CISPR 15:2018 applies to the emission (radiated and conducted) of radiofrequency disturbances from:
- lighting equipment (3.3.16);
- the lighting part of multi-function equipment where this lighting part is a primary function;
- UV and IR radiation equipment for residential and non-industrial applications;
- advertising signs;
- decorative lighting;
- emergency signs.
Excluded from the scope of this document are:
- components or modules intended to be built into lighting equipment and which are not user-replaceable;
- lighting equipment operating in the ISM frequency bands (as defined in Resolution 63 (1979) of the ITU Radio Regulation);
- lighting equipment for aircraft and airfield facilities (runways, service facilities, platforms);
- video signs;
- installations;
- equipment for which the electromagnetic compatibility requirements in the radio-frequency range are explicitly formulated in other CISPR standards, even if they incorporate a built-in lighting function.
The frequency range covered is 9 kHz to 400 GHz. No measurements need to be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified in this document.
Multi-function equipment which is subjected simultaneously to different clauses of this document and/or other standards need to meet the provisions of each clause/standard with the relevant functions in operation.
For equipment outside the scope of this document and which includes lighting as a secondary function, there is no need to separately assess the lighting function against this document, provided that the lighting function was operative during the assessment in accordance with the applicable standard. The radiated emission requirements in this document are not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU, nor to any spurious emissions related to these intentional transmissions.
Within the remainder of this document, wherever the term "lighting equipment" or "EUT" is used, it is meant to be the electrical lighting and similar equipment falling in the scope of this document as specified in this clause. This ninth edition cancels and replaces the eighth edition published in 2013 and its Amendment 1:2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) full editorial revision and restructuring;
b) the restriction to mains and battery operation is deleted in the scope;
c) radiated disturbance limits in the frequency range 300 MHz to 1 GHz have been introduced;
d) the load terminals limits and the CDNE (alternative to radiated emissions) limits have changed;
e) deletion of the insertion-loss requirements and the associated Annex A;
f) introduction of three basic ports: wired network ports, local wired ports and the enclosure port;
g) introduction of a more technology-independent approach;
h) replacement of Annex B (CDNE) by appropriate references to CISPR 16-series of standards;
i) modified requirements for the metal holes of the conical housing;
j) new conducted disturbance measurement method for GU10 self-ballasted lamp;
k) addition of current probe measurement method and limits for various types of ports (in addition to voltage limits and measurement methods);
l) introduction of the term ‘module’ (instead of independent auxiliary) and requirements for measurement of modules using a host (reference) system;
m) modified specifications for stabilization times of EUTs;
n) for large EUT (> 1,6 m), addition of the magnetic field measurement method using a 60 cm loop antenna at 3 m distance (method from CISPR 14-1) as an alternative to the 3 m and 4 m LAS.
Keywords: emission (radiated and conducted) of radiofrequency disturbance
The contents of the Interpretation Sheet 1 of November 2019 have been included in this copy.

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    170 pages
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  • Standard
    153 pages
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IEC 62153-4-9:2018 is also available as IEC 62153-4-9:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
IEC 62153-4-9:2018 applies to metallic communication cables. It specifies a test method for determining the coupling attenuation aC of screened balanced cables. Due to the concentric outer tube, measurements are independent of irregularities on the circumference and external electromagnetic fields. A wide dynamic and frequency range can be applied to test even super screened cables with normal instrumentation from low frequencies up to the limit of defined transversal waves in the outer circuit at approximately 4 GHz. However, when using a balun, the upper frequency is limited by the properties of the balun. Measurements can be performed with standard tube procedure (respectively with standard test head) according to IEC 62153-4-4 or with open tube (open test head) procedure.
The procedure described herein to measure the coupling attenuation aC is based on the procedure to measure the screening attenuation aS according to IEC 62153-4-4. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
– two test procedures, open head and standard head procedure;
– measuring with balun or with multiport respectively mixed mode VNA;
– extension of frequency range up to and above 2 GHz.

  • Standard
    89 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    70 pages
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  • Standard
    76 pages
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  • Standard
    56 pages
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IEC 62153-4-3:2013(E) determines the screening effectiveness of a cable shield by applying a well-defined current and voltage to the screen of the cable and measuring the induced voltage in order to determine the surface transfer impedance. This test measures only the magnetic component of the transfer impedance. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- now three different test configurations are described;
- formulas to calculate the maximum frequency up to which the different test configurations can be used are included;
- the effect of ground loops is described.

  • Standard
    45 pages
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  • Standard
    94 pages
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IEC 62153-4-15:2021 is available as IEC 62153-4-15:2021 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
IEC 62153-4-15:2021 specifies the procedures for measuring with triaxial cell the transfer impedance, screening attenuation or the coupling attenuation of connectors, cable assemblies and components, for example accessories for analogue and digital transmission systems, and equipment for communication networks and cabling. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2015.This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) measurement of coupling attenuation of balanced connectors, assemblies and components with balun and balunless added;
b) application of a test adapter was added;
c) application of a moveable shorting plane;
d) application of the triaxial "absorber" cell;
e) correction of test results in the case that the receiver input impedance R is higher than the characteristic impedance of the outer circuit Z2.

  • Standard
    148 pages
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  • Standard
    92 pages
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  • Standard
    90 pages
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IEC TR 61000-1-9:2024 which is a Technical Report, provides examples for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty of harmonic emission tests performed using IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-12, and their application to the relevant conformity decisions. It also contains practical formulae to enable calculations in accordance with ISO/IEC Guide 98-3 (GUM).

  • Technical report
    23 pages
    English language
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IEC 61000-3-2:2018 est disponible sous forme de IEC 61000-3-2:2018 RLV qui contient la Norme internationale et sa version Redline, illustrant les modifications du contenu technique depuis l'édition précédente.  L’IEC 61000-3-2:2018 traite de la limitation des courants harmoniques injectés dans le réseau public d’alimentation. Elle définit les limites des harmoniques du courant d’entrée qui peuvent être produits par les matériels soumis à l’essai dans des conditions spécifiées. La présente partie de l’IEC 61000 est applicable aux appareils électriques et électroniques ayant un courant d’entrée assigné dont la valeur est inférieure ou égale à 16 A par phase et qui sont destinés à être raccordés à des réseaux publics de distribution à basse tension. Le matériel de soudage à l'arc qui n’est pas du matériel professionnel, dont le courant d’entrée assigné est inférieur ou égal à 16 A par phase, relève du présent document. Le matériel de soudage à l'arc destiné à un usage professionnel, tel que spécifié dans l’IEC 60974-1, est exclu du domaine d'application du présent document et peut être sujet à des restrictions d'installation comme indiqué dans l'IEC 61000-3-12. Les essais effectués conformément au présent document sont des essais de type. Les limites applicables aux réseaux dont la tension nominale est strictement inférieure à 220 V (entre phase et neutre) n'ont pas encore été envisagées. Cette cinquième édition annule et remplace la quatrième édition parue en 2014. Cette édition constitute une révision technique. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente: a) une mise à jour des limites d’émission pour les appareils d'éclairage ayant une puissance assignée ≤ 25 W afin de tenir compte des nouveaux types d’appareils d'éclairage; b) l’ajout d'un seuil de 5 W en dessous duquel aucune limite d’émission ne s’applique à l’ensemble des appareils d'éclairage; c) la modification des exigences qui s’appliquent aux variateurs de lumière lorsqu'ils font fonctionner des lampes qui ne sont pas à incandescence; d) l’ajout de conditions d'essai applicables aux dispositifs de commande d'éclairage par transmission numérique côté charge; e) la suppression de l'emploi de lampes de référence et de ballasts de référence pour les essais des appareils d'éclairage; f) la simplification et la clarification de la terminologie employée pour les appareils d'éclairage; g) la classification en classe A des luminaires professionnels pour l'éclairage des scènes de théâtre et pour les studios; h) une clarification de la classification des appareils d'éclairage de secours; i) une clarification pour les appareils d'éclairage comportant un module de commande ayant une puissance active d’entrée ≤ 2 W; j) une mise à jour des conditions d’essai des récepteurs de télévision; k) une mise à jour des conditions d’essai des tables de cuisson à induction, tenant compte également des autres types d’appareils de cuisson; l) en cohérence avec l’IEC 61000-3-12, une modification du domaine d’application de l’IEC 61000-3-2, qui couvrait les appareils ayant un courant d’entrée ≤ 16 A, et qui couvre maintenant les appareils ayant un courant d’entrée assigné ≤ 16 A. Mots-clés: courants harmoniques

  • Standard
    114 pages
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  • Standard
    80 pages
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  • Standard
    73 pages
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  • Standard
    168 pages
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  • Standard
    210 pages
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CISPR 11:2024 applies to industrial, scientific and medical electrical equipment operating in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz and to domestic and similar appliances designed to generate and/or use locally radio-frequency energy. This document covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 400 GHz. For ISM RF applications in the meaning of the definition found in the ITU Radio Regulations (2020) (see Definition 3.1.18), this document covers emission requirements related to radio-frequency disturbances in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 18 GHz. ISM equipment which incorporates radio transmit/receive functions (host equipment with radio functionality) is included in the scope of this document, see Annex F. However, the emission requirements in this document are not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU including their spurious emissions.
NOTE 1 This exclusion only applies to emissions from the intentional radio transmitter. However, combination emissions, for example emissions resulting from intermodulation between the radio and the non-radio subassemblies of the ISM equipment, are not subject to this exclusion.
NOTE 2 Emission requirements for induction cooking appliances are specified in CISPR 14-1.
Requirements for ISM RF lighting equipment and UV irradiators operating at frequencies within the ISM frequency bands defined by the ITU Radio Regulations are contained in this document.
Robots used for industrial, scientific and medical applications are in the scope of this document.
EXAMPLE Welding robots, spraying robots, handling robots, processing robots, assembly robots, medical robots, education and experimental robots. A comprehensive list of robots in the scope of this document is given on the IEC EMC zone.
NOTE 3 Flying robots, domestic helper robots, toy robots and entertainment robots are examples of robots in the scope of other CISPR standards.
Equipment covered by other CISPR product and product family emission standards are excluded from the scope of this document.
This seventh edition cancels and replaces the sixth edition published in 2015, Amendment 1:2016 and Amendment 2:2019. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) introduction of limits for radiated disturbances in the frequency range above 1 GHz for group 1 equipment in line with the requirements given in the generic emission standards;
b) introduction of limits for conducted disturbances on the wired network port in line with the requirements given in the generic emission standards;
c) introduction of requirements for equipment which incorporates radio transmit/receive functions;
d) introduction of definitions for various types of robots;
e) consideration of some particular conditions when measuring robots, such as measurement setups and operating modes of robots.

  • Standard
    313 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    194 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TR 61000-3-18:2024 which is a technical report, reports on the development of a methodology for adapting IEC equipment emission limits from IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-12 for use in regions not covered by these documents. It identifies gaps in the existing equipment emission limit standards concerning their international applicability and identifies public power system characteristics important for the evaluation of harmonic voltage performance. The purpose of adapting the above-mentioned IEC equipment harmonic emission standards in a particular region is to maintain similar electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of equipment up to 75 A per phase in the public power systems in those regions.
NOTE The boundaries between the various voltage levels differ amongst different countries (see IEC 60050‑601:1985, 601-01-28). This document uses the following terms when referring to 50 Hz and 60 Hz system voltages:
- low voltage (LV) refers to Un ≤ 1 kV;
- medium voltage (MV) refers to 1 kV  - high voltage (HV) refers to 35 kV  EMC requirements can have economic and societal impacts; these have not been considered in the development of this document. The consideration of these factors generally occurs in the technical committees working on development and maintenance of emission limit standards.

  • Technical report
    58 pages
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This document provides specific emission and immunity requirements, tests and performance criteria for residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs), for household and similar use, for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V. Household and similar use corresponds to the description given in the generic standard IEC 61000-6-1 for residential, commercial, and light-industrial electromagnetic environments. This document is intended to be referred to by RCD product standards and is not intended to be used as a standalone document. Residual current-operated protective devices are: - Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCCBs) covered by IEC 61008 series and IEC 62423; - Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use (RCBOs) covered by IEC 61009 series and IEC 62423; - Residual current devices with or without overcurrent protection for socket-outlets (SRCDs) covered by IEC 62640; - Portable residual current devices without integral overcurrent protection (PRCDs) covered by IEC 61540; - Devices with an RCD functionality for household and similar use according product standards following the group safety publications for general safety requirements for RCDs, IEC 60755. This edition applies if it is referred to as a dated reference in the relevant product standard. This document is also intended to be used as a guideline in the preparation of EMC requirements and tests for other product standards under the scope of SC 23E. It also specifies generic performance criteria intended to be transformed into specific performance criteria by the relevant product standard. Note: Examples of other product standards under the scope of SC 23E are: - IEC 62020-1 "Electrical accessories - Residual current monitors (RCMs) – Part 1: RCMs for household and similar uses"; - IEC 62606 "General requirements for arc fault detection devices"; - IEC 63024 "Requirements for automatic reclosing devices (ARDs) for circuit breakers, RCBOs-RCCBs for household and similar uses"; - IEC 63052 "Power frequency overvoltage protective devices (POPs) for household and similar applications"; - IEC 62752 "In-cable control and protection device for mode 2 charging of electric road vehicles (IC-CPD)"; - IEC 62955 "Residual direct current detecting device (RDC-DD) to be used for mode 3 charging of electric vehicles".

  • Standard
    17 pages
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CISPR 36:2020 defines limits for 3 m measurement distance and methods of measurement that are designed to provide protection for off-board receivers (at 10 m distance) in the frequency range of 150 kHz to 30 MHz when used in the residential environment.
NOTE Protection of receivers used on board the same vehicle as the disturbance source(s) is covered by CISPR 25.
This document applies to the emission of electromagnetic energy which might cause interference to radio reception and which is emitted from electric and hybrid electric vehicles propelled by an internal traction battery (see 3.2 and 3.3) when operated on the road. This document applies to vehicles that have a traction battery voltage between 100 V and 1 000 V.
Electric vehicles to which CISPR 14-1 applies are not in the scope of this document. This document applies only to road vehicles where an electric propulsion is used for sustained speed of more than 6 km/h. Vehicles where the electric motor is only used to start up the internal combustion engine (e.g. "micro hybrid") and vehicles where the electric motor is used for additional propulsion only during acceleration (e.g. "48 V mild hybrid vehicles") are not in the scope of this document. The radiated emission requirements in this document are not applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU including their spurious emissions. Annex C lists work being considered for future revisions.

  • Standard
    48 pages
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  • Standard
    104 pages
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This document specifies the measurement of two- and four-pair balanced cabling of the following cabling configurations specified in prEN 50173 20:
a)   end-to-end (E2E) link Class D, E and EA;
b)   modular plug terminated links (MPTLs) of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II;
c)    direct attach cabling of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II.
The free connectors which terminate two and four pairs in field and laboratory conditions are included.
This document specifies laboratory and field measurement procedures. The requirements for accuracy to measure cabling parameters identified in prEN 50173 20 are provided in IEC 61935 1 and EN 61935 2.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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2020-12-01: common mod - no xml
2019-10-29: D164/C050: Amendment to add Annex ZZ to EN IEC 55015:2019 & enable citation in OJEU
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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2020-12-01: common modification - no xml
2019-10-29: D164/C050: Amendment to add Annex ZZ to EN 55011:2016 & enable citation in OJEU

  • Amendment
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2020-12-01: no xml because common mod
2019-10-29: D164/C050: Amendment to add Annex ZZ to EN 55032:2015 & enable citation in OJEU
2021: CLC legacy converted by DCLab NISOSTS

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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NEW!IEC 61000-3-11:2017 is available as IEC 61000-3-11:2017 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 61000-3-11:2017 is concerned with the emission of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker produced by equipment and impressed on the public low-voltage supply system. It specifies the limits of voltage changes produced by equipment tested under specified conditions. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) addition of a new Annex A which explains the limitations and effectiveness of IEC 61000‑3-11 regarding the connection of multiple items of similar equipment at the same location in the supply network.

  • Standard
    22 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    24 pages
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This document specifies the measurement of two- and four-pair balanced cabling of the following cabling configurations specified in EN 50173 20: a) end-to-end (E2E) link Class D, E and EA; b) modular plug terminated links (MPTLs) of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II; c) direct attach cabling of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II. The free connectors which terminate two and four pairs in field and laboratory conditions are included. This document specifies laboratory and field measurement procedures. The requirements for accuracy to measure cabling parameters identified in EN 50173 20 are provided in IEC 61935 1 and EN 61935 2.

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    15 pages
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IEC 61543:2022 provides specific emission and immunity requirements, tests and performance criteria for residual current-operated protective devices (RCDs), for household and similar use, for rated voltages not exceeding 440 V.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995, Amendment 1:2004 and Amendment 2:2005. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant changes with respect to the previous edition:
some editorial modifications were introduced to comply to the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2:2021, e.g. introduction of Clause 3 – Terms and Definitions and renumbering of the whole document. In particular, the numbering of performance criteria has been changed (5.1.1, 5.1.2 become A, B, etc.);
some technical improvements:
Modification of scope and addition of Clause 6 and Clause 7 to enable the use of this document as a guideline for the preparation of EMC requirements and tests for other product standards under the scope of SC 23E;
Requirements for voltage dips and interruptions added;
Repetition rate for burst-test, defined at 5 kHz;
Surge test: Specifying impulse voltage application point and adding of voltages 2 kV, 1 kV and 0,5 kV to test T 5b;
Radiated radio-frequency electromagnetic field: Adding of frequency range 1,4 GHz to 6 GHz and specifying frequencies for the test at 1,25 IΔn;
Conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz: Specifying frequencies for the test at 1,25 IΔn;
Electrostatic discharges: Change of performance criteria from 5.1.3 to B.

  • Standard
    30 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-6-4:2018 is also available as IEC 61000-6-4:2018 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
\r\nIEC 61000-6-4:2018 for emission requirements applies to electrical and electronic equipment intended for use within the environment existing at industrial (see 3.1.12) locations. This document does not apply to equipment that fall within the scope of IEC 61000-6-3. The environments encompassed by this document cover both indoor and outdoor locations. Emission requirements in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz are covered in this document and have been selected to provide an adequate level of protection of radio reception in the defined electromagnetic environment. No measurement needs to be performed at frequencies where no requirement is specified. These requirements are considered essential to provide an adequate level of protection to radio services. Not all disturbance phenomena have been included for testing purposes but only those considered relevant for the equipment intended to operate within the environments included within this document. Requirements are specified for each port considered. This generic EMC emission standard is to be used where no applicable product or product-family EMC emission standard is available. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006 and Amendment 1:2010 This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
\r\na) possible future requirements on DC ports;
\r\nb) possible future radiated polarity specific emission limits within a FAR;
\r\nc) the definition of which average detector is used for emission measurements at frequencies above 1GHz and that results using a peak detector are acceptable for all measurements;
\r\nd) the definition of different EUT test arrangements.
\r\nKeywords: emission standard for industrial environments

  • Standard
    31 pages
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    1 day

2020-03-12: A11 allows citation EMCD
2019-09-19: mtg TC 210, CCMC & EC: 80/80 rule: Temporary solution = to have a Note in Annex ZZ. - longer term: 80/80 rule to be removed by end of Sept. 2020
2019-08-13: Annex ZZ in line with EC suggestions received
2019-07-02 BT D162/C064: to be published as non hEN - harmonisation to be covered by A11’
2018-07-17 - GEM - unflagged as candidate for citation, not to be offered until issues are solved
2018-05-28  -  TAN - in-check : negative assessment at CDV stage. FDIS stage assessment is not requested.

  • Standard
    78 pages
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    1 day

2020-12-14 EC letter: citation of EN + A1 put on hold EMC and RED - either to cite with a restriction or TC to povide other solution, link to directives temporary removed
2020-02-19: EC mail with concerns for citation under RED and subsequently also EMC - CCMC proposal to discuss during EC EG RE 2020-03-02
2020-02-07: EC letter acception for citation EMCD
2019-06-06 D163/C005: noting positive assessment, approved Annex ZZ and ZA and asked to make document available
2019-04-24: BT doc prepared
2019-03-32 D162/C065 TC to submit EMC elements to BT
2019-02-01: confirmation of positive assessment for RED and EMCD
2019-01-23 lacking answer, EY Confirmation requested
2019-01-07 EY Confirmation requested
2018-11-30 Discussed with under EY Quality Review: simplifierd AR is inconclusive
2018-09-03: HAS assessment (2018-08-02) : interpreted to be 'Compliant', go to BT for integration in the text of Annexes ZZ
2018-05-22: submitted for assessment on 2018-05-18

  • Amendment
    8 pages
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This document specifies statistical considerations for the evaluation of unwanted radio frequency emissions of mass-produced products. NOTE 1 It is based on CISPR TR 16-4-3. The reasons for such statistical considerations are: a) that the abatement of interference aims that the majority of the products to be approved shall not cause interference; b) that the CISPR limits should be suitable for the purpose of type approval of mass-produced products as well as approval of single-produced products; c) that to ensure compliance of mass-produced products with the CISPR limits, statistical techniques have to be applied; d) that it is important for international trade that the limits shall be interpreted in the same way in every country. Therefore, this document specifies requirements and provides guidance based on statistical techniques. EMC compliance of mass-produced products with the requirements of this document are based on the application of statistical techniques that reassure the consumer, with an 80 % degree of confidence, that 80 % of the products of a type being investigated comply with the limits for unintended radio frequency emission. This document does not define limits or measuring methods. It can be used only after measurements of unwanted radio frequency emissions have been performed according to the applicable standard for the unwanted radio frequency emissions. NOTE 2 Clause 4 gives some general requirements on the interpretation of CISPR radio disturbance limits and specifies different methods, which can be used alternatively. Clause 5 gives some specific requirements for certain product groups. NOTE 3 This document does not give a calculation method about the manufacturer’s risk, whether a type of products will be accepted during a second statistical evaluation. More information on the acceptance probability for a repeated measurement is given in CISPR TR 16 4 3, Edition 2.1, Annex D.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This document specifies the emission limits in relation to electromagnetic disturbances and test conditions for lifts, escalators and moving walks, which are intended to be permanently installed in buildings. These limits however, may not provide full protection against disturbances caused to radio and TV reception when such equipment is used within distances given in Table 1.
This document is not applicable for apparatus which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This part of CISPR 16 specifies the characteristics and performance of equipment for the
measurement of radio disturbance in the frequency range 9 kHz to 18 GHz. In addition,
requirements are provided for specialized equipment for discontinuous disturbance
NOTE In accordance with IEC Guide 107, CISPR 16-1-1 is a basic electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standard
for use by product committees of the IEC. As stated in Guide 107, product committees are responsible for
determining the applicability of a basic EMC standard. CISPR and its subcommittee are prepared to co-operate
with product committees in the evaluation of the value of particular EMC tests for specific products.
The specifications in this document apply to electromagnetic interference (EMI) receivers and
spectrum analyzers. The term “measuring receiver” used in this document refers to both EMI
receivers and spectrum analyzers (see also 3.7). The calibration requirements for measuring
receivers are detailed in Annex J.
Further guidance on the use of spectrum analyzers can be found in Annex B of any one of the
following documents: CISPR 16-2-1:2014, CISPR 16-2-2:2010, or CISPR 16-2-3: 2016.

  • Standard
    98 pages
    English language
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This part of IEC 61000 focuses on emission and immunity test methods for electrical and
electronic equipment using various types of transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides.
These types include open structures (for example striplines and electromagnetic pulse
simulators) and closed structures (for example TEM cells). These structures can be further
classified as one-port, two-port, or multi-port TEM waveguides. The frequency range depends
on the specific testing requirements and the specific TEM waveguide type.
The object of this document is to describe
– TEM waveguide characteristics, including typical frequency ranges and equipment-undertest (EUT) size limitations;
– TEM waveguide validation methods for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests;
– the EUT (i.e. EUT cabinet and cabling) definition;
– test set-ups, procedures, and requirements for radiated emission measurements in TEM
waveguides; and
– test set-ups, procedures, and requirements for radiated immunity testing in TEM
NOTE Test methods are defined in this document to measure the effects of electromagnetic radiation on equipment
and the electromagnetic emissions from the equipment concerned. The simulation and measurement of
electromagnetic radiation is not adequately exact for the quantitative determination of effects for all end-use
installations. The test methods defined are structured for a primary objective of establishing adequate reproducibility
of results at various test facilities for qualitative analysis of effects.
This document does not intend to specify the tests to be applied to any particular apparatus or
system(s). The main intention of this document is to provide a general basic reference for all
interested product committees of the IEC. For radiated emission measurements, product
committees select emission limits and measurement methods in consultation with CISPR
standards. For radiated immunity testing, product committees remain responsible for the
appropriate choice of immunity tests and immunity test limits to be applied to equipment within
their scope. This document describes test methods that are separate from those of
IEC 61000‑4‑3 [34].1

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IEC TR 61000-1-4:2022 is available as IEC TR 61000-1-4:2022 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
IEC TR 61000-1-4:2022 which is a technical report, reviews the sources and effects of power frequency conducted harmonic current emissions in the frequency range up to 2 kHz on the public electricity supply, and gives an account of the reasoning and calculations leading to the existing emission limits for equipment in the editions of IEC 61000-3-2, up to and including the fifth edition (2018) with Amendment 1 (2020), and in the second edition of IEC 61000-3-12. The history is traced from the first supra-national standard on low-frequency conducted emissions into the public electricity supply, EN 50006:1975 and its evolution through IEC (60)555-2 to IEC 61000-3-2, IEC TR 61000-3-4 and IEC 61000-3-12. To give a full picture of the history, that of the standard for the measuring instrument IEC 61000-4-7 is mentioned as well. NOTE All IEC standards were renumbered starting from 60000 from 1998-01-01. To indicate the references of standards withdrawn before, or not reprinted after, that date, the “60x” prefix is here enclosed in parentheses. Hence “IEC (60)555-2”. Some concepts in this document apply to all low voltage AC systems, but the numerical values apply specifically to the European 230 V/400 V 50 Hz system. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- relation between compatibility levels, emission limits and immunity requirements clarified;
- sharing of emission levels between LV, MV and HV clarified;
- new historical information added.

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  • Technical report
    94 pages
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This document specifies the measurement at frequencies of E2E links of two- and four-pair balanced cabling of 100 MHz of Class D and 250 MHz of Class E including free connectors which terminate two and four pairs in both field and laboratory conditions. The specifications for E2E links are described in ISO/IEC TR 11801-9902. This document specifies laboratory and field measurement procedures. The requirements for accuracy to measure cabling parameters identified in ISO/IEC TR 11801-9902 are provided in EN 61935-1 and EN 61935-2.

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This document contains limits and procedures for the measurement of radio disturbances in the
frequency range of 150 kHz to 5 925 MHz. This document applies to vehicles, boats, internal
combustion engines, trailers, devices and any electronic/electrical component intended for use
in vehicles, boats, trailers and devices. Refer to International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
publications for details of frequency allocations. The limits are intended to provide protection
for on-board receivers installed (per the manufacturer’s guidelines) in a vehicle from
disturbances produced by components/modules in the same vehicle.
The receiver types to be protected are, for example, broadcast receivers (sound and television),
land mobile radio, radio telephone, amateur, citizens' radio, Satellite Navigation (GPS etc.), WiFi, V2X, and Bluetooth.
This document does not include protection of electronic control systems from radio frequency
(RF) emissions or from transient or pulse-type voltage fluctuations. These subjects are included
in ISO publications.
The limits in this document are recommended and subject to modification as agreed between
the customer (e.g. vehicle manufacturer) and the supplier (e.g. component manufacturer). This
document is also intended to be applied by vehicle manufacturers and suppliers which are to
be added and connected to the vehicle harness or to an on-board power connector after delivery
of the vehicle.
This document defines test methods for use by vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, to assist
in the design of vehicles and components and ensure controlled levels of on-board radio
frequency emissions.
The emission requirements in this document are not intended to be applicable to the intentional
transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU including their spurious emissions.
NOTE 1 This exclusion is limited to those intended transmitter emissions, which leave the EUT as radiated
emissions and are coupled onto the wire line in the measurement setup. For conducted transmissions on frequencies
intentionally produced by the radio part of an EUT, this exclusion does not apply.
NOTE 2 It is usual for customers and suppliers to use radio regulation standards to manage the effect of spurious
emissions from a radio transmitter unless limits of spurious emission are agreed in the test plan.

  • Standard
    186 pages
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