Conductors for overhead lines - Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors

This European Standard specifies the electrical and mechanical characteristics of round wire concentric lay bare overhead electrical conductors stranded in alternate directions, with or without grease as per EN 50326, made of one or a combination of any of the following: a) Hard drawn Aluminium as per EN 60889 designated AL1 b) Aluminium alloy as per EN 50183 designated AL2 to AL7 c) Zinc coated steel wire as per EN 50189 with grade and class designated ST1A, ST2B, ST3D, ST4A, ST5E, and ST6C. d) Aluminium-clad steel wire as per EN 61232 with class designation 20SA (grades A and B), 27SA, 30SA and 40SA. Conductors made of zinc coated steel wires only are not included.

Leiter für Freileitungen - Leiter aus konzentrisch verseilten runden Drähten

Conducteurs pour lignes aériennes - Conducteurs à brins circulaires, câblés en couches concentriques

Vodniki za nadzemne vode - Vrvi iz koncentrično sukanih okroglih žic

Ta standard določa električne in mehanske lastnosti nadzemnih električnih vodnikov iz koncentrično ležeče okrogle žice v izmeničnih smereh, z mastjo ali brez, glede na prEN 50326, narejenih iz enega ali več od naslednjih: a) Trdo vlečeni aluminij glede na HD 532 S1, označen AL1 b) Aluminijeva zlitina glede na prEN 50183, označena AL2 do AL7 c) ST1A, ST2B, ST3D, ST4A, ST5E in ST6C, kar označuje stopnjo in razred jeklene žice, prevlečene s cinkom glede na prEN 50189. d) 20SA (stopnji A in B), 27SA, 30SA in 40SA, kar označuje razred jeklene žice, prevlečene z aluminijem glede na EN 61232. Vodniki samo iz jeklenih žic, prevlečenih s cinkom, niso vključeni.

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Drafting Committee
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9093 - Decision to confirm - Review Enquiry
Due Date
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Standards Content (Sample)

september 2002
Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Vrvi iz koncentrično sukanih okroglih žic

(vključuje popravek AC:2013)
Conductors for overhead lines – Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors

Conducteurs pour lignes aériennes – Conducteurs à brins circulaires, câblés en

couches concentriques
Leiter für Freileitungen – Leiter aus konzentrisch verseilten runden Drähten

Referenčna oznaka
ICS 29.060.10, 29.240.20 SIST EN 50182:2002 (sl)

Nadaljevanje na strani II in od 1 do 72

© 2015-06. Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

SIST EN 50182 : 2002
Standard SIST EN 50182:2002 (sl) in popravek SIST EN 50182:2002/AC:2013, Vodniki za nadzemne
vode – Vrvi iz koncentrično sukanih okroglih žic, ima status slovenskega standarda in je enakovreden
evropskemu standardu EN 50182:2001 (en) in popravku EN 50182:2001/AC:2013 (en), Conductors
for overhead lines – Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors.

Evropski standard EN 50182:2001 in popravek AC:2013 je pripravil tehnični odbor Evropskega
komiteja za standardizacijo CLC/TC 7 Nadzemni električni vodniki.

Slovenski standard SIST EN 50182:2002 je konsolidiran prevod evropskega standarda
standardu je odločilen izvirni evropski standard v angleškem jeziku. Slovensko izdajo standarda je
pripravil tehnični odbor SIST/TC NVV Nadzemni vodi in vodniki.

Odločitev za privzem tega standarda je 26. aprila 2002 sprejel SIST/TC GAV Goli aluminijasti vodniki
(sedaj SIST/TC NVV Nadzemni vodi in vodniki).


S privzemom tega evropskega standarda veljajo za omejeni namen referenčnih standardov vsi
standardi, navedeni v izvirniku, razen tistih, ki so že sprejeti v nacionalno standardizacijo:

SIST EN 50183:2000 Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Žice iz zlitine aluminij-magnezij-silicij
SIST EN 50189:2000 Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Pocinkane jeklene žice
SIST EN 50326:2003 Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Karakteristike masti za vodnike
SIST EN 60889:2002 Trdo vlečena aluminijska žica za nadzemne vode
SIST EN 61232:1996 Z aluminijem oplaščene jeklene žice za elektrotehnične namene
– Privzem standarda EN 50182:2001 in EN 50182:2001/AC:2013

– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “evropski standard”, v SIST EN 50182:2002
to pomeni “slovenski standard”.

– Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.

– Ta nacionalni dokument je enakovreden EN 50182:2001 in AC:2013 in je objavljen z dovoljenjem

Rue de Stassart 36
1050 Bruselj
This national document is identical with EN 50182:2001 and AC:2013 and is published with the
permission of
Rue de Stassart, 36
1050 Bruxelles
ICS 29.060.10
Slovenska izdaja
Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Vrvi iz koncentrično sukanih okroglih žic

Conductors for overhead lines – Conducteurs pour lignes aériennes – Leiter für Freileitungen – Leiter aus
Round wire concentric lay stranded Conducteurs à brins circulaires, konzentrisch verseilten runden
conductors câblés en couches concentriques Drähten

Ta evropski standard je CENELEC potrdil 1. novembra 2000. Člani CENELEC morajo izpolnjevati
notranje predpise CEN/CENELEC, s katerimi je predpisano, da mora biti ta evropski standard sprejet
kot nacionalni standard brez kakršnihkoli sprememb.

Seznami najnovejših izdaj teh nacionalnih standardov in njihovi bibliografski podatki so na voljo pri
Centralnem sekretariatu ali kateremkoli članu CENELEC.

Ta evropski standard obstaja v treh uradnih izdajah (angleški, francoski, nemški). Izdaje v drugih
jezikih, ki jih člani CENELEC na lastno odgovornost prevedejo in izdajo ter prijavijo pri Centralnem
sekretariatu, veljajo kot uradne izdaje.

Člani CENELEC so nacionalni elektrotehniški komiteji Avstrije, Belgije, Češke Republike, Danske,
Finske, Francije, Grčije, Irske, Islandije, Italije, Luksemburga, Nemčije, Nizozemske, Norveške,
Portugalske, Španije, Švedske, Švice in Združenega kraljestva.

Evropski komite za standardizacijo v elektrotehniki
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique

Centralni sekretariat: Rue de Stassart 35, B-1050 Bruselj

© 2001 CENELEC    Lastnice avtorskih pravic so vse države članice CENELEC Ref. št. EN 50182:2001 E

SIST EN 50182 : 2002
Vsebina Stran
Uvod . 3
1 Področje uporabe . 4
2 Zveza s standardi . 4
3 Definicije . 4
4 Sistem označevanja . 5
5 Zahteve za vrvi . 6
6 Preskusi . 10
7 Pakiranje in označevanje. 14
8 Informacije, ki jih morata razjasniti kupec in proizvajalec . 15
Dodatek A (normativni): Posebni nacionalni pogoji . 16
Dodatek B (normativni): Izračun nazivne mase masti za vrvi . 17
Dodatek C (normativni): Preskusna metoda napetosti in raztezka . 20
Dodatek D (informativni): Koraki sukanja, uporabljeni za izračun povečanja mase zaradi sukanja
v preglednici 4 . 23
Dodatek E (normativni): Preskus uporabnosti vodnika za montažo z uporabo razpenjanja
z nategom . 24
Dodatek F (informativni): Pogostokrat uporabljeni vodniki v nekaterih državah članicah . 26
SIST EN 50182 : 2002
Ta evropski standard je pripravil tehnični komite CENELEC/TC 7, Nadzemni električni vodniki.

Besedilo osnutka je bilo dano v formalno glasovanje in CENELEC ga je potrdil kot EN 50182
1. novembra 2001.
Določena sta bila naslednja datuma:

– najpoznejši datum, do katerega mora biti EN privzet na
nacionalni ravni z objavo istovetnega nacionalnega standarda
ali z razglasitvijo   (dop) 1. 11. 2001

– najpoznejši datum, do katerega morajo biti umaknjeni
nacionalni standardi, ki so v nasprotju z EN   (dow) 1. 11. 2003

Dodatki z oznako »normativni« so del standarda. Dodatki z oznako »informativni« so podani samo kot
informacija. V tem standardu so dodatki A, B, C in E normativni, dodatka D in F pa sta informativna.

SIST EN 50182 : 2002
1 Področje uporabe
Ta evropski standard določa električne in mehanske lastnosti koncentrično v izmeničnih smereh
sukanih golih nadzemnih vodnikov iz okroglih žic z mastjo ali brez nje v skladu z EN 50326, izdelanih
iz enega izmed naslednjih materialov ali iz kombinacije katerihkoli spodaj navedenih materialov:
a) trdo vlečen aluminij po EN 60889, označen kot AL1;
b) aluminijeva zlitina po EN 50183, označena kot AL2 do AL7;
c) pocinkana jeklena žica po EN 50189 s stopnjo in razredom, označenima kot ST1A, ST2B, ST3D,
ST4A, ST5E in ST6C;
d) z aluminijem oplaščena jeklena žica po EN 61232, označena kot razred 20SA (stopnji A in B),
27SA, 30SA in 40SA.
Vodniki, izdelani samo iz pocinkanih jeklenih žic, niso vključeni.

2 Zveza s standardi
Ta evropski standard vključuje z datiranim ali nedatiranim sklicevanjem določila iz drugih publikacij. Ta
sklicevanja na standarde so navedena na ustreznih mestih v besedilu, publikacije pa so naštete
spodaj. Pri datiranih sklicevanjih se pri uporabi tega evropskega standarda upoštevajo poznejša
dopolnila ali spremembe katerekoli od teh publikacij le, če so z dopolnilom ali spremembo vključene
vanj. Pri nedatiranih sklicevanjih velja samo zadnja izdaja publikacije, na katero se sklicuje.

EN 50183 Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Žice iz zlitine aluminij-magnezij-silicij
EN 50189 Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Pocinkane jeklene žice
EN 50326 Vodniki za nadzemne vode – Karakteristike masti za vodnike
EN 60889 Trdo vlečena aluminijska žica za nadzemne vode
EN 61232 Z aluminijem oplaščene jeklene žice za elektrotehnične namene
IEC 60050-466 Mednarodni elektrotehniški slovar (IEV) – Poglavje 466: Nadzemni vodi

3 Definicije
Poleg definicij, podanih v IEC 60050-466, se uporabljajo še naslednje definicije:

za namen tega standarda se aluminij uporablja kot generični izraz, ki pomeni trdo vlečen aluminij in
aluminijevo zlitino
smer sukanja
smer sukanja je določena kot leva ali desna. Pri desni smeri sukanja so žice sukane v smeri
osrednjega dela črke Z, ko je vodnik postavljen navpično. Pri levi smeri sukanja so žice sukane v
smeri osrednjega dela črke S, ko je vodnik postavljen navpično.

korak sukanja
razmerje med dolžino sukanja in zunanjim premerom ustrezne plasti žic v vrvi

V fazi osnutka.
SIST EN 50182 : 2002
skupina vodnikov, ki jih proizvaja isti proizvajalec v podobnih proizvodnih pogojih

OPOMBA 1: Lot lahko vsebuje del ali celotno kupljeno količino.

OPOMBA 2: Kupec in proizvajalec se lahko dogovorita o sestavi lota.
ciljna vrednost merljive lastnosti, s katero se identificirata vodnik ali njegova komponenta in za katero
se uporabljajo tolerance
nit iz vlečene kovine s konstantnim krožnim prerezom

naznačena natezna trdnost
ocena prelomne obremenitve, izračunana z uporabo specificiranih nateznih lastnosti komponentnih žic

4 Sistem označevanja
4.1 Sistem označevanja se uporablja za identificiranje vrvi, izdelanih iz aluminija, z jeklenimi žicami ali brez
4.2 Homogeni aluminijski vodniki so označeni z ALx, kjer x pomeni vrsto aluminija. Homogeni jekleni
vodniki, oplaščeni z aluminijem, so označeni z yzSA, kjer y pomeni vrsto jekla (stopnja A ali B, uporabno
samo za razred 20SA), z pa predstavlja razred aluminijskega oplaščenja (20, 27, 30 ali 40).

4.3 Sestavljeni jekleni vodniki z aluminijskim/cinkovim oplaščenjem so označeni z ALx/STyz, kjer ALx
pomeni zunanje aluminijske žice (ovoj), STyz pa pomeni jekleno jedro. Pri oznaki jeklenih žic,
oplaščenih s cinkom, y pomeni vrsto jekla (stopnje 1 do 6) in z vrsto cinkovega oplaščenja (A do E).

4.4  Sestavljeni aluminijski/z aluminijem oplaščeni jekleni vodniki so označeni z ALx/yzSA, kjer ALx
označuje zunanje aluminijske žice (ovoj) in yzSA jekleno jedro kot v 4.2.

4.5 Vodniki so identificirani na naslednji način:
(a) s kodno številko, ki navaja nazivno površino aluminija ali jekla, kar je ustrezno, zaokroženo na
celo število;
(b) z oznako, ki identificira vrsto žic, iz katerih je sestavljen vodnik. Pri sestavljenih vodnikih se prvi
opis nanaša na ovoj, drugi pa na jedro.

2 2
16-AL1: vodnik iz aluminija vrste AL1 s prerezom 15,9 mm , zaokroženim na 16 mm
2 2
587-AL2: vodnik iz aluminija vrste AL2 s prerezom 586,9 mm , zaokroženim na 587 mm
401-AL1/28-ST1A: vodnik, izdelan iz aluminijskih žic vrste AL1 okoli jedra iz jeklenih žic ST1A,
prevlečnih s cinkom razreda A. Na celo število zaokrožena vrednost prereza žic
2 2
AL1 je 401 mm , žic ST1A pa 28 mm .
401-AL1/28-A20SA: vodnik, izdelan iz aluminijskih žic vrste AL1 okoli jedra iz jeklenih žic, stopnje A,
razreda 20, prevlečenih z aluminijem. Na celo število zaokrožena vrednost
2 2
prereza žic AL1 je 401 mm , žic A20SA pa 28 mm .
65-A20SA: vodnik, izdelan iz jeklenih z aluminijem oplaščenih žic, stopnje A, razreda 20, s
prerezom 65 mm
SIST EN 50182 : 2002
5 Zahteve za vrvi
5.1 Material
Vrv mora biti izdelana iz žic in z mastjo, kadar je specificiran namaščeni vodnik, kot je opredeljeno v
1. točki.
5.2 Dimenzije vodnikov
Seznami dimenzij vodnikov, ki se pogosto uporabljajo v nekaterih državah članicah, so podani kot napotek
v dodatku F. Vodniki za obstoječe ali uveljavljene izvedbe nadzemnih vodov, kakor tudi dimenzije in načini
sukanja, ki niso vsebovani v tem standardu, so lahko zasnovani in dobavljeni po sporazumu med
proizvajalcem in kupcem, pri tem pa morajo biti upoštevane zahteve tega standarda.

5.3 Stanje površine
Površina vodnika ne sme imeti napak, vidnih s prostim očesom (dopustne so normalne korektivne
leče), kot so zareze, vtiski in podobno, ki niso združljivi z dobro trgovsko prakso.

5.4 Premer vodnika
Premer vodnika ne sme odstopati od nazivne vrednosti, ki jo specificira kupec, za več kot:
±1 % za premere, večje ali enake 10 mm,
±0,1 mm za premere, manjše kot 10 mm.

5.5 Sukanje
5.5.1 Vse žice vodnika morajo biti sukane koncentrično.

5.5.2 Sosednje plasti žic morajo biti sukane v nasprotnih smereh sukanja. Smer sukanja zunanje
plasti mora biti desna, razen če jo kupec ne specificira drugače.

5.5.3 Žice vsake plasti morajo biti sukane enakomerno in tesno okrog spodaj ležeče žice ali žic.

5.5.4 Upoštevati je treba korake sukanja za pocinkane ali z aluminijem oplaščene plasti jeklenih žic,
navedene v preg

Conductors for overhead lines - Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors
Leiter für Freileitungen - Leiter aus konzentrisch verseilten runden Drähten
Conducteurs pour lignes aériennes - Conducteurs à brins circulaires, câblés en couches
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50182:2001
29.060.10 Žice Wires
29.240.20 Daljnovodi Power transmission and
distribution lines
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

ICS 29.060.10
English version
Conductors for overhead lines -
Round wire concentric lay stranded conductors
Conducteurs pour lignes aériennes - Leiter für Freileitungen -
Conducteurs à brins circulaires, câblés Leiter aus konzentrisch verseilten
en couches concentriques runden Drähten
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2000-11-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any
other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own
language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway,
Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels
© 2001 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50182:2001 E
This European Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 7, Overhead
electrical conductors.
The text of the draft was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by CENELEC as
EN 50182 on 2000-11-01.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2001-11-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2003-11-01
Annexes designated "normative" are part of the body of the standard. Annexes designated
"informative" are given for information only. In this standard, annexes A, B, C and E are
normative and annexes D and F are informative.

- 3 - EN 50182:2001
1 Scope.4
2 Normative references.4
3 Definitions.4
4 Designation system .5
5 Requirements for stranded conductor.6
6 Tests.10
7 Packaging and marking. 15
8 Information to be clarified by the purchaser and manufacturer. 16
Annex A (normative) Special national conditions. 17
Annex B (normative) Calculation of nominal mass of grease for stranded conductors . 18
Annex C (normative) Stress - strain test method . 21
Annex D (informative) Lay ratios used for calculation of increments due to stranding
in Table 4 . 24
Annex E (normative) Test for ability of a conductor to be erected using tension stringing. 25
Annex F (informative) Conductors in frequent use in some member countries. 27

1 Scope
This European Standard specifies the electrical and mechanical characteristics of round wire
concentric lay bare overhead electrical conductors stranded in alternate directions, with or
without grease as per EN 50326, made of one or a combination of any of the following:
a) Hard drawn Aluminium as per EN 60889 designated AL1
b) Aluminium alloy as per EN 50183 designated AL2 to AL7
c) Zinc coated steel wire as per EN 50189 with grade and class designated ST1A, ST2B,
ST3D, ST4A, ST5E, and ST6C.
d) Aluminium-clad steel wire as per EN 61232 with class designation 20SA (grades A and
B), 27SA, 30SA and 40SA.
Conductors made of zinc coated steel wires only are not included.
2 Normative references
This European standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other
publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and
the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or
revisions of any of these publications apply to this European standard only when incorporated
in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest issue of the publication
referred to applies.
EN 50183 Conductors for overhead lines — Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wires
EN 50189 Conductors for overhead lines — Zinc coated steel wires
EN 50326 Conductors for overhead lines — Characteristics of greases
EN 60889 Hard-drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors.
EN 61232 Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes.
IEC 60050-466 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) - Chapter 466: Overhead Lines.
3 Definitions
In addition to the definitions given in IEC 60050-466, the following definitions apply:
for the purposes of this standard, aluminium is used as a generic term to mean hard drawn
aluminium and aluminium alloy
direction of lay
the direction of lay is defined as right hand or left hand. With right hand lay, the wires conform
to the direction of the central part of the letter Z when the conductor is held vertically. With left
hand lay the wires conform to the central part of the letter S when the conductor is held
At draft stage
- 5 - EN 50182:2001
lay ratio
the ratio of the lay length to the external diameter of the corresponding layer of wires in the
stranded conductor
a group of conductors manufactured by the same manufacturer under similar conditions of
NOTE 1  A lot may consist of part of or all the purchased quantity.
NOTE 2  The constitution of a lot may be agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer
the target value of a measurable property by which a conductor or component of a conductor is
identified and to which tolerances are applied
a filament of drawn metal having a constant circular cross-section
rated tensile strength
an estimate of the conductor breaking load calculated using the specified tensile properties of
the component wires
4 Designation system
4.1 A designation system is used to identify stranded conductors made of aluminium with
or without steel wires.
4.2 Homogeneous aluminium conductors are designated ALx, where x identifies the type of
aluminium. Homogeneous aluminium clad steel conductors are designated yzSA where y
represents the type of steel (Grade A or B, applicable to class 20SA only), and z represents
the class of aluminium cladding (20, 27, 30 or 40).
4.3 Composite aluminium/zinc coated steel conductors are designated ALx/STyz, where
ALx identifies the external aluminium wires (envelope), and STyz identifies the steel core. In
the designation of zinc coated steel wires, y represents the type of steel (Grades 1 to 6) and z
represents the class of zinc coating (A to E).
4.4 Composite aluminium/aluminium-clad steel conductors are designated ALx/yzSA,
where ALx identifies the external aluminium wires (envelope), and yzSA identifies the steel
core as in 4.2.
4.5 Conductors are identified as follows:
(a) a code number giving the nominal area, rounded to an integer, of the aluminium or steel
as appropriate;
(b) a designation identifying the type of wires constituting the conductor. For composite
conductors the first description applies to the envelope and the second to the core.

16-AL1: 2
Conductor of AL1 aluminium with an area of 15,9 mm ,
rounded to 16 mm .
Conductor of AL2 aluminium with an area of 586,9 mm ,
rounded to 587 mm
Conductor made of AL1 aluminium wires around a core of
ST1A zinc coated steel wires with a Class A zinc coating.
The integer area of AL1 wires is 401 mm and that of the
ST1A wires 28 mm .
Conductor made of AL1 aluminium wires around a core of
grade A, class 20 aluminium-clad steel wires. The integer
area of AL1 wires is 401 mm and that of the A20SA wires
28 mm .
Conductor made of grade A, class 20 aluminium clad steel
wires with an area of 65 mm .
5 Requirements for stranded conductor
5.1 Material
The stranded conductor shall be made from wires and with grease, whenever greased
conductor is specified, as defined in clause 1.
5.2 Conductor sizes
Lists of conductor sizes in frequent use in some of the member countries are given as
guidance in annex F. Conductors for existing or established designs of overhead lines as well
as sizes and strandings not included in this standard may be designed and supplied as agreed
upon by the manufacturer and purchaser, and the relevant requirements of this standard shall
5.3 Surface condition
The surface of the conductor shall be free from all imperfections visible to the unaided eye
(normal corrective lenses accepted), such as nicks, indentations, etc., not consistent with good
commercial practice.
5.4 Conductor diameter
The conductor diameter shall not vary from the nominal value, specified by the purchaser, by
more than:
± 1 % for diameters larger or equal to 10 mm.
± 0,1 mm for diameters smaller than 10 mm.
5.5 Stranding
5.5.1 All wires of the conductor shall be concentrically stranded.
5.5.2 Adjacent wire layers shall be stranded with reverse lay directions. The direction of lay
of the external layer shall be right hand except when otherwise specified by the purchaser.

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5.5.3 The wires in each layer shall be evenly and closely stranded around the underlying wire
or wires.
5.5.4 The lay ratios for the zinc coated or aluminium-clad steel wire layers shall be as given
in Table 1.
Table 1 - Lay ratios for zinc coated or aluminium-clad steel layers
Number of Lay ratio
steel wires 3 wire layer 6 wire layer 12 wire layer 18 wire layer
Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max.
3 16 26 - - - - - -
7 - - 16 26 - - - -
19 - - 16 26 14 22 - -
37 - - 17 25 16 22 14 18
For zinc coated or aluminium-clad steel core constructions exceeding 37 wires, the lay ratio of the
outer layer shall lie between 14 and 18, and the lay ratio of the inner layers shall lie between 16
and 26.
5.5.5 The lay ratios for the aluminium layers of all types of conductor shall be as given in
Table 2.
Table 2 - Lay ratios for aluminium layers
All inner layers Outer layer
Min. Max. Min. Max.
10 16 10 14
5.5.6 In a multi-layer conductor, the lay ratio of any layer shall be equal to or less than the
lay ratio of the layer immediately beneath it.
5.5.7 All steel wires shall lie naturally in their position in the stranded core, and where the
core is cut, the wire ends shall remain in position or be readily replaced by hand and then
remain approximately in position. This requirement also applies to the aluminium wires of a
5.5.8 Before stranding, aluminium and steel wires shall have approximately equal
5.5.9 The conductor shall have the ability to be installed, using the purchaser's
recommended installation method, without damage to the conductor. If required, this shall be
demonstrated according to 6.4.9.
5.6 Joints
5.6.1 For conductors containing only one steel wire there shall be no joints made after heat
treatment of the wire or rod. There shall be no joints of any kind made in the finished zinc
coated or aluminium-clad steel core wire or wires during stranding.
5.6.2 No more than one jointed aluminium finished wire before stranding, as permitted in the
relevant standard given in clause 2, shall be used per length of conductor.
5.6.3 During stranding, no aluminium wire welds shall be made for the purpose of achieving
the required conductor length.

5.6.4 Joints are permitted in aluminium wires unavoidably broken during stranding, provided
such breaks are not associated with either inherently defective wire or with the use of short
lengths of aluminium wires. Joints shall conform to the geometry of the original wire, i.e. joints
shall be dressed smoothly with a diameter equal to that of the parent wires and shall not be
The number of joints in aluminium wires shall not exceed those specified in Table 3. These
joints shall not be closer than 15 m from a joint in the same wire or in any other aluminium
wire of the completed conductor.
Joints shall be made by electric butt welding, cold pressure welding or other methods approved
by the purchaser. The first type of joint shall be electrically annealed for approximately 250
mm on both sides of the weld.
5.6.5 While the joints specified in 5.6.4 are not required to meet the requirements of

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