Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-2: General - Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of electrical and electronic systems including equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena

IEC/TS 61000-1-2:2008(E) establishes a methodology for the achievement of functional safety only with regard to electromagnetic phenomena of electrical and electronic systems and installations, as installed and used under operational conditions. This methodology includes the implication it has on equipment used in such systems and installations. IEC/TS 61000-1-2:2008:
a) applies to safety-related systems incorporating electrical/electronic/programmable electronic equipment;
b) considers the influence of the electromagnetic environment on safety-related systems; it is intended for designers, manufacturers and installers of safety-related systems and can be used as a guide by IEC committees;
c) is not concerned with direct hazards from electromagnetic fields on living beings nor is it concerned with safety related to breakdown of insulation or other mechanisms by which persons can be exposed to electrical hazards.
IEC/TS 61000-1-2:2008 mainly covers EMC related aspects of the design phase of safety-related systems and equipment used therein, and deals in particular with
- some basic concepts in the area of functional safety,
- the various EMC specific steps for the achievement and management of functional safety,
- the description and assessment of the electromagnetic environment,
- the EMC aspects of the design and integration process taking into account the process of EMC safety planning on system as well as on equipment level,
- the validation and verification processes regarding the immunity against electromagnetic disturbances,
- the performance criterion and some test philosophy considerations for safety-related systems and the equipment used therein,
- aspects related to testing of the immunity of safety-related systems and equipment used therein against electromagnetic disturbances.
IEC/TS 61000-1-2:2008 is applicable to safety-related systems intended to comply with the requirements of IEC 61508 and/or associated sector-specific functional safety standards. For safety-related systems covered by other functional safety standards, a consideration shall be made of the requirements of this Technical Specification in order to identify the appropriate measures that shall be taken with relation to EMC and functional safety. IEC/TS 61000-1-2:2008 may also be used as a guide for considering EMC requirements for other systems having a direct contribution to safety. IEC/TS 61000-1-2:2008 has the status of a basic safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001 and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes are the following:
- For safety-related systems that use electrical, electronic or programmable electronic technologies, the technical information, definitions, terminology and text of this second edition have been aligned to IEC 61508.
- Risk assessment requirements and methodologies have been deleted from this document, so as not to duplicate or clash with IEC 61508.
- It now makes a clear distinction between complete safety-related systems and items of equipment that might be used in such systems, and clarifies its application by the different types of end-users.
- It focuses more on appropriate design methods, and their verification and validation.
- The methodology for assessing and specifying electromagnetic environments has been extended.
- The combination of electromagnetic and physical/climatic influences are taken into account.

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IEC TS 61000-1-2:2008 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-2: General - Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of electrical and electronic systems including equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena Released:11/27/2008 Isbn:9782889103683
English language
84 pages
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IEC/TS 61000-1-2
Edition 2.0 2008-11
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 1-2: General – Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of
electrical and electronic systems including equipment with regard to
electromagnetic phenomena
IEC/TS 61000-1-2:2008(E)
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IEC/TS 61000-1-2
Edition 2.0 2008-11
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 1-2: General – Methodology for the achievement of functional safety of
electrical and electronic systems including equipment with regard to
electromagnetic phenomena
ICS 33.100.99 ISBN 978-2-88910-368-3
– 2 – TS 61000-1-2 © IEC:2008(E)
1 Scope and object.9
2 Normative references .10
3 Definitions and abbreviations.10
4 General considerations.15
5 The achievement of functional safety.16
5.1 General .16
5.2 Safety life cycle.17
5.3 Safety integrity .17
5.4 EMC specific steps for the achievement of functional safety.19
5.5 Management of EMC for functional safety .19
6 The electromagnetic environment .20
6.1 General .20
6.2 Electromagnetic environment information .21
6.3 Methodology to assess the electromagnetic environment .22
6.4 Deriving test levels and methods .22
7 EMC aspects of the design and integration process.23
7.1 General .23
7.2 EMC aspects on system level.24
7.3 EMC aspects on equipment level.25
8 Verification/validation of immunity against electromagnetic disturbances for
functional safety .26
8.1 The verification and validation processes .26
8.2 Verification .28
8.3 Validation .29
8.4 Performance criteria .29
8.4.1 Performance criterion for safety applications .29
8.4.2 Application of the performance criterion FS .30
8.4.3 Test philosophy for equipment intended for use in safety-related
8.4.4 Test philosophy for safety-related systems .31
9 EMC testing with regard to functional safety .31
9.1 Electromagnetic test types and electromagnetic test levels with regard to
functional safety .31
9.1.1 Considerations on testing .31
9.1.2 Types of immunity tests .31
9.1.3 Testing levels .32
9.2 Determination of test methods with regard to functional safety .32
9.3 Considerations on test methods and test performance with regard to
systematic capability .33
9.3.1 General .33
9.3.2 Testing period .35
9.3.3 Number of tests with different test set-ups or test samples .35
9.3.4 Variation of test settings .36
9.3.5 Environmental factors.36

TS 61000-1-2 © IEC:2008(E) – 3 –
9.4 Testing uncertainty.37
10 Documentation .37
Annex A (informative) Examples of electromagnetic disturbance levels.38
Annex B (informative) Measures and techniques for the achievement of functional
safety with regard to electromagnetic disturbances.43
Annex C (informative) Information concerning performance criteria.67
Annex D (informative) Considerations on the relationship between safety-related
system, equipment and product, and their specifications.72
Annex E (informative) Considerations on electromagnetic phenomena and safety
integrity level .75
Annex F (informative) EMC safety planning .78

Figure 1 – Relationship between IEC 61000-1-2 and the simplified lifecycle as per
IEC 61508 .8
Figure 2 – Basic approach to achieve functional safety only with regard to
electromagnetic phenomena .16
Figure 3 – EMC between equipment M and equipment P .25
Figure 4 – V representation of the life cycles demonstrating the role of validation and
verification .28
Figure A.1 – Emission/immunity levels and compatibility level, with an example of
emission/immunity levels for a single emitter and susceptor, as a function of some
independent variable (e.g. the frequency) .38
Figure D.1 – The relationships between the safety-related system, equipment and
products .72
Figure D.2 – The process of achieving the electromagnetic specification in the SRS,
using commercially available products .74
Figure E.1 – Emission/immunity levels and compatibility level, with an example of
emission/immunity levels for a single emitter and susceptor, as a function of some
independent variables (e.g. burst amplitudes or field strength levels).75
Figure F.1 – EMC safety planning for safety-related systems .78

Table 1 – Safety requirements specification, interfaces and responsibilities according
to IEC 61508.7
Table 2 – Safety integrity levels .18
Table 3 – Overview of types of electromagnetic phenomena .21
Table 4 – Design, design management techniques and other measures.25
Table 5 – Applicable performance criteria and observed behaviour during test of
equipment intended for use in safety-related systems .31
Table 6 – Examples for methods to increase level of confidence.35
Table A.1 – Example of selection of electromagnetic phenomena for functional safety
in industrial applications .39
Table A.2 – Estimates of maximum electromagnetic disturbance levels .42
Table B.1 – Overview of measures and techniques for the achievement of functional
safety with regard to electromagnetic disturbances .43
Table C.1 – Allowed effects during immunity tests on functions of equipment .68
Table C.2 – Allowed effects during immunity tests on functions of a system.70

– 4 – TS 61000-1-2 © IEC:2008(E)

Part 1-2: General –
Methodology for the achievement of functional safety
of electrical and electronic systems including equipment
with regard to electromagnetic phenomena

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,
Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC
Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested
in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-
governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborat

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