ISO/TS 24315-1:2025
(Main)Intelligent transport systems — Management of electronic traffic regulations (METR) — Part 1: Vocabulary
Intelligent transport systems — Management of electronic traffic regulations (METR) — Part 1: Vocabulary
The management of electronic transport regulations (METR) provides a means for METR users to obtain trustworthy, authoritative, machine-interpretable, publicly available and transport-related information for the use of the road network, in order to provide safer and more efficient, sustainable, comfortable, and equitable transport services. The scope of METR includes both rules that are relatively static (e.g. static speed limits) as well as those that are dynamic (e.g. variable speed limits, signalized intersections). Where appropriate, METR incorporates existing documents (e.g. ISO/TS 19091 for signalized intersections). This document defines terms specific to the ISO 24315 series on the management of electronic transport regulations.
Systèmes de transport intelligents — Gestion des règles de circulation sous forme électronique — Partie 1: Vocabulaire
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/TS 24315-1
First edition
Intelligent transport systems —
Management of electronic traffic
regulations (METR) —
Part 1:
Systèmes de transport intelligents — Gestion des règles de
circulation sous forme électronique —
Partie 1: Vocabulaire
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
3.1 Jurisdictional terms .1
3.2 Data terms .3
3.2.1 General data terms .3
3.2.2 Discrepancy state terms .5
3.2.3 Rule publication terms .6
3.2.4 Rule state terms .6
3.2.5 METR information state terms .8
3.2.6 Rule representation terms.8
3.2.7 Rule announcement terms .9
3.2.8 Rule projected longevity terms .9
3.2.9 Rule terms related to supporting data .9
3.2.10 Rule relevancy terms .10
3.2.11 Distribution terms .10
3.3 METR architectural terms .11
3.3.1 METR role terms . . .11
3.3.2 METR system terms .16
3.3.3 METR services .17
3.3.4 METR user terms .18
3.4 Transport terms .18
3.5 Trustworthiness terms .19
Bibliography .21
Index .22
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0.1 System overview
The ISO 24315 series on the management of electronic traffic regulations (METR) is intended to provide
users access to geo-specific, trustworthy, timely, authoritative and machine-interpretable rules relating to
traffic and transport, enacted by jurisdictional entities, including those who define rules for campuses (i.e.
private grounds). This is conceptually shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 — METR concept
0.2 Purpose
METR is designed to assist developers and manufacturers of driving automation systems (i.e. automation
Levels 1 – 5) and driver information systems (including those at automation Level 0) to electronically obtain
traffic rules to better enable them to:
a) interact safely with other road users;
b) follow instructions from law enforcement organizations and those authorized to direct traffic;
c) maintain smooth and safe flow of traffic; and
d) comply with other rules enacted to support legislative policies (such as environmental protection, noise,
height and weight restrictions, and societal aspects such as market days, fiestas, pedestrian zones,
METR is designed to provide a reference framework for the trustworthy distribution of electronic versions
of legal traffic rules. The content and application of these traffic rules is outside of the scope of standards
and specifications on METR.
0.3 Flow of information
The general flow of METR information is illustrated in Figure 2 and is described below the figure.
Figure 2 — METR flow of information
a) METR starts with rule makers defining and enacting rules that are relevant to transport users.
b) Each legal rule is translated into a METR rule, which is a secure, standardized electronic representation
that includes a digital signature of the rule signing organization.
c) METR rules are collected for a geographic area(s) and specific scope(s).
d) Rules are distributed to METR users based on their needs.
e) METR users become aware of the METR rules, verify their authenticity and respond appropriately.
f) As needed, METR users can submit discrepancy reports to a discrepancy handler for investigation and
0.4 Graphical overview
Figure 3 provides an overview of the data and devices included within the scope of the METR environment.
A freight rules
B kerbside usage rules
C ride sharing rules
D micromobility rules
E vulnerable road user (VRU) rules
F public transport rules
G rules for automated driving systems
H driving rules
I lane use rules
J public-area mobile robot rules
K road work rules
L pre-announced rules with subset of emergent rules and/or supporting data
M emergent rules and/or supporting data
various communications and networks infrastructure
roadside communication unit
METR user system
Figure 3 — METR streetscape
0.5 Rule distribution
Electronic traffic rules and their distribution have three orthogonal characteristics that are often confused
with one another.
a) Electronic rules can be pre-announced (i.e. known and publicized well in advance of the user's need)
or emergent (i.e. publicized and needed while previously obtained pre-announced rules are still
considered fresh).
b) Electronic rules can be distributed through a wide-area distribution mechanism or a local distribution
c) Electronic rules can be pulled by users well in advance of their need or pushed to users as special
conditions necessitate.
It is expected that the characteristics of METR users and the limitations on data capacities for local
distribution mechanisms will lead to virtually all persistent rules being pre-announced and distributed
from a wide-area distribution source, likely using a pull mechanism. However, any emergent rule that is
activated while previously distributed pre-announced rules are still considered fresh will require a push
mechanism, often from a local distribution source.
These two combinations are typical use cases only. METR supports every possible combination of
characteristics a) – c) and addresses how discrepancies can be reported and resolved.
In addition, supporting data can provide context to the rules and can be transmitted by wide-area
communication systems, roadside units, other vehicles or on-board devices.
The rules cover virtually any rule related to surface transport systems; Figure 3 depicts rules for freight
vehicles, kerbside usage, ride sharing, micromobility operations, vulnerable road users (VRUs), public
transport usage, driving (i.e. human-in-the-loop, including driver support systems, which represent Levels
1 – 2 of automation), automated driving systems (ADS, i.e. Levels 3 – 5 of automation), lane usage, public-
area mobile robots (PMRs), and road works. This information needs to be available and conveyed to all
transport users including nomadic devices, PMRs and vehicles equipped with driving automation systems
(i.e. Levels 1 – 5 of automation).
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