IEC 60874-14-5:1997
(Main)Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 14-5: Detail specification for fibre optic connector type SC-PC untuned terminated to single-mode fibre type B1
Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 14-5: Detail specification for fibre optic connector type SC-PC untuned terminated to single-mode fibre type B1
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
QC 910004XX0005
First edition
Connectors for optical fibres and cables –
Part 14-5:
Detail specification for fibre optic connector
type SC-PC untuned terminated to single-mode
fibre type B1
Reference number
IEC 60874-14-5: 1997(E)
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– IEC 60027: Letter symbols to be used in electrical
– la CEI 60027: Symboles littéraux à utiliser en
– IEC 60417: Graphical symbols for use on
– la CEI 60417: Symboles graphiques utilisables sur
equipment. Index, survey and compilation of the
le matériel. Index, relevé et compilation des feuilles
individuelles; single sheets;
Symboles graphiques pour schémas; – IEC 60617: Graphical symbols for diagrams;
– la CEI 60617:
and for medical electrical equipment,
et pour les appareils électromédicaux,
– IEC 60878: Graphical symbols for electromedical
– la CEI 60878: Symboles graphiques pour
equipment in medical practice.
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d'études qui a établi la présente publication.
QC 910004XX0005
First edition
Connectors for optical fibres and cables –
Part 14-5:
Detail specification for fibre optic connector
type SC-PC untuned terminated to single-mode
fibre type B1
IEC 1997 Droits de reproduction réservés Copyright - all rights reserved
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– 2 – 60874-14-5 © IEC:1997(E)
Part 14-5: Detail specification for fibre optic connector type SC-PC
untuned terminated to single-mode fibre type B1
1) The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote
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International Standard IEC 60874-14-5 has been prepared by subcommittee 86B: Fibre optic
interconnecting devices and passive components, of IEC technical committee 86: Fibre optics.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
86B/875/FDIS 86B/1004/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
The QC number that appears on the front cover of this publication is the specification number
in the IEC Quality Assessment System for Electronic Components (IECQ).
The references to clauses or subclauses of IEC 60874-1 indicated in this part apply to the third
edition of IEC 60874-1.
60874-14-5 © IEC:1997(E) – 3 –
Part 14-5: Detail specification for fibre optic connector type SC-PC untuned terminated
to single-mode fibre type B1
Date: .
Type: Name: SC
For use in datacom applications as specified in ISO/IEC International Standard 11801:
“Generic cabling for customer premises”
Configuration: plug-adaptor-plug
Coupling: push-pull
Control dimensions:
– Plug: see figures 1, 2 and 3
– Adaptor: see IEC 60874-14-3
Arrangement: patchcord arrangement
Style: Fibre retention: as required
Cable retention: as required
Optical coupling: butting
Alignment: resilient sleeve alignment
Variants: see page 7
Climatic category: 10/60/4
Environmental category: 4
Assessment level: A
QUALIFICATION PROCEDURE: Fixed sample procedure
SAFETY WARNING: Take care when handling small diameter optical fibre to prevent puncturing the skin, especially
in the eye area. Direct viewing of the end of an optical fibre when it is propagating energy is not recommended unless
prior assurance is obtained as to the safe energy output level.
Applicable fibre cable information
Mode field diameter In accordance with IEC 60793-2
Cladding diameter In accordance with IEC 60793-2
Core/cladding concentricity error In accordance with IEC 60793-2
Buffer diameter
250 ± 15, 500 ± 30, 900 ± 50 μm
Jacket outer diameter As required per variant
Fibre cut-off wavelength 1 100 – 1 280 nm
Additional information
– Attenuation in random connection:
less than 0,80 dB (95 % probability)
less than 0,40 dB (average)
– 4 – 60874-14-5 © IEC:1997(E)
IEC 658/97
Figure 1 – Plug mating face dimensions
60874-14-5 © IEC:1997(E) – 5 –
Reference Minimum Maximum Notes
A 2,4985 mm 2,4995 mm
B 4,8 mm 4,9 mm
C 6,8 mm 7,4 mm
D 4,9 mm 5,3 mm
E 6,7 mm 6,8 mm
F 19° 23°
G 25° 35°
H 7,15 mm 7,50 mm 1, 2
I 0,8 mm 1,2 mm
J 5,3 mm 5,5 mm
K –0,1 mm 0,05 mm 3
L 2,11 mm 2,5 mm
M 2,0 mm 2,8 mm
N 6,6 mm 6,8 mm
O 1,6 mm 1,8 mm
P 8,89 mm 8,99 mm
0,8 mm 1,0 mm
R 7,29 mm 7,39 mm
rS 0,8 mm 0,9 mm Radius
T 4,05 mm 4,15 mm
U 5,4 mm 5,6 mm
V 0 mm 0,5 mm
cBC 0 mm 0,5 mm Chamfer
1 Ferrule compression force shall be from 7,8 N to 11,8 N, when the ferrule is
compressed to a point where H is 7 ± 0,1 mm.
2 This value shows the dimension after the ferrule is polished and in the unmated
3 The negative dimension indicates that the position of the inside bottom plane is
left-direction relative to the mechanical reference plane.
4 Where a tolerance of form is not specified, the limits of the dimensions for a
feature control the form as well as the size.
5 Where interrelated features of size (features shown with a common axis or centre
plane) have no geometric tolerance of location or run out specified, the limits of the
dimensions for a feature control the location tolerance as well as the size.
6 Where perpendicular features (features shown at right angles) have no geometric
tolerance of orientation or run out specified, the limits of the dimensions for a feature
control the orientation tolerance as well as the size.
Figure 1 – Plug mating face dimensions (continued)
– 6 – 60874-14-5 © IEC:1997(E)
IEC 648/97
Reference Minimum Maximum Notes
rBF 10 mm 25 mm 1, radius
BK –0,0001 mm see graph 2
BG 1,76 mm 2,26 mm diameter, 4
BG 1,90 mm 2,26 mm diameter, 5
BI 25° 35
1 Eccentricity of a spherical polished ferrule endface is less than 50 μm.
2 The negative dimension refers to the fibre protrusion.
3 Break edge.
4 This value is applicable to the variant numbers 1001, 1003, 1005 and 1007.
5 This value is applicable to the variant numbers 1002, 1004, 1006 and 1008.
Figure 2a – Ferrule endface geometry after termination
IEC 649/97
3 2
Allowable undercut = –0,02*Radius + 1,3*Radius – 31*Radius + 325
Figure 2b – Allowable undercut BK versus radius rBF
60874-14-5 © IEC:1997(E) – 7 –
IEC 650/97
Reference Minimum Maximum Notes
BD 60
BE 2,2 1
BE 2,6 2
BE 2,9 3
BE 3,2 4
1 This value is applicable to the variants number –1001 and –1002.
2 This value is applicable to the variants number –1003 and –1004.
3 This value is applicable to the variants number –1005 and –1006.
4 This value is applicable to the variants number –1007 and –1008.
Figure 3 – Plug dimension
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Number: QC 910X01/0005-ZZZZ
ZZZZ Component name Variant feature
Applicable cable jacket diameter Ferrule material Dimension BG
1001 Plug 2,0 mm Zirconia 1, 76 – 2,26
1002 Plug 2,0 mm Zirconia 1, 90 – 2, 26
1003 Plug 2,4 mm Zirconia 1, 76 – 2,26
1004 Plug 2,4 mm Zirconia 1, 90 – 2, 26
1005 Plug 2,7 mm Zirconia 1, 76 – 2,26
1006 Plug 2,7 mm Zirconia 1, 90 – 2, 26
1007 Plug 3,0 mm Zirconia 1, 76 – 2,26
1008 Plug 3,0 mm Zirconia 1, 90 – 2, 26
Preferred colour:
Colour of the coupling sleeve and boot shall be blue according to: RAL 5015.
Component marking:
The name and/or manufacturer’s identification mark may be permanently identified. Figure 4 shows an example of
the location of the component marking.
IEC 659/97
Figure 4 – Example of component marking
60874-14-5 © IEC:1997(E) – 9 –
Test sequence Reference IEC 60874-1 n
(IEC 61300)
Group 0
– Visual examination 4.4.1 (3-1) 20
– Dimensions 4.4.2 (3-1)
– Ferrule compression force 4.4.12 (3-22)
Group 1
– Attenuation 4.4.7 (3-4) 20
– Return loss 4.4.12 (3-6)
Group 2
–Cold 4.5.17 (2-17)
– Dry heat 4.5.18 (2-18) 6
– Damp heat (steady state) 4.5.19 (2-19)
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