Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 3-8: Particular requirements for transportable single spindle vertical moulders

IEC 62841-3-8: 2024 applies to transportable single spindle vertical moulders, with a maximum tool holder diameter of 200 mm, designed to cut wood and analogue materials also covered with plastic laminate or edgings by hand-feed operation.
NOTE 101 Single spindle vertical moulders other than transportable are covered by ISO 19085-6:2024.
This document is to be used in conjunction with IEC 62841-1:2014. This document supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 62841-1, so as to convert it into the IEC Standard: Particular requirements for transportable single spindle vertical moulders.

Outils électroportatifs à moteur, outils portables et machines pour jardins et pelouses - Sécurité - Partie 3-8: Exigences particulières pour les toupies monobroches à arbre vertical portables

IEC 62841-3-8: 2024 Le présent document s'applique aux toupies monobroches à arbre vertical portables dont le diamètre maximal du porte-outil est de 200 mm, qui sont destinées à couper du bois et des matériaux analogues, y compris ceux recouverts de plastique stratifié ou bordures plastiques, par opération manuelle.
NOTE 101 Les toupies monobroches à arbre vertical non portables sont couvertes par l'ISO 19085-6:2024.
Le présent document doit être utilisé conjointement avec l'IEC 62841-1:2014. Le présent document complète ou modifie les articles correspondants de l'IEC 62841 1 de façon à la transformer en norme IEC: Exigences particulières pour les toupies monobroches à arbre vertical portables.

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IEC 62841-3-8:2024 - Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery - Safety - Part 3-8: Particular requirements for transportable single spindle vertical moulders Released:14. 10. 2024 Isbn:9782832297568
English and French language
74 pages
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IEC 62841-3-8 ®
Edition 1.0 2024-10
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and
garden machinery – Safety –
Part 3-8: Particular requirements for transportable single spindle vertical
Outils électroportatifs à moteur, outils portables et machines pour jardins et
pelouses – Sécurité –
Partie 3-8: Exigences particulières pour les toupies monobroches à arbre
vertical portables
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IEC 62841-3-8 ®
Edition 1.0 2024-10
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable tools and lawn and

garden machinery – Safety –
Part 3-8: Particular requirements for transportable single spindle vertical

Outils électroportatifs à moteur, outils portables et machines pour jardins et

pelouses – Sécurité –
Partie 3-8: Exigences particulières pour les toupies monobroches à arbre

vertical portables
ICS 25.140.20  ISBN 978-2-8322-9756-8

– 2 – IEC 62841-3-8:2024 © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 General requirements . 10
5 General conditions for the tests . 10
6 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards . 10
7 Classification . 10
8 Marking and instructions . 11
9 Protection against access to live parts . 12
10 Starting . 12
11 Input and current . 12
12 Heating . 13
13 Resistance to heat and fire . 13
14 Moisture resistance . 13
15 Resistance to rusting . 13
16 Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits . 13
17 Endurance . 13
18 Abnormal operation . 13
19 Mechanical hazards . 14
20 Mechanical strength . 25
21 Construction . 31
22 Internal wiring . 31
23 Components . 32
24 Supply connection and external flexible cords . 32
25 Terminals for external conductors . 32
26 Provision for earthing . 32
27 Screws and connections . 32
28 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through insulation . 32
Annexes . 33
Annex I (informative) Measurement of noise and vibration emissions . 33
Annex K (normative) Battery tools and battery packs . 34
Annex L (normative) Battery tools and battery packs provided with mains connection
or non-isolated sources . 35
Bibliography . 36

Figure 101 – Example of curved work . 7
Figure 102 – Example of single spindle vertical moulder . 8
Figure 103 – Example of stopped straight work . 8
Figure 104 – Example of straight work . 9
Figure 105 – Examples of tenoning . 10
Figure 106 – Run out test of spindle rings . 16

Figure 107 – Table dimensions . 17
Figure 108 – Table rings . 18
Figure 109 – Example of curved work workpiece guiding and cutter block guarding
systems . 20
Figure 110 – Test probe . 21
Figure 111 – Straight work – example of using pressure devices . 23
Figure 112 – Definition of fence pressure pad deflection measuring point and

directions of application of the test forces (horizontal view) . 27
Figure 113 – Definition of fence pressure pad deflection measuring point and
directions of application of the test forces (top view) . 27
Figure 114 – Application of fence pressure pad test force "F" and measurement of
displacement "f" (top view) . 27
Figure 115 – Definition of table pressure pad deflection measuring point and

directions of application of test forces (horizontal view) . 28
Figure 116 – Definition of table pressure pad deflection measuring point and
directions of application of test forces (vertical view) . 28
Figure 117 – Definition of the adjustable guard deflection measuring points and
directions of application of test forces . 29
Figure 118 – Definition of guiding steady deflection measuring points and directions of

application of test forces . 30

Table 4 – Required performance levels . 13
Table 101 – Tool holder spindle and cutting tool dimensions . 14
Table 102 – Table dimensions . 17
Table 103 – Table rings . 18
Table 104 – Metal saw blade guard characteristics . 25
Table 105 – Light alloy saw blade guard characteristics . 26
Table 106 – Fences and table pressure pad displacement . 28
Table 107 – Adjustable guard deflection .

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