Thermal-links - Requirements and application guide

IEC 60691:2023 is applicable to thermal-links intended for incorporation in electrical appliances, electronic equipment and component parts thereof, normally intended for use indoors, in order to protect them against excessive temperatures under abnormal conditions.
NOTE 1 The equipment is not designed to generate heat.
NOTE 2 The effectiveness of the protection against excessive temperatures logically depends upon the position and method of mounting of the thermal-link, as well as upon the current which it is carrying.
This document may be applicable to thermal-links for use under conditions other than indoors, provided that the climatic and other circumstances in the immediate surroundings of such thermal-links are comparable with those in this standard.
This document may be applicable to thermal-links in their simplest forms (e.g. melting strips or wires), provided that molten materials expelled during function cannot adversely interfere with the safe use of the equipment, especially in the case of hand-held or portable equipment, irrespective of its position.

Protecteurs thermiques - Exigences et guide d'application

L'IEC 60691:2023 s'applique aux protecteurs thermiques destinés à être incorporés dans les appareils électriques, le matériel électronique et ses composants, normalement utilisés en intérieur, afin de les protéger contre les températures excessives lors de conditions anormales.
NOTE 1 Le matériel n'est pas prévu pour produire de la chaleur.
NOTE 2 L'efficacité de la protection contre les températures excessives dépend logiquement de la position et du mode de montage du protecteur thermique ainsi que du courant qui le traverse.
Le présent document peut s'appliquer aux protecteurs thermiques utilisés dans d'autres conditions que celles qui sont réunies en intérieur, tant que les conditions climatiques ou autres de l'environnement immédiat de tels protecteurs thermiques sont comparables à celles de la présente norme.

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IEC 60691:2023 RLV - Thermal-links - Requirements and application guide Released:3/6/2023 Isbn:9782832266175
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IEC 60691:2023 - Thermal-links - Requirements and application guide Released:3/6/2023
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IEC 60691 ®
Edition 5.0 2023-03
Thermal-links – Requirements and application guide
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IEC 60691 ®
Edition 5.0 2023-03
Thermal-links – Requirements and application guide
ICS 29.120.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-6617-5

– 2 – IEC 60691:2023 RLV © IEC 2023
1 Scope .8
2 Normative references .8
3 Terms and definitions .9
4 General requirements . 11
5 General notes on tests . 12
6 Classification . 14
6.1 Electrical conditions . 14
6.2 Thermal conditions . 14
6.3 Resistance to tracking . 14
7 Marking . 14
8 Documentation . 15
9 Constructional requirements . 16
9.1 General . 16
9.2 Lead secureness tests . 17
9.2.1 General . 17
9.2.2 Tensile test . 17
9.2.3 Thrust test . 17
9.2.4 Bending/twist test . 17
9.3 Contacts used for the current path . 18
9.4 Accessible mounting brackets or metal parts . 19
9.5 Insulating materials . 19
9.6 Resistance to tracking . 19
9.7 Creepage distances and clearances . 19
9.8 Temperature and humidity cycle conditioning . 20
9.9 Terminals and terminations . 20
10 Electrical requirements . 21
10.1 Dielectric strength. 21
10.2 Insulation resistance . 21
10.3 Interrupting current . 22
10.3.1 General . 22
10.3.2 Specific conditions. 22
10.4 Transient overload current . 24
10.5 Limited short-circuit test . 24
10.5.1 General . 24
10.5.2 Test method . 24
10.5.3 Fuse size (rating) . 25
10.5.4 Compliance . 25
11 Temperature tests . 25
11.1 General . 25
11.2 Holding temperature, T . 26
11.3 Rated functioning temperature, T . 26
11.4 Maximum temperature limit, T . 27
11.5 Ageing . 27

12 Resistance to rusting. 28
13 Manufacturer’s validation programme . 28

Annex A (normative) Application guide . 29
Annex B (normative) Alternative ageing test for thermal-links with T greater than
250 °C for use in electric irons . 30
Annex C (normative) Conductive heat ageing test . 31
C.1 Conductive heat ageing test . 31
C.2 Method . 31
C.2.1 General . 31
C.2.2 Typical test fixture assembly . 31
C.2.3 Temperature setting . 31
C.2.4 Temperature behaviour . 31
C.2.5 Temperature monitoring . 32
C.3 Ageing . 32
C.3.1 General . 32
C.3.2 Cooling operation . 32
C.3.3 Premature operation . 32
C.4 Results . 33
C.5 Dielectric strength test . 33
C.6 Test oven . 35
Annex D (informative) Extended holding temperature evaluation . 37
D.1 Extended holding temperature conditioning test . 37
D.2 Load current interrupt test . 37
Annex E (normative) Seal ageing test . 39
Annex F (normative) Identification requirements . 41
Annex G (normative) Indelibility of markings . 42
Annex H (normative) Requirements for thermal-link packaged assemblies . 43
Annex I (informative) Holding temperature . 48
Bibliography . 49

Figure 1 – Bending/twist test . 18
Figure C.1 – Typical test fixture assembly . 34
Figure C.2 – Typical thermal-link test oven. 36
Figure D.1 – Typical terminal block support test fixture . 38
Figure E.1 – Conditioning time versus oven temperature for proposed temperature index . 40
Figure G.1 – Apparatus for testing durability of markings . 42

Table 1 – Test schedule . 13
Table 2 – Strength of leads and terminal parts – Minimum required tensile and thrust
test forces . 18
Table 3 – Creepage distances and clearances (absolute minimum values) . 20
Table 4 – Test voltages for dielectric strength . 21
Table 5 – Test current for interrupting test . 22
Table 6 – Limited short-circuit test capacity. 25

– 4 – IEC 60691:2023 RLV © IEC 2023
Table H.1 – Push and pull force . 45
Table H.2 – Minimum nominal cross-sectional area of conductor . 45
Table H.3 – Allowed values for the materials used in the thermal-link package . 47


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IEC 60691 ®
Edition 5.0 2023-03
Thermal-links – Requirements and application guide
Protecteurs thermiques – Exigences et guide d'application
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IEC 60691 ®
Edition 5.0 2023-03
Thermal-links – Requirements and application guide
Protecteurs thermiques – Exigences et guide d'application
ICS 29.120.50 ISBN 978-2-8322-6469-0
– 2 – IEC 60691:2023 © IEC 2023
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 9
4 General requirements . 11
5 General notes on tests . 12
6 Classification . 14
6.1 Electrical conditions . 14
6.2 Thermal conditions. 14
6.3 Resistance to tracking . 14
7 Marking . 14
8 Documentation . 15
9 Constructional requirements . 16
9.1 General . 16
9.2 Lead secureness tests . 17
9.2.1 General . 17
9.2.2 Tensile test . 17
9.2.3 Thrust test . 17
9.2.4 Bending/twist test . 17
9.3 Contacts used for the current path . 18
9.4 Accessible mounting brackets or metal parts . 19
9.5 Insulating materials . 19
9.6 Resistance to tracking . 19
9.7 Creepage distances and clearances . 19
9.8 Temperature and humidity cycle conditioning . 20
9.9 Terminals and terminations . 20
10 Electrical requirements . 21
10.1 Dielectric strength . 21
10.2 Insulation resistance . 21
10.3 Interrupting current . 22
10.3.1 General . 22
10.3.2 Specific conditions . 22
10.4 Transient overload current . 23
10.5 Limited short-circuit test . 24
10.5.1 General . 24
10.5.2 Test method . 24
10.5.3 Fuse size (rating) . 25
10.5.4 Compliance . 25
11 Temperature tests . 25
11.1 General . 25
11.2 Holding temperature, T . 26
11.3 Rated functioning temperature, T . 26
11.4 Maximum temperature limit, T . 26
11.5 Ageing . 27

12 Resistance to rusting . 27
13 Manufacturer’s validation programme . 28
Annex A (normative) Application guide. 29
Annex B (normative) Alternative ageing test for thermal-links with T greater than
250 °C for use in electric irons . 30
Annex C (normative) Conductive heat ageing test . 31
C.1 Conductive heat ageing test . 31
C.2 Method . 31
C.2.1 General . 31
C.2.2 Typical test fixture assembly . 31
C.2.3 Temperature setting. 31
C.2.4 Temperature behaviour . 31
C.2.5 Temperature monitoring . 32
C.3 Ageing . 32
C.3.1 General . 32
C.3.2 Cooling operation . 32
C.3.3 Premature operation . 32
C.4 Results . 33
C.5 Dielectric strength test . 33
C.6 Test oven . 33
Annex D (informative) Extended holding temperature evaluation . 35
D.1 Extended holding temperature conditioning test . 35
D.2 Load current interrupt test . 35
Annex E (normative) Seal ageing test . 37
Annex F (normative) Identification requirements . 39
Annex G (normative) Indelibility of markings . 40
Annex H (normative) Requirements for thermal-link packaged assemblies . 41
Annex I (informative) Holding temperature . 45
Bibliography . 46

Figure 1 – Bending/twist test .

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