ISO 13810:2015
(Main)Tourism services — Industrial tourism — Service provision
Tourism services — Industrial tourism — Service provision
ISO 13810:2015 establishes general requirements for industrial tourism offered by service providers intending to transmit knowledge of production, scientific and technical activities, both present and past, based on processes, know-how, products or services. The requirements in ISO 13810:2015 are applicable to all the services of industrial tourism (visits and additional offer), dealing with living industry, industrial heritage, or a combination of both, including the facilities and equipment related to such services, as well as their internal operation. Technical specifications regarding tools and equipment used in these services are excluded.
Services touristiques — Tourisme industriel — Prestation de services
ISO 13810:2015 établit les exigences générales relatives aux offres de tourisme industriel proposées par des prestataires de services ayant pour but de faire connaître des activités productives, scientifiques et techniques, présentes et passées, sur la base de process, de savoir-faire, de produits ou de services. Les exigences stipulées dans l'ISO 13810:2015 s'appliquent à l'ensemble des prestations de services relevant du tourisme industriel (visites et offre complémentaire) ? qu'il s'agisse de sites industriels en activité, de sites du patrimoine industriel ou des deux ? y compris les installations et les équipements associés à ces services ainsi que leur fonctionnement interne. Les cahiers des charges relatifs aux outils et à l'équipement utilisés dans le cadre de ces services sont exclus.
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ISO 13810
ISO 13810
Industrial tourism
Service provision
First edition
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Cover photo credit: ISO/CS, 2015
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ISO 13810:2015
Executive summary
Tourism is one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world and a key driver
for socio-economic progress. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO),
in 2014 international tourism arrivals grew by 4,7% over the previous year to 1,138
billion tourists, while the tourism industry accounted for 9% GDP (direct, indirect and
induced), one out of every 11 jobs and 6% of the world’s exports.
With such an important impact on the economy, countries have much to gain from
ensuring that travelers have a pleasant and safe experience during their industrial
tourism visits.
ISO 13810 is the first specific standard for industrial tourism. Before its publication,
there was very little guidance to help professionals in need to implement a quality
approach for their industrial tourism activities. As a result, many industrial tourism
visit offers have not been developed yet. Some of them were not managed in a safe or
qualitative way, sometimes creating safety issues for visitors.
ISO 13810 seeks to provide guidance in helping to set up international benchmarks
for industrial tourism visit management and safety. By using it, industrial tourism
professionals will be able to make better-informed decisions about managing the visits
for which they are responsible, using a consistent approach based on best practice.
Industrial tourism professionals can apply specific features of ISO 13810, depending on
the type of visit or activity concerned, or whether it is a living company or an industrial
heritage site (which might affect the organization of a visit or an activity).
In addition to general industrial tourism visits organization, it includes other important
aspects, such as providing education and information safety during the visit, signage,
access and zoning, supervision, facilities and equipment to be used, sustainable
development recommendations, designing of the service regarding public or commercial
characteristics requirements and internal service recommendations.
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ISO 13810:2015
Contents Page
Foreword . v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope .1
2 Terms and definitions .1
3 General requirements .2
3.1 General . 2
3.2 Compliance with principles of security, health and safety, sustainability
and accessibility .2
3.2.1 Security, health and safety .2
3.2.2 Sustainability .3
3.2.3 Accessibility .3
4 Service quality.4
4.1 Design of the service .4
4.1.1 Public or commercial characteristics requirements .4
4.1.2 Internal services recommendations .4
4.2 Promotion and communication .5
4.2.1 General.5
4.2.2 Promotional tools .5
4.3 Booking and contact .5
4.3.1 Booking process .5
4.3.2 Contact .6
4.4 Service provision .6
4.4.1 Welcome .6
4.4.2 Visit conditions . .7
4.4.3 Content of the visit .7
4.4.4 Guided visits .8
4.4.5 Self-guided visits .9
4.4.6 Conclusion of the visit .9
4.5 Complementary offer .10
4.5.1 Educational visits .10
4.5.2 Educational activities .10
5 Facilities and equipment . 11
5.1 Signage and access to the site .11
5.2 Car park .11
5.3 Toilets .12
5.4 Private environment of the site .12
5.5 Site entrance.12
5.6 Areas visited .13
5.7 Shopping area .13
Annex A (informative) Sustainable development recommendations . 15
Annex B (normative) Design of the service: Public or commercial
characteristics requirements . 17
Annex C (informative) Design of the service: Internal service recommendations . 19
iv © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
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ISO 13810:2015
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body
interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates
closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further
maintenance are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different
approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This
document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives,
Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may
be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or
all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of
the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations
received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users
and does not constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related
to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO
principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword -
Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is Technical Committee ISO/TC 228,
Tourism and related services.
© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved v
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ISO 13810:2015
Activities or visits to living companies and industrial heritage are two different and
complementary realities of industrial tourism. Industrial tourism corresponds well to
expectations tourists today, who look for authentic experimentation, original discovery
and individual improvement through learning. The consumer is more proactive and
wants to participate in the design of his own travel experience.
Understanding how a machine works, tasting a speciality or discovering the steps to make
a particular product are examples of this type of tourism, which addresses customers
who want to be better informed to make their own choices. Industrial tourism has the
potential to generate unique experiences, combining knowledge, senses and emotions.
In a context of significant development of industrial tourism activities, professionals
need to implement a quality approach for their services, giving them greater visibility
and improving the confidence of visitors. Increasingly, the visit organizer will not be
the company itself but an intermediary. The aim of this International Standard is to
provide a list of service quality commitments, common to all industrial tourism sites,
independent of type of service provider or the technical characteristics of the related
site. The service provider’s decision to receive visitors can be motivated by various
For the living industry, some of the benefits can be:
— promotion, by creating a new showcase that can help to create or enhance the brand
image and contribute to customer loyalty and that associates a satisfying experience
to the company;
— diversification of the core business of the company by creating new business lines;
— generation of added value, giving significance to a trade or a product;
— marketing, by opening a new sales channel to sell more quantity to a different public;
— market research, by having direct and immediate contact with customers and
receiving first-hand their reaction to the product;
— transparency of processes, sharing knowledge with others;
— staff motivation, more identified with the values of the company through the
integration in a common project;
— staff pride from the recognition of their work.
For the industrial heritage, benefits can seem less tangible, but appear more global:
— promotion of the identity and culture of a destination, through the enhancement of
a new tourist alternative;
— economic revitalisation for areas affected by factory closures and job losses: the
heritage recovery can represent the beginning of a new tourist development,
completely different from the traditional activity, in which tourism becomes the
main driving force;
vi © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
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ISO 13810:2015
— reuse of a patrimony, sometimes endangered, preserving and assigning it a tourist
exploitation which also seeks investment returns;
— restoration and enhancement of industrial architecture, both for its aesthetic value
and for constituting the testimony of an era;
— developing links between people, their heritage, their history and landscape, through
participation in a common project of building the future from the past, generating a
sense of belonging to a territory.
This International Standard covers a set of targets whose scope goes beyond strictly
tourist implications. This International Standard is intended to encourage the
implementation of industrial tourist activities, offering indirectly the service provider
an action guide that highlights the critical elements to consider in a project of this nature.
© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved vii
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ISO 13810:2015
1 Scope
This International Standard establishes general requirements for industrial tourism
offered by service providers intending to transmit knowledge of production, scientific
and technical activities, both present and past, based on processes, know-how, products
or services.
The requirements in this International Standard are applicable to all the services of
industrial tourism (visits and additional offer), dealing with living industry, industrial
heritage, or a combination of both, including the facilities and equipment related to such
services, as well as their internal operation.
Technical specifications regarding tools and equipment used in these services are
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
company visit
visits to active production sites (2.6), which may be industrial, commercial, agricultural,
craft men or service sites
Note 1 to entry: If the production site is not accessible for safety reasons, the visit can be to a
discovery area nearby.
Note 2 to entry: The term “factory tour” can also be used for “company visit”.
industrial heritage
tangible and intangible assets used in the past to execute production activities or
deliver services, testimonies of industrial culture with a historical, architectural, social,
technological or scientific value
Note 1 to entry: Examples of tangible assets are industrial landscapes and sites (2.6), buildings
and machinery, workshops, mills and factories, mines, warehouses, power plants, transport
and social related facilities (e.g. housing, religious or education centres), monuments, artefacts
or documents.
Note 2 to entry: Examples of intangible assets are working memory, processes, know-how,
lifestyles, working conditions or cultural expressions.
industrial tourism
visit and activities to a site (2.6) allowing visitors (2.7) to understand processes and
know-how belonging to the past, the present or the future
living industry
active entity operating production, scientific or technical activities
EXAMPLE Factories, laboratories, handcraft, farming, services.
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ISO 13810:2015
Note 1 to entry: Production activities include both goods and services.
service provider
legal entity responsible for delivering industrial tourism (2.3) services
EXAMPLE Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, public or private institution, association,
Note 1 to entry: Production activities include both goods and services.
defined area where the industrial tourism (2.3) service is provided
person given access to the industrial tourism site (2.6) in order to benefit from its
3 General requirements
3.1 General
The service provider shall pay particular attention to security, health and safety,
environment and accessibility when fulfilling its tasks and services.
The visit shall be the main content of the service. The inclusion of complementary offers is
optional (e.g. educational activities, events). When direct learning about the production
process is not possible, the service provider shall guarantee the visitor the possibility of
learning about it via other ways (e.g. visual or oral presentations, simulations, controlled
experiments, demonstrations).
3.2 Compliance with principles of security, health and safety,
sustainability and accessibility
3.2.1 Security, health and safety Protection of intellectual property and know-how
An investigation or an analysis shall be carried out at the site in order to identify risk
areas and sensitive points.
Measures shall be taken concerning:
— selection of the areas/route;
— selection of the information provided;
— selection of the guide;
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ISO 13810:2015
— selection/identification of visitors (if necessary);
— selection of equipment tolerated on site for visitors (e.g. cameras, cell phones). Visitor’s safety
On site, the service provider shall ensure the following:
— presence of a first aid kit at the reception;
— presence of a written emergency procedure;
— compliance with, and knowledge of, the safety rules by staff on site;
— display of the safety instructions;
— presence of emergency telephone numbers at the reception;
— presence of person in charge of safety when necessary.
The service provider shall also:
— take steps to ensure personal protection (e.g. no-entry areas for visitors, appropriate
signs, marking out hazardous areas, and specific equipment for visitors, such as
masks, helmets, security shoes or specific cloth);
— make the necessary applications and obtain appropriate assurance regarding
admission of the public (taking out civil liability insurance for admission of the
— inform visitors beforehand (orally or in writing) about the safety rules;
— have a professional first aid kit in each site where hazardous work takes place. Health protection
During tasting, the products offered shall comply with appropriate standards.
NOTE Agro food and pharmaceutical companies are required to comply with the
internationally recognized Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) standards.
The service provider shall ensure visitors are able to wash their hands before and after
3.2.2 Sustainability
Advice on sustainability aspects is included in Annex A.
3.2.3 Accessibility
General accessibility information should be provided as basic information. The service
provider shall provide information about the accessibility upon request. All types of
disabilities should be taken into consideration when designing the service provision.
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ISO 13810:2015
4 Service quality
4.1 Design of the service
4.1.1 Public or commercial characteristics requirements
The following public and commercial characteristics shall comply with the requirements
of Annex B:
— commercial name for the service;
— details of the service provider in charge;
— objectives pursued;
— target customers and users;
— content included in regular service;
— additional offer;
— service duration;
— minimum and maximum number of visitors;
— timetables and frequency with which service is provided;
— visitors’ information and educational support;
— current fees, including additional services;
— languages in which the services are offered;
— restrictions (safety-related or otherwise) for visitors while the service is being
— booking conditions and procedure;
— cancellation policy;
— means of payment allowed;
— location and access description (e.g. public transport, road access, parking facilities);
— conditions for accessing the facilities (for elderly or disabled people).
4.1.2 Internal services recommendations
In addition, the following internal service recommendations should be taken into
consideration, as referred to in Annex C:
— identifying visitors’ needs, expectations and satisfaction;
— instructions for service provision;
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ISO 13810:2015
— booking service instructions;
— communication tools and channels;
— assessment tools;
— visitors’ equipment;
— areas related to the service provision;
— human resources and skills;
— staff identification.
4.2 Promotion and communication
4.2.1 General
The service provider shall implement promotional and communication actions on the
basis of the services defined (see 4.1.1).
Regardless of how it is provided, the promotional and commercial information publicized
about the offered services shall be truthful, clear and always up-to-date.
NOTE Various communication and visual media can be used (e.g. press, radio, television,
internet) at various levels (e.g. local, regional, national, international), as appropriate to the
requirements of the site.
The information should include further details, such as local or regional tourist sites or
4.2.2 Promotional tools
The service provider shall ensure that information on its industrial tourism services is
featured on the internet, e.g. by participating in local, regional or national promotional
websites, although it is recommended to use its own website.
The website should be:
— user-friendly;
— easy to access (e.g. using search engine optimization).
4.3 Booking and contact
4.3.1 Booking process
The booking process shall comply with the characteristics defined in Annex B and
should also meet recommendations of Annex C.
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ISO 13810:2015
In any case, the booking process shall allow for the following:
— reply to the request made by a customer within 48 working hours, with a formal
notice stating reception of the request;
— the reply can be a confirmation or rejection of the request or the estimated deadline
for the response to offer customer information on the conditions regarding the
accessibility of the service requested, if required.
A written confirmation of the booking shall:
— be accompanied by documentation relating to the site;
— give the date, the number of people, category (e.g. individual, group, company,
agency, coach driver, school party), the arrival time, contact details of the person
responsible in case of a group, price, and any other necessary data.
4.3.2 Contact
The answers regarding opening times, pricing conditions, access information and
contents of the service shall be clear and accurate.
Answers shall be flexible and adaptable (e.g. providing alternative suggestions). In the
case of booking, the answer shall repeat the data (date, number of people, arrival time,
prices, options).
The service provider shall answer the telephone quickly (preferably no more than
four rings). It should also use a queuing system with music or a voice server for calls
waiting. If the site is closed, the answering machine shall respond after five rings. The
opening times shall be given in the telephone message, which can refer to the website
(if applicable).
The identity of the service provider and the name of the speaker shall be given in the
opening phrase.
The service provider shall provide visitors with a receipt, if appropriate.
4.4 Service provision
4.4.1 Welcome
The welcome shall take place in the reception area (see 5.5).
There shall be a designated space for welcoming users close to the place where the visit
is scheduled to start. This area shall be permanently manned during the opening hours
for visitors. Visitors shall be given introductory information, including the following:
— presentation on the service provider;
— general description of the service provided (e.g. places that can be visited, contents,
6 © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
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ISO 13810:2015
— health, security and safety guidelines and behaviour recommendations (and provide
visitors with any necessary health and safety equipment);
— explanation of special conditions and limitations;
— articles that shall be respected and returned (e.g. audio guide, tags, educational
— details on the waiting time during busy periods and the start time of the visit;
— direction to a person responsible for the tour in the case of guided tours.
Visitors should:
— be identified with some kind of sign (e.g. coloured tags);
— be given a map and/or a guide of the visit (if available).
4.4.2 Visit conditions
The site shall provide a rational flow of visitors, in particular in companies, in order to
avoid crossing production flows. The requirements in 4.1.1 shall be fulfilled.
NOTE Examples of situations to be avoided include bottlenecks, tour groups crossing one
another, traffic jams, or too many people in one room.
When necessary, visitors should be split in different groups.
In the case of a company visit:
— visits should be organized during the production periods when possible;
— the site should be open at least half a day during the week break;
— individual visitors should be admitted.
4.4.3 Content of the visit
The visit shall include some explanation about the industrial activity (background
of the visit, knowledge, know-how and techniques,
First edition
Tourism services — Industrial tourism
— Service provision
Services touristiques — Tourisme industriel — Prestation de services
Reference number
ISO 13810:2015(E)
ISO 2015
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ISO 13810:2015(E)
© ISO 2015, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
ii © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
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ISO 13810:2015(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
3 General requirements . 2
3.1 General . 2
3.2 Compliance with principles of security, health and safety, sustainability and accessibility 2
3.2.1 Security, health and safety . 2
3.2.2 Sustainability . 3
3.2.3 Accessibility . 3
4 Service quality. 3
4.1 Design of the service . 3
4.1.1 Public or commercial characteristics requirements . 3
4.1.2 Internal services recommendations . 4
4.2 Promotion and communication . 4
4.2.1 General. 4
4.2.2 Promotional tools . 4
4.3 Booking and contact . 5
4.3.1 Booking process . 5
4.3.2 Contact . 5
4.4 Service provision . 5
4.4.1 Welcome . 5
4.4.2 Visit conditions . . 6
4.4.3 Content of the visit . 6
4.4.4 Guided visits . 6
4.4.5 Self-guided visits . 7
4.4.6 Conclusion of the visit . 8
4.5 Complementary offer . 8
4.5.1 Educational visits . 8
4.5.2 Educational activities . 8
5 Facilities and equipment . 9
5.1 Signage and access to the site . 9
5.2 Car park . 9
5.3 Toilets . 9
5.4 Private environment of the site . 9
5.5 Site entrance.10
5.6 Areas visited .11
5.7 Shopping area .11
Annex A (informative) Sustainable development recommendations .12
Annex B (normative) Design of the service: Public or commercial characteristics requirements .14
Annex C (informative) Design of the service: Internal service recommendations .16
© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO 13810:2015(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any
patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on
the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical Barriers
to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is Technical Committee ISO/TC 228, Tourism and
related services.
iv © ISO 2015 – All rights reserved
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ISO 13810:2015(E)
Activities or visits to living companies and industrial heritage are two different and complementary
realities of industrial tourism. Industrial tourism corresponds well to expectations tourists today, who
look for authentic experimentation, original discovery and individual improvement through learning.
The consumer is more proactive and wants to participate in the design of his own travel experience.
Understanding how a machine works, tasting a speciality or discovering the steps to make a particular
product are examples of this type of tourism, which addresses customers who want to be better
informed to make their own choices. Industrial tourism has the potential to generate unique experiences,
combining knowledge, senses and emotions.
In a context of significant development of industrial tourism activities, professionals need to implement
a quality approach for their services, giving them greater visibility and improving the confidence of
visitors. Increasingly, the visit organizer will not be the company itself but an intermediary. The aim of
this International Standard is to provide a list of service quality commitments, common to all industrial
tourism sites, independent of type of service provider or the technical characteristics of the related site.
The service provider’s decision to receive visitors can be motivated by various reasons.
For the living industry, some of the benefits can be:
— promotion, by creating a new showcase that can help to create or enhance the brand image and
contribute to customer loyalty and that associates a satisfying experience to the company;
— diversification of the core business of the company by creating new business lines;
— generation of added value, giving significance to a trade or a product;
— marketing, by opening a new sales channel to sell more quantity to a different public;
— market research, by having direct and immediate contact with customers and receiving first-hand
their reaction to the product;
— transparency of processes, sharing knowledge with others;
— staff motivation, more identified with the values of the company through the integration in a
common project;
— staff pride from the recognition of their work.
For the industrial heritage, benefits can seem less tangible, but appear more global:
— promotion of the identity and culture of a destination, through the enhancement of a new tourist
— economic revitalisation for areas affected by factory closures and job losses: the heritage recovery
can represent the beginning of a new tourist development, completely different from the traditional
activity, in which tourism becomes the main driving force;
— reuse of a patrimony, sometimes endangered, preserving and assigning it a tourist exploitation
which also seeks investment returns;
— restoration and enhancement of industrial architecture, both for its aesthetic value and for
constituting the testimony of an era;
— developing links between people, their heritage, their history and landscape, through participation in
a common project of building the future from the past, generating a sense of belonging to a territory.
This International Standard covers a set of targets whose scope goes beyond strictly tourist implications.
This International Standard is intended to encourage the implementation of industrial tourist activities,
offering indirectly the service provider an action guide that highlights the critical elements to consider
in a project of this nature.
© ISO 2015 – All rights reserved v
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Tourism services — Industrial tourism — Service provision
1 Scope
This International Standard establishes general requirements for industrial tourism offered by service
providers intending to transmit knowledge of production, scientific and technical activities, both present
and past, based on processes, know-how, products or services.
The requirements in this International Standard are applicable to all the services of industrial tourism
(visits and additional offer), dealing with living industry, industrial heritage, or a combination of both,
including the facilities and equipment related to such services, as well as their internal operation.
Technical specifications regarding tools and equipment used in these services are excluded.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
company visit
visits to active production sites (2.6), which may be industrial, commercial, agricultural, craft men or
service sites
Note 1 to entry: If the production site is not accessible for safety reasons, the visit can be to a discovery area nearby.
Note 2 to entry: The term “factory tour” can also be used for “company visit”.
industrial heritage
tangible and intangible assets used in the past to execute production activities or deliver services,
testimonies of industrial culture with a historical, architectural, social, technological or scientific value
Note 1 to entry: Examples of tangible assets are industrial landscapes and sites (2.6), buildings and machinery,
workshops, mills and factories, mines, warehouses, power plants, transport and social related facilities (e.g.
housing, religious or education centres), monuments, artefacts or documents.
Note 2 to entry: Examples of intangible assets are working memory, processes, know-how, lifestyles, working
conditions or cultural expressions.
industrial tourism
visit and activities to a site (2.6) allowing visitors (2.7) to understand processes and know-how belonging
to the past, the present or the future
living industry
active entity operating production, scientific or technical activities
EXAMPLE Factories, laboratories, handcraft, farming, services.
Note 1 to entry: Production activities include both goods and services.
service provider
legal entity responsible for delivering industrial tourism (2.3) services
EXAMPLE Company, corporation, firm, enterprise, public or private institution, association, charity.
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ISO 13810:2015(E)
Note 1 to entry: Production activities include both goods and services.
defined area where the industrial tourism (2.3) service is provided
person given access to the industrial tourism site (2.6) in order to benefit from its services
3 General requirements
3.1 General
The service provider shall pay particular attention to security, health and safety, environment and
accessibility when fulfilling its tasks and services.
The visit shall be the main content of the service. The inclusion of complementary offers is optional (e.g.
educational activities, events). When direct learning about the production process is not possible, the
service provider shall guarantee the visitor the possibility of learning about it via other ways (e.g. visual
or oral presentations, simulations, controlled experiments, demonstrations).
3.2 Compliance with principles of security, health and safety, sustainability and
3.2.1 Security, health and safety Protection of intellectual property and know-how
An investigation or an analysis shall be carried out at the site in order to identify risk areas and
sensitive points.
Measures shall be taken concerning:
— selection of the areas/route;
— selection of the information provided;
— selection of the guide;
— selection/identification of visitors (if necessary);
— selection of equipment tolerated on site for visitors (e.g. cameras, cell phones). Visitor’s safety
On site, the service provider shall ensure the following:
— presence of a first aid kit at the reception;
— presence of a written emergency procedure;
— compliance with, and knowledge of, the safety rules by staff on site;
— display of the safety instructions;
— presence of emergency telephone numbers at the reception;
— presence of person in charge of safety when necessary.
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ISO 13810:2015(E)
The service provider shall also:
— take steps to ensure personal protection (e.g. no-entry areas for visitors, appropriate signs, marking
out hazardous areas, and specific equipment for visitors, such as masks, helmets, security shoes or
specific cloth);
— make the necessary applications and obtain appropriate assurance regarding admission of the
public (taking out civil liability insurance for admission of the public);
— inform visitors beforehand (orally or in writing) about the safety rules;
— have a professional first aid kit in each site where hazardous work takes place. Health protection
During tasting, the products offered shall comply with appropriate standards.
NOTE Agro food and pharmaceutical companies are required to comply with the internationally recognized
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) standards.
The service provider shall ensure visitors are able to wash their hands before and after tasting.
3.2.2 Sustainability
Advice on sustainability aspects is included in Annex A.
3.2.3 Accessibility
General accessibility information should be provided as basic information. The service provider shall
provide information about the accessibility upon request. All types of disabilities should be taken into
consideration when designing the service provision.
4 Service quality
4.1 Design of the service
4.1.1 Public or commercial characteristics requirements
The following public and commercial characteristics shall comply with the requirements of Annex B:
— commercial name for the service;
— details of the service provider in charge;
— objectives pursued;
— target customers and users;
— content included in regular service;
— additional offer;
— service duration;
— minimum and maximum number of visitors;
— timetables and frequency with which service is provided;
— visitors’ information and educational support;
— current fees, including additional services;
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ISO 13810:2015(E)
— languages in which the services are offered;
— restrictions (safety-related or otherwise) for visitors while the service is being provided;
— booking conditions and procedure;
— cancellation policy;
— means of payment allowed;
— location and access description (e.g. public transport, road access, parking facilities);
— conditions for accessing the facilities (for elderly or disabled people).
4.1.2 Internal services recommendations
In addition, the following internal service recommendations should be taken into consideration, as
referred to in Annex C:
— identifying visitors’ needs, expectations and satisfaction;
— instructions for service provision;
— booking service instructions;
— communication tools and channels;
— assessment tools;
— visitors’ equipment;
— areas related to the service provision;
— human resources and skills;
— staff identification.
4.2 Promotion and communication
4.2.1 General
The service provider shall implement promotional and communication actions on the basis of the
services defined (see 4.1.1).
Regardless of how it is provided, the promotional and commercial information publicized about the
offered services shall be truthful, clear and always up-to-date.
NOTE Various communication and visual media can be used (e.g. press, radio, television, internet) at various
levels (e.g. local, regional, national, international), as appropriate to the requirements of the site.
The information should include further details, such as local or regional tourist sites or services.
4.2.2 Promotional tools
The service provider shall ensure that information on its industrial tourism services is featured on
the internet, e.g. by participating in local, regional or national promotional websites, although it is
recommended to use its own website.
The website should be:
— user-friendly;
— easy to access (e.g. using search engine optimization).
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4.3 Booking and contact
4.3.1 Booking process
The booking process shall comply with the characteristics defined in Annex B and should also meet
recommendations of Annex C.
In any case, the booking process shall allow for the following:
— reply to the request made by a customer within 48 working hours, with a formal notice stating
reception of the request;
— the reply can be a confirmation or rejection of the request or the estimated deadline for the
response to offer customer information on the conditions regarding the accessibility of the service
requested, if required.
A written confirmation of the booking shall:
— be accompanied by documentation relating to the site;
— give the date, the number of people, category (e.g. individual, group, company, agency, coach driver,
school party), the arrival time, contact details of the person responsible in case of a group, price, and
any other necessary data.
4.3.2 Contact
The answers regarding opening times, pricing conditions, access information and contents of the service
shall be clear and accurate.
Answers shall be flexible and adaptable (e.g. providing alternative suggestions). In the case of booking,
the answer shall repeat the data (date, number of people, arrival time, prices, options).
The service provider shall answer the telephone quickly (preferably no more than four rings). It should
also use a queuing system with music or a voice server for calls waiting. If the site is closed, the answering
machine shall respond after five rings. The opening times shall be given in the telephone message, which
can refer to the website (if applicable).
The identity of the service provider and the name of the speaker shall be given in the opening phrase.
The service provider shall provide visitors with a receipt, if appropriate.
4.4 Service provision
4.4.1 Welcome
The welcome shall take place in the reception area (see 5.5).
There shall be a designated space for welcoming users close to the place where the visit is scheduled
to start. This area shall be permanently manned during the opening hours for visitors. Visitors shall be
given introductory information, including the following:
— presentation on the service provider;
— general description of the service provided (e.g. places that can be visited, contents, duration);
— health, security and safety guidelines and behaviour recommendations (and provide visitors with
any necessary health and safety equipment);
— explanation of special conditions and limitations;
— articles that shall be respected and returned (e.g. audio guide, tags, educational support);
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— details on the waiting time during busy periods and the start time of the visit;
— direction to a person responsible for the tour in the case of guided tours.
Visitors should:
— be identified with some kind of sign (e.g. coloured tags);
— be given a map and/or a guide of the visit (if available).
4.4.2 Visit conditions
The site shall provide a rational flow of visitors, in particular in companies, in order to avoid crossing
production flows. The requirements in 4.1.1 shall be fulfilled.
NOTE Examples of situations to be avoided include bottlenecks, tour groups crossing one another, traffic
jams, or too many people in one room.
When necessary, visitors should be split in different groups.
In the case of a company visit:
— visits should be organized during the production periods when possible;
— the site should be open at least half a day during the week break;
— individual visitors should be admitted.
4.4.3 Content of the visit
The visit shall include some explanation about the industrial activity (background of the visit, knowledge,
know-how and techniques, products or services, e.g. a short introductory video) in the context of its
surroundings, as well as the production process. It also should allow for individual experiences, e.g.
tasting, experimentation, hands-on activities, workshops.
Before the start of the visit, visitors shall be reminded of any access restrictions and the content of the visit.
The visit shall also:
— follow a logical progression (main theme);
— give visitors a good understanding of the subject and the business sector;
— give a historical or human context;
— actively engage visitors’ senses and involve them;
— explain the present-day challenges of the activities (economic, social and environmental factors);
— explain all the production stages and technical operations;
— give the visitors the opportunity to ask questions.
In the case of a company visit, a talk by a member of the staff, controlled by the guide, should be offered.
4.4.4 Guided visits General requirements
When applicable, the service provider shall appoint one or more guides to accompany visitors during
the service.
The service provider should document the guidelines of the guided visit.
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ISO 13810:2015(E) Requirements for the guides
The person performing the role of guide shall:
— be easily identified (e.g. using a badge, uniform);
— be appropriately dressed according to the visit site;
— be aware of the goals of the visit and the information to be transmitted to visitors;
— be trained and experienced (especially in communication skills);
— be audible and friendly;
— be capable of answering questions: if a question is asked and the guide does not have the necessary
knowledge to answer it at that time, the guide shall try to provide this information later;
— have a good knowledge of the local area and be able to advise visitors on other visits.
Before the visit, the guide shall:
— verify whether the production equipment displayed is operational, if applicable;
— ensure that the information equipment is operational (e.g. audio guides and videos).
During the visit, the guide shall:
— welcome and say goodbye to visitors in a friendly way;
— introduce him/herself to the visitors;
— control the group from the beginning to the end of the visit;
NOTE This is particularly important when the visitors are schoolchildren or minors, or when the group
includes people with special needs or disabilities.
— follow the visit schedule, regarding content, explanations and duration;
— encourage an atmosphere of trust in the group and invite visitors to ask questions;
— ensure that visitors understand;
— adapt explanation and tour to the different types of visitors (e.g. school parties, seniors, professionals).
4.4.5 Self-guided visits
If applicable, the site shall offer information material, e.g. audio guides, videos, slide shows, display
boards, leaflets, models, room cards, quick response codes (flash code), mobile applications.
Première édition
Services touristiques — Tourisme
industriel — Prestation de services
Tourism services — Industrial tourism — Service provision
Numéro de référence
ISO 13810:2015(F)
ISO 2015
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ISO 13810:2015(F)
© ISO 2015, Publié en Suisse
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sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie, l’affichage sur
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ISO 13810:2015(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
Introduction .v
1 Domaine d’application . 1
2 Termes et définitions . 1
3 Exigences générales . 2
3.1 Généralités . 2
3.2 Respect des principes de sûreté des équipements, d’hygiène et de sécurité, de
durabilité et d’accessibilité . 2
3.2.1 Sûreté des équipements, hygiène et sécurité des personnes . 2
3.2.2 Développement durable . 3
3.2.3 Accessibilité. 3
4 Qualité de service . 4
4.1 Conception de la prestation . 4
4.1.1 Exigences concernant les caractéristiques publiques ou commerciales . 4
4.1.2 Recommandations concernant l’organisation interne . 4
4.2 Promotion et communication . 5
4.2.1 Généralités . 5
4.2.2 Outils promotionnels . 5
4.3 Réservation et prise de contact . 5
4.3.1 Procédure de réservation . 5
4.3.2 Prise de contact . 6
4.4 Prestation de service . 6
4.4.1 Accueil . 6
4.4.2 Conditions propres à la visite . 6
4.4.3 Contenu de la visite . 7
4.4.4 Visites guidées . 7
4.4.5 Visites libres . 8
4.4.6 Conclusion de la visite . 8
4.5 Offre complémentaire . 9
4.5.1 Visites scolaires . 9
4.5.2 Activités pédagogiques . 9
5 Installations et équipements .10
5.1 Signalisation et accès au site .10
5.2 Parking .10
5.3 Sanitaires .10
5.4 Environnement privatif du site .10
5.5 Entrée du site .11
5.6 Zones visitées .12
5.7 Boutique .12
Annexe A (informative) Recommandations relatives à la prise en compte du
développement durable .13
Annexe B (normative) Conception de la prestation: Exigences concernant les
caractéristiques publiques ou commerciales .15
Annexe C (informative) Conception de la prestation: Recommandations en matière
d’organisation interne .18
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ISO 13810:2015(F)
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comités membres de l’ISO). L’élaboration des Normes internationales est
en général confiée aux comités techniques de l’ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude
a le droit de faire partie du comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec l’ISO participent également aux travaux.
L’ISO collabore étroitement avec la Commission électrotechnique internationale (IEC) en ce qui
concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les procédures utilisées pour élaborer le présent document et celles destinées à sa mise à jour sont
décrites dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 1. Il convient, en particulier de prendre note des différents
critères d’approbation requis pour les différents types de documents ISO. Le présent document a été
rédigé conformément aux règles de rédaction données dans les Directives ISO/IEC, Partie 2 (voir www.
L’attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l’objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L’ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable
de ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence. Les détails concernant
les références aux droits de propriété intellectuelle ou autres droits analogues identifiés lors de
l’élaboration du document sont indiqués dans l’Introduction et/ou dans la liste des déclarations de
brevets reçues par l’ISO (voir
Les appellations commerciales éventuellement mentionnées dans le présent document sont données
pour information, par souci de commodité, à l’intention des utilisateurs et ne sauraient constituer
un engagement.
Pour une explication de la signification des termes et expressions spécifiques de l’ISO liés à
l’évaluation de la conformité, ou pour toute information au sujet de l’adhésion de l’ISO aux principes
de l’OMC concernant les obstacles techniques au commerce (OTC), voir le lien suivant: Avant-propos —
Informations supplémentaires.
Le comité chargé de l’élaboration du présent document le comité technique ISO/TC 228, Tourisme et
services connexes.
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ISO 13810:2015(F)
La visite d’entreprises en activité et de sites du patrimoine industriel reflète deux réalités différentes et
complémentaires du tourisme industriel. Le tourisme industriel correspond bien aux attentes actuelles
des touristes à la recherche d’expériences authentiques, de découvertes originales et de développement
personnel au travers de nouveaux savoirs. Le consommateur a une démarche proactive et souhaite
participer à l’élaboration de son expérience touristique.
Comprendre le fonctionnement d’une machine, déguster une spécialité ou découvrir les étapes de
fabrication d’un objet. telles sont les attentes des visiteurs. C’est un public qui veut s’informer, afin de
mieux devenir acteur dans ses choix de consommation. Le tourisme industriel a la capacité de générer
des expériences uniques qui allient le savoir, les sensations et les émotions.
Dans un contexte de développement significatif des activités de tourisme industriel, les professionnels
doivent mettre en place une démarche qualité pour leurs prestations afin de leur donner une plus
grande visibilité et d’améliorer la confiance du visiteur. De plus en plus, l’organisation des visites ne sera
plus assurée par l’entreprise elle-même mais par un intermédiaire. La présente norme internationale
a donc pour objectif de dresser une liste d’engagements en matière de qualité de service commune à
l’ensemble des sites de tourisme industriel, quels que soient le type de prestataire de services ou les
caractéristiques techniques du site concerné. Pour un prestataire de services, la décision de recevoir
des visiteurs peut être motivée par diverses raisons.
Pour une entreprise en activité, les avantages potentiels concernent:
— la promotion, en offrant une nouvelle « vitrine » qui permet de se forger ou de valoriser une image de
marque et contribue à fidéliser la clientèle qui associera une expérience satisfaisante à l’entreprise;
— la diversification de l’entreprise en créant de nouvelles activités;
— la génération de valeur ajoutée, conférant de l’importance à une activité ou un produit;
— le marketing, parce que cela constitue un nouveau canal de distribution pour vendre de plus grandes
quantités à un public différent;
— l’étude de marché grâce au contact direct avec le client et à l’observation de ses premières réactions
à l’égard du produit;
— la transparence des processus de fabrication, le partage de connaissances;
— la motivation du personnel qui s’approprie davantage les valeurs de l’entreprise en se voyant intégré
dans un projet commun;
— la fierté du personnel du fait de la reconnaissance de son travail.
Pour le patrimoine industriel, les avantages peuvent sembler moins concrets et doivent être pris dans
leur globalité:
— promouvoir l’identité et la culture d’une destination par la création d’une alternative touristique;
— favoriser la revitalisation économique de zones touchées par les fermetures d’usines et les pertes
d’emploi: la restauration du patrimoine peut constituer le début d’une nouvelle dynamique de
développement touristique différant totalement de l’activité traditionnelle, et dont le tourisme
deviendra le principal moteur;
— la réutilisation d’un patrimoine, parfois menacé, en le sauvegardant et lui affectant une exploitation
touristique qui visera également des retours sur investissement;
— la restauration et la valorisation de l’architecture industrielle tant pour sa valeur esthétique que
pour son témoignage d’une époque;
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— le développement de liens entre les habitants, leur patrimoine, leur histoire et leur paysage en les
faisant participer à un projet commun visant à bâtir un avenir fondé sur le passé et générant le
sentiment d’appartenance à un territoire.
La présente norme internationale couvre un ensemble d’objectifs dont la portée dépasse le champ
touristique à proprement parler. La présente norme internationale a vocation à promouvoir la mise en
place d’activités de tourisme industriel. Elle offre en outre au prestataire de services un guide pratique
qui met en lumière les points cruciaux à prendre en considération dans un projet de cette nature.
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Services touristiques — Tourisme industriel —
Prestation de services
1 Domaine d’application
La présente Norme internationale établit les exigences générales relatives aux offres de tourisme
industriel proposées par des prestataires de services ayant pour but de faire connaître des activités
productives, scientifiques et techniques, présentes et passées, sur la base de process, de savoir-faire, de
produits ou de services.
Les exigences stipulées dans la présente Norme internationale s’appliquent à l’ensemble des prestations
de services relevant du tourisme industriel (visites et offre complémentaire) – qu’il s’agisse de sites
industriels en activité, de sites du patrimoine industriel ou des deux – y compris les installations et les
équipements associés à ces services ainsi que leur fonctionnement interne.
Les cahiers des charges relatifs aux outils et à l’équipement utilisés dans le cadre de ces services sont
2 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s’appliquent.
visite d’entreprise
visites de sites de production en activité (2.6), que ce soit des sites industriels, des sites commerciaux,
des sites agricoles, des sites artisanaux ou des sites de services
Note 1 à l’article: Si le site de production n’est pas accessible pour des raisons de sécurité, la visite peut s’effectuer
dans un espace de découverte à proximité.
Note 2 à l’article: Le terme « visite d’usine » peut également être employé pour « visite d’entreprise ».
patrimoine industriel
actifs matériels et immatériels utilisés par le passé pour produire des biens ou des services, portant
témoignage de la culture industrielle de par leur valeur historique, architecturale, sociale, technologique
ou scientifique
Note 1 à l’article: Exemples d’actifs matériels: les paysages et les sites industriels (2.6), les bâtiments et le matériel,
les ateliers, les usines, les mines, les entrepôts, les centrales électriques, les infrastructures de transport et les
installations sociales associées (telles que les lieux d’hébergement, de culte ou de formation) les monuments, les
objets ou les documents.
Note 2 à l’article: Exemples d’actifs immatériels: la mémoire professionnelle, les process de fabrication, les savoir-
faire, les modes de vie, les conditions de travail ou les expressions culturelles.
tourisme industriel
visite d’un site et activités (2.6) permettant aux visiteurs (2.7) de comprendre des processus et un
savoir-faire appartenant au passé, au présent ou au futur
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ISO 13810:2015(F)
site industriel en activité
entité active exerçant des activités productives, scientifiques ou techniques
EXEMPLE Il peut s’agir d’usines, de laboratoires, d’artisanat, d’exploitations agricoles, de prestations de
services, etc.
Note 1 à l’article: Les activités productives incluent à la fois des biens et des services.
prestataire de service
entité juridique chargée de proposer des prestations de tourisme industriel
EXEMPLE Entreprise, société, organisme public ou privé, associations caritatives et autres associations.
zone définie dans laquelle la prestation de tourisme industriel (2.3) est fournie
personne qui obtient un accès au site de tourisme industriel (2.6) afin de bénéficier de ses prestations
3 Exigences générales
3.1 Généralités
Le prestataire de services prêtera une attention particulière aux questions de sûreté des équipements,
d’hygiène et de sécurité, de respect de l’environnement et d’accessibilité dans l’exécution de ses
activités et services.
La visite doit être le contenu principal de la prestation. L’inclusion d’offres complémentaires est
facultative (par exemple activités pédagogiques, événements). Quand il n’est pas possible de découvrir
de façon directe le processus de production, le prestataire de services doit offrir au visiteur la possibilité
de le découvrir par d’autres moyens (par exemple des présentations visuelles ou orales, des simulations,
des expériences guidées, des démonstrations, etc.).
3.2 Respect des principes de sûreté des équipements, d’hygiène et de sécurité, de
durabilité et d’accessibilité
3.2.1 Sûreté des équipements, hygiène et sécurité des personnes Protection de la propriété intellectuelle et du savoir-faire
Il convient de réaliser une visite de repérage ou une analyse sur site afin d’identifier les zones à risques
et les points sensibles.
Des mesures devront être prises concernant les points suivants:
— la sélection des espaces/du parcours;
— la sélection des informations délivrées;
— la sélection du guide;
— la sélection/l’identification des visiteurs (si nécessaire);
— la sélection des équipements tolérés sur le site pour les visiteurs (par exemple: appareils photo,
téléphones portables).
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ISO 13810:2015(F) Exigences relatives à la sécurité du visiteur
Sur le site, le prestataire de services doit s’assurer:
— de la présence d’une trousse « premiers secours » à l’accueil;
— de l’existence d’une procédure d’urgence écrite;
— de la connaissance et du respect des normes de sécurité par tous les intervenants sur site;
— de l’affichage des consignes de sécurité;
— de la présence des numéros de téléphone d’urgence à l’accueil;
— de la présence d’un référent sécurité.
Le prestataire de services doit également:
— prendre des mesures en matière de protection des personnes (par exemple zones d’exclusion
pour le visiteur, signalétique adaptée, aménagement des zones à risques et équipement spécifique
pour les visiteurs, à savoir le port d’un masque, d’un casque, de chaussures de sécurité ou d’une
tenue spécifique);
— faire les demandes nécessaires et obtenir les garanties d’assurance requises pour recevoir du public
extérieur (souscription d’un contrat de responsabilité civile pour l’accueil du public);
— informer au préalable (de façon orale ou écrite) les visiteurs sur les normes de sécurité;
— disposer d’une trousse « premiers secours » professionnelle sur chaque site comportant des zones
de travail dangereuses. Protection sanitaire
Les produits proposés lors de la dégustation doivent être conformes aux normes applicables.
NOTE Les entreprises agroalimentaires et pharmaceutiques doivent respecter les principes - reconnus au
niveau international - du système HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point - Système d’analyse des dangers
et points critiques pour leur maîtrise).
Le prestataire de services doit s’assurer que les visiteurs puissent se laver les mains avant et après
la dégustation.
3.2.2 Développement durable
Des conseils liés au développement durable figurent à l’Annexe A.
3.2.3 Accessibilité
Il est recommandé de fournir des informations générales relatives à l’accessibilité parmi les
informations de base. Sur demande, le prestataire de services doit pouvoir donner des renseignements
sur l’accessibilité de la prestation. Il est recommandé de tenir compte de tous les types d’handicaps lors
de l’élaboration de la prestation de service.
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ISO 13810:2015(F)
4 Qualité de service
4.1 Conception de la prestation
4.1.1 Exigences concernant les caractéristiques publiques ou commerciales
Les caractéristiques publiques et commerciales qui suivent doivent être conformes aux exigences
de l’Annexe B:
— le nom commercial de la prestation de service;
— les coordonnées du prestataire de services responsable;
— les objectifs poursuivis;
— les clients et les utilisateurs cibles;
— le contenu inclus dans la prestation standard;
— l’offre complémentaire;
— la durée de la prestation;
— les nombres minimal et maximal de visiteurs;
— les horaires et la fréquence de la prestation de service;
— les supports informatifs et pédagogiques fournis aux visiteurs;
— les tarifs en vigueur, y compris pour les prestations complémentaires;
— les langues dans lesquelles les prestations sont proposées;
— les restrictions d’accès (liées à la sécurité ou autre) imposées aux visiteurs pendant la prestation de
— les conditions et la procédure de réservation;
— la politique d’annulation;
— les moyens de paiement acceptés;
— le lieu et la description des modalités d’accès au site (par exemple transports en commun, accès par
la route, parkings);
— les conditions d’accès aux installations (pour les personnes âgées ou les personnes souffrant
d’un handicap).
4.1.2 Recommandations concernant l’organisation interne
En outre, les recommandations suivantes en matière d’organisation interne doivent être prises en
compte, comme indiqué à l’Annexe C:
— l’identification des besoins des visiteurs, de leurs attentes et de leur satisfaction;
— les consignes liées à la prestation de service;
— les consignes liées à la réservation;
— les outils et moyens de communication;
— les outils d’évaluation;
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— les équipements fournis aux visiteurs;
— les zones liées à la prestation de service;
— les ressources humaines et les compétences;
— l’identification du personnel.
4.2 Promotion et communication
4.2.1 Généralités
Le prestataire de services doit mettre en œuvre des actions de promotion et de communication sur la
base des prestations définies (voir 4.1.1).
Quel que soit le mode de transmission, les informations promotionnelles et commerciales divulguées au
public au sujet de l’offre de prestations doivent être exactes, claires et toujours à jour.
NOTE Plusieurs types de moyens de communication peuvent être utilisés (presse, radio, télévision, Internet)
à des niveaux différents (local, régional, national, international), selon les besoins propres au site.
Il est recommandé d’inclure des renseignements complémentaires, comme la liste des sites ou des
services touristiques locaux ou régionaux.
4.2.2 Outils promotionnels
Le prestataire de services doit s’assurer de la présence sur Internet d’informations relatives à ses
prestations de tourisme industriel, par exemple en alimentant des sites Internet promotionnels locaux,
régionaux ou nationaux, bien qu’il soit recommandé d’utiliser son propre site internet.
Il est recommandé que le site internet soit:
— ergonomique;
— facile d’accès (optimisation du référencement).
4.3 Réservation et prise de contact
4.3.1 Procédure de réservation
La procédure de réservation doit être conforme aux exigences définies à l’Annexe B et respecter
également les recommandations de l’Annexe C.
Dans tous les cas, la procédure de réservation doit permettre de répondre à la demande effectuée
par un client dans un délai de 48 heures ouvrées en l’informant officiellement de la bonne réception
de sa demande;
— cette réponse peut prendre la forme d’une acceptation ou d’un refus de la demande, ou encore
d’une indication du délai jugé nécessaire pour informer le client des conditions de réalisation de la
prestation demandée, si besoin.
Une confirmation écrite de la réservation doit:
— être accompagnée d’une documentation concernant le site;
— donner la date, le nombre de personnes, la catégorie de visiteur (par exemple individuel, groupe,
entreprise, agence, autocariste, groupe scolaire), l’heure d’arrivée, les coordonnées du responsable
en cas de groupe, tarif, et tout autre renseignement nécessaire.
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4.3.2 Prise de contact
Les réponses concernant les horaires d’ouverture, les conditions tarifaires, les informations d’accès et
le contenu de la prestation doivent être claires et précises.
Les réponses doivent être flexibles et adaptables (par exemple propositions alternatives). En cas de
réservation, la réponse doit rappeler les données (date, nombre de personnes, heure d’arrivée, prix,
Le prestataire de services doit prendre les appels téléphoniques rapidement (si possible, sans excéder
quatre sonneries). Il est conseillé de disposer également d’un système d’attente musicale ou d’un
serveur vocal pour les appels en attente. En cas de fermeture du site, le répondeur doit s’enclencher au
bout de cinq sonneries. Les horaires d’ouverture doivent être rappelés sur le message téléphonique, qui
peut renvoyer sur le site internet (si existant).
L’identité du prestataire de services et le nom de l’interlocuteur doivent être précisés dans la
formule d’accueil.
Le prestataire de services doit fournir aux visiteurs un reçu le cas échéant.
4.4 Prestation de service
4.4.1 Accueil
L’accueil doit s’effectuer dans l’espace d’accueil (voir 5.5).
Le site doit disposer d’un espace dédié pour accueillir les visiteurs à proximité du lieu de rendez-vous
où commencera la visite. Des membres du personnel doivent être présents en permanence dans cet
espace durant les heures d’accueil des visiteurs. Les visiteurs doivent recevoir des informations
générales, notamment:
— une présentation du prestataire de services;
— une description générale de la prestation fournie (par exemple lieux pouvant être visités,
contenu, durée);
— les consignes d’hygiène et de sécurité et les recommandations en matière d’attitude à adopter (avec
remise des équipements d’hygiène et de sécurité nécessaires aux visiteurs);
— une explication des conditions spéciales et des limitations;
— une information sur le matériel à manipuler avec précaution et à retourner (par exemple audioguides,
badges, supports pédagogiques);
— en cas d’affluence, des précisions sur le temps d’attente et l’heure de début de la visite;
— si la visite est guidée, une orientation vers la personne en charge de la visite.
Il est recomm
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