ISO/TS 5255-1:2022
(Main)Intelligent transport systems — Low-speed automated driving system (LSADS) service — Part 1: Role and functional model
Intelligent transport systems — Low-speed automated driving system (LSADS) service — Part 1: Role and functional model
This document defines the requirements of the basic role and functional model of service applications for the introduction of low-speed automated driving system (LSADS) services including infrastructure facilities for supporting mobility in urban and rural areas. This document covers services using LSADS-equipped vehicles only; in-vehicle control systems are outside the scope. Examples of infrastructure facilities and road furniture include driving monitoring platforms, emergency response platforms, operation management platforms, user service platforms (e.g. for online reservations and online payments) and platforms for supporting automated driving systems.
Systèmes intelligents de transport — Service de système de conduite automatisée à vitesse réduite (CAVR) — Partie 1: Rôle général et modèle fonctionnel
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Intelligent transport systems — Low-
speed automated driving system
(LSADS) service —
Part 1:
Role and functional model
Systèmes intelligents de transport — Service de système de conduite
automatisée à vitesse réduite (CAVR) —
Partie 1: Rôle général et modèle fonctionnel
Reference number
© ISO 2022
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 1
5 Automated driving system classification and service evolution . 2
5.1 Introduction . 2
5.2 Service classification of AD systems . 2
5.3 AD system service evolution . . 2
6 Infrastructure support for LSADS service role and functional model .3
7 Role and functional model .4
7.1 Objective. 4
7.2 National variations . 4
7.3 Basic role model. 4
7.4 Application layer role and functional model for LSADS . 5
7.4.1 Role and functional model options . 6
7.4.2 Certification of service providers . 6
8 Concept of operations . 6
8.1 General . 6
8.2 Statement of the goals and objectives of the system . 6
8.3 Strategies, tactics, policies and constraints affecting the system . 6
8.4 Operational processes for the system . 7
8.5 Appointment of a certification authority . 7
8.6 Role of the service provider . 7
8.7 User . 7
9 Operational physical layer role and functional model . 8
9.1 General . 8
9.2 Actors . 8
9.3 LSADS service role and functional model . 9
9.3.1 General . 9
9.3.2 LSADS service control centre . 9
9.3.3 LSADS service user with nomadic device . 9
9.3.4 LSADS transport provider . 9
9.3.5 LSADS service vehicle . 9
9.3.6 LSADS service driving recorder . 9
9.3.7 LSADS service vehicle owner . 10
9.3.8 LSAD vehicle inspection/certification authority. 10
9.3.9 First responders (police/fire fighters) . 10
9.3.10 LSADS service supporting infrastructure facilities (ISAD) (physical and
digital) . 10
9.3.11 Regulator (municipal) . 10
9.3.12 Regional road authority . 10
9.3.13 SCMS (security credential management system) . 10
9.3.14 Traffic management centre . 10
9.4 Operational physical layer data flow . 11
9.4.1 General . 11
9.4.2 External data sharing . 11
9.4.3 LSADS service supporting infrastructure facilities. 11
9.4.4 Interaction between LSADS components . 11
10 Booking and payment layer role and functional model .12
10.1 General .12
10.2 Actors .12
10.3 LSADS service role and functional model in booking and payment layer .12
10.3.1 General .12
10.3.2 User with nomadic device . 13
10.3.3 LSADS service provider .13
10.3.4 Strategic route planning . 13
10.3.5 Banking .13
10.3.6 Central account payment system . 13
10.3.7 Payment media owner . 13
10.4 Booking and payment layer data flow . 13
10.4.1 General .13
10.4.2 Data flow of booking and payment actions . 14
Annex A (informative) Infrastructure support levels for automated driving (ISAD) .15
Bibliography .16
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