Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications

IEC 62133:2012 specifies requirements and tests for the safe operation of portable sealed secondary cells and batteries (other than button) containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolyte, under intended use and reasonably foreseeable misuse. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- update of assembly of cells into batteries (5.5);
- addition of design recommendations for lithium system only (5.6.2);
- separation of nickel systems and lithium systems (Clause 6);
- addition of specific requirements and tests for lithium systems (Clause 8);
- addition of charging of secondary lithium-ion cells for safe use (Annex A). The contents of the corrigendum of June 2013 have been included in this copy.

Accumulateurs alcalins et autres accumulateurs à électrolyte non acide - Exigences de sécurité pour les accumulateurs portables étanches, et pour les batteries qui en sont constituées, destinés à l'utilisation dans des applications portables

IEC 62133:2012 spécifie les exigences et les essais pour le fonctionnement en sécurité des accumulateurs portables étanches, et accumulateurs (autre que boutons) contenant un électrolyte alcalin ou un autre électrolyte non acide dans des utilisations prévues et dans des utilisations abusives raisonnablement prévisibles. Cette édition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport à l'édition précédente:
- mise à jour du montage des éléments en batteries (5.5);
- recommandations complémentaires de conception uniquement pour les systèmes au lithium (5.6.2);
- séparation des systèmes au nickel et des systèmes au lithium (Article 6);
- addition d'exigences et d'essais spécifiques pour les systèmes au lithium (Article 8);
- addition des éléments d'accumulateurs lithium-ion pour un usage sûr (Annexe A). Le contenu du corrigendum de juin 2013 a été pris en considération dans cet exemplaire.

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IEC 62133:2012 RLV - Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes – Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications Released:12/7/2012 Isbn:9782832205051
English language
112 pages
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IEC 62133:2012 - Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications Released:12/6/2012
English and French language
74 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 62133 ®
Edition 2.0 2012-12
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid
electrolytes –
Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made
from them, for use in portable applications

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IEC 62133 ®
Edition 2.0 2012-12
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid

electrolytes –
Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made

from them, for use in portable applications

ICS 29.220.30 ISBN 978-2-8322-0505-1

IEC 62133 ®
Edition 2.0 2012-12
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid
electrolytes –
Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made
from them, for use in portable applications

Accumulateurs alcalins et autres accumulateurs à électrolyte non acide –
Exigences de sécurité pour les accumulateurs portables étanches, et pour les
batteries qui en sont constituées, destinés à l'utilisation dans des applications
– 2 – 62133 © IEC:2012
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Parameter measurement tolerances . 8
5 General safety considerations . 8
5.1 General . 8
5.2 Insulation and wiring . 9
5.3 Venting . 9
5.4 Temperature/voltage/current management . 9
5.5 Terminal contacts . 9
5.6 Assembly of cells into batteries . 9
5.6.1 General . 9
5.6.2 Design recommendation for lithium systems only . 10
5.7 Quality plan . 10
6 Type test conditions . 10
7 Specific requirements and tests (nickel systems) . 11
7.1 Charging procedure for test purposes . 11
7.2 Intended use . 12
7.2.1 Continuous low-rate charging (cells) . 12
7.2.2 Vibration . 12
7.2.3 Moulded case stress at high ambient temperature (batteries) . 12
7.2.4 Temperature cycling . 13
7.3 Reasonably foreseeable misuse . 13
7.3.1 Incorrect installation (cells) . 13
7.3.2 External short circuit . 14
7.3.3 Free fall . 14
7.3.4 Mechanical shock (crash hazard) . 14
7.3.5 Thermal abuse (cells) . 15
7.3.6 Crushing of cells . 15
7.3.7 Low pressure (cells) . 15
7.3.8 Overcharge. 15
7.3.9 Forced discharge (cells) . 16
8 Specific requirements and tests (lithium systems) . 16
8.1 Charging procedures for test purposes . 16
8.1.1 First procedure . 16
8.1.2 Second procedure . 16
8.2 Intended use . 17
8.2.1 Continuous charging at constant voltage (cells) . 17
8.2.2 Moulded case stress at high ambient temperature (battery) . 17
8.3 Reasonably foreseeable misuse . 17
8.3.1 External short circuit (cell) . 17
8.3.2 External short circuit (battery) . 17
8.3.3 Free fall . 18
8.3.4 Thermal abuse (cells) . 18

62133 © IEC:2012 – 3 –
8.3.5 Crush (cells) . 18
8.3.6 Over-charging of battery . 18
8.3.7 Forced discharge (cells) . 19
8.3.8 Transport tests . 19
8.3.9 Design evaluation – Forced internal short circuit (cells) . 19
9 Information for safety . 21
10 Marking . 21
10.1 Cell marking . 21
10.2 Battery marking . 22
10.3 Other information . 22
11 Packaging . 22
Annex A (normative) Charging range of secondary lithium ion cells for safe use . 23
Annex B (informative) Recommendations to equipment manufacturers and battery
assemblers . 34
Annex C (informative) Recommendations to the end-users . 35
Bibliography . 36

Figure 1 – Temperature profile for 7.2.4 – Temperature cycling test . 13
Figure 2 – Jig for pressing . 21
Figure A.1 – Typical of operating region of Li-ion cells with cobalt oxide cathode and
carbon anode . 24
Figure A.2 – Shape of nickel particle . 28
Figure A.3 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive and negative active
material coated area of cylindrical cell . 29
Figure A.4 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive aluminum foil and
negative active material coated area of cylindrical cell . 29
Figure A.5 – Disassembly of cylindrical cell . 30
Figure A.6 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive and negative (active
material) coated area of prismatic cell . 31
Figure A.7 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive aluminum foil and
negative (active material)

IEC 62133 ®
Edition 2.0 2012-12
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid
electrolytes –
Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made
from them, for use in portable applications

Accumulateurs alcalins et autres accumulateurs à électrolyte non acide –
Exigences de sécurité pour les accumulateurs portables étanches, et pour les
batteries qui en sont constituées, destinés à l'utilisation dans des applications
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or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from
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IEC 62133 ®
Edition 2.0 2012-12
Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid

electrolytes –
Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made

from them, for use in portable applications

Accumulateurs alcalins et autres accumulateurs à électrolyte non acide –

Exigences de sécurité pour les accumulateurs portables étanches, et pour les

batteries qui en sont constituées, destinés à l'utilisation dans des applications

ICS 29.220.30 ISBN 978-2-83220-505-1

– 2 – 62133 © IEC:2012
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Parameter measurement tolerances . 8
5 General safety considerations . 8
5.1 General . 8
5.2 Insulation and wiring . 9
5.3 Venting . 9
5.4 Temperature/voltage/current management . 9
5.5 Terminal contacts . 9
5.6 Assembly of cells into batteries . 9
5.6.1 General . 9
5.6.2 Design recommendation for lithium systems only . 10
5.7 Quality plan . 10
6 Type test conditions . 10
7 Specific requirements and tests (nickel systems) . 11
7.1 Charging procedure for test purposes . 11
7.2 Intended use . 12
7.2.1 Continuous low-rate charging (cells) . 12
7.2.2 Vibration . 12
7.2.3 Moulded case stress at high ambient temperature (batteries) . 12
7.2.4 Temperature cycling . 13
7.3 Reasonably foreseeable misuse . 13
7.3.1 Incorrect installation (cells) . 13
7.3.2 External short circuit . 14
7.3.3 Free fall . 14
7.3.4 Mechanical shock (crash hazard) . 14
7.3.5 Thermal abuse (cells) . 15
7.3.6 Crushing of cells . 15
7.3.7 Low pressure (cells) . 15
7.3.8 Overcharge. 15
7.3.9 Forced discharge (cells) . 16
8 Specific requirements and tests (lithium systems) . 16
8.1 Charging procedures for test purposes . 16
8.1.1 First procedure . 16
8.1.2 Second procedure . 16
8.2 Intended use . 17
8.2.1 Continuous charging at constant voltage (cells) . 17
8.2.2 Moulded case stress at high ambient temperature (battery) . 17
8.3 Reasonably foreseeable misuse . 17
8.3.1 External short circuit (cell) . 17
8.3.2 External short circuit (battery) . 17
8.3.3 Free fall . 18
8.3.4 Thermal abuse (cells) . 18

62133 © IEC:2012 – 3 –
8.3.5 Crush (cells) . 18
8.3.6 Over-charging of battery . 18
8.3.7 Forced discharge (cells) . 19
8.3.8 Transport tests . 19
8.3.9 Design evaluation – Forced internal short circuit (cells) . 19
9 Information for safety . 21
10 Marking . 21
10.1 Cell marking . 21
10.2 Battery marking . 22
10.3 Other information . 22
11 Packaging . 22
Annex A (normative) Charging range of secondary lithium ion cells for safe use . 23
Annex B (informative) Recommendations to equipment manufacturers and battery
assemblers . 34
Annex C (informative) Recommendations to the end-users . 35
Bibliography . 36

Figure 1 – Temperature profile for 7.2.4 – Temperature cycling test . 13
Figure 2 – Jig for pressing . 21
Figure A.1 – Typical of operating region of Li-ion cells with cobalt oxide cathode and
carbon anode . 24
Figure A.2 – Shape of nickel particle . 28
Figure A.3 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive and negative active
material coated area of cylindrical cell . 29
Figure A.4 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive aluminum foil and
negative active material coated area of cylindrical cell . 29
Figure A.5 – Disassembly of cylindrical cell . 30
Figure A.6 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive and negative (active
material) coated area of prismatic cell . 31
Figure A.7 – Nickel particle insertion position between positive aluminum foil and

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