Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 11: HDV format for 1080i and 720p systems

It specifies the content, format, and recording method of data blocks containing video, audio, and system data on the helical scan digital video cassettes using 6,35 mm tape as defined in IEC 61834-1 for recording MPEG-2 streaming HD signals. The main specifications shall be as defined in IEC 61834-9 and IEC 61834-10. Other information, such as details about MPEG-2 stream descriptors, trick play data, system data, etc., are defined in Clause 7.

Aufzeichnungstechnik - Videokassettensystem mit digitaler Schrägspuraufzeichnung auf Magnetband 6,35 mm für den Heimgebrauch (Systeme 525-60, 625-50, 1125-60, 1250-50) - Teil 11: HDV-Format für 1080i- und 720p-Systeme

Enregistrement - Système de magnétoscope numérique à cassette à balayage hélicoïdal utilisant une bande magnétique de 6,35 mm, destiné au grand public (systèmes 525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 et 1250-50) - Partie 11: Format HDV destiné aux systèmes 1080i et 720p

Snemanje - Digitalni videokasetni snemalni sistem z zapisovanjem s poševnimi sledmi na magnetni trak širine 6,35 mm za splošno uporabo (sistemi 525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 in 1125-50) - 11. del: Format HDV (video visoke razločljivosti) za sistema 1080i in 720p (IEC 61834-11:2008)

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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 61834: Recording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35
mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1125-50 systems) --
Part 11: HDV format for 1080i and 720p systems (IEC 61834-11:2008)
Aufzeichnungstechnik - Videokassettensystem mit digitaler Schrägspuraufzeichnung auf
Magnetband 6,35 mm für den Heimgebrauch (Systeme 525-60, 625-50, 1125-60, 1250-
50) - Teil 11: HDV-Format für 1080i- und 720p-Systeme (IEC 61834-11:2008)
Enregistrement - Système de magnétoscope numérique à cassette à balayage hélicoïdal
utilisant une bande magnétique de 6,35 mm, destiné au grand public (systèmes 525-60,
625-50, 1125-60 et 1250-50) - Partie 11: Format HDV destiné aux systèmes 1080i et
720p (CEI 61834-11:2008)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 61834-11:2008
33.160.40 Video sistemi Video systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 61834-11
April 2008
ICS 33.160.40
English version
Recording -
Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system
using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) -
Part 11: HDV format for 1080i and 720p systems
(IEC 61834-11:2008)
Enregistrement -  Aufzeichnungstechnik -
Système de magnétoscope numérique Videokassettensystem mit
à cassette à balayage hélicoïdal utilisant digitaler Schrägspuraufzeichnung
une bande magnétique de 6,35 mm, auf Magnetband 6,35 mm
destiné au grand public für den Heimgebrauch (Systeme 525-60,
(systèmes 525-60, 625-50, 625-50, 1125-60, 1250-50) -
1125-60 et 1250-50) - Teil 11: HDV-Format für
Partie 11: Format HDV destiné 1080i- und 720p-Systeme
aux systèmes 1080i et 720p (IEC 61834-11:2008)
(CEI 61834-11:2008)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2008-03-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in two official versions (English and German). A version in any other language
made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the
Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2008 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 61834-11:2008 E
The text of document 100/1229/CDV, future edition 1 of IEC 61834-11, prepared by IEC TC 100, Audio,
video and multimedia systems and equipment, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC parallel vote and was
approved by CENELEC as EN 61834-11 on 2008-03-01.
The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2008-12-01
– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2011-03-01
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and CENELEC draw attention to the fact that it is claimed that compliance with
this document may involve the use of a patent concerning HDV recording format.
The IEC and CENELEC take no position concerning the evidence, validity and scope of this patent right.
The holder of this patent right has assured the IEC that he/she is willing to negotiate licences under reasonable and non-
discriminatory terms and conditions with applicants throughout the world. In this respect, the statement of the holder of this patent
right is registered with the IEC. Information may be obtained from:
Sony Corporation
1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0075 Japan
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights other than those
identified above. IEC and CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Annex ZA has been added by CENELEC.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 61834-11:2008 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
- 3 - EN 61834-11:2008
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

NOTE  When an international publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the relevant EN/HD
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year

1) 2)
IEC 61834-1 - Recording - Helical-scan digital video EN 61834-1 1998
cassette recording system using 6,35 mm
magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and
1250-50 systems) -
Part 1: General specifications

1) 2)
IEC 61834-2 - Recording - Helical-scan digital video EN 61834-2 1998
cassette recording system using 6,35 mm
magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and
1250-50 systems) -
Part 2: SD format for 525-60 and
625-50 systems
1) 2)
IEC 61834-4 - Recording - Helical-scan digital video EN 61834-4 1998
cassette recording system using 6,35 mm
magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and
1250-50 systems) -
Part 4: Pack header table and contents

1) 2)
IEC 61834-9 - Recording - Helical-scan digital video EN 61834-9 2001
cassette recording system using 6,35 mm
magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and
1250-50 systems) -
Part 9: DVB format
1) 2)
IEC 61834-10 - Recording - Helical-scan digital video EN 61834-10 2001
cassette recording system using 6,35 mm
magnetic tape for consumer use
(525-60, 625-50, 1125-60
and 1250-50 systems) -
Part 10: DTV format
1) 2)
EN ISO/IEC 11172-3
ISO/IEC 11172-3 - Information technology - Coding of moving 1995
pictures and associated audio for digital
storage media at up to about 1,5 Mbit/s -
Part 3: Audio
1) 2)
ISO/IEC 13818-1 - Information technology - Generic coding of EN ISO/IEC 13818-1 1997
moving pictures and associated audio
information: Systems
Undated reference.
Valid edition at date of issue.

Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
ISO/IEC 13818-2 - Information technology - Generic coding of - -
moving pictures and associated audio
information -
Part 2: Video
1) 2)
EN ISO/IEC 13818-3
ISO/IEC 13818-3 - Information technology - Generic coding of 1996
moving pictures and associated audio
information -
Part 3: Audio
1) 2)
EN ISO/IEC 13818-9
ISO/IEC 13818-9 - Information technology - Generic coding of 2000
moving pictures and associated audio
information -
Part 9: Extension for real time interface for
system decoders
ITU-R - Parameter values for the HDTV standards for - -
Recommendation production and international programme
BT.709-5 exchange
ETSI EN 300 468 2003 Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB): - -
Specification for Service Information (SI) in
DVB systems
ARIB STD-B10 - Service Information for Digital Broadcasting - -
IEC 61834-11
Edition 1.0 2008-02
Recording – Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm
magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) –
Part 11: HDV format for 1080i and 720p systems

ICS 33.160.40 ISBN 2-8318-9611-8

– 2 – 61834-11 © IEC:2008(E)

1 Scope.10
2 Normative references .11
3 Terms, definitions, symbols, abbreviations and conventions .12
4 Environment and test conditions.13
4.1 Environment .13
4.2 Reference tape.14
5 Helical recordings.14
5.1 HD1 mode .14
5.1.1 Tape speed .14
5.1.2 Record location and dimensions .14
5.2 HD2 mode .14
5.2.1 Tape speed .14
5.2.2 Sectors.15
5.2.3 Record location and dimensions .15
6 Programme track data arrangement.18
6.1 HD1 mode .18
6.1.1 Labelling conversion.18
6.1.2 Audio sector .18
6.1.3 Video sector .18
6.1.4 Subcode sector .18
6.2 HD2 mode .18
6.2.1 General .18
6.2.2 ITI sector .21
6.2.3 Main sector.22
6.2.4 Subcode sector .28
7 HD1 mode for 480, 576 and 720 systems .29
7.1 General .29
7.2 Normal play data .29
7.2.1 Introduction .29
7.2.2 System layer .29
7.2.3 Transport packet layer.29
7.2.4 Adaptation field .29
7.2.5 PES packet .30
7.2.6 PSI .30
7.2.7 Video.34
7.2.8 Audio.36
7.2.9 Embedding of pack data .37
7.2.10 Bit rate .38
7.3 Trick play data.38
7.3.1 TPH and TPL.38
7.3.2 PES packet .38
7.3.3 Transport stream .38
7.3.4 Transmission via digital interface.38
7.4 Seamless playback at transition point.39

61834-11 © IEC:2008(E) – 3 –
7.4.1 Management method of GOP recording position .39
7.4.2 PID.

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