Information technology — User system interfaces and symbols — Icon symbols and functions — Part 6: Action icons

ISO/IEC 11581 applies to icons that are shown on a screen, that users can manipulate and interact with, and that represent data or computer system functions. This part of ISO/IEC 11581 addresses only action icons. Action icons represent actions by association with objects that prompt the user to recall the intended actions. This part of ISO/IEC 11581 describes user interaction with and appearance of action icons on the screen. Other types of icons are covered in other parts of the standard, listed in the Foreword.

Technologies de l'information — Interfaces pour système utilisateur et symboles — Symboles et fonctions d'icônes — Partie 6: Icônes d'action

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ISO/IEC 11581-6:1999 - Information technology -- User system interfaces and symbols -- Icon symbols and functions
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STANDARD 11581-6
First edition
Information technology — User system
interfaces and symbols — Icon symbols
and functions —
Part 6:
Action icons
Technologies de l'information — Interfaces pour système utilisateur et
symboles — Symboles et fonctions d'icônes —
Partie 6: Icônes d'action
Reference number
1 Scope .1
2 Conformance.1
3 Normative references .1
4 Definitions .2
5 Conceptual construction of action icons.2
6 Action icon requirements and recommendations.2
6.1 Requirements.2
6.2 Recommendations.2
7 Action icon specifications .3
7.1 General action icons.4
7.2 Filing action icons .5
7.3 Print action icons.6
7.4 Editing action icons.7
7.5 Command reversal action icons .9
7.6 Text action icons.9
©  ISO/IEC 1999
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office • Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO/IEC 11581-6 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information
ISO/IEC 11581 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — User system
interfaces and symbols — Icon symbols and functions:
 Part 1: Icons — General
 Part 2: Object icons
 Part 3: Pointer icons
 Part 4: Control icons
 Part 5: Tool icons
 Part 6: Action icons
Action icons permit users to invoke functions that act upon pre-selected or default objects. Functions initiated by
action icons may also be available via text commands on menus. Action icons provide more direct access to
functions by representing those text commands graphically.
The icon functions and graphics included in this part of ISO/IEC 11581 have been selected on the basis of their
common use across contemporary platforms and applications.
Information technology — User system interfaces and symbols —
Icon symbols and functions —
Part 6:
Action icons
1 Scope
ISO/IEC 11581 applies to icons that are shown on a screen, that users can manipulate and interact with, and that
represent data or computer system functions. This part of ISO/IEC 11581 addresses only action icons. Action icons
represent actions by association with objects that prompt the user to recall the intended actions. This part of
ISO/IEC 11581 describes user interaction with and appearance of action icons on the screen. Other types of icons
are covered in other parts of the standard, listed in the Foreword.
2 Conformance
A system, application, or set of one or more icons conforms to this part of ISO/IEC 11581 if all action icons available
to the user in the system or application conform to ISO/IEC 11581-1, clauses 5 and 6.1 and to subclauses 6.1.1 to
6.1.3 of this part of ISO/IEC 11581.
3 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
ISO/IEC 11581. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision,
and parties to agreements based on this part of ISO/IEC 11581 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of
applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards.
ISO/IEC 11581-1:— , Information technology — User system interfaces and symbols — Icon symbols and
functions — Part 1: Icons — General.
ISO/IEC 11581-2:— , Information technology — User system interfaces and symbols — Icon symbols and
functions — Part 2: Object icons.

1)  To be published.
4 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO/IEC 11581, the definitions given in other parts of ISO/IEC 11581 and the
following definitions apply.
icon which acts upon a selected source and/or target, and provides single step access to
4.1 Action icon:
functions typically also available via a menu.
NOTE For some action icons, such as «Cut», the source is pre-selected whilst the target is the default. For «Paste» the
source is the default whilst the target must be selected by the user.
4.2  Filing system: container which provides an organised collection of objects such as documents, folders and
filing cabinets.
5 Conceptual construction of action icons
The conceptual construction of action icons is similar to that shown for object icons in clause 5 of ISO/IEC 11581-2.
The metaphor is that of pushing a button to invoke the associated functionality.
6 Action icon requirements and recommendations
6.1 Requirements
6.1.1 Graphic and function
If a system or application uses an action icon that has the appearance of the action icon graphic specified in
clause 7 of this part of ISO/IEC 11581 within the specific variations given, and within the global variations specified
in ISO/IEC 11581-1, it shall serve the primary function specified in clause 7 of this part of ISO/IEC 11581.
6.1.2 Arrangement
Related action icons shall be grouped together. These groups shall be arranged together in rows, columns or
6.1.3 Selection
Selection of an action icon shall be made by indicating with the pointer and activating the associated input device
(e.g. clicking a mouse button).
6.1.4 Visual feedback
There shall be a clear visual discrimination between action icons that represent available and unavailable functions.
There shall be visual feedback when a function has been invoked via an action icon. There shall also be visual
feedback that indicates the status of the action.
NOTE Typically, action icons are presented, and have the same behaviour as real, three-dimensional push buttons.
The visual feedback to the user from activated action icons shall be consistent and logical.
6.2 Recommendations
6.2.1 Function and graphic
If a system or application uses an action icon that serves the primary function specified in clause 7, it is highly
recommended that it have the appearance of the action icon graphic specified in clause 7, within the specific
variations given and within the global variations specified in ISO/IEC 11581, 6.3.
6.2.2 Metaphor
Action icons should be presented in a cell that uses shadows and highlights to re-enforce the metaphor of real
buttons and their corresponding behaviour.
6.2.3 Arrangement
If action icons are provided according to clause 7, they should be grouped in the same sets as shown in that clause.
6.2.4 Colour
Action icons may be coloured.
6.2.5 Appearance
All icons of a similar selection status should be of a similar visual strength.
6.2.6 Typeface
An uncomplex typeface should be employed if letters, numbers, punctuation marks and mathematical symbols are
used as integrated elements of the action icon.
All text should be concise.
7 Action icon specifications
The classifications in this clause are provided to group related action icons. They are classified into the following six
• general action icons (7.1)
• filing action icons (7.2)
• print action icons (7.3)
• editing action icons (7.4)
command reversal action icons (7.5)

• text action icons (7.6)
In the following icon specifications, the illustrations represent the basic graphics for the action icons subject to global
variations (see ISO/IEC 11581-1, 6.3) and the specific variations given in this clause, listed for each icon where
The graphics for all categories are shown bounded by a rectangular outline cell that represents the edges of the
button top only. The size of the cell and the location of the graphic within it are shown for illustration, and are
implementation dependent. The three-dimensional button effect, described in 6.2.2, has not been included here.
The grey zone within each cell represents the button top background colour, whilst the white areas within the
graphics should be a colour appropriate to the depicted object.
7.1 General action icons
7.1.1 Help
Primary function. To provide access to the Help functions of the system, either to general help or related help to a
user-selected object.
Specific instance. A question mark.
A question mark as commonly used in Latin languages
7.1.2 Find
Primary function. To locate an object specified by the user within the current system or application. This icon
should be enhanced further by additional components to identify the target of this function (see ISO/IEC 11581-1,
clause 6).
Specific instance. A hand held torch or flashlight.
• Torch/flashlight. Comprising two diagonal cylinders, joined together and orientated from the upper left to the
centre of the button top/cell. The larger cylinder is in the centre of the cell.
• Light beams/rays. A series of lines emanating from the larger cylinder in the general direction of the lower right
corner of the cell.
Specific variations.
• The torch/flashlight may be orientated in any direction.
• The light beam may be illustrated by some other means, e.g. by a highlighted area.
7.2 Filing action icons
7.2.1 Create new
Primary function. To create a new document.
Specific instance. An empty document
• Document, see ISO/IEC 11581-2, 7.1.1.
Specific variation. Gleam/sparkle/star burst. An eight-pointed star located on the unfolded, top corner of the
7.2.2 Open
Primary function. To open an existing document. If no document is pre-selected, this icon will take the user directly
into the filing system.
Specific instance. An open folder with an arrow moving from it.
• An open folder (based upon ISO/IEC 11581-2, 7.1.2).
• A direction arrow. Located in the top right corner of the cell, above the folder and pointing upwards and to the
right, away from the open folder.
Specific variations.
• An object, representing a document, may be included moving from the folder if space permits this additional level
of detail.
• For languages oriented from right to left the graphic may be «mirrored» horizontally.
7.2.3 Save
To save the current document with the same name within the filing system, whilst keeping the
Primary function.
document open.
An open folder with an arrow moving into it.
Specific instance.
• An open folder (based upon ISO/IEC 11581-2, 7.1.2).
• A direction arrow. Located in the top left corner of the cell, pointing downwards and into the open folder.
Specific variations.
• An object, representing a document, may be included moving into the folder if space permits this additional level
of detail.
• For languages oriented from right to left the graphic may be «mirrored» horizontally.
7.3 Print action icons
7.3.1 Print preview
Primary function. To provide a view of the layout and composition of the current document for printing. Typically,
several levels of enlargement or reduction are available.
Specific instance. A document with a magnifying glass overlaid.
• Document, see ISO/IEC 11581-2, 7.1.1.


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