Low-voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective devices for specific application including d.c. - Part 12: Selection and application principles - SPDs connected to photovoltaic installations

This Technical Specification describes the principles for selection, location, coordination and operation of SPDs to be connected to PV installations. The d.c. side is rated up to 1 500 V d.c. and the a.c. side, if any, is rated up to 1 000 V rms 50 Hz. The electrical installation starts from a PV generator or a set of interconnected PV modules with their cables, provided by the PV generator manufacturer, up to the user installation or the utility supply point. For PV installations including batteries, additional requirements will be necessary. NOTE 1 HD 60364-7-712, CLC/TS 61643-12 and EN 62305-4 are also applicable. NOTE 2 This Technical Specification deals only with SPDs, and not with SPDs components integrated inside equipment.

Überspannungsschutzgeräte für Niederspannung - Überspannungsschutzgeräte für besondere Anwendungen einschließlich Gleichspannung - Teil 12: Auswahl und Anwendungsgrundsätze - Überspannungsschutzgeräte für den Einsatz in Photovoltaik-Installationen

Diese Technische Spezifikation beschreibt die Prinzipien für die Auswahl, den Einbauort, die Koordination und den Betrieb von Überspannungsschutzgeräten (SPDs), die an PV-Installationen angeschlossen werden. Der Geltungsbereich ist auf PV-Anlagen mit Spannungen bis 1 500 V d.c auf der DC-Seite und auf Spannungen bis 1 000 V r.m.s auf der AC-Seite, soweit vorhanden, begrenzt. Die elektrische Installation beginnt mit einem PV-Generator oder einem von einem PV-Generator-Hersteller gelieferten Satz von zusammengeschalteten PV-Modulen mit ihren Kabeln und endet mit der Verbraucheranlage oder dem Übergabepunkt an das öffentliche Netz. Für PV-Installationen, die Batterien enthalten, werden zusätzliche Anforderungen notwendig sein. ANMERKUNG 1 HD 60364-7-712, CLC/TS 61643-12 und EN 62305-4 sind ebenfalls anzuwenden. ANMERKUNG 2 Diese Technische Spezifikation behandelt nur SPDs und nicht SPD-Komponenten, die innerhalb von Geräten oder Ausrüstungen integriert sind.

Parafoudres basse tension - Parafoudres pour applications spécifiques incluant le courant continu - Partie 12: Principes de choix et d’application - Parafoudres connectés aux installations photovoltaïques

La présente Spécification Technique décrit les principes relatifs au choix, à l’emplacement, à la coordination et au fonctionnement des parafoudres à connecter aux installations photovoltaïques (PV). Le côté courant continu est de tension assignée jusqu’à 1 500 V en courant continu et le côté courant alternatif, le cas échéant, est de tension assignée jusqu’à 1 000 V efficace 50 Hz. L’installation électrique part d’un générateur PV ou d’un jeu de modules PV interconnectés avec leurs câbles, fournis par le fabricant du générateur PV, jusqu’à l’installation de l’utilisateur ou au point d’alimentation électrique. Pour les installations PV contenant des batteries, des exigences supplémentaires seront nécessaires. NOTE 1 HD 60364-7-712, CLC/TS 61643-12 et EN 62305-4 sont aussi applicables. NOTE 2 La présente Spécification Technique traite uniquement des parafoudres et non des composants de parafoudres intégrés aux matériels.

Nizkonapetostne naprave za zaščito pred prenapetostnimi udari - Naprave za zaščito pred prenapetostnimi udari za specifične aplikacije, vključno z enosmernimi - 12. del: Izbira in načela za uporabo - SPD, priključeni na fotonapetostne inštalacije

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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TS CLC/TS 50539-12:2012
Low-voltage surge protective devices - Surge protective devices for specific application
including d.c. -- Part 12: Selection and application principles - SPDs connected to
photovoltaic installations
Überspannungsschutzgeräte für Niederspannung - Überspannungsschutzgeräte für
besondere Anwendungen einschließlich Gleichspannung -- Teil 12: Auswahl und
Anwendungsgrundsätze - Überspannungsschutzgeräte für den Einsatz in Photovoltaik
Parafoudres basse tension - Parafoudres pour applications spécifiques incluant le
courant continu -- Partie 12: Principes de choix et d’application - Parafoudres connectés
aux installations photovoltaïques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TS 50539-12:2013
27.160 6RQþQDHQHUJLMD Solar energy engineering
29.120.50 9DURYDONHLQGUXJD Fuses and other overcurrent
PHGWRNRYQD]DãþLWD protection devices
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CLC/TS 50539-12
December 2013
ICS 29.120.50 Supersedes CLC/TS 50539-12:2010

English version
Low-voltage surge protective devices -
Surge protective devices for specific application including d.c. -
Part 12: Selection and application principles -
SPDs connected to photovoltaic installations

Parafoudres basse tension -  Überspannungsschutzgeräte für
Parafoudres pour applications spécifiques Niederspannung -
incluant le courant continu - Überspannungsschutzgeräte für
Partie 12: Principes de choix et besondere Anwendungen einschließlich
d’application - Gleichspannung -
Parafoudres connectés aux installations Teil 12: Auswahl und
photovoltaïques Anwendungsgrundsätze -
Überspannungsschutzgeräte für den
Einsatz in Photovoltaik-Installationen

This Technical Specification was approved by CENELEC on 2013-10-21.

CENELEC members are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to
make the TS available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting
national standards in force.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2013 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. CLC/TS 50539-12:2013 E

Contents Page
Foreword . 5
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Systems and equipment to be protected . 9
5 Overvoltages in a PV installation . 9
6 Installation and location of SPDs . 9
6.1 General . 9
6.2 PV installation without external LPS . 10
6.3 PV installation with external LPS when separation distance s is kept . 11
6.4 PV installation with external LPS when separation distance is not kept . 13
7 Equipotential bonding. 13
8 Surge protective devices (SPD) in PV installations . 15
9 Requirements for the implementation of SPDs . 15
9.1 Decision for using SPDs . 15
9.2 Selection and installation of SPDs for application in PV installation . 16
9.2.1 Selection of SPDs installed at the a.c. side of PV installations . 16
9.2.2 Selection of SPDs installed at the d.c. side of PV-installation . 18
10 Maintenance . 23
Annex A (informative) Determination of the value of I or I for SPDs for different structures
imp n
protected by a LPS according to a simplified approach . 24
A.1 Introduction . 24
A.2 PV installation on a building according to 6.4 . 24
A.2.1 General . 24
A.2.2 Case of voltage limiting and combination type SPDs (having voltage switching and
limiting components in series) . 26
A.2.3 Case of voltage switching and combination type SPDs (having voltage switching and
limiting components in parallel) . 27
A.3 Outside free field power plant PV installation according to 6.4 . 27
A.3.1 General . 27
A.3.2 Assumption . 27
A.3.3 Result . 28
Annex B (informative) Characteristic of a PV source . 30
B.1 General . 30
B.2 Calculation of U . 31
B.3 Calculation of I . 31
Annex C (normative) Simplified risk assessment based on EN 62305-2 . 32
Bibliography . 34

- 3 - CLC/TS 50539-12:2013
Figure 1 – Current branches vs. modes of protection of an SPD. 9
Figure 2 – Installation of SPDs in case of PV installation without external LPS . 10
Figure 3 – Installation of SPDs in case of a building with external LPS when separation distance s is kept . 11
Figure 4 – Installation of SPDs in case of a building with external LPS when separation distance s is

kept – Installation with data acquisition and control system . 12
Figure 5 – Installation of SPDs in case of PV installation with external LPS when separation distance s is
not kept . 13
Figure 6 – Building with external LPS: Dimensions of all equipotential bonding conductors are 6 mm
except the one indicated in the figure (earthing of the SPD Type 1 located at the origin of installation) . 14
Figure 7 – Building with external LPS: Dimensions of equipotential bonding conductors in case of a non-

isolated LPS . 15
Figure 8 – Installation of SPDs on the a.c.-side and short distance between origin of installation and
PV-inverter (E < 10 m) . 17
Figure 9 – Installation of SPDs on the a.c.-side and long distance between origin of installation and
PV-inverter (E > 10 m) . 17
Figure 10 – Example of an overvoltage protection on d.c. side of a PV installation . 19
Figure 11 – I-configuration. 21
Figure 12 – U-configuration . 21
Figure 13 – L-configuration. 21
Figure 14 – ∆-configuration . 21
Figure 15 – Y-configuration . 22
Figure 16 – Single mode SPDs to be connected in Y-configuration . 22
Figure A.1 – Example of a structure with two external down conductors to determine the value of the
discharge current for the selection of SPDs . 25
Figure A.2 – Example of a structure of an extended PV installation – Free field PV power plant with
multiple earthing and a meshed earthing system . 28
Figure B.1 – Principle of a PV current source . 30
Figure B.2 – V/I characteristic of a non-linear PV current source . 30
Figure C.1 – L calculation . 33

Table 1 – Impulse withstand voltage U for equipment between PV generator and inverter . 19
Table A.1 – Values of I and I for voltage limiting and combination type SPDs (having voltage
10/350 8/20
switching and limiting components in series) . 26
Table A.2 – Values of I for voltage switching and combination type SPDs (having voltage switching and
limiting components in parallel) . 27
Table A.3 – Values of I and I for SPDs intended to be used in free field PV power plant with
10/350 8/20
multiple earthing and a meshed earthing system . 29
Table C.1 – Calculation of the critical length L . 32
- 5 - CLC/TS 50539-12:2013
This document (CLC/TS 50539-12:2013) has been prepared by CLC/TC 37A "Low voltage surge protective
This document supersedes CLC/TS 50539-12:2010.
a) scope and definitions have been revised to align CLC/TS 50539-12 with EN 50539-11;
b) structure of the document has been revised for better clarification;
c) only Type 1 d.c. SPDs can be used for cases described in 6.4;
d) multi-eart

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