Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 3: Industrial spaces

This standard specifies generic cabling to serve the automation islands in industrial premises, or industrial spaces within other types of building. It covers balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling. This standard specifies directly or via reference to EN 50173-1 the: - structure and minimum configuration for generic cabling within industrial spaces; - interfaces at the telecommunications outlet (TO); - performance requirements for cabling links and channels; - implementation requirements and options; - performance requirements for cabling components; - conformance requirements and verification procedures. This standard has taken into account requirements specified in application standards listed in EN 50173-1. Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this standard and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this standard can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations.

Informationstechnik - Anwendungsneutrale Kommunikationskabelanlagen - Teil 3: Industriell genutzte Bereiche

Diese Norm legt anwendungsneutrale Kommunikationskabelanlagen für die Versorgung von Automations-inseln an industriell genutzten Standorten oder in industriell genutzten Bereichen innerhalb anderer Gebäude-arten fest. Sie behandelt symmetrische Kupferverkabelung und Lichtwellenleiterverkabelung. Diese Norm legt entweder direkt oder mittels Verweisung auf EN 50173 1 Folgendes fest: – Struktur und Mindestkonfiguration für anwendungsneutrale Kommunikationskabelanlagen in industriell genutzten Bereichen; – Schnittstellen am informationstechnischen Anschluss (TA); – Anforderungen an das Leistungsvermögen von Verkabelungs- und Übertragungsstrecken; – Anforderungen an und Optionen für Ausführungen; – Anforderungen an das Leistungsvermögen von Verkabelungskomponenten; – Konformitätsanforderungen und Verifizierungsverfahren. In dieser Norm wurden Anforderungen berücksichtigt, die in den in EN 50173 1 aufgeführten Anwendungs-normen festgelegt werden. Anforderungen an Sicherheit und elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit (EMV) gehören nicht zum Anwendungs-bereich dieser Norm und werden von anderen Normen und Vorschriften behandelt. Jedoch können die in dieser Norm bereitgestellten Informationen bei der Einhaltung dieser Normen und Vorschriften hilfreich sein.

Technologies de l'information - Systèmes de câblage générique - Partie 3: Espaces industriels

Informacijska tehnologija - Univerzalni sistemi polaganja kablov - 3. del: Industrijska okolja

Ta standard določa univerzalne kable, namenjene za uporabo v avtomatiziranih otokih industrijskih prostorov ali industrijskih okoljih znotraj drugih vrst stavb.
Obravnava simetrične kable in kable z optičnimi vlakni.
Ta standard neposredno ali s sklicem na standard EN 50173-1 določa:
– strukturo in minimalno konfiguracijo univerzalnih kablov v industrijskih okoljih;
– vmesnike na telekomunikacijski vtičnici (TO);
– zahteve za zmogljivost kabelskih povezav in kanalov;
– zahteve in možnosti za izvedbo;
– zahteve za zmogljivost kabelskih komponent;
– zahteve za skladnost in postopke preverjanja.
Ta standard upošteva zahteve, določene v standardih za uporabo, navedenih v standardu EN 50173-1.
Varnostne zahteve in zahteve za elektromagnetno združljivost (EMC) ne spadajo na področje uporabe tega standarda ter so obravnavane v drugih standardih in predpisih. Vendar so lahko informacije iz tega standarda v pomoč pri izpolnjevanju teh standardov in predpisov.

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EN 50173-3:2018
English language
51 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST EN 50173-3:2008
SIST EN 50173-3:2008/A1:2011
SIST EN 50173-3:2008/A1:2011/AC:2011
Informacijska tehnologija - Univerzalni sistemi polaganja kablov - 3. del:
Industrijska okolja
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 3: Industrial spaces
Informationstechnik - Anwendungsneutrale Kommunikationskabelanlagen - Teil 3:
Industriell genutzte Bereiche
Technologies de l'information - Systèmes de câblage générique - Partie 3: Espaces
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50173-3:2018
33.040.50 Vodi, zveze in tokokrogi Lines, connections and
35.110 Omreževanje Networking
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

June 2018
ICS 35.110 Supersedes EN 50173-3:2007
English Version
Information technology - Generic cabling systems - Part 3:
Industrial spaces
Technologies de l'information - Systèmes de câblage Informationstechnik - Anwendungsneutrale
générique - Partie 3: Espaces industriels Kommunikationskabelanlagen - Teil 3: Industriell genutzte
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2018-03-19. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2018 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50173-3:2018 E
Contents Page
European foreword 6
Introduction 7
1 Scope and conformance 11
1.1 Scope 11
1.2 Conformance 11
2 Normative references 12
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations 12
3.1 Terms and definitions 12
3.2 Abbreviations 13
4 Structure of the generic cabling system in industrial spaces 13
4.1 General 13
4.2 Functional elements 14
4.3 Structure and hierarchy 14
4.4 Cabling subsystems 17
4.4.1 Industrial space cabling subsystems 17
4.4.2 Associated cabling subsystems 18
4.5 Design objectives 18
4.5.1 General 18
4.5.2 Intermediate cabling 19
4.5.3 Floor cabling 20
4.5.4 Backbone cabling 20
4.5.5 Tie cabling 20
4.6 Accommodation of functional elements 20
4.6.1 General 20
4.6.2 Telecommunications Outlets 21
4.6.3 Distributors 21
4.6.4 Cables 21
4.6.5 Consolidation Points 21
4.7 Interfaces 21
4.7.1 Equipment interfaces and test interfaces 21
4.7.2 Channels and links 22
4.8 Dimensioning and configuring 22
4.8.1 Distributors 22
4.8.2 Cables 23
4.8.3 Connecting hardware 23
4.8.4 Cords 23
4.8.5 Telecommunications Outlets and Consolidation Points 23
4.8.6 External network interface 24
5 Channel performance in industrial spaces 24
5.1 General 24
5.2 Environmental performance 26
5.3 Transmission performance 26
5.3.1 General 26
5.3.2 Balanced cabling 26
5.3.3 Optical fibre cabling 27
6 Reference implementations in industrial spaces 27
6.1 General 27
6.2 Balanced cabling 27
6.2.1 Assumptions 27
6.2.2 Intermediate cabling 28
6.2.3 Floor cabling 31
6.2.4 Backbone cabling 31
6.3 Optical fibre cabling 31
6.3.1 Intermediate and floor cabling 31
6.3.2 Backbone cabling 32
7 Requirements for cables in industrial spaces 33
7.1 General 33
7.2 Balanced cables of Category 5, 6, 6 7, 7 , 8.1 and 8.2 33
A, A
7.3 Optical fibre cables of Category OM3, OM4, OM5, OS1a and OS2 33
8 Requirements for connecting hardware in industrial spaces 33
8.1 General requirements 33
8.2 Balanced connecting hardware 34
8.2.1 General requirements 34
8.2.2 Electrical, mechanical and environmental performance 34
8.3 Optical fibre connecting hardware 34
8.3.1 General requirements 34
8.3.2 Connecting hardware for optical fibres 34
9 Requirements for cords and jumpers in industrial spaces 35
9.1 Jumpers 35
9.2 Balanced cords of Category 5, 6, 6A, 7, 7A, 8.1 and 8.2 35
9.2.1 General 35
9.2.2 Additional requirements for certain cords 35
9.3 Optical fibre cords of Category OM3, OM4, OM5, OS1a and OS2 35
Annex A (normative) Permanent link performance limits 36
A.1 General 36
A.2 Balanced cabling and optical fibre cabling 37
A.2.1 General 37
A.2.2 Balanced cabling 37
A.2.3 Optical fibre cabling 37
Annex B (normative) Industrial cabling subsystem 38
B.1 General 38
B.2 Industrial cabling subsystem 39
Annex C (normative) Reference implementations that do not conform to Clause 4 40
C.1 General 40
C.2 Connection-less channels 40
C.2.1 General 40
C.2.2 Channels with no connections 40
C.2.3 Channels with interconnections 41
C.3 Channels using balanced cabling bulkhead connections 43
Annex D (informative) Alternative cabling implementations 47
D.1 General 47
D.2 Channels using balanced cabling bulkhead connections with additional connections 47
Bibliography 51
Figure 1 — Schematic relationship between the EN 50173 series and other relevant standards 8
Figure 2 — Relationships between the generic cabling standards produced by CLC TC215 and CLC SC65CX
Figure 3 — Structure of generic cabling 14
Figure 4 — Hierarchical topology of structured cabling 15
Figure 5 — Structures for centralized generic cabling 16
Figure 6 — Interconnections at the TO 17
Figure 7 — Examples of cabling implementation to improve reliability 19
Figure 8 — Accommodation of functional elements 21
Figure 9 — Test and equipment interfaces 22
Figure 10 — Transmission performance of an intermediate cabling channel 25
Figure 11 — Example of a system showing the location of cabling interfaces 26
Figure 12 — Intermediate cabling models 30
Figure 13 — Combined optical fibre intermediate/floor channels 32
Figure A.1 — Permanent link options 36
Figure B.1 — Industrial cabling system supporting several AIs 38
Figure B.2 — Combined structure of generic and industrial cabling system using an IID 39
Figure C.1 — Channel configurations with no connections 41
Figure C.2 — Channel configurations with balanced cabling interconnections 42
Figure C.3 — Channel configurations with balanced cabling bulkhead connections 44
Figure D.1 — Alternative channel configurations 48
Table 1 — Contextual relationship between EN 50173 series and other standards relevant for information
technology cabling systems 8
Table 2 — Maximum channel lengths for reference implementations 23
Table 3 — Intermediate channel length equations 30
Table C.1 — Channel equations for balanced cabling 43
Table C.2 — Channel equations for bulkhead connections 45
Table D.1 — Alternative channel equations 50
European foreword
This document (EN 50173-3:2018) has been prepared by the Technical Committee CENELEC TC 215
"Electrotechnical aspects of telecommunication equipment".
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has (dop) 2019-03-19
to be implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national (dow) 2021-03-19
standards conflicting with this document
have to be withdrawn
This document supersedes EN 50173-3:2007 + A1:2010 + AC:2011.
The European Standards EN 50173:1995 and EN 50173-1:2002 have been developed to enable the
application-independent cabling to support ICT applications in office premises. Their basic principles,
however, are applicable to other types of applications and in other types of premises.
TC 215 has decided to establish relevant European Standards which address the specific requirements of
these premises. In order to point out the commonalities of these cabling design standards, these EN are
published as individual parts of the series EN 50173, thus also acknowledging that standards users recognize
the designation “EN 50173” as a synonym for generic cabling design.
At the time of publication of this European Standard, series EN 50173 comprises the following standards:
EN 50173-1 Information technology – Generic cabling systems – Part 1: General requirements
EN 50173-2 Information technology – Generic cabling systems – Part 2: Office premises
EN 50173-3 Information technology – Generic cabling systems – Part 3: Industrial spaces
EN 50173-4 Information technology – Generic cabling systems – Part 4: Homes
EN 50173-5 Information technology – Generic cabling systems – Part 5: Data centres
EN 50173-6 Information technology – Generic cabling systems – Part 6: Distributed building services
This European Standard, EN 50173-3, contains specific requirements for generic cabling systems intended to
be operated in industrial premises, referencing the general requirements of EN 50173-1:2018
This edition of EN 50173-3:
a) introduces new balanced cabling component Categories 8.1 and 8.2 to support new channel Classes I
and II;
b) introduces a new cabled optical fibre Category OM5 and Category OS1a;
c) introduces a new Annex on the industrial cabling subsystem;
d) amends various other subclauses, tables and figures;
e) aligns the document structure across the EN 50173 series and updates the document both technically
and editorially.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
The importance of cabling infrastructure is similar to that of other fundamental utilities such as water and
energy supply and interruptions to the services provided over that infrastructure can have a serious impact. A
lack of design foresight, the use of inappropriate components, incorrect installation, poor administration or
inadequate support can threaten quality of service and have commercial consequences for all types of users.
This standard specifies generic cabling to serve the automation islands in industrial premises, or industrial
spaces within other types of building.
Additionally those premises can include:
— office spaces for which generic cabling is specified in EN 50173-2;
— data centre spaces for which generic cabling is specified in EN 50173-5.
Generic cabling for distributed building services in industrial spaces is specified in EN 50173-6 which
addresses all of the above premises and spaces within them.
Figure 1 and Table 1 show the schematic and contextual relationships between the standards produced by
TC 215 for information technology cabling, namely:
1) this and other parts of the EN 50173 series;
2) installation (EN 50174 series);
3) bonding (EN 50310).
Figure 1 — Schematic relationship between the EN 50173 series and other relevant standards
Table 1 — Contextual relationship between EN 50173 series and other standards relevant for
information technology cabling systems
Building design Generic cabling Specification Installation Operation phase
phase design phase phase phase
EN 50173-2 EN 50174-1
EN 50173-3
Planning phase
EN 50173-4
EN 50174-2
EN 50173-5
EN 50310 EN 50174-3 EN 50174-1
EN 50173-6 EN 50174-2
EN 50310
EN 50174-3
(these ENs
EN 50310
reference general
requirements of
EN 50173-1)
In addition, a number of Technical Reports have been developed to support or extend the application of these
standards, including:
— CLC/TR 50173-99-1, Cabling guidelines in support of 10 GBASE-T;
— CLC/TR 50173-99-2, Information technology — Implementation of BCT applications using cabling in
accordance with EN 50173-4;
— CLC/TR 50173-99-3, Information technology — Generic cabling systems — Part 99-3: Home cabling
infrastructures up to 50 m in length to support simultaneous and non simultaneous provision of
In addition, a number of cabling design standards have been developed using components of EN 50173-1
(e.g. EN 50098 series and EN 50700).
The generic cabling specified by this standard provides users with:
— an application independent system capable of supporting a wide range of applications in a range of
installation and operating environments;
— a flexible scheme such that modifications are both easy and economical;
— a multi-vendor supply chain within an open market for cabling components.
In addition this standard provides:
a) relevant industry professionals with guidance allowing the accommodation of cabling before specific
requirements are known; i.e. in the initial planning either for construction or refurbishment and for further
deployment as the requirements of areas are defined;
b) industry and standardization bodies with a cabling system which supports current products and provides
a basis for future product development and applications standardization.
Applications addressed in this standard include those developed by the Technical Committees of IEC
(including the subcommittees of ISO/IEC JTC 1) a

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