Layouts for standards — Part 2: Standard for chemical analysis

Plans de normes — Partie 2: Norme d'analyse chimique

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ISO 78-2:1982 - Layouts for standards
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International Standard
Layouts for standards -
Part 2 : Standard for chemical analysis
Plans de normes - Partie 2 : Norme d’analyse chimique
First edition - 1982-04-01
UDC 543 Ref. No. IS0 78/2-1982 (E)
Descriptors : standards, layout, chemical compounds, chemical analysis.
Price based on 12 pages

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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing lnter-
national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 78/2 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 47,
This first edition was submitted directly to the IS0 Council, in accordance with clause
5.10.1 of part 1 of the Directives for the technical work of ISO. It cancels and replaces
pages 11 to 23 of IS0 Recommendation R 78-1969, which had been approved by the
member bodies of the following countries :
Australia South Africa, Rep. of
Austria Iran Spain
Israel Switzerland
Brazil Italy Thailand
Netherlands Turkey
Czechoslovakia United Kingdom
New Zealand
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Poland USA
France Portugal USSR
Germany, F. R.
The member body of the fol lowing country had expressed disapproval of the docu-
ment on technical grounds :
It also cancels and replaces IS0 Guide 181978.
0 International Organization for Standardization, 1982
Printed in Switzerland

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IS0 78/24982 (El
Layouts for standards -
Part 2 3: Standard for chemical analysis
0.1 Introduction - Drawing up standards that the various items of information to be included in
the standard are always given in the same order;
according to standard layouts
that any desired clause may be found rapidly, whatever
It is recommended that standards for methods of chemical
the origin or scope of the standard.
analysis should be drawn up in accordance with part 3 of the
Directives for the technical work of ISO, which gives general
(This is important particularly if a partial translation of a text is
guidance, and using the layout of which details are given on the
being studied or two texts are being compared.)
following pages.
It should always be remembered, in making use of this layout,
that it is for guidance only. It should be adapted to suit any 0.2 Scope and field of application
special requirements. There may be no need for all the subdivi-
sions provided : no account should be taken of those not re- With a view to the simplification, rationalization and standar-
quired. dization of methods, reagents and equipment used in test
laboratories, and so that each International Standard or other
With the object of helping to solve problems of drafting and international document prepared in this field should be drafted
layout which arise in drawing up standards for chemical pro- in terms as comprehensible as possible, particularly to readers
ducts and for methods of chemical analysis, ISO/TC 47 has
whose mother tongue is not the language in which the docu-
established a series of standard layouts :
ment is written, this part of IS0 78 sets out a number of prin-
ciples which should be applied for the layout and wording of
- layout for a standard for a chemical product, with notes
methods of chemical analysis.
on its applicationl);
- layout for a standard method of chemical analysis, with
0.3 General
notes on its application*);
0.3.1 Plan of document
standard layouts for instrumental analyses, with notes
on their application?
In drafting the methods of analysis, the subjects should be
dealt with in the order shown in the layout on page 3 but any
A standard for a chemical product should form a consistent
clause or sub-clause which may be unnecessary in a particular
whole. In addition to specifying the characteristics required of
case should be omitted and others, if required, should be added
the product, it should state how to determine these
in the most appropriate places.
characteristics. A standard method of chemical analysis has a
rightful place in the text of a standard for a chemical product.
0.3.2 Numbering of clauses and sub-clauses
However, to shorten the text, the method of chemical analysis
may be issued as a separate standard; and if a general method
The clauses and sub-clauses from beginning to end of each
of chemical analysis applicable to the product exists, the stan-
document, including documents containing several sections
dard for the product may merely refer to it.
each dealing with a different method of test, should be
numbered consecutively, using arabic numbers, in accordance
The adoption of a standard form of layout and drafting ensures
with the point system described in IS0 2145, Documentation
that no important point is overlooked in the preparation - Numbering of divisions and subdivisions in written
of the standard; documents.
1) The layout for a standard for a chemical product is given in IS0 78/l, Lay~ts for standards - Part I : Standard for a chemical product (at
present at the stage of draft).
2) i.e. this part of IS0 78 : this cancels and replaces the layout for a standard method of chemical analysis given in ISO/R 78-1969, pages 11 to 23.
3) Namely, IS0 7813, Layouts for standards - Part 3 : Standard for molecular absorption spectrometric analysis (at present at the stage of draft),
IS0 7814, Layouts for standards - Part 4 : Standard for atomic absorption spectrometric analysis (at present at the stage of draft) and IS0 2718
Part 5 : Standard for gas chromatographic analysis).
(which will become IS0 78/5, Layouts for standards -

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IS0 78/2-1982 (El
0.3.3 Units and symbols which it is desirable to retain, the same test methods for a given
characteristic in related chemical products should be adopted
in all IS0 documents and their wording should be as similar as General
The units, signs and symbols laid down in International Stan-
dards’) or, failing these, those already well known interna-
tionally, should be used if possible.
0.3.5 Chemical nomenclature
The symbols for units of measurement should be used if they
The directives prepared by the International Union of Pure and
are preceded by a numb& expressed in figures. In other cases,
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on the nomenclature of chemicals
these units should preferably be written out in full (except
of high purity and the way of spelling and printing their names
where used as column headings in tables of numerical values).
should be applied. It is advisable to put the trivial name of the
reagent in parentheses after the IUPAC name when it first oc- Mitlilitre
curs but, thereafter, only the IUPAC name should be used3
The millilitre (ml) may be used as the special name for the cubic
It is recommended that the use of trade names and registered
centimetre (ems), in accordance with the decision of the
trade names be avoided, if possible.
Twelfth General Conference of Weights and Measures (Paris,
October 1964).
For commercial chemicals (basic chemicals for industrial use), % Sign (“percentage” in English and
the trivial name should be given in the title and in the “Scope
“pourcentage” in French) and field of application” clause(s); the corresponding IUPAC
name for the pure product should be given in parentheses after
The % sign should be’ used in all cases where this sign is
the trivial name but, thereafter, only the trivial name need be
preceded by figures, unless otherwise indicated (for example,
for typographical reasons). It should be followed by the indica-
tion (m/m) or (V/ v) depending on whether the percentage is
by mass or by volume.
0.3.6 Numerical values and tolerances
0.3.4 Choice of methods of test
Whenever a parameter, for example a temperature or a time
period, is quantified, it is important to consider the need to.
As far as possible and except in certain industries, if this rule
justified and well-established practice specify a tolerance on its value.
would be contrary to
1) See in particular IS0 31, Quantities, units and symbols, and IS0 1000, Sl units and recommendations for the use of their mu/tip/es and of certain
0 ther units.
However, the trivial name of the reagent may be used in the remainder of the text if by so doing the presentation is made more readable.

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ISO78/2-1982 (El
Preferred order for the layout
bee 0.3.1)
For comments
see clause
Warning and safety precautions
Field of application
Reagents and materials
Sampling and samples
Expression of results
Special cases
Notes on procedure
Test report
Schematic representation of procedure

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IS0 78/2-1982 0
Notes on the application of the layout for a standard method of
chemical analysis
1 Title If interferences arise in a method, they should be mentioned in
this sub-clause. If it is necessary to provide for modifications to
The title of the document should express concisely and without the basic method, for instance to ensure the elimination of cer-
ambiguity the products to which the method of test applies, the tain interfering factors, these modifications should be treated
constituent or the characteristic to be determined and the as special cases. These special cases should be indicated in the
nature of the determination. “Field of application” clause and the corresponding modifica-
tions should be described in the “Special cases” clause.
Example :
Sodium hexa fluorosilica te for industrial use - Determination
of iron content - I, I@Phenanthroline spectrometric method.
1 It is sometimes necessary to provide several methods for the deter-
mination of a given component, depending, for example, on the com-
position of the product or on its differing contents of that component,
or the accuracy required, each method having its own field of applica-
2 Warning and safety precautions
tion. A clear distinction should be drawn between the individual fields
of application of the methods laid down if the document includes
If the product being analysed or the reagents or the procedure
several methods.
are dangerous, it is essential to draw attention to the hazards
and to describe the precautions necessary to avoid them. This 2 In simple cases, it may be preferable to amalgamate the clauses
“Scope”and “Field of application” into a single clause entitled “Scope
information should be printed in capital letters or in bold type
and field of application”.
immediately after the title of the standard if the danger
to be encountered is due to the product being analysed;
6 References
after the name of the reagent of material if the danger
to be encountered is d ue to a particular reagent or material;
This clause should give a list of IS0 documents which are
as stated in 13.1 if the danger to be encou ntered is due
necessary for the application of the International Standard.
to the proced ure.
NOTE - Documents which have merely served as references in the
This part of the text should not be numbered.
preparation of the standard should be indicated in the “Bibliography”
clause or mentioned in the “Introduction” clause.
3 Introduction
7 Definitions
information on the method is required, it should be
If special
included in this clause, which is given the number zero (0).
This clause should give any definitions of terms used in the text
that may be necessary for its complete understanding.
4 Scope
This clause of the document should state succinctly the
8 Principle
method of analysis of test and specifically the products to
which it applies.
This clause should indicate the essential steps of the method
used (preferably using substantive phrases), the basic prin-
It should contain any additional, useful, information which
ciples and the properties of which use is made and, if ap-
could not be included i n the title.
propriate, the reasons justifying the choice of certain pro-
5 Field of application
9 Reactions
This clause should contain sufficient information to enable the
user to judge quickly whether the standard is applicable to the
This clause should indicate the essential reactions, if they are
products being considered, or whether limitations exist.
considered necessary for the comprehension of the text or the
calculations. These reactions should, if appropriate, be ex-
It should contain an indication of the products to which the
pressed in ionic form.
method of analysis applies and the limits of contents between
which the method can be used without alteration.
The reactions are given only for guidance and do not claim to
settle any controversial questions. They justify the calculations
These limits should take into account the presence of the other
components of the product or products in question and of their made from the data obtained in the determinations and may
own limiting contents. lead to a better understanding of the method, especially if

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IS0 7812-1982 (E)
several successive changes occur in the state of oxidation of cedure” clause after the name of the reagent or material, it is
the element being determined.
possible, by referring back to the “Reagents and materials”
I -
clause, to avoid repeating all the characteristics of the reagent
Any additional information required should be given either in a
or material in question and thus to keep the text short. It is not,
note to this clause or in the clause “Notes on procedure”.
however, necessary to repeat this reference every time if no
ambiguity is introduced.
10 Reagents and materials
10.2 Products used in their commercially available
10.1 General -
In the list of reagents and materials, products used in their com-
The title of this clause should be “Reagents” or “Materials” or
mercially available form should be described unambiguously,
“Reagents and materials”, as appropriate. This clause should
giving the particulars necessary for their identification (for ex-
begin, if applicable with the following sentence :
ample, the chemical formula, concentration, etc.) and, for solid
products in particular, the presence of any water or crystalliza-
“During the analysis, unless otherwise stated, use only
reagents of recognized analytical grade and only distilled water
or water of equivalent purity.”
10.3 Aqueous solutions
It should give the list of all the reagents and materials used dur-
ing the test, together with their essential characteristics (con-
In the list of reagents and materials, solutions for which the sol-
centration, density 11, etc.) and should specify, if necessary,
vent is not specified are aqueous by convention. The use of the
their degree of purity in relation to their specific use. The list
term “aqueous” in the list is superfluous.
should not include products used only in the preparation of
these reagents.
If necessary, the precautions to be taken for storing the 10.4 Solutions with defined concentration
reagents, and the time for which they may be stored, should be
If a solution has to be prepared to a concentration specified on
a volume by volume or mass by volume basis, the temperature
If a standard volumetric solution or other standard solution is at which the volume or volumes are measured should be given
wherever measurement at ambient temperature would have a
called for, its preparation and, if necessary, its standardization
significant effect on the accuracy of the determination.
should be described in this clause. In other cases, these par-
ticulars are not necessary, but if general methods for the
The following equivalent terms in the official IS0 languages
preparation and checking of certain reagents used are the sub-
[English, French (F) and Russian (RI1 should be used.
ject of an International Standard, a reference to the latter
should be made.
10.4.1 Standard volumetric solution
If the absence of an interfering component in the reagents has
to be verified, the details of the tests to be used for this purpose
F : Solution tit&e
should be given.
It is desirable to draw up this clause in the following systematic
order :
10.4.1 .l Definition
- products (excluding solutions) used in their commer-
Solution for titrimetric analysis, the concentration of which is
cially available form;
defined accurately.
solutions or suspensions (excluding standard
volumetric solutions and standard solutions), with their ap- Expression of concentration
proximate concentrations stated;
The concentrations of these solutions should be expressed as
standard volumetric solutions and standard solutions;
amount-of-substance (molar) concentrations with the unit
mole per cubic metre (moVm3) or mole per litre (mol/W. The
concentration shall be represented either by a whole number
(for example, 2 mol/m3, 1 mol/l) or by a decimal number (for
auxiliary materials (drying agents, etc. 1. example, 0,06 moVm3, 0,l mol/l). In certain cases, the con-
centration of the solutions may be expressed as mass concen-
The reagents and materials should be identified by a serial
trations, in which case the unit may be, for example, grams per
number. By showing this number, in parentheses, in the “Pro- millilitre (g/ml).
density (symbol Q) : Quotient of the mass by the volume. (See IS0 31/3, Quantities and units of mechanics.)
Throughout the rest of this document, only the unit mole per litre (mol/l) is used.

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IS0 78/2-1982 0
or 2 N, that is containing 472,08 g of mer-
The amount-of-substance concentration of component B
cury(l) chloride per litre. The elementary en-
(symbol ce) is defined as the amount of substance of compo-
tity is the molecule of mercury(l) chloride.
nent B divided by the volume of the mixture. (See IS0 31/8,
Quantities and units of physical chemistry and molecular
= 1 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
physics. 1 c(Hg;+)
responding to that hitherto described as 1 M
substance is the mole, defined as or 2 N, that is containing 401,18 g of the
The base SI unit of amount of
follows : mercury(I) cation per litre. The elementary
entity is the mercury(l) cation.
The mole is the amount of substances of a system which
contains as many elementary entities as there are atoms in cW2 Ca2+) = 1 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
responding to that hitherto described as 1 N,
0,012 kg of carbon 12. When the mole is used, the elemen-
tary entities must be specified and may be atoms, that is containing 20,04 g of the calcium
cation per litre. The elementary entity is the
molecules, ions, electrons, other particles, or specified
half-cation of calcium.
groups of such particles.
Hitherto, the terms normality and molarity (symbols N and M
Thus, when using the molar concentration (amount-of-
respectively) were used in this context, and the corresponding
substance concentration) the elementary entity must be
expressions in these terms are shown above.
Examples :
10.4.2 Standard reference solution
1 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
F : Solution etalon de reference
responding to that hitherto described as 1 N,
that is containing 40 g of sodium hydroxide
R : 06pa3qOBbli;l PaCTBOp
per Iitre. The elementary entity is the
molecule of sodium hydroxide. Definition
3 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
cdl/2 H2S04) =
Solution used as a reference solution for standardizing other
responding to that hitherto described as 3 N,
solutions. It is either prepared from a primary standard or stan-
that is containing 3 x 49 g of sulphuric acid
dardized by some other means.
per litre. The elementary entity is the half-
molecule of sulphuric acid. Expression of concentration
c(H2S04) = 1,5 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
The concentrations of these solutions should be expressed in
responding to that hitherto described as 3 N,
the same way as those of standard volumetric solutions
that is containing 1,5 x 98 g of sulphuric
acid per litre. The elementary entity is the
molecule of sulphuric acid.
10.4.3 Standard solution
c(HZS04) = 1 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
responding to that hitherto described as 1 M
F : Solution etalon
or 2 N, that is containing 98 g of sulphuric
R : 3TiUlOHHblL;1 PaCTBOp
acid per litre. The elementary entity is the
molecule of sulphuric acid. Definition
c(l/5 KMnOJ = 0,l mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
Solution of accurately known concentration of an element, an
responding to that hitherto described as
ion, a compound or a group derived from the product used for
0,l N, in the case of reaction in acid
its preparation.
medium, that is containing 3,16 g of
potassium permanganate per litre. The
elementary entity is the one-fifth-molecule of Expression of concentration
‘potassium permanganate.
The concentrations of these solutions should be expressed in
c(HgCl) 1 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
grams per litre or in sub-multiples of this unit.
responding to that hitherto described as 1 N,
that is containing 236,04 g of mercury(l)
chloride per litre. The elementary entity is the
10.4.4 Standard matching solutionl)
half-molecule of mercury(l) chloride.
F : Solution temoin
1 mol/l is the molar concentration cor-
c( Hg2C12) =
responding to that hitherto described as 1 M
be more precisely by the appropriate adjec-
This English term is used solely as a generic term for these solutions and each solution
calorimetric solution”, “standard turbidimetric solution”).
tive (for example, “standard

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
IS0 78/‘2-1982 0 Definition The items of apparatus should be identified by a serial number.
By showing this number, in parentheses, in the “Procedure”
Solution of which the relevant characteristic is exactly known clause after the name of the item, it is possible, by referring
or defined (for example colour, turbidity) and is used to assess back to the “Apparatus” clause, to avoid repeating all the
characteristics of the apparatus in question and thus to keep
the test solution in relation to that characteristic. It may be
the text short. It is not, however, necessary to repeat this
prepared from solutions 10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3 or other solu-
tions with the required characteristic. reference every time the item is mentioned if no ambiguity is in-
NOTE - The method of preparation of the standard matching
solutions should normaljy be given in the sub-clause “calibration”
ropriate, reference should be made to lnterna tional Stan-
If aPP
(see 13.7).
dards concerning laboratory glassware a
nd related apparatus. Expression of concentration
It is advisable to illustrate special types of apparatus and their
The concentrations of these solutions should be expressed in assembly by means of a diagram drawn in accordance with the
International Standards concerning technical drawings, if these
accordance with the indications of, or are applicable.
Any checking of the functioning of the assembled apparatus
10.4.5 Other solutions
should be described in the “Procedure” clause in a sub-clause
headed “Check test” (see 13.4).
10.451 If the concentration of a solution is to be given on a
mass by mass or volume by volume basis, it should be ex-
pressed as a percentage in the following way :
The special requirements of any apparatus that is not in com-
mon use should be given in this clause, especially if they play a
. . .
% (m/m) or. .). % (V/V)
significant part in the procedure or if they constitute a factor in
the safety, reproducibility and accuracy of the method. If the concentration is expressed in terms of the
dimensionally heterogeneous units of mass and volume, the
concentration should be expressed in grams per litre or, if ap-
12 Sampling and samples
propriate, in sub-multiples thereof.
12.1 Definitions
10.453 If a solution is prepared by dilution of another
specified solution, the following conventions should be ob-
served : The following equivalent terms in the official IS0 languages
[English, French (F) and Russian (RI1 should be used. The
- the expression “diluted V 1* V2” means that the following definitions are taken from IS0 6206, Chemica/
volume VI of the specified solution is diluted in such a way products for industrial use - Sampling - Vocabulary.
as to give a total volume V2 of final mixture;
- the expression “diluted VI + V2” means that the 12.1.1 Laboratory sample
volume VI of the specified solution is added to the volume
V2 of the solvent. F : Echantillon pour laboratoire
NOTE - Expressions such as ” VI : I$” or ” VI / ’ which have dif-
R : fla60paTOptiblh o6paseu
ferent meanings in different countries should not be used.
In the same way, traditional or conventional denominations of solu-
to the laboratory and
A sample as prepared for sending
tions other than those given above (for example “hydrogen peroxide,
intended for inspection or testing.
12 volumes”) should not be used.
12.1.2 Test sample
10.5 Indicators
F : Echantillon pour essai
Indicators shall be designated by their systematic chemical
names and, if possible, by their Colour Index numbers, and
R : 06paseq ~n~l McnblTaH1/1ti
never by any trade name. If diluted indicators are specified,
their concentrations shall be given either as percentages by
volume in the case of indicators that are liquids or as grams per A sample prepared from the sample from which
litre in the case of solutions of solids. test portions will be taken.
12.1.3 Test portion
II Apparatus
F : Prise d’essai
This clause should indicate the significant characteristics of the
apparatus used during the analysis or the test, other than of
R : Tlpo6a anal aHanMsa
usual laboratory apparatus.

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IS0 78/2-1982 (EI
one of the methods specified in . . .” should be used, with an
The quantity of material drawn from the test sample (or, if both
indication of any modification, if necessary.
are the same, from the laboratory sample) and on which the
test or observation is actually carried out.1)
The “Procedure” clause should normally include the following
12.2 Sampling
In principle, sampling for the preparation of the laboratory sam-
13.1 Safety precautions
ple is independent of the chemical analysis as such, and it is
generally sufficient to refer to the relevant standard dealing
If there are risks during the procedure (for example explosion,
specifically with this question, or to the corresponding clause
fire or toxicity) for which special precautions are necessary, a
of the product standard. If no texts exist, this sub-clause may
cautionary statement should be included in this sub-clause in
include a sampling plan and sampling procedure including
capital letters or in bold type.
guidance on the means of avoiding alteration of the product
and taking into account the International Standards concerning
If necessary, more detailed advice on safety procedures and
the applications of statistical methods.
first-aid measures can be given in an annex.
If necessary, this sub-clause should also give any useful infor-
mation on the mass or volume of the laboratory sample, the
13.2 Test portion
characteristics of the containers for its storage (for example
type, capacity, air-tightness) and the storage conditions to be
This sub-clause should give all the information necessary for
the drawing of the test portion from the test sample (or from
the laboratory sample, if both are the same) prepared as in-
12.3 Preparation of the test sample
dicated in 12.3. If appropriate, it should state the method of
weighing or measuring this test portion (for example, using a
This sub-clause should give all the necessary information for
weighing pipette). It should state the mass or volume of the
the preparation of the sample from which the test portions will
test portion, the precision with which this has to be measured
be drawn. This sample is prepared from the “laboratory
and, if necessary, any another relevant characteristics.
sample” specified in 12.2.
This sub-clause should also indicate if several test portions are
In each case, all the steps in the preparation should be stated
required in order to take account of the manner in which the
(for example, grinding, drying) together with appropriate infor-
result of the determination is de

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