Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 5: Electrical ageing test

EN 50483 series applies to overhead line fittings for tensioning, supporting and connecting aerial bundled cables (ABC) of rated voltage U0/U (Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV. This Part 5 applies to the connections described in EN 50483-4, including branch connectors, Insulation Piercing Connectors (IPC), pre-insulated lugs (terminals) and through pre-insulated connectors (sleeves). The objective is to provide a method of testing the suitability of connectors when used under normal operating conditions with low voltage aerial bundled cables complying with HD 626. Two classes of connectors are covered by this standard: Class A: These are connectors intended for electricity distribution or industrial networks in which they can be subjected to short-circuits of relatively high intensity and duration. As a consequence, Class A connectors will be suitable for the majority of applications. Class B: These are connectors for networks in which overloads or short-circuits are rapidly cleared by the operation of protection devices. Depending on their application, the connectors are subjected to heat cycles and short-circuit current tests. Class A: the connectors are subjected to heat cycles and short-circuit current tests. Class B: the connectors are subjected to heat cycles only. The object of this Part 5 is to define the heating cycles test methods and requirements which apply to compression through connectors, insulation piercing connectors and all other type of connections for low voltage aerial bundled cables. NOTE This European Standard does not invalidate existing approvals of products achieved on the basis of national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. However, products approved according to such national standards or specifications cannot directly claim approval to this European Standard. It may be possible, subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser, and/or the relevant conformity assessment body, to demonstrate that conformity to the earlier standard can be used to claim conformity to this standard, provided an assessment is made of any additional type testing that may need to be carried out. Any such additional testing that is part of a sequence of testing cannot be done separately

Prüfanforderungen für Bauteile für isolierte Niederspannungsfreileitungen - Teil 5: Elektrische Alterungsprüfungen

EN 50483 (Reihe) gilt für oberirdisch zu verwendende Bauteile zum Abspannen, Aufhängen und Verbinden von isolierten Freileitungen (en: Aerial Bundled Cables, ABC) für eine Nennspannung von U0/U (Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV. Dieser Teil 5 gilt für die in EN 50483 4 beschriebenen Verbindungsmittel, einschließlich Abzweigverbinder, isolationsdurchdringender Verbinder (IPC), vorisolierter Kabelschuhe und vorisolierter Verbindungshülsen (Muffen). Das Ziel ist, ein Verfahren für die Prüfung der Eignung von Verbindern für den Einsatz mit Niederspannungsfreileitungen nach HD 626 unter Normalbetriebsbedingungen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Diese Norm deckt zwei Klassen von Verbindern ab: Klasse A: Dabei handelt es sich um Verbinder, die für die Verteilung elektrischer Energie oder für Netze im Industriebereich bestimmt sind, in denen sie Kurzschlüssen mit relativ hoher Intensität und Dauer ausgesetzt sein können. Dementsprechend sind Verbinder der Klasse A für die meisten Anwendungen geeignet. Klasse B: Dabei handelt es sich um Verbinder für Netze, in denen Überlasten und Kurzschlüsse durch das Eingreifen von Schutzeinrichtungen schnell ausgeglichen bzw. behoben werden. Abhängig von ihrer Anwendung werden diese Verbinder thermischen Wechselbeanspruchungen und Kurzschlussstromprüfungen unterzogen. Klasse A: die Verbinder werden einer thermischen Wechselbeanspruchung und einer Kurzschlussstromprüfung unterzogen. Klasse B: die Verbinder werden nur einer thermischen Wechselbeanspruchung unterzogen. Zweck dieses Teils 5 ist, die Prüfverfahren für die thermische Wechselbeanspruchung und die für Druckverbindungshülsen, isolationsdurchdringende Verbinder und für alle anderen Bauarten von Verbindungen für Niederspannungsfreileitungen geltenden Anforderungen festzulegen. ANMERKUNG Durch diese Europäische Norm verlieren bestehende Zulassungen nicht ihre Gültigkeit, die auf der Basis nationaler Normen und Spezifikationen und/oder anhand des Nachweises zufriedenstellender Ergebnisse im Einsatz erfolgte. Jedoch gelten nach früheren Normen oder Spezifikationen zugelassene Produkte nicht als nach dieser Europäischen Norm zugelassen. Es ist möglich, basierend auf einer Vereinbarung zwischen Lieferanten und Auftraggeber und/oder der zuständigen Stelle für Konformitätsbewertungen, nachzuweisen, dass die Konformität mit der früheren Norm für den Anspruch auf Konformität mit dieser Norm verwendet werden kann, vorausgesetzt, eine Bewertung aller zusätzlichen Typprüfungen, deren Durchführung erforderlich sein könnte, ist erfolgt. Alle zusätzlichen Prüfungen, die Teil einer Prüffolge sind, dürfen nicht separat durchgeführt werden.

Prescriptions relatives aux essais des accessoires pour réseaux aériens basse tension torsadés - Partie 5: Essai de vieillissement électrique

La série EN 50483 s’applique aux équipements de lignes aériennes pour ancrage, suspension et raccordement des câbles torsadés aériens de tension assignée U0/U (Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV. Cette Partie 5 s’applique aux raccords de connexions décrites dans la EN 50483-4, incluant les raccords de branchement, les raccords à perforation d’isolant (IPC), les cosses pré-isolées et les manchons pré-isolés de jonction. L’objectif est de fournir une méthode de test qui s’assure de la conformité des raccords, lors d’une utilisation dans des conditions normales d’opération, avec des câbles torsadés aériens conformes au HD 626. Deux classes de raccords sont concernées par cette norme: Classe A: il s’agit des raccords destinés à la distribution électrique ou aux réseaux industriels, dans lesquels ils peuvent être soumis à des courts-circuits d’intensité et de durée relativement élevées. En conséquence, les raccords de Classe A sont adaptés à la majorité des applications. Classe B: il s’agit des raccords destinés aux réseaux dans lesquels les surcharges ou les courts-circuits sont rapidement limités par des dispositifs de protection installés. Selon leur application, les raccords sont soumis à des cycles thermiques et des essais de court-circuit. Classe A: les raccords sont soumis à des cycles thermiques et des essais de courts-circuits. Classe B: les raccords sont soumis uniquement à des cycles thermiques. L’objet de la présente Partie 5 est de définir les méthodes d’essais des cycles thermiques et les exigences à appliquer aux raccords de jonction sertis, aux raccords à perforation d’isolant, et à tous les autres types de connexions pour les câbles torsadés aériens. NOTE La présente Norme Européenne n’annule pas les approbations existantes des produits obtenues sur la base de normes ou spécifications nationales et/ou obtenues par la démonstration de performance satisfaisante en service. Cependant, des produits approuvés selon de telles normes ou spécifications nationales ne peuvent directement réclamer l’approbation à la présente Norme Européenne. Il peut être possible sous réserve, d’un accord entre le fournisseur et l’acheteur et/ou à l’organisme compétent d’évaluation de conformité, de démontrer que l’ancienne conformité peut être utilisée pour se réclamer de la conformité à la présente norme, pourvu qu’une évaluation soit faite à partir de tout essai additionnel de type qui pourrait être nécessaire. Un tel essai additionnel faisant partie d’une séquence d’essais ne peut être réalisé séparément.

Zahteve za preskušanje pribora za nizkonapetostne izolirane nadzemne kable - 5. del: Preskus električnega staranja

General Information

Publication Date
Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
Parallel Committee
Current Stage
9093 - Decision to confirm - Review Enquiry
Due Date
Completion Date


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EN 50483-5:2009
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Standards Content (Sample)

Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories -- Part 5: Electrical
ageing test
Prüfanforderungen für Bauteile für isolierte Niederspannungsfreileitungen – Teil 5:
Elektrische Alterungsprüfungen
Prescriptions relatives aux essais des accessoires pour réseaux aériens basse tension
torsadés -- Partie 5: Essai de vieillissement électrique
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50483-5:2009
29.240.20 Daljnovodi Power transmission and
distribution lines
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 50483-5
January 2009
ICS 29.240.20
English version
Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories -
Part 5: Electrical ageing test

Prescriptions relatives aux essais  Prüfanforderungen für Bauteile für isolierte
des accessoires pour réseaux aériens Niederspannungsfreileitungen -
basse tension torsadés - Teil 5: Elektrische Alterungsprüfungen
Partie 5: Essai de vieillissement électrique

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2008-12-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2009 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50483-5:2009 E
This European Standard was prepared by a sub-group of WG 11 of the Technical Committee
CENELEC TC 20, Electric cables.
The text of the draft was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by CENELEC as
EN 50483-5 on 2008-12-01.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2009-12-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2011-12-01
This is Part 5 of CENELEC standard EN 50483 “Test requirements for low voltage aerial
bundled cable accessories”, which has six parts:
– Part 1: Generalities;
– Part 2: Tension and suspension clamps for self supporting system;
– Part 3: Tension and suspension clamps for neutral messenger system;
– Part 4: Connectors;
– Part 5: Electrical ageing test;
– Part 6: Environmental testing.
– 3 – EN 50483-5:2009
1 Sc op e . . 4
2 Normative references . 4
3 Terms and definitions . 5
4 Symbols . 7
5 Type test . 8
5.1 Principle . 8
5.2 Test arrangement . 8
5.3 Test spec im en . 11
5.4 Measurement . 13
5.5 Heat cycle . 15
5.6 Requir em ents . 19
Annex A (normative) Equalizers . 29
Annex B (informative) Determination of the value of the short-circuit current . 31
Annex C (informative) Recommendations to improve accuracy of measurement . 32
Bibliography . 33
Figure 1 – Lengths and configurations of conducting paths . 10
Figure 2 – Location of thermocouples . 14
Figure 3 – First heat cycle . 17
Figure 4 – Use of a concentric return conductor . 18
Figure 5 – Test loop for branch connectors with main and branch conductors having
equal cross-sections and linear resistances . 24
Figure 6 – Test loop for branch connectors with main and branch conductors having
unequal cross-sections and linear resistances . 25
Figure 7 – Test loop for through connectors with conductors having equal or unequal
cross-sections and linear resistances . 26
Figure 8 – Test loop for pre-insulated lugs . 28
Figure A.1 – Equalizers. 30
Figure B.1 – Diagram of short-circuit current . 31
Table 1 – Conducting path lengths . 11
Table 2 – Testing cross-sections of main and branch conductors . 12
Table 3 – Minimum elevated current heating time . 16
Table 4 – Test requirements . 23
Table A.1 – Dimensions of equalizers . 29

1 Scope
EN 50483 series applies to overhead line fittings for tensioning, supporting and connecting
aerial bundled cables (ABC) of rated voltage U /U (U ): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV.
0 m
This Part 5 applies to the connections described in EN 50483-4, including branch connectors,
Insulation Piercing Connectors (IPC), pre-insulated lugs (terminals) and through pre-insulated
connectors (sleeves).
The objective is to provide a method of testing the suitability of connectors when used under
normal operating conditions with low voltage aerial bundled cables complying with HD 626.
Two classes of connectors are covered by this standard:
Class A: These are connectors intended for electricity distribution or industrial networks in
which they can be subjected to short-circuits of relatively high intensity and duration. As a
consequence, Class A connectors will be suitable for the majority of applications.
Class B: These are connectors for networks in which overloads or short-circuits are rapidly
cleared by the operation of protection devices.
Depending on their application, the connectors are subjected to heat cycles and short-circuit
current tests.
Class A: the connectors are subjected to heat cycles and short-circuit current tests.
Class B: the connectors are subjected to heat cycles only.
The object of this Part 5 is to define the heating cycles test methods and requirements which
apply to compression through connectors, insulation piercing connectors and all other type of
connections for low voltage aerial bundled cables.
NOTE  This European Standard does not invalidate existing approvals of products achieved on the basis of
national standards and specifications and/or the demonstration of satisfactory service performance. However,
products approved according to such national standards or specifications cannot directly claim approval to this
European Standard. It may be possible, subject to agreement between supplier and purchaser, and/or the relevant
conformity assessment body, to demonstrate that conformity to the earlier standard can be used to claim
conformity to this standard, provided an assessment is made of any additional type testing that may need to be
carried out. Any such additional testing that is part of a sequence of testing cannot be done separately.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 50483 series, Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories
EN 61238-1:2003, Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables for rated voltages up to
36 kV (U = 42 kV) – Part 1: Test methods and requirements (IEC 61238-1:2003, mod.)
IEC 60050-461, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) – Part 461: Electric cables

– 5 – EN 50483-5:2009
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60050-461 and the
following apply.
occurring with no addition or loss of heat from the system under consideration
aerial bundled cable (ABC)
aerial cable consisting of a group of insulated conductors which are twisted together
including, or not, a non insulated conductor
[IEV 461-08-02, modified]
NOTE  The terms bundled conductors, bundled cables, bundled cores, conductor bundles and bundle could be
used as equivalent to the term aerial bundled cable (ABC).
insulated cable designed to be suspended overhead and outdoors
[IEV 461-08-01]
branch connector
metallic device for connecting a branch conductor to a main conductor at an intermediate
point on the latter
[IEV 461-17-05]
branch conductor
conductor connected to the main conductor by a connector
conductor insulation
insulation applied on a conductor
[IEV 461-02-02, modified]
conductor (of a cable)
part of a cable which has the specific function of carrying current
[IEV 461-01-01]
metallic device to connect cable conductors together
[IEV 461-17-03]
assembly comprising conductor and its own insulation
[IEV 461-04-04, modified]
arrangement used in the test loop to ensure a point of equipotential in a stranded conductor
[EN 61238-1:2003, 3.8]
insulation (of a cable)
insulating materials incorporated in a cable with the specific function of withstanding voltage
[IEV 461-02-01]
insulation piercing connector (IPC)
connector in which electrical contact with the conductor is made by metallic protrusions which
pierce the insulation of the ABC core
[IEV 461-11-08, modified]
median connector
connector which during the first heat cycle records the third highest temperature of the six
connectors in the test loop
[EN 61238-1:2003, 3.11]
pre-insulated (terminal) lug
insulated metallic device for connecting an insulated cable conductor to other electrical
pre-insulated through connector (sleeve)
insulated metallic device for connecting two consecutive lengths of insulated conductors
reference conductor
length of conductor(s) without any joints, which is included in the test loop and which enables
the reference temperature and reference resistance(s) to be determined
reusable connector
connector for connecting ABC to stripped cable or bare conductor where only the branch
connection can be reused
uniform and continuous tubular covering of metallic or non metallic material, generally
[IEV 461-05-03]
shear head
head of a bolt, or a device fitted over the head of a bolt or a nut, which is designed to break at
a specified torque
type test
test required to be made before supplying a type of material covered by this standard on a
general commercial basis, in order to demonstrate satisfactory performance characteristics to
meet the intended application
NOTE  These tests are of such a nature that, after they have been made, they need not be repeated unless
changes are made to the accessory materials, design or type of manufacturing process which might change the
performance characteristics.
– 7 – EN 50483-5:2009
4 Symbols
A, A , A electrical cross-sectional area of the conductors
1 2
D conductor diameter
D equalizer diameter
d conductor len

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