Direct-current potentiometers

Applicable to d.c. potentiometers assembled from resistors and switches and operating entirely on direct current, having accuracy classes of 0.0005 ... 0.1, as well as to auxiliary equipment which is a built-in part of the potentiometer. Classification system. Permissible errors for each accuracy class. Conditions for determination of errors. Markings. Information by the manufacturer.


Potentiomètres à courant continu

S'applique aux potentiomètres à courant continu comportant des résistances et des commutateurs et fonctionnant exclusivement en courant continu, et dont l'indice de classe est 0,0005... 0,1 (5 ppM... 1000 ppM (parties par million)), ainsi qu'aux équipements auxiliaires lorsqu'ils sont incorporés au potentiomètre. Spécifie un système de classification des potentiomètres. Indique les erreurs admissibles pour chaque indice de classe et les conditions pour la détermination des erreurs. Précise les inscriptions nécessaires et les informations à fournir par le constructeur.

Potenciometri za enosmerni tok (IEC 60523:1975 + A1:1979 + corrigendum dec. 1980)

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Potenciometri za enosmerni tok (IEC 60523:1975 + A1:1979 + corrigendum dec.
Direct-current potentiometers
Potentiomètres à courant continu
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60523:1993
17.220.20 0HUMHQMHHOHNWULþQLKLQ Measurement of electrical
PDJQHWQLKYHOLþLQ and magnetic quantities
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
à courant continu
Direct-current potentiometers
© IEC 1975 Droits de reproduction réservés —
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International Electrotechnical Commission
MemayHapogHaR 3JIeKTpOTexH144eCHap KOMHCCHR
Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur
• • For price, see current catalogue

- 3 -
1. Scope
2. Terms and definitions 7
2.1 D.C. potentiometer (hereinafter designated "potentiometer")
2.2 Measuring dials 7
2.3 Effective range 7
2.4 Range-changing device
2.5 Standardization of a potentiometer
2.6 Dial setting
2.7 Auxiliary equipment 7
2.8 Resolution
2.9 Circuit insulation voltage (nominal circuit voltage)
2.10 Ripple content 9
2.11 Leakage current screen (circuit)
2.12 Electrostatic screen
2.13 Measuring terminals
2.14 Measuring circuit
2.15 Measured quantity circuit selector switch 9
2.16 Residual e.m.f. of a potentiometer 9
2.17 Incremental linearity
2.18 Influence quantity 9
2.19 Common mode voltage
2.20 Variation with influence quantity 9
2.21 Reference conditions 11
2.22 Reference value
2.23 Reference range 11
2.24 Nominal range of use
2.25 Limiting values of an influence quantity 11
2.26 Fiducial value 11
2.27 Error
2.28 Intrinsic error 11
2.29 Accuracy
2.30 Accuracy class
2.31 Class index
Classification 3.
4. Limits of intrinsic error
4.1 Permissible limits of intrinsic error
4.2 Incremental linearity 13
4.3 Resolution
4.4 Range-changing device
4.5 Independent circuit for standardization of a potentiometer 15
Conditions for the determination of intrinsic errors 15
6. Permissible variations
6.1 Limits of variation
6.2 Conditions for the determination of the variations
6.3 Determination of the effect of a common mode voltage
Additional electrical and mechanical requirements 19
7.1 Voltage test and other safety requirements
7.2 Insulation resistance test
7.3 Measured quantity circuit selector switches 19
7.4 Rheostats for standardization of the potentiometer
7.5 Limiting temperature for storage, transport and use 19
8. Information, markings and symbols
8.1 Information
8.2 Markings, symbols and their locations
8.3 Documentation 23
8.4 Example of the marking of a potentiomter
APPENDIX A - Determination of the effect of common mode voltage. Direct method
APPENDIX B - Determination of the effect of common mode voltage. Indirect method (Superposition method)

The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the National
Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an inte rn
ational consensus of opinion
on the subjects dealt with.
2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
3) In order to promote international unification, the I EC expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text of
the IEC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the IEC
recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter.
This standard has been prepared by Sub-Committee 13B, Indicating Instruments, of I EC Technical Committee
No. 13, Measuring Instruments.
Drafts were discussed at the meetings held in Toronto in 1972 and in Copenhagen in 1973. The draft,
Document 13B(Central Office)44, was submitted to the National Committees for approval under the Six Months'
Rule in May 1974.
The following countries voted explicitly in favour of publication:
Argentina Japan
Austria Poland
Belgium Portugal
Brazil Romania
Canada South Africa (Republic of)
Denmark Sweden
Finland Turkey
France United Kingdom
Germany United States of America
Hungary Yugoslavia
— 7 —
1. Scope
This standard applies to d.c. potentiometers assembled from resistors and switches and operating entirely on
direct current, having accuracy classes of 0.0005 . 0.1 (5 ppM . 1 000 ppM (parts per million)). It applies
also to auxiliary equipment which is a built-in part of the potentiometer.
This standard does not apply to potentiometers which are set automatically or semi-automatically nor to those
which also employ graduations on the null detector to obtain a part of the indicated value, nor to external
auxiliary equipment used with the potentiometer.
2. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply.
2.1 D.C. potentiometer (hereinafter designated "potentiometer")
A voltage-measuring instrument in which the voltage to be measured is balanced against a known voltage
obtained by passing a fixed current through an adjustable resistor or an adjustable current through a fixed resistor,
or any combination thereof.
2.2 Measuring dials
The dials from which, taking into account the range factor, if any, the value of the measured quantity is
2.3 Effective range
For a specified range factor, the range of dial settings for which the potentiometer can measure with the stated
Range-changing device
A device whereby the effective range may be multiplied by a factor (e.g. 0.1) which is known as the range
2.5 Standardization of a potentiometer
Adjustment(s) necessary to ensure that a potentiometer is set correctly for measurement.
2.6 Dial setting
The setting of the measuring dials after balancing the potentiometer, multiplied by the range factor, if
applicable, when determining a measured voltage, after standardization of the potentiometer.
2.7 Auxiliary equipment
Additional equipment, which is or is not an integral part of the potentiometer, necessary to enable the poten-
tiometer to operate accurately and safely as specified.
2.8 Resolution
The voltage corresponding to either one step or the smallest division on the measuring dial of lowest value.

— 9 —
2.9 Circuit insulation voltage (nominal circuit voltage)
The highest voltage with respect to earth which may be applied to a circuit(s) of the potentiometer so that the
potentiometer is unlikely to become dangerous to touch.
Nole. — Auxiliary circuit(s) (if any) may have different value(s) of circuit insulation voltage (nominal circuit voltage).
2.10 Ripple content
The ripple content of a d.c. supply expressed as a percentage of the d.c. component is:
r.m.s. voltage of the fluctuating component
x 100
d.c. voltage
2.11 Leakage current screen (circuit)
A conductive path which prevents leakage currents from affecting the results of measurements.
2.12 Electrostatic screen
An electrically conductive enclosure or coating intended to protect the enclosed space from external electrostatic
2.13 Measuring terminals
The terminals to which the circuit of the voltage to be measured is intended to be connected.
2.14 Measuring circuit
The internal circuit of the potentiometer which is (or can be) conductively connected to the measuring terminals.
2.15 Measured quantity circuit selector switch
The switch which selects the set of measuring terminals to be connected to the measuring circuit.
2.16 Residual e.m.f of a potentiometer
The open circuit voltage present at the measuring terminals due to the potentiometer itself when it is operational
and its measuring dials are set to zero.
2.17 Incremental linearity
The overall linearity of a potentiometer is characterized by both of the following aspects:
constancy of the developed voltage for any two different settings of the measuring dials, each setting
indicating the same value.
b) constancy of incremental voltage developed between adjacent settings of any one measuring dial.
2.18 Influence quantity
A quantity, other than the measured quantity, which is liable to cause unwanted variation in the dial setting.
2.19 Common mode voltage
A voltage which exists between one of the measuring terminals (called the reference terminal of common mode
voltage) and the earth terminal, or the leakage current screen terminal, or the electrostatic screen terminal,
separately or collectively (as specified).
2.20 Variation with influence quantity
The difference between two measured values for the same measured quantity when an influence quantity assumes
successively two different specified values.

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2.21 Reference conditions
The specified conditions under which the potentiometer meets the requirements concerning intrinsic errors.
2.22 Reference value
A specified single value of an influence quantity at which, within the stated tolerance, the potentiometer meets
the requirements concerning intrinsic errors.
2.23 Reference range
A specified range of values of an influence quantity within which the potentiometer meets the requirements
concerning intrinsic errors.
2.24 Nominal range of use
A specified range of values which each influence quantity can assume without causing a variation exceeding
the specified limits.
2.25 Limiting values of an influence quantity
Extreme values which an influence quantity may assume without the potentiometer being damaged or perma-
nently altered in such a way that it no longer satisfies the requirements of its accuracy class.
2.26 Fiducial value
A single value for each effective range to which reference is made in order to specify the accuracy of a poten-
Unless otherwise stated by the manufacturer, the fiducial value of a given effective range is the highest integral
power of 10 within that range.
A potentiometer having a maximum dial setting of 1.8 V and range factors of 1, 0.1 and 0.01 will have
fiducial values of 1.0 V, 0.1 V and 0.01 V respectively.
2.27 Error
Value obtained by subtracting the true value of the measured quantity from the dial setting.
Since the true value cannot be determined by measurement, a value obtained under specified test conditions and
at a specified time is used instead. This value is traceable to national measurement standards or to measurement
standards agreed upon by manufacturer and user.
Note. — The error due to any auxiliary equipment which is not built-in to the potentiometer is not included in the error of the poten-
2.28 Intrinsic error
An error determined under reference conditions.
2.29 Accuracy
The accuracy of a potentiometer is defined by the limits of intrinsic error and the limits of variations due to
influence quantities.
2.30 Accuracy class
A class of potentiometers the accuracy of all of which can be designated by the same number if they comply
with all the requirements of this standard.
2.31 Class index
The number which designates the accuracy class.

— 13 —
3. Classification
Potentiometers specified in this standard are classified according to their accuracy classes as defined in
Sub-clause 2.30 as follows:
a) 0.0005, 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1
b) 5 ppM, 10 ppM, 20 ppM, 50 ppM, 100 ppM, 200 ppM, 500 ppM, 1 000 ppM.
The class index of a potentiometer may be expressed either in percentage using a) or in ppM using b) or both.
If a potentiometer has several measuring ranges, each range may have its own class index.
4. Limits of intrinsic error
Potentiometers shall comply with the relevant limits of intrinsic error specified for their respective accuracy
classes for the duration of one year from the date of certification associated with delivery or another date to be
agreed upon by the manufacturer (or responsible supplier) and the user, provided that the conditions of use, trans-
port and storage specified by the manufacturer are complied with.
Note. — For potentiometers, stability with regard to time is an essential characteristic. Here, it is specified only for the duration of
one year, but experience has shown that the rate of change due to ageing effects decreases with time.
4.1 Permissible limits of intrinsic error
The permissible limits of error of a potentiometer are composed of two parts:
— constant term related to the fiducial value,
— variable term proportional to the dial setting.
The two limits are given by the positive and negative values, respectively, of the binomial formula:
100 (1 0
+ X/
Elim is the permissible limit value of the error, expressed in volts,
Un is the fiducial value, expressed in volts,
X is the dial setting, expressed in volts,
c is the class index, expressed as a percentage.
When the class index c is expressed in ppM, the formula given below should be used:
C Un
Eitm = ^
1 000 000 10 + X
4.2 Incremental linearity
4.2.1 The difference in error corresponding to the same value of the measured quantity obtained by any two
dial settings shall not exceed half of the per

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