IEC PAS 61980-5:2024
(Main)Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems - Part 5: Interoperability and safety of dynamic wireless power transfer (D-WPT) for electric vehicles
Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems - Part 5: Interoperability and safety of dynamic wireless power transfer (D-WPT) for electric vehicles
IEC PAS 61980-5:2024 applies to the off-board supply equipment for dynamic wireless power transfer via magnetic field (MF-D-WPT) to electric road vehicles in motion for purposes of supplying electric energy to the RESS (rechargeable energy storage system) and/or other on-board electrical systems.
The system operates at standard supply voltage ratings per IEC 60038 up to 1 000 V AC and up to 1 500 V DC from the supply network. The power transfer takes place primarily while the electric vehicle (EV) is in motion, but can continue to take place under certain conditions while the vehicle is not in motion.
Off-board supply equipment fulfilling the requirements in this document are intended to operate with EV devices fulfilling the requirements of ISO 5474-4 and ISO 5474-6.
The aspects covered in this document includes
– the characteristics and operating conditions,
– specific power transfer requirements for the off-board side of magnetic field dynamic wireless power transfer systems for electric road vehicles, and
– the general requirement of electrical safety and EMC for MF-D-WPT.
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IEC PAS 61980-5 ®
Edition 1.0 2024-12
Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems –
Part 5: Interoperability and safety of dynamic wireless power transfer (D-WPT)
for electric vehicles
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IEC PAS 61980-5 ®
Edition 1.0 2024-12
Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems –
Part 5: Interoperability and safety of dynamic wireless power transfer (D-WPT)
for electric vehicles
ICS 43.120 ISBN 978-2-8327- 0058-7
– 2 – IEC PAS 61980-5:2024 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 9
3 Terms and definitions . 10
4 Abbreviated terms . 11
5 General . 11
6 Classification . 11
6.1 Compatibility class A and compatibility class B . 11
6.2 Installation . 11
7 General supply device requirements . 12
7.1 General architecture . 12
7.2 Power transfer requirements . 13
7.2.1 General . 13
7.2.2 Frequency requirements . 13
7.2.3 Input voltage and kVA levels . 13
7.2.4 Output voltage and power when stationary . 13
7.2.5 Speed of travel . 13
7.2.6 Safety performance . 14
7.3 Efficiency . 14
7.3.1 General . 14
7.3.2 Dynamic power transfer phases . 14
7.3.3 Brief description of the individual phases . 15
7.3.4 Methods of measuring power transfer efficiency in D-WPT . 16
7.4 Alignment . 17
8 Communication . 17
9 Power transfer interoperability . 18
10 Protection against electric shock . 18
11 Specific requirements for WPT systems . 18
12 Power cable requirements . 18
13 Constructional requirements . 18
14 Strength of materials and parts . 18
15 Service and test conditions . 18
16 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . 19
17 Marking and instructions . 19
18 Test procedure for protection against heating effects of foreign objects . 19
Annex A (informative) DDQ reference EVPCs MF-WPT4/5 . 20
A.1 DDQ reference EVPCs for MF-WPT4 . 20
A.1.1 General . 20
A.1.2 MF-WPT4/Z1 reference EVPC . 20
A.1.3 MF-WPT4/Z2 reference EVPC . 22
A.1.4 MF-WPT4/Z3 reference EVPC . 25
A.2 DDQ reference EVPCs for MF-WPT5 . 29
A.2.1 General . 29
A.2.2 MF-WPT5/Z1 reference EVPC . 29
A.2.3 MF-WPT5/Z2 reference EVPC . 31
A.2.4 MF-WPT5/Z3 reference EVPC . 34
Annex B (informative) Multi-phase coil reference EVPCs for MF-WPT4/5 . 38
B.1 Multi-phase coil reference EVPCs for MF-WPT4 . 38
B.1.1 General . 38
B.1.2 MF-WPT4/Z1 reference EVPC . 38
B.1.3 MF-WPT4/Z2 reference EVPC . 40
B.1.4 MF-WPT4/Z3 reference EVPC . 42
B.2 Multi-phase coil reference EVPCs for MF-WPT5 . 44
B.2.1 General . 44
B.2.2 MF-WPT5/Z1 reference EVPC . 45
B.2.3 MF-WPT5/Z2 reference EVPC . 47
B.2.4 MF-WPT5/Z3 reference EVPC . 50
Annex C (informative) Multi-phase coil topology for DWPT power transfer . 53
C.1 System description of the power transfer system . 53
C.2 Primary device . 54
C.2.1 Primary coil segment . 54
C.2.2 Reference primary device . 55
C.2.3 Magnetic characteristics of product primary device . 55
C.3 Secondary device . 56
C.3.1 Compatible secondary device for primary device . 56
C.3.2 Reference secondary device . 56
C.3.3 Electric characteristics of reference secondary device . 57
Annex D (informative) Transversal coil topology for DWPT power transfer . 59
D.1 System description of the power transfer system . 59
D.2 Primary device . 60
D.2.1 Primary coil segment . 60
D.2.2 Reference primary device . 60
D.2.3 Magnetic characteristics of product primary device . 61
D.3 Secondary device . 62
D.3.1 Compatible secondary device for primary device . 62
D.3.2 Reference secondary device . 62
D.3.3 Electric characteristics of reference secondary device . 63
Bibliography . 65
Figure 1 – Embedded mounting . 11
Figure 2 – Example of MF-D-WPT system . 12
Figure 3 – Definition of phases for each road segment in D-WPT . 15
Figure 4 – Measuring the efficiency in D-WPT . 17
Figure A.1 – General layout of the MF-WPT4/Z1 reference secondary device . 20
Figure A.2 – Mechanical dimensions of the MF-WPT4/Z1 reference secondary device . 21
Figure A.3 – Schematic of the EV power electronics for the MF-WPT4 reference EVPC . 22
Figure A.4 – General layout of the MF-WPT4/Z2 reference secondary device . 23
Figure A.5 – Mechanical dimensions of the MF-WPT4/Z2 reference secondary device . 24
Figure A.6 – Schematic of the EV power electronics for the MF-WPT4 reference EVPC . 25
Figure A.7 – General layout of the MF-WPT4/Z3 reference secondary device . 26
– 4 – IEC PAS 61980-5:2024 © IEC 2024
Figure A.8 – Mechanical dimensions of the MF-WPT4/Z3 reference secondary device . 27
Figure A.9 – Schematic of the EV power electronics for the MF-WPT4 reference EVPC . 28
Figure A.10 – General layout of the MF-WPT5/Z1 reference secondary device . 29
Figure A.11 – Mechanical dimensions of the MF-WPT4/Z1 reference secondary device . 30
Figure A.12 – Schematic of the EV power electronics for the MF-WPT5 reference
EVPC . 31
Figure A.13 – General layout of the MF-WPT5/Z2 reference secondary device . 32
Figure A.14 – Mechanical dimensions of the MF-WPT5/Z2 reference secondary device . 33
Figure A.15 – Schematic of the EV power electronics for the MF-W
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