performance characteristics - Part 1: Statistical evaluation of the linear calibration
ISO 10304-1:1992 Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -
Part 1: Determination of fluoride, chloride, bromide, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate
and sulfate in water with low contamination
ISO 10304-2:1995 Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -
Part 2: Determination of bromide, chloride, nitrate, nitrite, orthophosphate and sulfate
in waste water
ISO 10304-3:1997 Water quality - Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of ions -
Part 3: Determination of chromate, iodide, sulfite, thiocyanate and thiosulfate
ISO 10530: 1992 Water quality - Determination of dissolved sulfide - Photometric method using
methylene blue.
3 Interferences
3.1  Organic acids such as mono- and dicarboxylic acids or disinfection byproducts (e.g. chloroacetic acid) can
3.2  Dissolved organics can react with the working electrode of the amperometric detector, causing a decrease in
3.3  The presence of fluoride, carbonate, nitrite and nitrate can cause interference with the determination of
chlorate, chloride and chlorite. The respective concentrations given in table 2 are typical for conductivity, UV and
amperometric detectors.
3.4  Elevated loads of chloride and bromide can cause interference with the determination of chlorite and chlorate.
Remove chloride and bromide with the aid of special exchangers (8.2).
3.5  Solid particles and organic compounds (such as mineral oils, detergents, and humic acids) shorten the life-time
of the separator column. They are therefore eliminated from the sample prior to analysis (clause 8).
ISO 10304-4:1997(E)
Table 2 — Typical cross-sensitivity of anions
Relation of the mass concentration* of measured ion / interfering ion Detection method
1 part chlorate /   50 parts bromide CD
1 part chlorate /  500 parts nitrate CD
1 part chloride /  500 parts fluoride CD
1 part chloride / 1000 parts chlorite CD
1 part chloride /   50 parts nitrite CD
1 part chlorite /  100 parts fluoride CD
1 part chlorite /   10 parts fluoride UV
1 part chlorite / 1000 parts carbonate CD
1 part chlorite / 1000 parts chloride CD / UV / AD
1 part chlorite /  100 parts nitrite AD
* In case the quality requirements in clause 7 (e.g. see figures 2 and 3) are not achieved, the sample shall be
4 Principle
Liquid chromatographic separation of chlorate, chloride, and chlorite is carried out by means of a separator column.
A low-capacity anion exchanger is used as the stationary phase, and usually aqueous solutions of salts of weak
mono- and dibasic acids as mobile phases (eluent, 5.11).
Detection is by conductivity (CD), UV or amperometric detector (AD).
When using conductivity detectors it is essential that the eluents have a sufficiently low conductivity. For this
reason, conductivity detectors are often combined with a suppressor device (cation exchangers) which will reduce
the conductivity of the eluent and transform the sample species into their respective acids.
UV detection measures the absorption directly or indirectly.
Amperometric detection of chlorite is carried out via measurement of the current generated by the oxidation of
chlorite. The oxidation voltage for chlorite depends on the pH of the eluent. The use of carbon electrodes has
proved successful.
The concentration of the respective anions is determined by a calibration of the overall procedure. Particular cases
may require calibration by means of standard addition (spiking).
5 Reagents
Use only reagents of recognized analytical grade. Carry out weighing with an accuracy of 1% of the nominal mass.
The water shall have an electrical conductivity of < 0,01 mS/m and shall not contain particulate matter of a particle
size > 0,45 μm. An increase in electrical conductivity due to an uptake of carbon dioxide does not interfere with the
ISO 10304-4:1997(E)
5.1  Sodium hydrogencarbonate, NaHCO
5.2  Sodium carbonate, Na CO
2 3
5.3  Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane, NH C(CH OH)
2 2 3
5.4  Acetonitrile, CH CN
5.5  Sodium hydroxide solution, c(NaOH) = 0,1 mol/l
5.6  Benzoic acid, C H O
7 6 2
5.7  Potassium hydroxide solution, c(KOH), = 0,5 mol/l
5.8  Sodium chlorite, NaClO (80 %)
5.9  Sodium chloride, NaCl
5.10  Sodium chlorate, NaClO
5.11  Eluents
Different eluents are used, their choice depending on the type of separator column and detector. Therefore, follow
the column manufacturer´s instructions for the exact composition of the eluent. The eluent compositions described
in,, and are examples only.
A selection of reagents for common eluents is presented in 5.1 to 5.7. Preparing eluents from concentrates has
proved successful.
Degas all eluents. Take steps to avoid any renewed air pick-up during operation (e.g. by helium sparging). In order
to minimize the growth of bacteria or algae, store the eluents in the dark and renew every 3 d.
5.11.1  Examples of eluents for ion chromatography using the suppressor technique
For the application of the suppressor technique, sodium hydroxide and salt solutions of weakly dissociated acids
such as sodium carbonate/sodium hydrogencarbonate, sodium hydrogencarbonate, and sodium tetraborate can be
used.  Sodium carbonate/sodium hydrogencarbonate concentrate
For the eluent concentrate preparation:
Place 19,1 g of sodium carbonate (5.2) and 14,3 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate (5.1) into a graduated flask of
nominal capacity 1000 ml, dissolve in water (clause 5) and dilute to volume with water.
The solution contains 0,18 mol/l of sodium carbonate and 0,17 mol/l of sodium hydrogencarbonate. This solution is
stable for several months if stored at 2 °C to 6 °C.  Sodium carbonate/sodium hydrogencarbonate eluent
The following eluent is applicable for the determination of chlorate, chloride and chlorite:
Pipette 50 ml of the concentrate ( into a graduated flask of nominal capacity 5000 ml and dilute to volume
with water (clause 5).
The solution contains 0,0018 mol/l of sodium carbonate and 0,0017 mol/l of sodium hydrogencarbonate. Store the
solution in amber-coloured glass and renew it every 3 d.
ISO 10304-4:1997(E)  Sodium hydrogencarbonate concentrate
For the eluent concentrate preparation:
Place 8,4 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate (5.1) into a graduated flask of nominal capacity 1000 ml, dissolve in water
(clause 5) and dilute to volume with water.
The solution contains 0,1 mol/l of sodium hydrogencarbonate. This solution is stable for several months if stored at
2 °C to 6 °C.  Sodium

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