CLC/TC 37A - Low voltage surge protective devices
To prepare European standards (ENs), Technical specifications (TSs) and Technical reports (TRs). These documents will cover surge protective devices (SPDs) for protection against surges due to lightning and/or other transient overvoltages and their selection and application. These devices are to be used in power, telecommunication and/or signalling networks with voltages up to 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
Low voltage surge protective devices
To prepare European standards (ENs), Technical specifications (TSs) and Technical reports (TRs). These documents will cover surge protective devices (SPDs) for protection against surges due to lightning and/or other transient overvoltages and their selection and application. These devices are to be used in power, telecommunication and/or signalling networks with voltages up to 1 000 V a.c. or 1 500 V d.c.
General Information
IEC Corrected version
- Corrigendum4 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 61643-31:2018 is applicable to Surge Protective Devices (SPDs), intended for surge protection against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages. These devices are designed to be connected to the DC side of photovoltaic installations rated up to 1 500 V DC. These devices contain at least one non-linear component and are intended to limit surge voltages and divert surge currents. Performance characteristics, safety requirements, standard methods for testing and ratings are established. SPDs complying with this standard are exclusively dedicated to be installed on the DC side of photovoltaic generators and the DC side of inverters. SPDs for PV systems with energy storage (e.g. batteries, capacitor banks) are not covered. SPDs with separate input and output terminals that contain specific series impedance between these terminal(s) (so called two-port SPDs according to IEC 61643-11:2011) are not covered. SPDs compliant with this standard are designed to be permanently connected where connection and disconnection of fixed SPDs can only be done using a tool. This standard does not apply to portable SPDs Keywords: photovoltaic installations, lightning or other transient overvoltages
- Standard64 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
To add an annex for portable SPDs for household and similar use. This annex will contain the following specific requirements to ensure the requested level of intrinsic safety for such products, i.e. product tests and safety cannot rely on any external means: - The position of the disconnector(s) : internal, i.e. all tests shall be made and passed without the help of any external means, - Additional specifications for tests taking into account that line and neutral terminals can be reversed, - Specific requirements and tests for surge protective components used with such SPDs
- Addendum – translation7 pagesSlovenian languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Amendment6 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document describes the principles for selection, installation and coordination of SPDs intended for use in Photovoltaic (PV) systems up to 1500 V DC and for the AC side of the PV system rated up to 1000 V rms 50/60 Hz. The photovoltaic installation extends from a PV array or a set of interconnected PV-modules to include the associated cabling and protective devices and the converter up to the connection point in the distribution board or the utility supply point. This document considers SPDs used in different locations and in different kinds of PV systems: - PV systems located on the top of a building; - PV systems located on the ground like free field power plants characterized by multiple earthing and a meshed earthing system. The term PV installation is used to refer to both kinds of PV systems. The term PV power plant is only used for extended free-field multi-earthed power systems located on the ground. For PV installations including batteries additional requirements could be necessary. NOTE 1 The HD 60364 series, EN 62305 series and CLC/TS 61643 12 also apply. NOTE 2 This document deals only with SPDs and not with surge protective components integrated inside equipment (e.g. inverters, (PCE) power conversion equipment).
- Technical specification44 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 61643-22:2015 describes the principles for the selection, operation, location and coordination of SPDs connected to telecommunication and signalling networks with nominal system voltages up to 1 000 V r.m.s. a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. This standard also addresses SPDs that incorporate protection for signalling lines and power lines in the same enclosure (so called multiservice SPDs). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2004. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Update the use of multiservice SPDs (Article 8); - Comparison between SPD classification of IEC 61643-11 and IEC 61643-21 (7.3.3); - Consideration of new transmission systems as PoE (Annex F); - EMC requirements of SPDs (Annex G); - Maintenance cycles of SPDs (Annex I). Keywords: SPD, surge protective devices
- Technical specification68 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
In addition to CLC/TS 61643-12, this Technical Report describes the principle of erecting SPDs to be connected to 50 Hz a.c. power circuits, rated up to 1 000 V r.m.s. in conjunction with Class II equipments. In addition to EN 61643-11, this Technical Report gives specific guidance for SPDs intended to be installed in class II equipments.
- Technical report19 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
DOP = DAV + 6 months (D139/C142)
- Amendment22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 61643-11:2011 is applicable to devices for surge protection against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages. These devices are packaged to be connected to 50/60 Hz a.c. power circuits, and equipment rated up to 1 000 V r.m.s. Performance characteristics, standard methods for testing and ratings are established. These devices contain at least one nonlinear component and are intended to limit surge voltages and divert surge currents. This first edition of IEC 61643-11 cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC 61643-1 published in 2005. The main changes with respect of the second edition of IEC 61643-1 are the complete restructuring and improvement of the test procedures and test sequences. NOTE: The attention of National Committees is drawn to the fact that equipment manufacturers and testing organizations may need a transitional period following publication of a new, amended or revised IEC publication in which to make products in accordance with the new requirements and to equip themselves for conducting new or revised tests. It is the recommendation of the committee that the content of this publication be adopted for national implementation not earlier than 12 months from the date of publication. In the meantime, the previous edition can still be ordered by contacting your local IEC member National Committee or the IEC Central Office.
- Standard113 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard119 pagesFrench languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard – translation112 pagesSlovenian languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Is applicable to devices for surge protection of telecommunications and signalling etworks against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages.
- Amendment21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification applies to surge protection of wind turbine generators and wind power systems. Normative references are made to generic standards for lightning protection, low-voltage systems and high-voltage systems for machinery and installations and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). This Technical Specification defines requirements for selection and installation of surge protective devices for the power circuits. Some special information about particular testing are also included since there is not a current standard for testing surge protective devices for wind turbines.
- Technical specification14 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 61643-12:2008 describes the principles for selection, operation, location and coordination of SPDs to be connected to 50 Hz to 60 Hz a.c. and to d.c. power circuits and equipment rated up to 1 000 V r.m.s. or 1 500 V d.c. Specific change with respect to the previous edition is the incorporation of Amendment 1, which was not published separately due to the number of changes and pages.
- Technical specification81 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Is applicable to devices for surge protection of telecommunications and signalling networks against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages. The purpose of these SPDs is to protect modern electronic equipment connected to telecommunications and signalling networks with nominal system voltags up to 1 000 V (r.m.s.) a.c. and 1 500 V d.c.
- Standard60 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft80 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft7 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft7 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft34 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft33 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 61643-01: 2024 contains the common requirements for all SPDs. This document is applicable to devices for surge protection against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages, hereafter referred to as Surge Protective Devices (SPDs). SPDs are intended to be connected to circuits or equipment rated up to 1 000 V AC (RMS) or 1 500 V DC. Performance and safety requirements, tests and ratings are specified in this document. SPDs contain at least one nonlinear component and are intended to limit surge voltages and divert surge currents. This document, together with IEC 61643-11:— (second edition), cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61643-11 published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the first edition of IEC 61643-11: a) Clarification on test application either to a complete SPD, to a "mode of protection", or to a complete "SPD assembly"; b) Additional measurement of voltage protection level on "combined modes of protection" between live conductors and PE (see new Annex F); c) Additional duty test for T1 SPD and T2 SPD with follow current to check for increased follow current at lower impulse current amplitude (see; d) Modified and amended short circuit current test requirements to better cover up-to-date internal SPD disconnector technologies (see; e) Improved dielectric test requirements for the SPD’s main circuits and added dielectric test requirements for "electrically separated circuits" (see 9.3.7 and 9.3.8); f) Additional clearance requirements for "electrically separated circuits" (see 9.4.4); g) Additional information and details for SPDs for DC installations.
- Draft111 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 61643-11:2011 is applicable to devices for surge protection against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages. These devices are packaged to be connected to 50/60 Hz a.c. power circuits, and equipment rated up to 1 000 V r.m.s. Performance characteristics, standard methods for testing and ratings are established. These devices contain at least one nonlinear component and are intended to limit surge voltages and divert surge currents. This first edition of IEC 61643-11 cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC 61643-1 published in 2005. The main changes with respect of the second edition of IEC 61643-1 are the complete restructuring and improvement of the test procedures and test sequences. NOTE: The attention of National Committees is drawn to the fact that equipment manufacturers and testing organizations may need a transitional period following publication of a new, amended or revised IEC publication in which to make products in accordance with the new requirements and to equip themselves for conducting new or revised tests. It is the recommendation of the committee that the content of this publication be adopted for national implementation not earlier than 12 months from the date of publication. In the meantime, the previous edition can still be ordered by contacting your local IEC member National Committee or the IEC Central Office.
- Draft91 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
2014-02-07 - UAP editing allocated to* D147/C014: NWI approved for 3 month UAP
- Amendment4 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard defines the requirements and tests for SPDs intended to be installed on the d.c. side of photovoltaic installations to protect against induced and direct lightning effects. These devices are connected to d.c. power circuits of photovoltaic generators, rated up to 1 500 V. It takes into account that photovoltaic generators: • behave like current generators, • that their nominal current depends on the light intensity, • that their short-circuit current is almost equal to the nominal current, • are connected in series and/or parallel combinations leading to a great variety of voltages, currents and powers from a few hundreds of W (in residential installations) to several MW (photovoltaic fields). The very specific electrical parameters of PV installations on the d.c. side require specific test requirements for SPDs. SPDs with separate input and output terminal(s) that contain a specific series impedance between these terminal(s) (so called two port SPDs according to EN 61643-11) are currently not sufficiently covered by the requirements of this standard and require additional consideration. NOTE In general SPDs for PV applications do not contain a specific series impedance between the input/output terminals due to power efficiency considerations. SPDs complying with this standard are exclusively dedicated to be installed on the d.c. side of photovoltaic generators. PV installation including batteries and other d.c. applications are not taken into account and additional requirements and tests may be necessary for such applications. SPDs for which the manufacturers declares short circuit mode overload behaviour, shall require specific measures to ensure that such devices will not endanger the operator during maintenance and replacement due to possible d.c. arcing.
- Standard54 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification describes the principles for selection, location, coordination and operation of SPDs to be connected to PV installations. The d.c. side is rated up to 1 500 V d.c. and the a.c. side, if any, is rated up to 1 000 V rms 50 Hz. The electrical installation starts from a PV generator or a set of interconnected PV modules with their cables, provided by the PV generator manufacturer, up to the user installation or the utility supply point. For PV installations including batteries, additional requirements will be necessary. NOTE 1 HD 60364-7-712, CLC/TS 61643-12 and EN 62305-4 are also applicable. NOTE 2 This Technical Specification deals only with SPDs, and not with SPDs components integrated inside equipment.
- Technical specification34 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification deals with the protection of PV installations against overvoltages. It deals with the protection of the PV installation against surge overvoltages induced by direct and indirect lightning strikes. If such a PV installation is connected to an AC-supply system this document is applicable as a complement of HD 60364 4 443, HD 60364 5 534 and HD 60364 7 712 and also CLC/TS 61643 12. Surge protective devices (SPD) installed on the AC side shall comply with EN 61643 11. NOTE 1 Due to the very specific electrical setup of PV installations on the DC side, only surge protective devices especially dedicated to PV installations shall be used to protect the DC side of such installations. NOTE 2 Taking into account the sensitivity and of the setting up of the photovoltaic modules, a detailed attention must be paid to the protection of the structure itself (building) against direct effects of the lightning; this subject is covered by EN 62305 series.
- Technical specification19 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Specification applies to non linear metal-oxide resistor type surge arresters (MO surge arresters) without spark gaps designed to limit voltage surges on d.c. traction systems with nominal voltage up to 1 500 V. This Technical Specification applies to protection of equipment. Same principles for selection and application apply for MO surge arresters on d.c. traction systems with nominal voltage 3 000 V.
- Technical specification25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Superseded by EN 61643-11:2012
- Amendment23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Applies to surge protective devices (SPD's) used to protect, under specific conditions, electrical systems and equipment against various overvoltage and impulse curents (e.g. lightning, switching surges). Information is provided on equipment to be protected, system characteristics, insulation levels, overvoltages, methods of installation, location, co-ordination and failure modes of SPD's, as well as equipment failure consequences.
- Technical specification72 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Describes the principles for the selection, operation, location and coordination of SPDs connected to telecommunication and signalling networks with nominal system voltages up to 1 000 V r.m.s. a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. Also addresses SPDs that incorporate protection for signalling lines and power lines in the same enclosure.
- Technical specification45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Is applicable to devices for surge protection against indirect and direct effects of lightning or other transient overvoltages. These devices are packaged to be connected to 50/60 Hz a.c. and d.c. power circuits, and equipment rated up to 1 000 V r.m.s or 1 500 V d.c. Performance characteristics, standard methods for testing, and ratings are established for these devices that contain at least one nonlinear component that is intended to limit surge voltages and divert surge currents.
- Standard103 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day